end t*.urnie I0d «Me. Ali~d'yf t 8fr Allyn Du?ç ton~cr b TierweNlI used to .ad m the old li4ynremi Fo«4Lvaerdrçv*, JiaWiM *» salé 1*se' Ily, wfth aaliUght liagiseBatz 4n' p. "Fortune amil". thon Dow, Imsppuse oeeorvod $bo aw r,brasl "itau aýquaintano@ fb be déirable. 4~,11," vwu the Carolees rupoms "1if bec mii. bring voaIl., me a Ixython ohé duoms mile upon Me& uIgFsh* h.actualilylauglia for I am' about te rrry ILb.eloveijet ounnglady in the. vrl"-acréatures ce , _ M q>lited s a wild fawli,'a"d asW uUf s-a a long¶ bénta ant. 1 rofer ip lma Dore, te future owuer o!Eu- T'I a1wy.oe ye. wer' wldined t. Uhfr ltitmcetent, and brlghtoued li propor- tien. tel týpoèàible? " ho akedalmuti là. oredslonaly, glanoing firet eaithe lu" Mdrn Mir astate spread around hlm gMd th.am e theroîLand figure andround amooth faceof b. expectant bridegrocu. "«Somo peopb@o ma liera for Inck, Mr. TherrbsU. 1 aupposç iae a genuino love match. Mima Dire je rbfoubtbsm aromantia young lady vh* de opms h usuel routine of marriage, aMd coss ber lote grandfother'a aortary iq pooference to a titled gentleman Pl Thorwoil trokod him chia complacontly. 'I flatter mysoîf.1" ho saids "that thé. match la Det s&0iconsgru a m arhute now for the marriage."1 Iadeed, if yen aoold require More ae. hnn amay bave at your cou. mmdIshould lb.happy tuo hor My drafts," aid the lawyor, obsequioully. "'Yen are very good, but Sir AUy wold feel hurt if 1 applied te&avyoue but hiin. Bouides I have a fortune cf imy ev.8 Mr. Jaaper.2' The lawyer profeaaed himseif rejoieéte boïar it, but wth anoh an evasive loch ai Therwell could net. resiat amiling. "«You are at 70cr aid business jhtý," imid the horeman, troking the Ion gMani of hia ateed. "What are you at Edenvil for?"y The money-lender inclinod his head zu the. direction of Tressillian Hall. "To lend the viscout money ?,, "No, ta soe him about hie father'. debta. The oaid main oved me a coniderabe ainounit, and the Young one bau te pay h., It will cone bard, I.'fancy."s Tberweli'a indiffèrent expression gave v"Y inst.antly tuau anesbt look. "Hua ho paid yon 1'1ho aaked. "]No," repiied the lawyor. "cHo vauts Uime. Says àio Cen Pay me al within thres 9e ,but iL will încznvenieneo hum nov. I mgne it will, and pretty serioualy, io. Told hlm 'ld ses aiout it. Fot i, 1 haven't quiw mde np my nind viiot tg do."D Therwu o uked thonghtful, aMd à atrange gleam shotfroni his uualydul oyes. Since the previous day lhe had oncelved a atrong hatrtd for Lord Tressillian. Ho liad grown to, regard lido Dare au bis pea. lier property, and te feel toward her a sort of affection. Re began toe omit lu bier beauty and ber spirit, and teloock Jealously on all who won her amilea. Alter a bniaeief-communion ho aaid: "I should adviae you, te presa yeur cdaima ai once, M r. J asper. Or stay, wby not tranaftr them ta me? I will pay you hondsornely for them.' The lawver looked keenly et the ex- aecretary, buit bis glances might sa u have fallen uPon liane. Therwell'a coin. tenance was impasive, and Mas eyes liad ,a them n nthing except, an impression cf esgernesa. CI suppose yen don't ik. hie 1eidahiPit Imnet fond of him, MEr. Jaspes' BL what do yen Bay ta My proposa? a 1 . or ne?" For an onswer the mcnoy.ender drev froui his pocket a.slip of paper upon vh"e vas inacribed the su. et' Lord Treasilians ladebteduess. Instead uf being overcome at the amouai, Therwell'a eyes aparkled vlth piseurs. Reosao the immédiate diabursmnent cf snoh a &uni might embarmuaeen Viumom Tremillian, and ho becoase more thmo ve eager te take the dlaim a pon himmaif. "I w -iii givO Yen a choque for the ameunt, Mr. Japer," h. aaid, vith a foeed care- leisueis,"if yen will snobe ovor te ýMe a11 hoeobsrvidmoaeugl b. ane drerwon h a ihiessna u el utate '5fy8I~jSoeaanzdjewiag 5aczines of sym~.~h.~v.~udia orAmericau, for sale 'o to îz per cent. toqLýiîyO than auy other agent or dealbr in Lindsay Viotria.Ail goods guaranteed or no sale. b. oued ce âdwti utih E~~ hO aia viaor. Mr. Jam , M e M dy.f"rêtoimd the vis. Canunt, coldly aabaugltll. "ILtlana&W è vatter vilola I do aut oieu..te dioca wiii anyae but UKw Juaper imoeif.AI- 1ev~~~~~ mo o atetio lb ac ias loiai se oot fIat Lrd Trielllm," excealu- ed O~hrwell, slug bqviii gratifieatio aba the~or before him. 4" bave auuhcriy te ot anhie natter."1 611 fail tore;!Dl.14»,vus Lhe quiet respems " 1 i.Jasper buoa mde ren bis reprue.eaate, hoe vii have tuvi1h- draw bis auLboriy from pyou. I me u do e :,eouoeamdsu Thea"oe uyuq..glowiduired êau 'fcz or$ re e ' ,apsieexral 46YoO ae a ii. lforîaete crois MI péth, Lord Tresiilian, sud I noyer forgive anyone vho atiempite to wrt me. Y on have hod tiie audacity te lift pour eyem and hope. te my bstrothud ie-" "S8top I1'Yen muet net 8speila cf Mies Dore by tual amo te me !" .xclalmed LUn Young vuscumi, vlth flaahing eps. III do nt recopiai your claims po ber, Md the. marrioge aboli nover t=kePlace- neyer t' "4Yen viiirivent It, perbapi," me.r.d ThervelL "Yen blid btter betcv some of that ovrflovlng enthasiaumupen yonr eoniary &Afira, To nomse to Lhe point: Mr.Juper lent your faîher large aumas cf money bc lnvest la Wolmh mine and for- eign rallwayesud mc on. Yen aaked for tire. pear to pay the debt in. 1t à plueurs te innyoar lordahip that havo seen Mr. Juaper and pnrchaa.d frein hi. the. entire doit. Hore are the dean. monta te prove myassertion; and I vont the moneyithin îhree day." Hvaedteboear pleadingo for"onexten- mien ot tian, and looked at Trsili, ex. petlate mse.hlm grow pale and fains. Inâted,hbe vasastonishod Le se. inn amibe qnieîly, and boeor him mk te aue b.de.d of tranator. Ho exhibited It ai once. II uppose thot it. la perfetly legal 1" said Lie Young viecount, returning i. "IYen will -find so, tu jour cua, ifyo attempt te, ovade the paymient," repfiied Thervreil, aurprised inte rouglinesa I naid I mut have my mon.y vithin Liroi do ps anmd I vill net voit anec hour longer." The amile deepened on Lord Tr.ssillion'l moi.c. e oppe4 tte door eoftUe corni' don ond caffld»menes. Hlmaummons vii answored b aO mmmi, dapper 'individuel, wio carried under cite arn a blky port- folio, whcm Tiervoli helieved te b. the. horeman vbo hod proeded him te tthe HalL "Mr. Thempson, my busines agent-. Mr. Thorvoli,' said the viecounn, briefly. The two mon exohanged formol bova. "Mr. Thompaon bas J net orrived trom tow," naid Lord Treullian, with a inge of triumph in bis toes. .Ho vos My tath.n'a buinessad-viser, and ooansuiled those invectimenta te 'whîah yen have ai- luded, Mi. Therweli. Ho bu came here te say thot, the Webbh mine. have turned eut satisfacorily aflton ail, a aewv vol having just been airuok, andh ho. uid out my stock ai a greab idvanoo on thoir original price. In fot, the money la alreadypiaced tuemy credit in theobank. Bo I aboi nct b. obliged te ask ivon Liro. doj aysin-hioh te op yenO." Thorwoll' fmceuhast is cler and its de- llghted expression altogetior. A look cf ..nter and 'bitter disappolntusent ~athored in s, m e is anytoaed with "uA ns . oev fenM.Japer econimto flii edc nfr,» cou- tinued the vicuat, coolby, "elyur demanda sali b. pald te the uttermuct farîiiag. AIlo'v me te bld pou good-man'l. Thse dlmmfited viitor teck bis le.,. without a word, bis bla.ndne su d nsetuco baving ' uttevly deerted hlm. Hlm buit tollowed hlm te o de, and aad ea, pari. mng: &Aceept Lits utle ebek ujauiyour plana, Mr. Theweil, se a stan d almaLlouaaa cf th. frusiosn or jour aebemes vith regard te i am oe For, os sure as 1 live, flde Dae iI #M bevé hýoMe"josi we"Uoualv xwxu 1 im PmU Mol ta«%0 dty WeioYou ltoud "ot" crod Ii,Mg la oi ie ose mamin anmnr."Dé goi Que l ispk Bal*' act'hua elee oulé oyi dova up ae1 b~osaam . -e' - frîbavhg tried every mease cf cpol Yoa hv iros7lî ml,deratop9dme ' "No, nos , aldTbervehl, quieiyq knew yen hué moesspirlit M yourfab ami therofore vwu prepared frjory il te Oakshavr MI hiume-eprthoh erdera t. ho on titisllok-ontfor yon, and -Lt seadti tonoe for me inated cf Liepole But bavlnicg tb in vain 1cr L w viLle cosseo, yen muai ruiga ycu ufte jour fat&.' Ildes silence answered botter Lion vomis couli have done. "t111 e batinate, I1ae," snidTherveli. "IYen vcuid struggio longer and mc tlghten jour bonds. Do p ou thlnb lit vell te, excite jour ftuer wvh talés hopes ?1'-, "la h. net dying betore nay eye " oried ldo, pasionote tepping and taclng her peracOuter. ;D@ b e fade poreoptibly eory day unden the excitement, addsm. guish hoe sufer. ? Ho long asaon instant et freodena reomsne me I1viii trive te avent fram hi. Lb. coning horror cf biesamm lite. ge vill die i 1mary pou. Ho viii dieif 1f refuse. Heaven help me-my poor father r' The hast worde verg uttered vith a vibd- nias that migit have -teuchéà a hSrt et atone. But Therveil omled, and said, "Botter a quiet deauli vitieut ignonaly Lion te perlai, oovered with siome, md by violence. Yen sufer, tee, I ses, my dear Ilde. Your hope. daaly' confliot viii your tsars, mmd Yom viii awcn b. exhausted. In morcy te yen and te jour tLio, 1 have declded ta bomton aur mariage. The fetil. vitii. I have d.aared con Labo pbace aJtir Lb. vedding. vhicb sall b. quit. privote, asineyen ments te desire ih se. I lcve peu, Ildo Dore, la my vay, quit. as voil as Lard Treamillian dom. in hie. I appMeiate pour beaup, von uprit. pour vefti, pour m. axai~~ pstn.Iadmire pcuésucgema, tb. celr li pur heeathe. meetness cf pour monnor. 1iM n osp leur., and I do mos viei ticheom brumbod off ny pesoâ. 1 mean by liat, th&& 1 do notchoohcce te er aur marriage unîiligrief mmd desair have robbedy on et your qaick, lis' e, your spirited manner, pour soft biushesad our bealth. Tierefore, I have deormiacd te miorten the terni et aur engagement te on. Sminlewvek tramn to-day." " A in g le veek 1" reaponded flde. 4 Exactly tat period," vas the anaver,- in o tone oet affectod ligitness. &"And 1 have te, requesit tht y ou viii net again ace Lord Treasillian. 1 sont hlm a naote au heur ago, siating Liai our marriage. vwu te b. basîened, and îequestlng hlm net te ose. yen again. Ho that ie in boosenci al. The. Young girl put out hem banda bli dly for support, and caugit ai th. vino.edged basin af the fountain. Hem face grcv as white as tics. cf the mabie nymphe, and ber cpu shabno viii o vild ligbî that vas visible evcn in th. deopening rvhlight. "6Onlp a wock r' sho iaid, ber Lieu bas at one blow tabing ln al thatsiche alte do if aoh oped to prevent tie mamiae What cou id aho do in savon day.? 'MJold &ie discover the maming vitueus, Shaw- arasa?1 Oouid mie tind Therwel'. Miser, ani gsi from heer Lbe iliden compact? Could Mn.. A.ry brins ber weponm te bear vithun Liai briof sam oetime? "4If net,"Liethu g hi uecYoung girl, a startlinjg ideo aklng pscexncf her @trous, ardent uoul, mmdhulreioift y ouapr oniaaing hor viole bong-" if net, I viii dot p bina tedo hi& vont. I viii support andupield my father. Therweil ohal brins hm1vtnuem esaga "i iinat ua-and may Heaven defond tie igitt" This neolve lmparted a quiet, col idg. ni tLe ber mauser ltai astcished Ther. a'l2tmbhgrt me avwek "h*mi ad cmly. "Per a vmk, thae%, l'au; tre, a saoli flov noe ietiton as to my purauila. 1 "1 ioeLord Trealm if I cosoeor amy mii. r iq",w vo mal tiba n laterest. hlWedinet b. vohl te oonolîhate in- 0" oé f arng o'tqutroti Thorveil Lo Ppover aler Li Meruh om o nea tel ~ l asmdrlgbre v. 3iwr* fe-,-A"' MW fo"i 'An d % er toau CrZoface groev aura, and i&e emed «I asum à#w, Vincent Thorvell, ond bore" ae*. -Aine iolen twm."tu rnode bimasi 4r.4 1 y&mIhave folldved jour ateps vitiseul f dngpo.1 bave iravorsasi iblak nimon fotand aioe., i n ..mesud lrenin, hn cou maid inat adth due ont Ling Liai bas kept me olive hmasbon Lie hopee ialg.ou.Ai os lut I haveoeitakea Ieu.". Thoeiut,Ymwovrse kon -eultantlp, &Bd sa ho beau tb.. Thervîiliboni bis bead upoa bit bonds, ilan uattitude et Iouhave net sakcd me vbp I1oa bore," mou -the veman aottr a brlef silence. Iibncv olready," vastheLisbuky nopes. Yoa cmu have but ane mr- "«IsIheri a ndailupur heant, Vin- cent Thervé1li " ubsiM. . ry." sem evencome by the ulgit et me. Doci my face recoil happion dau, vison yon vers youugand *'unatainci by crime? Duei avaben within*yen a aingle regret for jour carier cf guil t 11I suppose,» smou Thenvell, irnelevant- .iy, "Ltiai yen havs bnougbt officors viii jeu-Liaitboy lar eovon nov ia ibis very gardon t" "No, I arn aloue." This aa nunfentunoto admission. Tierveil raised hie head viti soetiiug et bis former spirit ; Lhe llvii hue et bis taie gave place te, a notummi redneas, aad he neovered at once bis tonner oclnesa ",Neone kaava yeun shems 1" i. mked. "lYen bave teli neo sloMy $tory.t "dNe one." Hav Thervell's opis gleamed thon. "11 have teli ne one es joi," nid Mm. Amry, feeling unnaap by the change in bis manner. III kaov ef peur doing iore,, Vincent Thwenvoi.I kaov bo y on have .cieed 'te pommseelai.boni of Mimamr, 'sud vii h lber fortue'sud oa ocisJ p"i- tion. I tucv, tee, bewypou are eppreiin he on jominvahi taione, wvie ver injurod "1.You do t" "IYo;su d Lientg bfor pesna I have Liongit cf nothing ibut avenging upon jon My on bitter wrcuga, I amn viiing te con. sider orary aev, if pou viii but, b. just. Misars vas kind te me tic other day, and tedand sholiered me, mmd I vonld ne- compense her for iL o Liausand-told. She la a poor motierlees poung girl, and 1, viam yen boys mode childleas, vorse thon chililcms,tel npbeari vesau in puty tevard her. Vincent Tbérvoll, if y ou viii mre- lase Sir Allyn Dors and bie daugiter, and go avay, lcaiving thon tO theumeelvea, I iii promis@ te forego my revengs ami boys' pen u inp«eio The etrange séamatrea s poke as.lt oh. boleved he oeu dgladly accepi Lie terme mie ofered. "Yeou mmiii ia jour demanda," hi ri- lieod, viti a uneor. "But suppose I ne- "Refuse at jour peni 11 vas hem aet aui qnich response. "Bo muroby as yen ri- fou te ml"osse i nnocent pocàple frein the bonds yen have ploosi upon &hezn, no suroly vill I deounce pou fon v oue are1 1 ilvii oinbrîng the officer faetJs- tIce t Lic boauote-nigt--" Thonveil interrup% rsdba Ocry ci rage and tsar. Hlm baud disapp.arod ithin tii breasi of bis aoai, and wvi o bwvtbdrev lt h. hsld vibhin hlm 'gaap sneiblhng liat glut- tie n ltLe staligit. ",Yen shouli havo inova me botterLia t. tisnotea me," ho sai, la a blaaiag tous. "Yen «M lm n tray ae. Over te me Liai yen viiianetr, IL vos a faetglowvhug whb urdercus in- 04 wul ilade the MqPhec "Utsa~~hS up ~* ber' MWà e h ie âu Wo eokut, sbe ,boevebtv bush, Z*y ve teblao-w cem« in uthé ek, the<. o Tubealors.O M ue d eaig wsvol»u e r prtat uont bai i wu d aal e m ev, reardeé lb ou*in bruptlcrplloe tten "0 crqélah0 luc-,' te àdoo &"y Uelli loo eaxt1, od, bago tis i b.eula vre brpuianbunt bt hi as puaémvfoment brb.dfe ' W all es, I h juon lU dok en las balnrmelasubtbtts.aegosnw No unsta ould wearae lik ghat îtia"... cf tepang Lie capie "ulsehot areesrofycoure ion T aa e, mo ut1smin keveing demrspîy le DoI och oon somashd, qlelyb ai<lking a omenret. ruMs W'ler., I 'ti pou difenasviesia- me osenb.' n Yr nle Mnd MrBar-~. gadomo douLt they k orare hon ovs. ane lvis bomon on alittlvea ias he mha taitesboaet tho joybra. *e n ed short mbeevce, t ourse loe ant tla "BuI ar lon ust iriva," mou em, the sidnct es be1 rs t arue, Mimha WilghmefIoovd't1tamste dnLie"dun- jeotl ot prse. Youamno modre insar- rahave y ne o.tMt. lk fr a broum on se boe tas:. bl e tntody brc o tu " in aune oryeat he a kiwi esdnd, ie iud, eos, e"actngo n ednt hav brongt me itoome Io my w icedym, m n jusîly imand imon ed. I asnomoreiae thon en nd ae Mn. embs rugtm he. e omaol mer edidemy frtn Itbhm.orsibe abcma hob preey. n lmprsvean c, 1expotct te loeny pr o.. siobat me t e bas treedom Mm Mmrsan, md I v bssjas m greatesibu thenailmmd ee thetor." e. "Imoesibio tah. orni reiefly. n meclrengdaeancevir oeiijeu viie -eo i ans. If yu srhl e uy as toas viou blae ail that o boaont.dr Thxe atoimep led n Liee gto. g "Yven shyaahnm.jor ewnreadie! dIcasitdub, agey, ou ini&forwa nohune udimndaIn tersole oura moodn bas uaolighave conductcd m e et Tii womCelan lked et the iacnd gma covotouandy ou i aeed:le orhfne "I cnt douvhtî ou vi, misa. Irtm'- nem, ws si u thil'ps. bru place jour cuondithn bas a nity te erl y<,u-"r ouied,"-and a. dIspayed hem fyouth finger "I do'ieb oud ereswordiefor o-r sfetj lu bis absence. Besidea, oven if I vore te let pou go, ie lbas herses hemo and venu overtahe pou hefore jeu bcd gene a mile. I have a breîhr,"-and the wo- man'm ýtones grew prt)ud-"who la geing te niako o grand mort loge rtoon. He vouli neyertorgivo me if I shoulide anything te bnn ll naine or mine into notorietp now. Nomadam, I cn't iniertere lun1Mr. Wîlmr'aaffirajHepaya tue %ell and I tahe ne risba. Pliai te bim inatead eft t me."» Her face grw barder as aie conaluded, Mmd Adob knev thai aie might os weil pbed te a atone image as te tuis selfiai, - airbie.heorted re2î use. <'Yehou bebtter est viat 1 have brouet," sai Mm. Gammen, baooding Adai a deapair unmoed. "Yen look pale sud talai." Lady Obellia ahobehe ead. "iDo ya knov that yen are moking jour- mit hblab puiba th bahnde cf uh9 lav...bp oonairnig viii Mr. Wianer ý«âi Ïïa Bornai againat up libertyt? de- Ésnd d Un prigoaer, ai lui umged to Os jpaetafah,» vas Lie cool reaponae. sol art o 0moto ejudge of je o mi y. .1 Imij~mnshboard for our fiends, aMd tain Jiav -A b #o - jun n"f. à. eLaf-s. I - W. W,.LOGAN, gêeai Agent, Lindsay, Ont. Remiember tii.beat is the cheapeet. 'Foot Gooda are. dear at ,B5y, price. !W. Take Stock About the Firet of April. In the meantime we wiIl give some special bargains to reduce the amount. Bargains la Wataoe Clocha, Gentlemen's Charme, AIl ktdu of Rings. Bargains in Je*elry,. #4 .Silverware, os Spectacles. in faot Bargain8 in everything in our line. Se J% PETTY, "The Jeweler," 86 Kent Street, Next the Daley Houmse. Can be easily cared by using our ELIXIR 0F ANISEED. One dose neyer fails to relieve the niost severe cold, 25 cents a bottie. Our PEPTONIZED EMULSION 0F. COD LIVER QIL will be beneficial iài ail lung troubles. Easy te take and will not disagree with the rrost délicate stomach. Put up inlarge bottles 25 and 50 cents. Corner Kent and William Streets, Adrrtio wTheWarer CARPT ALL WOOL99 UNIONSI TAPESTRYS- HEMPS& We have just received a large shipment of the aboya Carpotg ini Newest Designs, Mmrch 22nd, 1898 "1598, Oheap FURNITURE GO TO KKUTON, NIGENT, a Cou ,KlrlrSTREETo LINDSAYO Undiusm-and'Oabinet -Makers. M!àd ws un *.k. Nm" lto ebshow Il. OkaDSOIN. UGCENT & 001 RH paomptly *,,1, 4' COUCHS a AND mCOLDSB HOGG BROSep