I. 1. ad~slms no Alun, A~.moeis. Lasse, Phoopêetm. orme, luIual~. 1115* ABelsetUsAUSitOSai t t .SledîII&tllato Pl'~f~5U II A PaiL 14, 1808 PERBsoNAL.-Ne. MOKSI bausROeMPe the oeil trous th. Cambrai sudOso coogregationu, te labor snidug Ibis Ijhis *umumer. Thie in-laits secad tee. la Ibhis fid and aood remnts moy-b.e xmetei. l*ols HOSEOLppoé. -"A horte..lluppiu w%îe bas et rck oevillae ansd user)? *à tIhe hors.. hbaye bau lipped, Tht. ,meesitates tbeir bing w.)). bléaketlaJ mi lb.heooJA -westbei bas psasedbut 111 melat h.. during the upproseini varm wealher. VIRITING.-Mfr. 9. C. Thoms, amnéegu ef the Beahai gens!.1 sor, vioeithelb parental roof on the- 26th ait., blt ig i, Industry sud sffabliîy hbu von for Igm many frieude in Oambray ....... Minf "le isWlhiammon u e urs.d Ires vieil #gg ber smter in Poeurboro. soilto 2u . Vkr OluNcntîx.-At the tactbiy esiD.OI et the JanebviUs.-ti.O.L. No. 04, the foi- *lowing resolution twu uutmu ly sdtpîed :-Mowed by Bro. J. spicuis, aéodnded by Bro. Fred Mealin. sud, Be- aolved,-Thst we, the memboru oS tbe JTanetviiie L.O.L. No. 64, deaire to sbou onr apprecistion of the noble staud taes 1Wour G. Mf. th. Hou . N. Clarke Waliaos X. P., in the ilonse cf Oommous in the maule tace pied&ed of lbe orangomen -of Ofiq>ida ta the loyalislu of Uluter aalua ]home ruie lu Ireltud, aud that ve teud to cur breibren in Uluter at tht. tlme oue *armest sympaîby in Ibeir .truggles for th. ms in tensuce of Ibeirliîbertieu, snd 1pray Ihat Qed oeay belp and detend Ibsu aaient. al oppresionis of rombaw.s Ileaolved lo,-Tbst & oopy of Ibis reso. lution be seunt Ibte Hon. N. Clarke Iaae, and for publioation in lb. To. ronoaSenîiuei,4heLindsay Wai»ui sund ATa spéoâi meeting cf LOL. No. 1109, Kinmouuý, lb. folioin; reulutc. cf u'ndolenoe 'au orded ta b. sent 1< Mes H. Sibroter 1 J)AR MA&DÂ,-Wbereas il bu piumued Almiabzy God i hiel influlte goo4cosse k 4mil t raonemidst one beioved broîbsi and ) our ioving bhabmd cf L.0. L.No. Ml.v a., the tuembers cf LA Li. Bou, "l. 1109, 1281 sud L.T. B. No. 0, tender toi yoa otar neartfoit sympathyirlu our kcm anti %ieosIo" ui Asoiation U baeuslained iy laeàng eardent and eraatsavorkel la our noble cause; but tec jeu, hie vidow, the lose sutalnel (sàa suad beauj, tor aé mauch a se appeoteld hlm go a brother, hie virau e sowsed .llh brigbieoé Iuuuîre &roud the uurrow choiseofhis bhore. To yon,-tberofore, w. etsad out bettrtfeheym siby sud oui prayer l Ibat Sb 0 promris e l Aloelgbly 00-d ay be fui *lled ID jour oexpelmne -111vill gaver Jbye lbe ucr foireke the@." AÀlh.e tu the fatehleils sud a'frieud"tlb s vridow la Gid tu Hie. boly habitalou. JOHN KIiIGUEOREW.ILI.L.B. NO. 6. *4 i u. 1 sohoci bou@e, thii4hloy matceh, 1898, pu!iu5a* ,60 bdi6 luU Mîtmbers *11 prssent. Minutes et 11 Mr. MOKey le4duned bsra'ut Moved by 1<,. '3aeob, s.o4.a1 by I Chpder, that Mr. bloge'er.elguaUo Muoed by Mr. obquel madb lirJ~obthal Jicâts Mli ey s&P aoiedt 11r esud Ithie uii"b i. in the by-la*tbful Xi. Jaob, #l.4 V"T15 ~~~IsIbore oa sObIt. pela». o# <ursel" h ose»-4 fouon. 0l for *01 gmes * mpomlslto. Aim *.Alue ail rsdo for l e.m W0illi nm Am».oelam~ m euta si bseibuoa lus "88924 M , Tas bid ué of1 Mrs. u ot IB asvu t. aa, k& foruaitHe lafiehm Venr Wo e. otEB e ad iâ4o et Mi Esu let à t » Ms 1rs ejl tsis rothe, vhi mm s bIWlpM MI&ork tealss-6 .. Mr. Beatite d ais aiebrllrbave mcvii rem hmbois a sfa ersusrAMI@l..... Val 9Ile Bave avouai hm.......The rosi, ame bal t0 Irovel è4 @uts. BA"sai SOCm. - Our basetsei wibio vusas to h.e vectac oetb*e i 2i4vas oof th1e gaues er bll Monod tbis paus cf l. oumè' tese bou a very large w«uIproesaté Tho chair vas tekS. bj Mr. lu'grmo«Y Who gave a flse speob. TIen vife a Vary tieproamme Wvieiovas prephred by ilseAsbby, ounteuber, m ue e I Mnel; ti o.shleetdiouerb. tious sud readiago. Instrumentl autoe 1vusglivenby Mes. lI of@@ Sbrlio& sud 1Miesing et Black River, on the ongse, snd on the villa by Ne. Youm*. Th@ Sebrlgbl choir foruiebel eu.eIlum- rlut. NazI cae*0Iebases.Thora ivers ever 40,of tias sat lpreltlbe 1-s permesus e Ve upon bandai! lu te bMr. I.KRot, Who ameioeud bem offfor a r igia fi rsuagiug <rom 25o. to i 10. 0f soure. thoa vers sous tory flue tlae rpressât s«d the bols vere ysry amilous i to gel IMeir baeksis, Aller ltse bakèe -Venr lievlofet li u brde lias souli rdrsv 1 a close a"i ai!vent home htgblj iplesuel vitb se plussat sau evenif. Joveuo.-We as avlagaices spil vealher; lots et M184 ami ster ...... The yemg monar&»ailabout Isvtig00o o Ibe river sud the giuls an egtu tg e -ook dowuberted ...... 8agsR PVMnaktgt c l 41ttallk aetfiraseut. A tired vomwsu, lut as mach es a dacE ud aling eue, iaosis Dr. Pioroe'àFavorite ?re. scription. Titha os muav.i st*see. ad invlgots te ah.mtiri tomu! sysIu L' 19 g. ulètea snd promotos a&U the propar fonctions of vousehood, lupuvsdifflom, e@mic"e the blood, 4tisas *chu Mad pains, noise cboly eud wm eosbrtugs roftao lup s Mmd ?esteras helth sud etroogi., IV àL ~oartl restorative oule sud sooth- 8 tmgt negrva. nmadse Spactelly for voiana 1 ui sdo lb. te uly guraud remedy foi r somana w.sinmse ansd silmeute. la slU "tenaIs complainte' snd irrogularitlos, if st ever falls te b"eot or cure, jeu have Four mouey back. À crosI mmy modlious '1relev' cairi lae bmhoeu. That measo that i' drives 0 from the huaintlutheb. Iroal sud long@. But, .by its miii. soothimg. cleaslm sud hstine à preperties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Romtdv pur- fehlydpud omusll oure. AuMT GAZ W'AI. PLEàaSEallov mesapace le m"0 a feu i orreellees lth.e osmmloiou onla thé wliza oRf Mré S81t. Youi' corres pondeut IbeoxaatGalvay says lau Uu paragrsça. W. osmusacel ue Seudat r ohlâooiêb Bab"allut wyul ausv libman aud a uupply et suilawe Papens for tbe 11hadru. "4l1te srighti ensltlvate the IIocung mind i vifi omobhiu«ggeod," (snob m et). Lot bhtm ke.p te fsoitsu d mot r as., feusfrornwbole lolb. TI ab. ,April, sud the bok s andpapers lii nos neat bors aintil lias sae dat e.ocor. Sroupoiasi in scretýand bu h.kuv il wuvs mt lias faste. JE sOUMau te soi. rvuepeudeut 0 aisé Oalâl~itWa ofe Mausi 24t6, otover- ngbipugusý. aioumelgibévu (.bleh *sul"avLng in lthle dîpl,. <Thatfl*-l r'fit. toress ud aon.ladso»tlbthebosut te guide ms 1 vus sot postiveabon#té se Mu l.i MOukIU 14e Ilupib vs far sif telf10Ib4.beuw *ebd hmimoblu ~e.......A s.......... ~< 60" s - -W* 4.0wva* rme* -ite stable ne. m limJ. p. et a rOb ui". am ie amneOom14 umibsila lb."bou&*e 0Mr. Daid Baibvreilet EIisb»*bvllle. »u eeUUt3r. TU5 tpUàli va»e Ualby R.,. I. 0. Gom la hi.masuel h IetY els P~msjmoetg erisbon, lb. baPI souph e t heti beau* l 1bo0s0mma 'u Reps, soomeubdasby the goo VIs"esOf su tha.O l.e veuii t f aeé "ia SSbt bomoOf lireSa" in. IU.S.Housbn vaslaad bg &bout flftY et. themeabersdsud sheets eOfIbe Noel setbell ebuob. The goaUe »m4 PWO es 5veIl OS Bbc *tuboleue, reuderet by Miss Eosdvay, mI eter vers sueb emordelbg 1*e bapey eowd, TaofU. ckvie sMd cbffeoêe to eno mesimutla in te evetmiÏga lPm-. Est. . 5.1S. ss. s"eil '10h choir &Bd alter sakhâag aaunom sud exoeitul,-approprai speech ositel on Mv. . . 13Hm" to eadiroes the etashwrlug-Wvhsby v"Y Of luroue. lionmsliu.m, 1k. lb."111.. tug anarieul. hovus pleasib lt us1 'moe os ithis cecasic and ba'.l iltQuit. -A'Ç mous >pïp«*fos hie poeebstroai "edie.. la b behÉ aifo 1emmberisMd aibereute it .Ih@ Norieudm WOrbémeteltcue.slesd 1 te Mn Boaiwow mjergul for th. psuI Bonmber cfrye&ul6 bsmkig ber for bôr ivalushis sswvlea, resPeo(%UliîroqmelUg« 1 buto Secop s a lla ibldeuft awvit filuei Puruo im.basîsi her esMr. B. A. Mmaiv, sud expreesimibutI sishusfor ber futurs vilt&ansd balpPuls Mios- m Boadvay, eMbOugh bobs.by complotes à surprise. sade & s r, epivil, heeeu >Sud appropria". Worm- beeu deeiln# vlUa s haybaud sand mauy heouts bave beo a* e lbther..p. isules et btter# btter sorOw.on sud-. dav tue 2ad ju,, Mr. George oOOdOeek, wbo for 28 Fears b.d besu eue et Bom.r* vlos ma l adumboe nsd respeetabl residet.se P t" l "greaMt -bolyno" aiséer but ea"o*lae' iw nesd cdwral vhioh his tsithful life partuer bai aise besu sîrtekon dwO v th tbe same dis- eue-ple18lu7. Un lthlOvîug del sU preparisversehaing ad@ for the r umeral,i ebe tee zexvd tthelac ras cf S I rief strikea family. The totrment vas tthosn ptpocd il TuesiaY Whou bus- r baud& ud vifs voeslaid sida by blde in tbe smre grave - la lia. BUCIDe cesslary. The fanerai vson. et th b« largeil ever. vituesep ors.O The mearmtng tamilv teco0 pee00 c O)brlslpher off Norlaud; william ,'snd Geovge cf Somervale; sud iObstias, Bobt. snd Lizzie, ummaild, dpa tborne, Thé ise0pesi syTmpatIr preval.é for the sud. deuil boesadusopeoIslY for Miss Wocd. oock, Who. au &be continues te perforu theb desselledattes etthe bhoe, iii @pend m&ny a sad heur.,1117 bsupy ibo:ghtS Of réaie. a t i . l uEser- M ooorbusedeasi ho"d Ax&nOTERVgCTIx tte b. ser deatia ou Moud ay. eBu lnt. uel., as Mv Ise BBU, at the sature *go of 82 jeers. The old «gelsubad nul hecns str fer »Oe Urn, bui expeglemesi1ne sufer. sr& »mddae a.s felhrad quicilvs" iif slmkit gupon bie pilii or àoiaugt à Irepose. fît. Bovlis crne te asfia * rois Lleolbre, Eeg.1a m5,a Ifer f I V yerva.eai.ttbetownship b of Hzopeo o thh.tuiysa -t he leto«usltpcf1 Lauton vire.hoebau bià stc eillai. IRis ag@ prlur ied about e jears ao; Mo@esvuaclme 6eh bu ha. d iVelglpUW y vl hie isuahier Mu. Tes. RAIs, i vs. bpwm'e ba p Su aayO -1TI fuerai ou Wedussday Il t thé Ramee co ca vs o hWOuf. [The usmbsea et tb**uIdlg eof'es#m- * ~ -.~ ~i t i q~ eel o Nous aal ~*l~ M8WEYN à ÂNDBON,,ý puibsea. umi.Oi. hihui, mn IW ud v W beIr bas #0. urge aght vos. oremel la issu, ie. u iob»% ;sn. UsE Ibis memMIM toua « pole.11"s lm l i.nolL£I' JACKSON. lbe hotie.or pela. v.mu.usveuual tu Wui bar te monscet a leval vubbhW. ?DZYLi tather, broiber »d iuabaed? BHuaIl m"89 *0a àbb 01% N ok. made 0«i o» vomm uvomalltu. O.Lbdw' sltgbd esit e @e quai*$us Ibisvulia OMES Aà OHISHOLM, ourusvuete 16e nient va bave P on. eJh «%s'o,uutMeyoea o the .mbMo ,dose absmnot, the 61be ab e, p u gjM te irnisithe moesfaiS~bielb -u' thé mors equaliy su*aepigi vllb us, boums %&-mwvouxMvuly JOHRN A. BABObN, Q.O. Doms ah. mt aloué belmetie, ~oeu ebow u&"s siater, orvIfs? WIlIl ma avasa110MUhi »my mersouvwomsli to deolsie by 1t WEsbs.be s ohmsMe emZr pomaret ber ballotl bthe ueiels ol. ibovut a -1555 Ilor ebsil mol ho mamulsolureu oli jNAGII .MLUUI e a baseras'., ibsuil dlue.le bohma driàu bome? Willit mabe barlove Bordaletrc. DikuV et,, LlmUn",Oun. ber boue lue, er voik for il les., beclsses* u » 0013f o"?l MW% m r.nte th. isas kPsp Ibis rsd dame. troua îl* trefm ororit. doore? Wlit lmtsbbr lovesbertadmo, lNUmwLUELU acupsuila u on 55»aY te lmu.bamaUe sh un boat l= omthe ]aud bbalvbleb la mM g m un elmu aim se M Oifini o et blisa? Wli lî moskabur suive les. là moa ber bome oselil, oomtorlable amd MONET TO LOAN. ssaMdm&béueasé abs cas prévatenilads Ergraeces ometé trubains mld ont ot the lipe f iU- couaAOS. ber stirvlag obilirsu 1Win Iil ma ebar verk aud prmy lmsetoe cvilise ani MONET TO L0h&N. OhwelauIs 6.beh orl, beou» Nma C Am& es u Meno*Peepargi 10 Io" ébs eaua&r tubre iSporlthes cf lIaI beSb pelvMalmi onumsuy ludi aIt to lovait or- vIta»Wmab"stops *mor ea i"sr" en oe Noe UWETW AC ANDE58W. Véry soteul ate écilossle$ vomi freoo. ud euelntieuhe~auMOIT TO LOAN. sotlkw m k. rph. ce a * oi d u -&« t ebai»m e be t la etof l?.t b ujme..Alraou& icf tum Pu fr mnes 0 Nov Gel bu e ndeve4, semsyl the aida m l- teomiS *0 bo».rrv.ara aid Town var sme lutalleolaal sud sacrai abilitle Liedasae aud poeereébat iho basmm; and mors-. ESOLI uraba Ihy cuir, lbai orisedtel icabilities sud peas esepslaetfcultivallon te asu bialsà11f NY TO LOAN. logros atalis bas éboula et man; Iberetore ALXI. ueM 4 NN am srt, ea.cier vs OmpUalIal sOisIe lIaI liasfut), amStre fetTOit smi Kbto ui. LI&iy. bus co.- ebdnd ezoi»-of b«e biltiesland»d ovMepitlattojluTorolo, etero ad povsvs casuel make ber uuwonamly. Lbd.SY, maile uovPtrsi 10rgo ie appllatom This, lb.elssu d meut grocadieouof al l *!tb"O a 1 " 4AO the aroundlese, pelîy objectiocu, lot noues t, vSy ovult aIn ha gaîhty oft meutlontng ilit 1»mmifaiciablatr,.0. la lu profitable politleslly. socislly, vs. ligoulv, twentrahîse vomasu ? te . *lfjg ct great uaîlcnal question. -As Wso i lhi vs agit. vas fl protilhble lu ettboi of thocs JOHN SUBN, respeois for Great Britain and tbe Unied Imo wlm o» mti Ste cf Amoea le emausipate 1.v 's . arig Ueme.Je.vJ slavec? 13as the soeol ani mucicipal FRANK L. BOMERVILLE suffrage graalW e o uMMu*»sfou t43M ssa Oaaà.auSev, Giv.meuflèSamas provinmos, ta Eoulauit.-md, se te l.CIvi.lge sdAlstPlanafuraishol »r AmedmeStatea, Provedimuprolilable la sSAsc ot sdomtuto uporta"eemde. thie toutt doguesla .111ev oe s ethIee OM@ob-lev Opors Houm loct. Lndisi itreel, respects 1 Coisthe snfrausiîsweî t Un -t- car vossu, Who bi b.hebost and dc.p- T. A. MIDDLETON. est luteresti of cur 6eouly At heurt, sud Lit@, lre su d cdlm uraeo a@ t gtfo vboae vomaly pridc sud noenature th 6vao mwm a Am =%".bolSut hrdD vini Dot permel Ibis tesacrifice te parly nom cf 1 e oÎ" ~ ,.i..îaî lu., ho pohlealîy umprefitabteleaumy oebuitmt1a.uo1 to 4 PM uay or 10 amy digues ? Andi l nt, eu il prove go uov vîsu, nstsai of ateul. LITT U ITAIN igl te l gucranud uulslicreu, vs an ivceIltb hf-o ac s in/e aet'y ah and Door Faotory rupet urpeers i Thennect oolt ho isauanoly profiladiIl vousu se pur-- milIsi -hy br ballostole ipe trou oui iatend thbm Ieloe tt"olm N.;euz tbose gambhîni sd drleblo; dama?oau MNAU IZ*S u t Sitasd Dm eFslor ina LisM lh e prottébles Id sociat to boe t hofe &Uthop, MI * cari m te bslueu le lis ui palpable ecutis veisved vhiob osas.heb@hm o f pme sucmmes. youili cf Oui ladi le t.volamLsrily malle for Ibemueivîs 41à,belcupc. esrth te go Hiliesi Price paid for (*ood to blgla?" POpa il 4aHitube pW*&Utcl, .Shingle Boite. seotslly, sud iiiiaomky prefhi e . h 1. md ' vi b - I voeu ,te bave the -,milloslé i dolans 8a" Wbse l uI-do for thonla MWhMvai RIMla v klq b M e qs p aul u 1 e b a m o u s liq u o it b re n b s h g o m ov ere 1,0., »4 i lbigoublg buene 9lai- cAla u&Au. qalt. urpe a tot aiule sud panse- upi. Dfills eosw 1855.-1541. bworlbj e bu eu yeaa? là", .P14 feu sosueo rasseWcptth speit Ibreett .5.-814 -GOTTOLKNC Mi slé ba*atv *that éas eà, What i letakes ber pulry mach 'T pmèIpsidt urs-S WobW@0 A tieal, ber busband cats so mucli, Nauvyl'es a .otY lUS iSet'f Though Pieslie neveu met te0 touh? îtiua-0l*.84 Whiml il m-1t. scake se ice, * - ~ is 0-W »OMM ours TRE 81OWDEN BOUSSE, nu~LssM~s=#.val m MW t b u"a usbe. mou. m ovulmoeu. Tee, saete lavimoeutà rivai la iuwot m-a smllubPlace.forltheweylelb prelt Beles ,booolUlb W.vaisie 1e1 ilmgà rslvala 10 ~Upoed. E' Z .10 neuiue1Zor la in uan s so mo a s M al . measnp tau e C . ungl siy à 1ev oe roque$"dte boýmmueo birtw» -o In i br hmitlwcmTest.orbe bolSIs u~p là~vi .prabemmodstle, BMd a FWte mWeom iSUea H. HART. L. D. B., OMM «or râlurvmsthr aCO..store, oppca11. lb. Pest Oco, Ktet MargeOsapmodersbe -18%S4y W. He OROSSe L. D. &., fotW, Llndmsy. AIl bosmulsasof &ismUsry lncuditior«the besutifil sod du'sb UGomn sud BrfJre wurh, s'd the Por. celain Iliag syten, lsuocmumflly praceflbed hMr. On. Là& upser or an e ot fgaod to.tb for$10.. pu". Susu mmi vlsllzir1?for poiie ai. extra Prao irhen etiiositemb oerequired. Ovar ON pomtie DomtatntcBEak bu t 1 Je NEELANDS M.R.D.S., ONT.. DENTIST, LINDbAY Ihe b.P" efor oIraIl* dentutrv. Beantifnl Cola sud purcelainu vWO n ert. J. lsuds ie tdio thegaz. vttallmmd air under Dr. Voit». of Nev York, the origira.or of gai for extvactlng tetioh. bo write.eMr. aeelsudmth&t up %o Jaiy lot, b. asd éiven the gai toi177 SU patienta. ithouat se acc1deat . t. Nlandm bu civen thia Can unlUterrfidy for over 26 peari to mmv lthon- snas of peu>.. without paint or lnjm. . hile boy- lut %eeth eztnocted. art.ifcmi tao h sueted flin 10 1te0OU for Bu, mode by Ur. Necianda. for cmer %0 yssiiithout rosa&r. P.r!oma om a dtatance v4U pleaie mud s card sud soeurs su sppointment. OFFICIC-Kel istreet, inldsay. nsuly oppWo ethe Utmpeu I o.».. DBL. W. KENNY,ý yetsrtns"yUuirScBradute OntrioVe»riwyCouctosTor- onto.. Iegltered nimber cf 0e. tarie Teterlnry Nediosi Amc. olattou. 013e Tvo Docri 9o t "»f 0W0008 Uc. Beldcence in »sly'a Teracf, oppouite WARDRA 011e. DB. BROÂD, vzmuRINaRYSUBoNON, radeswteO tuo Yet- Namr Collage, Toronto; roimmrd nimber of On. Omon o. 17 Bond Itreet. bebveen the Cam- bridge @4 mueLbobît ohurch sud the Woolon Ville. Ali alla by uuil or telograph promptli4 We1. Chargs modorale. La yJsmu"SMv UI-18.-u INSURANGCE se CORNEIL A. Prompt Bettlement. *'fD Sauruay, tbe lStb lintI my bare lu Emlly vas buvel by a bladmot .i.iu from a buratine barn on an adjacentl farci. Dnu b 21@t, my clim for ]ouo on contenteswua d- jnsted te Iy satisfaction, and to.day, the 231h, Mr. S. Corneibas a cheque for tb. amSof.1 y di n fuiL .It- tu hardiy necessary tauap thet 1 amn hlghly, pleaae wlth the fairnesocf lbthefletment, and the r rmptau of lthelaurance Company tin y. ingmy rni. lamers viii promote tIsir ovnbetite btaiy entrnting Ibsir hmuxance business to Mr. Cornet).. JAMES hmIT. <LL. Ope, 951h ÂprLýi,19. (JOIONIS"S' TRAINS FUR -THE t4ORTH-WEST. 11 assosoqteo*B oUra.in g t.0lie u*i- v«Y aQehT esa idi u xvarckMdïprnl, via «, it cutuem a 1ev dan0 dele. oupomnoan&n gMUU»tee o e tricture. MsUfsOtured by CINC4NNAT1, o. a e Wood 4CGoal Order your Wood and Codl from Wbu Ghas on hand the very buat qnality. Orders Ieft at J. P. Ryley's Hardware Store vill b. promptly attended to. JOSKIL LABYm Uadssy. 25h Acouet, 182-49-tf JOIIN MAKINE WILLIAM STRUUT. L12DSAY PAOns or SSbtn,1e Mil Nu.hi»497p and Shoaua PumpF. Eave à io u ortaeeoueral Pallarm et, T.idmr. JuliUitb 1589-lIS. The Canadian Office & Sohool; .Furnite 0o.s, Limited. PRBSTO±I, 9 OINTARIO, auccUmoSW. stablachmldt &C00. Nenufaturen o Ofice oho Churoh, sud Lci- The 1 'PEEIBOT AtrroxÂTio" School Dai The latent and beit. Awsrd.d thé Gold Meoa i t t.eJamsica EXxhIblilciL The Sohool Ornés of thi. Compmny annot bc excelle£ for Btremgtb, Beauty of D0.1<., Âdaptabilityad Comiert 11t o b olir. 5end ror, elrpulsr. 182e kâkftt4o Sour StUIoch, ideutuaICoatIwusa M NI.au"hsand DenMUiL Unseet 'Sting$ S3ore IlEyes E ruptions Sore àFeet Soreries§ï., Piles '4 Femnale mosqUito Bites -MaT. 10 IELFI me ~The Frt bosu -tIers lI -Weseri ,land,0 daughlE Ib. latt ieneg liy dari *Westerl 4ail. Rt * lkoly1 'Upom c ac4quelu ihat cn vWaes Pa.ht, îi «isce O Iug.. prol Sipedîifi tather t lime tb eslh hi Rie tati The.pi w ere WC * -Ooêidor 11111e prl . teerat]p )BEW deu, Pareteu l Iboq lature, t l'bam ord stQw dol. au Mmd her lu of fir4 aiiratii Salai à@--.u .11. me àr%