auilotage _a sudio dU.,. LADIES Only. I,'U&Ou STATECATrALOeOUV FREE. __ST, STUUST. Tq~ se Mmm, 1 Phmopêeuet5Utli~ h ~Wa OILL~. T~~b :..- J! lu w i S6 P4I a gng.dmM 4wO% J # AT* MARCSE1loi lU. eT.ei s I Xbn LLUET ein d. anbl- à nia bo of ont i olUa U b1 OUi "Ote.have sîleado the pewfom. a"*@ of tbe amuateur thostd 01 oBateh- nimd .ie de1ihhtd sitb saab sud p*rfrmaou.boing .of5àsuetter #Md rieil mals. *un marchants &a ve dme butas e ooh itlutig a hobby of Obole ovu @à &%tract Ibo attention or lthe publie OuvnaÂL mev boil dlug wil be steel On0w. me* th.emntit Mguon...... mu' îPtroce .11l boild.... .Ami à eilg ikmtIy uroo.ey tob b.opsued P u linb. pet offles blook. frTin<G18e PFaEEIG.-Mr. Hoyaud Igeudere, cas of our esteemed farmèeisl tilring. Be te Dot mJojlung vUy Roud lhosISb, beaune ' b tson for gliluE op tstmieu. nebas t:etd bisfaim tb Mr. A.tobbala Maphatl, jr, for a terni of fit. Ipsro. Mr. Houdons sudl fsnlly lubeudo o~,Ig soLîhay s o u seloging a good snd obllgtg udghbor, iu Mr. sudera'rvêmoisi. W.awah hlm m»d 4 terii conualu t ibule v home. ... fr. Woe. Maxwell of HSoa Lake, Lauton, &se rented Mr. Augu. làogm'o fs:m lot s brin of pas W. woloome Mr. Mai- 'Ve1I boour molhbothood asuasco i i M»t ho la&%osté hie loi lu a quiet louait. Mise M mugie Magili. fron a htrueco2i v e ai MaNvstt. la visong 50 ri. Thlomai lae an sd Mr. Boudin, Iboie sou@e ofthBe poil looking ls of »Bmuham oouuly. CODsJOtiE4. ý0ITGuâTuLATrONB b Mers*Harvey md Caflo-tvo ânme boys; ornelu esêh fml1y on souday oflui il uk; su dolug ]DR. SXILSICE VA8. vhOle offleele Sb «w. weii known PatIle Boume, luaiais1 mady nkht or dey te sttend hoth «alI et ehook ovueus inu e.eipart of tbm sous. Iv sudi frooe thé reporte o1 bis hestueut 41 dise&&@s itl as@vident IbsI s long filé e1d la vell amp plied lu tbo Dr. miss Keys lue lovly ei.oveulit frotu heu amont Véry eveut i msuy L tm frieuds yul ho pleud t.soon mu Mrable ho enjoy lie*as usEa. Tas toiler mlI 1le dolmg a igood leade; hbtai ms votk iedsud lmy 0f I1, CoAL OIL.-Mr. Morral0, o!Ptiolos, Nu beiu bore eni tékesmiisalpmplesoff I tolocurook, lor sualyuis, pemonsulng r thébéathtnilostionseho vieav«wof lalmtsble supplies ot Ibis valubleMmine. int oIt EUAUTIUL meabeu jush now. Illa a »mI blone£ dsfur go mueS Veey ait... Tiua lemborlng businessle. about té as exci go fat SgmlOag oui logeseUt% luaa nombu, of ubsfleThée sol ubwate a4d domp suov bas heu @moeepuh SU dvstgo, Thé tonda lu ecuolos ubh Mr. Thompeou'a éuashes vers ~lîd by à spimilsusMd tleb.ard f*e ou Spt Ihea Véry uo1d Iam tlI !gabth ti e ine omutin omudfL. moeeime mois thaiesixte..lers ou swe *1b. Soma eompWotalu* ersb<,ý Md I bouid judaeselotmueS moie. 'ras village bbas Vérey quiet, WLl s pose wbe héem lie e b r.eak up bthes %Wle no littitaele. 111la e hi hopu Gb onu viii taie Oý hele hard. iang Soms ud mot épand muit *litwikq M te Otofen théo se ÀAm edWtbe Itis uOoewsIabue1b I tihdy foi ,m l 1 ïLou, J, Itou, a Que W.Wlsgems 17-4 I la evvu osa. y" imqvsmi ~mmq bosS. lus peihi mi pemsmmd Ibm fetOahuA 1mb Di. Sages Cot.ih bueti. ut. pao- pilous effet h@ usui le an Isuiiehis oa.ofOatsitb. 4 'q M *1 J I (bdue Vau tbe e Is avmMao me vi 1 uml.o lob4vbc n m e .11 bu" %uýc.11bd «Mumdi 01101 MW b" nei. il iubtmmi Iupe M 0sàemoembve bout 84 Wm b"bigi 'boutla% meOh8.9 gobda Drus stemu.-TL 411I8 2Ish de, 9 orcumeA.. 1898. Pmm#, nt, Mu&eLovusbrouah. Ssto MoCUmmes, and S. D. W.ehw«. Ab. ësnh Vr. VeoDtuMu.W.. loo uh Eou., lot deptj-ues, lok *IbIai. Minuhes .1 lutI meesu d sud aP. Igowed by Mu. Sbayer u, eded by Mr. MoCrlamom et ObsI .e a le lu- setu ilt. o " Jobs Gilooie une ch af the eouthb1 9of lo 9 lolemu, te usmove bis toessedsud .11etreul placéd lioe.hi m oppoulhesa"lot temt oféehlghvaF ouhbwltL.-Ooffl5. Mu. Moceimmo, "Ihe t reasurer b. lnshuuo te ops'y Mrs. Ihav, (ndigent), four dollaus per moutb feotlb. moutha oet Pebruur,Mareh end Apuil. b.iug ose dollar per mouhb fort sai oum lua di. lion ho Oh. mouISly siovmasc loved. -Osnlied. MovMd by Mr. Websto. er*moudmi hi Me. Moelaimoc, ht I bm ruot.Ulve his aider oc th. tresasuee nluaverof J. Bih fou 86 for graveIliog @4 Mrilpoas rUmilvî Moved by Mr. Shavot. smoded by Mr. Marlmmon, ObsO bv-lsv No. 4h, beme a sby-lav t.eappout a meuttu inspsétot for lb. vesi 1898,b.remcoived, arsud ea s lest iiie#-Carrîed. By-law No. 428., isa ir Buhlm@. Bi.lav No. 4U, sfate ueslg îbtugh commIttée. asu rad àtblud lime and psusd. Idoel bt Me. MoCeimaou, sisode by Mr. Webster, tttha .adisor report ole f lb. aicof t1892 ssumhatiel hi reoolved and sdoptud.-UasTied. Ifoved hi Mr. Shave,secondei hy Mr. MoCrimmon, tl be mréeev îe bis order on tI b essurer la fsvor of 0. Douglas mmd R. P. Bphher Eug., fou Oh. tom of #10 saab fou servie« as audilors. -Csrried. Motel by Me. Wibstex. semcdei by Mr. Melmmon, Ibat lb. nov. givp bis order on the trsuesi lu lave of J. 0. cuinmlngs for Oteéua of $17.80, flime le regisurfioulug Me, maiago.s &d doalli loi 1892.-Osuiei. Movei hy bMt. Shavet, secoudid by Mr. MoCeamon, Obst thbm neye gie bis otde8s ou Ibe treasuie? lu lave of Mru. Jobs Coone loirlb. ua of $15, fe vood supplisi 'o Mes. Mois, indigentsud à. H. MOIOaisfou #12 19, fou vood" i enpU ho Mr&. bobu.oc4 ldigémi, and - HRughsosfàmly, indigent, 9.-Omeii. Movié hi Mr. meceimmea, umosisid by au, thel iis eo"uldoe to Méo &mAga n o OhmbaiMoudya Mseeb i ou gemeslbusintess ai ppclut. les patbumslee-osuied. Joux P. Ounies, eMark. Konla EBaMiUon. HÂuwUoX, Peuro u-Mes. EmIm 11ieus of Tersa., 1h S uaievs"-"y IPles, la vu i asm mmIlmbi be la the 0 EmopItelhoms vose ie l@ot se 115. bhèe etifthe éToalo 1estitatiac me momool heicése inemesl&. aP w vie s bu hm M -*e leui e olebsbd»ote etbbqobt d l .l me te assber ssd ai i4ase sgui- e 0aS. the popu"etdeugist à clvun tItab tbm s et iDadd!a Lde MPlsèse Véry lème M mdnedg, se aul îbom te vies ho bseold tbopesevi esetsa ht "iiure The encoée il à4'ma Pi rlaeal4wbutida".y ie edm v teli thé tm * *aICIFFsee IR m f.. uisVs DamoDueet.Ssokebs cet "w ~vaile .bso hw. no mm Ot m Wémd uW.Un * becia isetb mlii uias nube Cod"-cwOt msl a mt - ate B po al s ýhlO Paor. n..h Rave quile Mohblhls hmue ra Vb. gue sl b5Usé A sember si oui bomes have tlaku wu Mv g1édIot Mi. Jouobwbe Io blé e Ùm toatéhis woîk émi" Me PhIl ort.e buas mdilehm stock a jesiloov aMd un. Mn. IL Cavosly il buy makIng uullaus harte,. .0e., fou bies prin ua rne. 1 a16iY&&$?basau diht tontuoua hm 8e siock e Su. David Epekou a . ettisu sothe bouein luhie ehop. lt leeoded. Ma. Demout au hshms slok aga. W. bop@ hoi 1nomsmusevei. Do »er forge% onu iuunm.hln ud m tesm ua Pridal oeouim. The Oskvood brun baud wsf11 le tiensuo. lIbo âimes m sexopeted. VEaI OhePeople VOUli Bk* ho knov. If od litai oit IU good to "hoiP1...... Il the Sulvahlon Aumy rla golng tu stop hbus, fu cood ? W. hope lbey .111 aHvtIe laAL.-gou ouXia Mui MU, S uel Mudaghtilofj. TlS.hom M" Thielushrpiony uproMIse Ny Me o. eldu. oldhi o .Tonpiéinms Mliii Liay. ol tblm plame, but v thei oin».u va. loteualongbmsudv Lludey. Wetendeouiheet visisfo L.O.L. No. 64. lubeud holding sa "et social on Fulday eveoing, 101h tntl. Pueced4o os e pplled ho Ibm painting of their mmv hall. Thoe s ili hi s pro- gramme suds platfora meeating, sud s Véry eojovabli oventug lu peetai. BVIvAL-The Bey. R. J. Pallisehbu bîougbt bie revival xmoetlugt <os slow sfteî lv.veeoke servim .Il in moh jet kuevu tho venait o! bis i v eeku Jabot, but tere hs beahies g est diii of serions mnm ontlb. poople of Jamebvife fou §moi tia. Wu sae happy le ssy IbsO Mra. Hoîbb lu goîtim beot of ber seuoususs. Tas lolloviug vbloh vo lip from îlhe Osmulugton (Heue, ofThuMudy, Mèe 2ai, vil behatuutestlng huWmuy lu Limi- Wedamidsî sfieruoou, Pibusy 22ad, Ihe réseidence of Mr. Jas. W. Uiupbuey vas flled t. the dooue vilS lb.e.autoof Osoui.gbon, Lindsy, Oshawa. Uzbtldui, Voodlle, Vuoomastou, Valleubjas. Udous, Zophyi ami &ho hhe vkWsinl whlcb tbe bide UiMo, te vitou the suptis of Mr. Jas. D. BlebelI off Cnbgou, to miss ud Umpbrey. The del vua a eautiful one, icav, isp, p=essulà* vam mvils saeleesblm netSl hvn, sud old sol sdiieinlu hhougb Ibe winows lu a meiov light ou lb. bride 1sud buldeuoom, anià ho symboli»ithe tao itéIeol 1th aspeouple &bout ho beu"itl.AI hbie e o.S vhite Ml. Beeskvofl, dm t.e th. grume plusid théeweodil.g mareh. *e0beI* geooa sd foo i by tva hilimeades " u lMz but sotl hast, e Wdeiatosedlsug on lbé - o01 hwfathi, ieglqydus id lu wMa muo, wlborange boussomfull ted uMd istlleu 4 î lhads mqn*q s~bouquet siu m ?ma vhlt. inu&s.A, mri madmira. 1 mm lm "'ab. 00 1«0 lb n M beo iabéi vu s t beb& * ri hi13 vbWo tmi plmsm lévi mho Lbadi V thélb d golemgu bsI lb. -pOî lune balemme. I ms'eu Vas Pet. b tise, vetse sud 19W, 1 b1d»A W bbuet S". . s.iL lt' é, r. E. 1 E96kIt beobsfd li m là B oumE MM ', n t &E8SOK, OumKSI Atm JACKi A.u»yLIN, e. E.EeRLD. IL.zoSSELEt ZGHN A. BARBON, Q.O. isi OUtgis -pvoLtno' EJ.XuAGeILINt IL a. MeLAUGRLIN Vs.mev Ismng mommy ta ing or o"ite ma immu --, m boa er at m le, u m at t atiut &. J. MLAUGELIE. IL E, EoLIJUXI. MOE TO LO0AE. MONET TO 10*11. EWDuqà »V versi tllma bo mdrvi mmamay 1ai.ait *e lev"ai en- 18i.v. E8WN & ANDEUUO. MONET TO 10*11. - leo -mbrveor i.aiTn MONET TO 10*11. AL AS EDOxNEL, Bat urao, coa of Tork m&"1m lru els. LlamWp, bas o- pleim mranammat vtL the mae"i Imumtlla mmi privais optsils la Torsate, Poloha"am for IosaoMm or ommii amembh@"amad r i The uifvrbem.-St Sutwr atz JOHN BVRN, Imer of Mardago lameimaettiflo T. A. MIDDLETON, O1mcr-EollarfMi01oKM aut a, ThirdDaer 00« bou £m9u to l2 &»L. amfrou1te 4p.u ILITTILU ITAIN Sash and Door Factory XAUc md MDo IFaotlyLa Ue filIal., 1 vWiiiaon the bbm . ai luths p»14 ami hope by Maai itatgo wbamo. te mmia §hm of pais paetroag RWghest Puice paid for Good Bhingle Boltîm PaInFamSgte11 Wdo vil efsomit m mi m ihw 1 im dso w sm la t"enayof pet.. INSUILAN CE 18. cORNEIL a. Prompt etlemeat. Made .nly by 1.K. FAIRBANK & CO.9 Wdungloma"idAm Stumet 1 MONTRECAL. PEaUX I u SOUERVILLE aimon aux" . mai msim m- S« ad~ m .-Nu »Ml-oin n mm-.uo . M$84 Mr Sale. @ma m m Le i t ymhoeiawtm u d MM liv Imm iluaUsorvlie tr ual.4 ai a ms . UAn. wSMT flraM AWr@90i7tor Sle. pod IsAM;mis A rmsoi. s Unsveto Obbw&s =7r ibva v~evux«amY der ami liai,. o'sl.,o0~ sof=ai Ld Gisms awt mai. N.D 1. OLIVMS fi OMET HELP FOR MUE ?ay ne more Uouey te Qachi. A mifuom m.lie Cm , Nanans uDolClip MdLas. Tigur - r&iA le IodaI la su" a re. fuir. AMdrsss. wvu atm@ A Larger Displav than Ever. lu cemn"blm vits oue Pipe.Tobaccos 1<wolg DM"d DuaC Olgatstock. vs have mnia. mmnaidàWpatof a&U k"adof AmuiluesDycln Oupany t. Km4 Mled gopuoi f l.-q- oCIO"S.. Le J.RIGGS LINDSAI To thé Parmers cf Norl Violona. - D~ U~-~ .At DaÎIaVu OU NOWDm BOUme. -W4 7uwr B. HART. L.D. B., o...vFairweather à Oe. Stoe. o ppStt. the Pme Oum., K"i mt ob.g odersiato -li-l7 L.. D. & . ".5, l""a. a"i durablecreva Md Er;Ig uvi, Mai b et-« OsmaaIiter."*tan, Maosmeu ypomlu i E. Oi. A upsv or air utmil ood ltu*for S& PareSuai naivitlasi ai1r for palisnetraeoliOa Ire. uhS artilcai teuk me rqurui. Over SW purs ezpsrkos.a. oo vor~1mudy'ostars, op- paillaDomininlua"k mtai -i" Je NEELANDS l. a. K.ESO.D.S., ONT., DENTIST, LLBDbÂY la the plues fatrint-ca. s mtiatr.. EsautW ter d ipeoilmia crowah inittai J. Jesadea udl.d théM gmvt&llamiairenadir Dr. Volton of New York, lb.e rlglior ci gté for .xtrautng tmiho wrtes. ,.mlande IbiS up &0 JuRylit, hs nad g1,.. the ita 17 623 patients. vithent am acidant. Er. Nedelaudi biven sui gu ainltorupldly for over 26 7uin to muay thou- made of pornt. uihuoulpainaor Inj.ry, vbile hay- Lac tsolb eta àzufcIt seeh Imartd tou $10 ta SP for sa upper or under a«L. Eay pron. ae wouag bou mais by lit Noala«n. for ovsr 20 peair., withot r*pm . eros.front a distanoe uliPlund a cari a i seurs am appinat. opposite lb. SimpoosRo&s.. DB. W. MEY, Oaio terinaI7 Collmgs, Tar- ante. E.gisd ambsr ai On- Vslo rtnry uipsmraduais station.2«SasTva Doors x4'tVARSUI Moses. aeusmas la Dors' DR. BEOAD, ooa@M Tmto- rWen nunte 08On- Owg-N9o. i1l. BondUSreet. isivon là*b am zrdsiutbooabuté Madths Woalom II mAi by al or tsleqpak tale &afltei .. LIND-SAT FUIRR5 The Hisse terse. fIMsMO.leM "4 Rat'. stuuulag lt.ecOMM 09 fus mm m iii rpatvsi mi mub.te arme. à]» = IP fw Mdma ,m0= " *0 aleit B v 1 iilL Q.J.HQYLE, lOqe.. cHst MIRVE vNtxImmAN n mev a ~~iu*0 WouilcOum n *0 rentorea w or ali camai ~"ious,. Wis or MU. Sorset. losla Uaimr bpA.. Wood t Coal ()rder your Wood and Coal trom wb<> bas on band the very best quality. Order. Ieft at J. P. Ryley's Hlardware Store wil be promptly attend6d to. JOS. KILLABYm Li Utà 21 Augud, JOHN MAKINQ WILLIAM STRFUET. LIN4DSAY ganwm and ShingleMIWIII Mmhiey fPieu. iii. ,Stem Engin..4 and stemm Pumps. à àLarge aiorunt o ci OaersiP?&eMmi b mebove deecrpiranoai vrki JdaBuI iwMUiiN N [If[ IN$URANCI coU P'! inan.................... as2615 S nr a a a, ( a a d a ta n d a rd ) - ... . - 7,819 ,000 00 Poilcot c...........97.872,88 G New businmmor 1 8....48041O hdowmemta Paid to Living Pollcy Holders Canada fot ths yoars 1882-8-e"4 La cash. Bthé MIna.........~. .52,4 au.1 th. canadimi mmïAdBrtiOc.o- bind.. -.............3.8 SO ocvernmont Reporti, pages 6,53.8 and '42.1 Endowment li the Atas JOUt4 D. alacaIIRCHy, Gener%1 Agent UMla là. le18m8- *I& FOR rrlsect, Stinge Sore,'gyes Eruptions Sore Jýee1 Poreimes at 'ComPi.. - fà ti 1 rrmation BaStuils, tbe lth 1»L am la !umIbuasb7sblasmatLlmm. On * iJut.I1.uthkte a" anA -, the Momu of, Mr h eim la mi iSsu luac uumete M.CmI 0 O M i a O b S h o PuUSIffl m Co., how I j' - 'I I I J 4 t. ààdý . i U-êà- "t -4»3 ipoums- rACVU» or