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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Apr 1893, p. 4

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portant cnIes¶ ly s l01 S e- JFtORE "t 1893 b cmii mmd examine oui I l~ID~ ndevii uha'mpoiaiy.Nov DrmsTrimminge ~0'1~b -mb..~ I~w<cust.»w Hid~h~,fS lv lTE "M WLANDDmbei AMD§ VIOTORIW' SeqeO ARE TiH BESI sa,.r coot; for in the' long rau our custonlers, intereits aueid=*' tical with our own W. gmumar- antes ail goods as reprseftold, at the tine of sale. W. show a Most complets variety ini ail and any claU Of goodu in oui lins. Our Jap. anase and Chinese curiOllttu5 suitable for presenti. have THE BESI WEDlNG RINGS metwith'mmrk- ed f evor. rom pcopie of tasteu juit now we vish ta ýeiaw your attention ta oiar laege stock of gem and engagement rings, lace and hair pine, and brooches. 'The styles are new and very attractive and the values unusually good. NEW DESIGNS ENGAGEMENT RINOS Foot of Kent 8treet. ,Note the place and when you are in town corne (Wn and ses aur store.- Remeniber that visitors are alwavs welcorne and need not feel the slightest obligation to buy. VISITORB ARE 1BRITTON VIELGOME 1BROSm J ewaiers. etc., Lindsay. lut 4lton .a 4t3i A adnof etsiaa m s fnaitbuds A union nout eu mers?; àAuof ethomes snd a unlenof iais "ad thea osa.Bamu lMON. ovr. THE PIST DViN F519. Nearly ight yoarm &goliàvas Our goci fortune La corn to rue l ictoria coaity. Diaring ht perlai aur surgio bave beau direo"m tovardathIsuddil- hug of the. hovu sud thedevalopummb 0. *0 oouoiy. This havlng basa a grosi lumbubig *outre là vasbut uialIaiVUllthibm docy of tisa in .lu hryie, populalo vouli imoreses,. hardy voodausu remorlug farer a&»Y le usai ib acmmu af ibir operatilus. Auoug aur agitatouns bav osu ls ereoion cf ausvw higI sohool or collegla Imsttthel. recoca of a ev post oEce. the oeuhsulag bore ai ibm Gramiruuk raiway shape for Wi bis iIct, ils i.ep- ejng o! the chaumel of it.e Boum rer lun Llnia, 1h formam t i 1a usd fi irai., the coutruotîlo f a bramb te hg. eanaiseaPaci80arallway, il.develei- Mentm16" " t doorisi b i l *6.h cMplehi of he pagmTumuus Tala sud u*Il510extimiSet du 19*i bSs mlaq Wé kqSSe*utheI of l vsY up ibm Gui"tier rais us lab sUMsoiIMIlsumMP4 téte i s I j I a t I E i S'arsaparilIla @u«M tOUMw. -Oum DéoonîtWéymmccla aotlvvoeklag odot. The branaI .?.I. messelihsly t. le mom o.mploed. The DonlulasGovemu. meut faibtis Fmjoar ndiug goomolal exporta ho exéaine INorth, Vie"ous mi moke a survoy for mialais.esi overal rich.depositsa ofvaluable, ores have *1.s lie t isu cvured. Ths Fen- sIon Yal" brigeandcamai vii befinish- ed tiiajar. Bmmdeaith* eev ill e a vork ' ofgrot lupertance ouried en ab th. onirace ta Sougog rivarirtramSkir- geon Là.e. Ai mmy are avare te outrance te the mer la avoy tovardà thea middleaof the Jakoadisiavry batrd W fiud. W. bave aaraaged. tohbave the large open bal eutS of the river oWi, and a out made into the river trou near the sond; bghthouao ibauto. Thu vill provo a great boom W vouls. Tise vork vil b. do.. ab ousarly date. 1 R.suohlng bam greatly inoueaaed lu re. cent y«aa, vile ohesse sud botter making are growing rapidly. Tbise. ulasi lakesareamayearil beomlng houlthful remartsa for touriste front Torontoansd othar centres. Amnxsg aur projeots uci ylob .omplated ane the doelopmout of the. railwava i th. north. Or rosiers vill pies. note va have mot Wbat In alu youa of thon. Ou tbe contrary Out bupecamarastroogot tbau over. But af thoeomore sucu. TEE Waaum therefore, respnely laya daim tuLb.eouajderatioai afail true fronde of Lindsay sud Victoria. Do vs daorve the patronageof the peple?1 What have v. aivocéad st buDc been for the but luteoete of th. petple?1 Wil the public kindilexamine or record ilThon if i....d satistaciory kindly nut, cnly continue -patronage bot extena Ih by <eting iboso not nov vitbiu retcb of VaRuEl anflence ta plae thon- salve. ibaralu and beofi moi oniy ibemamivea bus.M Lb. muocesaof aIl out plans bas beau ovlnq tW the intmligemceofcithe publie vbo ares over quick Io i»am odissa vban plasmi proporly leoe.tissu. 'l'ho 15horo apec.OnURecord Teolrro. Ael Sl,193 At th l rm moult m t m Lyal Orange distric lois. et WutmaiTui, hba lui eues. h£g inaeau iset l aiheS olowbea rosolution vasius eidnasnmsly :- VaRMan, lb. Ue atlmueaeof chiaDemie. 1cm esas butib. amwvaby the gmma dotion of amidolms adiramu o te ihe loion Pisgg. lai 4amIna l sia t of cra om sd- ieagum. tud UluM U rlalmsvii mU poaiaaet lia BritshEmpire iodgm vaseviiiapoalfl i. th. »am o ao AimeMaGuii'p, M P.. sud cloe ms> vXe= hlm la ils Donlaln Palmaiet. la grmusêlas absadegIlof etm .nmmUQe amièif1," boliaos eal. .mum m% ina hemioEm md ae. M4 tls.beouwas . i.usm mc W. Iba. n tw" m dame mmia iLiuisi4 lrois-bi a Tuete as Imv aSuIThme Ve l l a dom. 0Ii -hu a t »r &*W lr els ' In >u10i 1 4Pf=flýZ = -7 i-o as a udb9ss=wu=-ea au wàcd to t a olo bl th«d"aOU ~h. rMr. c..hJ.course who, b pM t Ïfl, 4 1 @oW dagbnintdrfM ahUlame" e vuW a113, iblors ~ . T.,bu fu1c Lb. th&#oMd e"eulaEdohu awoI suddm bi asm aaium ai mait"m.Mu es ndib heo@ tsluM tnde i«»».1malJooi Mm "nq the rut etbuhSw» she ii avals iarrivaNrilcdmurats froua nba*~fua 'stsrU.g fo tha r dhomeru Mh. ohn b.veaOtBue Albar, N.W.eT.L NorM" aetl the eel ooka reeivlon lola.-- ..ns Mc. O. Mo rolm, somgtraikin aLd Woo» algnu abra oIbe m odc bmd tend@ boingi no a feNy. T. ay aibo.. sate m m'Y MoDffla sd miii ibaa more ptea fol reatdnvfo hmnt heu L orvl atrcn c ldut. hMACUNaauLb wuOfMrbOolomm 0o 7 Marolehm areath o erofvbih pay, tLrb ei nar e abutMrorT. basaMd T et Mr. ha ODUIBa dac" im meaoto cT» se. ers. Catnisudf Bnoout juld a dbt ntes.ohm u2t I I I I I I On Sunday, l9tib KMath umosuFer- s"mao et chia localiydied alter a linug iine. osa u fonsasevero"olu mt yoar. Tbe deosasd ia MWsiniltlhebprbme oaifit. laba S »,ovamof. bi a ho m "vmctu mise latter sill lvin thmeg very agi, 001 aen th. le s sal iLleraof %e 1 sty. RBs brodm H ugis, viore vile wus Mim aesk. remuaes on tie tarmada- muonsd James, vho marrisi Mina Vhlouogali, livé earutSonya. Tbme yul hiesaitera bMa.A. B"ansd Mua. uie, vito of IR.y. LCorte of Bamys, romain of tbe tauaill. One brother, Malc.!., isi a fewv earu &go Jearhasg a vidov, dangbhter cf Mr. A. Tisorberu ot Salemn The beravad i viow iaughter cf Mr Wm. Bacrofi of Zion, la loiti u àr children ta mouru th. lou of a derotai hoabmW msd Cather. They mise oort- ably vol of, a cirmutmice vhlob, .vhÎle mot mitlgatlng the mrruv tslt for tise deaperisi, Fei a* 0s cnelilo. for futur year. bore. The reMainavers ittai lu the Sora ceusteuy, Brook, Ou th* Tatadalp follovinmg. >uncsu Trgsolrn vu ou aof the alat of mein. For 801e ime ho ocoupied a Mtaieaith*s MarPOo aoounchl board, and wus requmuatsi bvylo sud influeutiai delegationa W omMVie a- maria for the Puovîmoal amty. But his lcIoia versmo" tovards publie borduc, ioghh ail t&Ualerace, ho vas em"moull climaliidWIobo a leader aumm mon. Bt. Aaadraw's ohuroli, Somys, loes lu hlm one cit is nosi mclive and unaaaunlm meulera To i'*'ersah vlovr&a m " aui, qui auvvmgfie vatb tender lo lwst m « ym= m an Fi.ot awu d - o eirsuvua alaiiosurlauba laps. .. .. .. reahWs Toiaw ltsl iadsS lv d ilà Iu flii STAPLES. Nov Oiiems - Ihfri5mp. ~v s~niiugu. mou w~iéags, ~y Ooetonados. ~*w Limons, mev Towels, n.w novTw.dsnovchap (rp 4sM WuLWu.Om t he b.buti valueinthe tInde, new Muliue, mo Eboloeroyhing MW a"Ori laa Gente' Furnis hings »Wv Brase. nw Bocks, eveytlg to b. b.d in a firut clam a blisbment Everytbing as reprebented o« » MaW Oui puces nght Comldetly molciting a sare of your patronge vo are, yourm roepectfaUy, ~«âYkD ON MIRI lo-s. »l.,l eeu. o Foi e aput"1vu nei. hlhlam uis0#mparl rm &t Meas lKoUof Easise, Nl%. IL, i aMa vubu fulume . iomses lumpStm ema ab0M deu arkeupmlad y hWufl »e,. Kr, faut sd> f et mmikouleOmnt, b. ama oea l hbmwsaglima almq. M«4 lia %bis ves a svameui mgo. Viria ousiyaboyae i tTersai, bis ramis Impaem Rudes .dLm a * et>e ammus eft mss rovlaoma ouVdmday sighi, ihle Ub. lliuurali d tms aos mTua ,ef the **byalkOpusSos. Tr sl nome ferMr. aiolfflhe byi.iaine la a hmrsmgb gumsuse Woanuaéllaio. Tht.s mais r. Zeba A. Grehan alof s tise. Ibis. lame et lveu à Graha4 n, duy, iaft euth his fimuiy fer Damas. Our rece- Isgame et Mr. gmshan*av@avegr bouesait ki"yl me ---- e in so a"y@ma se = ara Mil. =ilmu omiu. s a$m %of sa a,,Mav mode omUsa hl atmbs a OM h. mal y naomm i. omaIs d Midaislui te oSommolptlo f smgtsmIN. . Wosie NevarPlu mp 'sues M dil ails pemm et t b-414. TMeni ulvef llfe à te bisai, lMboibo stumIsmat»imsbossuimpure% loi ushks M W irvursIt l ay »@Meuil b oci maSi Naum te smud.sily ~lpli Mremov enli lia iorisi hona moussa plge la tb. vonttkuhm aoe1& ou.- la udsay, o m iMé Dlii, 1898, ln.vifs of Ur. TIssa. 5...,, Adolaleunte%, osuilvanet a iantr. WVxi&-Hêoi -os du m of et muu by ui Fe. Joëm Pavet aieeredisum e ile ldisa « faih rM . affos oirBe U . Oeca eWW t Oikvooite MEaboâ se W055L5COOPEL-on m day, Noué u5ab, iylai.. ulicsa, 1...l.* Pelb% "i ls@"Worl i MdKinSM Nladamablu etM.Joepb ooperbm a u Im" .lisa Jb. Craiy e. a otMih Je" ausE oral& 09T Bma, agl a Yu. O raWmla Saidn Oui, UIam, ont., nmaimy. 1ai, Mgret. .iavet lia lae Oe" usaois Oi.E.of Paluboreub On., a"d mlii ]KERR 83 Keni.Bt., Ldudsy. On. dcc eout of Simpson fIous. O)Ur Stock is Complete In afl tbm diferent Depurtmeats, nd Bsvgins sam the order cf the day. As vo bought car Stock ai a loy J rate on thei dollar vo ocm welI siford to e s t les- titan regular vitolessie prices. W. invitef inspection in thp followini departments: DRESS GOODSB In ibis deperiment vo havesa fail lin ocf Blsck andColcred Henrietis., Drees Costumes, Dieu. Serges, Tweed affects, Bedlor4 Corda, Delaines sud Delaiaettes. Oui DS T Wc EE tisDS.teil o Qalt ~hSoc, rs u Jnda wes i Biack Woested snd Pantin£& STAPLES9 STAPLES. Our Shirtiagi, Qottonades, TIlkingu, Plsunelettes, Pactory Cottons, Shectings, Towela and To"eiuge, v«e. bought before te sdvunce in prices, and nov bought by us ai a low rate ona Ibis dolar, which placesus beyond cometition ib tis dep.rtmenti MILLINERY DEPARTMENTO This deparimmt viiilx.OP191M on Wednesday and Thursday3 291tb and SOth Maroh. abovedays. The very lat.st and choicest pro1uctions of Frenich Igitlin ers' art witi ba shngrâ. A very cordial invitation is extonded to our many lady customners and the genorai publie tI. examine the stOOLk Tl*s depatmsnt in u=der the management of ]Eus O. Bmith, who is vel! and favorably known i~a the mil- hinery business P.MOARTHUITR &00, N. MoPhacten's stand, Opposite post Ofice. Bpriug We mre showicg demble styles in 1481y-Xade Overcoats Bpr.i........-1 W ear. ud TOtIS'Feit and Wool HatB ~I"& Bs. - uinImSon FURNISH INOS omnuo m . st prado$,ê ~fley, Bmm y, ]pro 1 t ia Lindu 4je( 2ev tb oui f ky ia Ver ini t.ow Il Overcoats OU.. for MM" es.LFIQS

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