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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Apr 1893, p. 7

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the watthe biiu, bld hie mm .le, *0 "4Themwefl100I aselod "e-, the Ilu naslt. W" loh b a m--" .dicine, thon anume tms-OAP vas di d ut t ésdho haiod Mr. Vula. Hobeiei gd hiedbfatber. Iwas T" a&iodetabg».1a. 4»40. Hoadler vaated tâs obw et.1 *.4 w «ô .pe.d.vuiuthe 6b' <oru»;. s iema. a, 118ir Alilunnover woke..Mai à b ae O"tew~blm i% -2bsetu a.a » e fh eo. ésho MW aa ho ibm wa. 15.1 in .gttu S5 ci "dfi0 iî* d.Th huar'lw.II s82M V# e ) %m, Iieloube% TJ&1 & owi white ho vas tupei.d. Mm el madlog a. Los&Md bd ».bsoe ing th. UO4nlomwa& W egé '~~rdv VfUa 5,b aU Mdd1 said we lh"d sMahlm put uneba 1taMbuniv~,sbJ~ * ~~ dm40 the gluss, Dot suapoting a awupoison. B.beld * h. duskybco t. the ILW 'The. poor youig mM as uhorrll.ed. ne.d. Md h. *n od h. ilb. dy dared hie innocence. But v o ve t theo biia ot-as hod4 .nm-%~a »6 nton.dauba.. b.o nibsiatt- Ur m Ijm 1 -M.Allyn had a pro", sv«tyeong *hL . hTbé dm-MW a ila, and a lnvely itai. da a* lR. u f b*À,4% 17 oed aIdutibring ahame upom i Res. N e ît MtO ho 3aihi Wla.»Oh êtadaiî a greadei fcarourge. fe MWtuM-ss Mhoatiraca é«f t1.aoa«. Th >- tabre.of unsrend? t toat wV -big lite. tiigha ho belle h*eL $o Cse1àhî Ibodenurecou.d prnve h a Uho, die . 1 disieaoe, mmd the bnlg dthe. dog Th poison. N. knev otvhatotedo. And 8! -ai &'born. la thi nut strt. w Thi 00, teokeeP os $mient, and a. phusrve hi. ln d aIcosn ine The. hloooul *«.Or, lho signOëd a compac t iat Theiveilioft ho drtcaard. Tii ho bies of .1'i djo p, mmd.Hoadl.y and 1 i eto .wit,- â*m-*nblte .uls ney w . Oh I hol Mmagg.s-ewo. My friedtMais; mhdigha l lov "Beaide. aJIlthes. roens, UMv.,Allyn bai uer. #» heoes aMM, sin um »aot-rt twouldhave aold ngnluW hm ' h.re. e.lisissl. la hie ange! ai bie fnîher'si ureasonblo., nry Who hbu hoon m î gabuti.0<* R mou,,lhe had made, serions throun ta hana th&#aS pur &mily ia Iba dem*s pie .rauld have convinced.rnany of hie gut A. fNr. e ae unabrnkr golag op the s"op "Tite end vwu-ho signod tah. contr&ot. of n building Irons vhlh ib m. ornus BAfterward ho gave nio money , and I voua bittor ory vlaloh andloa. that ah. doatisi, » away front E.l.nvillo, for I culdn'taron ilagg PIhbu saittea ah. Obisbore. oà am bis faceoafter Ihad wronged himn. Ko in mn sor of relWgon vii. bon bom glv î', is itiiocenit, I aveigt la with ny dylag lMg the sacrnmeaa te a dylng Christ in » &maeth. And tho guift, if guilt there wuas, e . lthe. physiolan u sng nloig l8 pe -v mir ne. I alo docîntthat Vinanst h",t.ahe mensenger n 1ew stops .ibnd G 4 'Terwell and Wiiam Roadi.7 forced me hurrenag on to thee lîouaohold. Nearly nil into this cotspiracy againsat the preunt Sir toe liguua have gone outinluth. dwellings. r. àllii Dlare, unter the penalty of giving oThna iighî am'the.windov 'aià te ht n uap on a charge of naurder." h»ncefrii ndcmsas* n Thât vas ail, except the lsigntur..Bot minlstered, mai the foyer amuet b. vatohe& it twas enugb te lift n weaght of woe froint md the restiustoe.ing off of the- oovorii e iie poor, weàk baronets huart -, enough te musa h. rmsasts, nd the le. muet h. kepi - tîrili Ilde'.sounaivit-h a swepter and more on %h. bot temples, and the perpetan pray. àttetise lappinesastitan el ah. m ever foft; oretus o.anp tromi asahenion teoli »J enougli to inspire Lord roalliama viii brokon.,Ob! the midieiglit la tow"! Wiini .iender pity for th. wrunged Sir Allyn-, "clnàaupoitions ahbugîî-n viiolo oityni » maugla to îakomway fotever the oioud Iron t ist » 4h. bousée of l)are. e "i W.nry nrm p.epIring fortatomorrow's D. But. witen the confusion hnd aubideâb.tOIL Itot braina-béing ýoîmid off. Blgid .nafisLrtc aid:maiscles r.lnxod. .Excit.d nerves soahmd "It may be orne coinforat t Yoga, Sir., Tii.vhit. hairof ahp otaogenauina in tuia Allyn, ta punisli your enlemY as h. de- drifts norose .pilow, igesh 1.11 of flàkea serves. Ho cari bu indicted for conu. ovarnyfila.Cadodwi spracy- ia dimpled banda thrown out on ah. pli. &"!No," iiiterrupted tho baronet., bis loy, and vitfi every brenthti n in anow imiLle face aitogetir trattsfigured by bis store of ftu eand frolie. - odis alumberloas Isappixes. '«I JO uot wish to math iais ye viiilook. Jlet ne grea avo ofr.. '. 0 'fei ing lumbotr rollcavr itho heart ofth.* .oahappy affair publie. 1 ir v re. ni insi, grea, ova, ambmo-rginç ncire, and anxiety, -suit wiliIlouve bis pnnishmoinr.ate, an aven- »d wgr"lent, and pain. 4ig Iloaven.. Lothla l'à Lot the. ay sleep. But, any friends, h. Tiierwe~l was exp'lTed wit.h ignôniny nt deceived. Ther. wil bls t.honsauds ta- Eoeft*ii.emiansion <of which lho expocted on night who ii lo t aIop at aIl. 'o up t 4h. morrow ta b. thiuter. J dank alloy, and lie cautiouas ,'where you Theai Sir Ailyn turtied to Lady (Jhells tead, leÉst you fai o'ver. th. prostatae tarin *ad thanke<l lier anew for lher efficient au- af aruàakard lyang on bie own ulorstej. atatice lii bis dnrkest licur. Reo extîo.k Latok about yoau, leât )-ou tel the garrotor s die hbaud of Lord' 'fre.-sillian, anad aaid : - bug. Loh uroueh the brokea wlndow. "C'av, it. là to you abat 1 Owe biascontes. pane, and sce what Iom n ses. You aay, Wa i -fSlitwcross. If 'you had nots ibraued "6Nothuigi." Thon 1iiten. W'hat laela? binm, and tracked hlm te Monrepos, I ahionld "od belp us!" No fooîzlighte, bus inag.dy lieu'e spent. to-nigbt ln r flona oeili. 1c". iltasîl.r nan igiuier thon }tisaori or Md. Sot Cnd. 'yards tua thank 0yeu eracioatly. Uin Booth ever egaaoted. '.No lIght, nô ire, thisestiali b. yonr roward31 Do btogidy obhopo. Sliiverîng lu ii. cold, Rie took one hand of th.eI>ushingflde abey have iad tna fOoadtor twenty.four atui laid it ln that af Lord Tressilian. boure. Yeti sny, 6"Why don't th. bogf 'h egifatbilais bestowedvws ratified aîe* Thyd.bthyge ohg. ona, weeks ater in the littie church of Eden. "Why dont they deIiver tbemael%,e4 over ilte bv the güod clergyman who bai 'Oth aiiatiabotm!su?»Ail! 3yen woul4da t R gknown bepr front ber infancy. ash that if you over heard the bitter cry of J3irAlIYn Dure las recovered bis sietror&galaitnaOr a clald wh.aa îold,he imua go te an asgained retiewod vigor. Re 4lias the almsanse. "aken lis plcea"in ln the world amoug, "Oh!" yau éay, "ttey are tho vicions cent. mien of he aguad pourin mdhm FO, and, thèrefure, they do Dot demand idsay cidreti are arowing prouder aI hlm overy our yapath." 'Are t.hey violons? Bo «lav. a mch more need ahery ynr pity. The kate A radale bas* left Eden court fçr n Christian peur, (Jod heopg thomn. Through Inue of lier own, but lido stili oheriahes aieA magba ihere bwinklea the round, nerry lier as a sister. star cf hope, and uhraugla tbe brokoin vin- Mra. Arnry has a pleuanat homo at Eden- dow.jpane they esue the crystals of hoavon; "tirt., wIîere she expectsalawa 's ta romain. hua athe viieus pour, tbey, are more ta bo lit er daugliter, Anuie Tiiorvel?, diod in th. picieil. Tiieir lasaligit basgone oua. You .*Sytun, breitliing ont lier lIfe gently, ad excuse yourself t rom lelping thent by a3 r at er awetkoning ta a remnembrance of bar iag ahey are en bail. they brought this IM%t auiteriiugs.1 trouble un themmgelves. 1I reply, where 1 8ir Ho 'h and Lady Chellas, vhose des. givo ton prayers fur t.he innocent who are e-loy Itui een no etrangelyiutervoven as suff.ring I wili give twenty frayerr for ah. th__ -e last with ta of theDarscon<qudec, guiiay wha are sufferlng. 'lie flaherman, front their increasing happinese, abat aboli whonlho seu a vesmel dashing into althe marriag lmdee s ti.ait. of Divin. and breakers, cornesaoottftrambis hut and viape *ow - ~IaIrW iiDU arOud tituea au InebrIate Saale.s MI* Thiret la thue bqitiamàl y. Thii.liti. oa Mosnlng. sli~4; At nver viii smilleà A liowttg- r en leSirbcale ut i aa rafullybatrubesch. Oh I Henvealy Iuutk yeter .11 m rnigo~aw s oatsofmeb Shepherd, fld tait uile o»a.ilaThama %unk narosni.g lieom-- cocsumai eItjoity of hla i sp-rlO lie was minus the. ig tt 7 eld1 . . rice. t ha oîght vl- 1 t sw.p ~rc. Aft ur carefuiil' overhacling hie îhrike b. Ah r ý I. - 'wnat'obc ithehoîe of ùntling a sta coin Hrk oîetgth. bua ilot3L-etle e.u nsic fbu friewl. Hoeîmade tho rounds aofibai Clay, -b rer .-Iohtgiiiry and L[cidesdorff street resortos ýt oh ,1oryo eb Witllouît iaovering a good samaritan ou dao anything to drink mor e tat e o 'Wnxtt-r. At iast, madue deer&to eB -47a "ging within hifa, hSmith vonbilt, 'ilteetpriiiting ofice, rhtnovcd the. '*f akide 4coud ci can, potl:ed out nenri ita lt1 u aaa'd gulped the iqnid at a drmngbt. - - e "Tee"ho rearkè4, smaoklng hie 14%pSd "lat'. belr thon nothi mye liant coal ail is'tb a w %éod te t. ie veraiah *va. , andl tie. nexi Oit d I~igouth "bat ho hWa da ie bp te e-eI ofto Oa thorah cm, =&à~à tha qqaob k. w', ~1yI * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'el - __________l - ,. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t -o ves iv*iai u b lpigt bu nu.ToeavS ib. un.Ma ' mmy-Al & b80 Mtorse lot = ay t lmi1 «ï; h tut r g mbl .mal% oo..1 1vi, mdh aIt, 'Mr. matouet. uT int 1 , » W ere , oamvm 1%0awàof"gi., veas 1 a.- Nov, l ~ t ~ ah pol-éàs au. . â bthi n pestthoés, asa, ar ~ pt merïa , , - , .,n, x na thu. as igit jsi a à* '~ f to o g la a i t é den er Au tls o l v l, amid O v sh cou m rkt .w io vn h i t m il1iej r u * 8 .sa ido, " t lie As idhuug l r. vasla t*g h. naeaa i nbigpae n"aavir o it o mymtie My $trente ola vas ne nuanatiitIi.Wyaext aiscni,'oyil ih o o bernhe lime otéd6>arocrial ta'thaiy tdo oiImmionwoald d bea r evnb iesiuo flt aronaag, l ettera, 1l tit Icm. bMoill. r, u ab uairuMfarch atuopdoas ail b he ut toraadlr'ta ! bot un an ieep ranie f int ofgaknln oiai evsreaiiyos n aivet ta rs, atdîre op 0n s m n co a o a jok t th i n tii. lum vipr o. r n id ma arniti li er n i , d I anid poarternofforsu, laedrua tet o uae te'Mtra oihie i n &de btter y,bumu dead niarm et thandkesonis. lTouheIp; I ae doons tri o!'" I hd; éat Clare ionedéolars anrfod fe h. e an.àvot t ab rd tin ttieit.dm isl eng taeperitapi rs ea cf ers r n iem i tan.rueei esanfo h be co r w ie smuî t r. f bi san. i th auy aies. eutio vd e s vbe, a h.r hnpaahee mu .a WhsuenAthouse -bedy id, "Yen cma'tW& bilrg snco a diao W" asmianigbute01t1rambnie cplacboes.on bu ns t hatitaeaOci, uMycher I&ni, eok o b Ui fO icnoucl-îîfiiaile n vho-"eloe iiAng autAL ie hurci;. ole îary ran n e*oanth otels, audCtyask st.o by anivhentvalive, mdo boter.i fiod theWuidyed iii. tasuieuh, ctf'sKtan yhlm Ivie lie As ,dbcd. IBrn ever l'-'hae gyaudovr o hemacu titu pldidhlm."As ttf d inUthe puDL - Mt, na m vii iera nk e m ow oit i. eie nsAfI oubli -.pmenta ai"1blou olp m - htdr of »tergan ntogi bdes ctin rol ptyh ild uteA isr- 1 a aoutet bellifui i] ord hrimhb aduof es of sol, has t onn a h.Igilt atIhd ea il ig o v1sv pncinnad gounl. ochontferthee mu vera i amonds, stu ab er il phic. anun moecoeoutobta ith eeong patt turm and tad tho ho anld god cautinyof sine Ilthba ts-ltraniing. airoutayhns f her nilde btrb ut n'ugei pia, t and»-o ucofa tl. zansai but& ye neol-lsoupa ad no ths &luea!jule alio faveu millonelatrsalaauent. at e ain.acoretitonte ofrdimetcks .;eloelu yeint at se arula. ThtOf eut friadvondringiy. i. kv iealeiteAthac. autene>' a Cisauna6 mirai Piiladepianme& T. 8h.va fot idu-enogla t udr vnome-of vaslivengbe«lttday uilcid1» stan d sorrovcf an arpion olailti ocontrr e li aangeir taiu hOth;he-se y ad,' otheraieti. plpA iostlb i.o a ahi *i ul o asaailnieop oty, vut@ abaispotbai to ed Ahutoh. or-id tien bOutbisort nts-ouinii bel o- liail ie>'Ivoi- te uen vialit blon vasound bdfoua het4d p, ab7 - kann'a cy u;hnlewsalvadIwl emid aiu. comd eu lve tao se tuefiiagcr-ty? twdblinhuaana tout.lie inov a4brut. agnima. àYen se, er smeercy la tupe Ho (là.m"A 1ie>' aecmtahfe pl ? -tandihe> hiibv amn fr aeNo.la th e arvel- o en cari o. ingtedp t>'a>,<heaisle, 1 foi wil unieràlze a sowpu hatho " a i I oullgeepron asod de th ore arcyud mtfobm fe aat oo îtaae a oe? N;te a a hus tue smtemro u0h0nria i eiuokide asvalth e pulook at tie car- I eoast an ber i mrb a. urt f ielon. of igti.y sutà mmd loeiat a iie oamr tor lh avtin. f runeueûn u ilta-bi1, ha I eban h udgmen ais e "lason@" aidateilt hu tas, jho Gl c on: uo hs h id eî'ydtti doositswrt gI i. a ig willet . inhibys. erDm ments.hey puto unne asi spmoablena egb oooutrtheemag, i îey e la daienes otd aeieulaine hîie s&roun nte tîka tivee a ureiguaalLer mysfuithnd ho laidl aho Iosai ten, iee love4-n batropiena, a aeter>', nndby iapuoti, nspidite &ah. fot ain ormredrinb.utrevtn>'airtiyhv diryd o!D faireoang te dntakiaîalo oas cf ah ciy, lii lc h t and m isetr amn, o i tuLthe a ,tYouiereabroahersà inarenz4,nsanshasstgoc&lSheolo -e m as y ann arenthrure epa beaThewaty. Ba iondre Ay.shne o viii net nlr-fi m a te b igl saici, s cet>'utah ua'P i. Ilm A. aya, "I otn i e n IVtla tho J e I p.ailvn mercha pic, a ifl ega avmn't r ir antrgd. i aoisyud uaaOoaaibn. bi sa ne bus i. iabîvefi tlaow-evertsi va rtem e imte Aca Onlia. liaile1 ti. trngedut,.tAeyon i beal ta ba. hl ioe, huruho a l vill meaariuge obas;tram hmo; prethe Mon la taii.aloonmot, ailh up erthili. ad purdeos wepa t.hae aietheoaor. - Don nolet ain m hut and la ret. bnwsck. Ring a ie tll mdlon wte cuanda v butlon ueae lacauothb. iins yhed palL-' vhnae1aatuceii ai - Cudt ah bonand tict.m-r1laew h mand, bocomairaghl> fre shzingard. Fu i orgna. Brah ita. eL? * it ler An Oh, A! tYeu ttoues timbreluecyin thie làuq h na..Payran cianna nfrthe b- Youd trsah. er n eel Neg md teolsation aai "Boy multitud hoebeen s thv o no- . ntaei tM sca ge- o man vsihld c Ae moreo dova frn t h. rotfe hie iloer ta aggoerl"No tp. DO h rets ihrpning.ly st aeoiy - b amorenmoi ite buwen e oveg f h t e adv-ne?11 Math ey @&td l bilai diest hsteaon rntihe npnIslapdonil er <knos.gi lhln lok aite nlar.jui cotitta herkee i n tegaeut fanealup h ait. igt h enurlt tiev h-ven -a b fo r etgo tim . yositdvout. Bo thoamlet and drap. -ab th P viii ti Ide ihutnions éik A gola mc - - lid, MdeI. lou'S...thothègaes umnt of i laib mdngh hur lt, rukene Claogpo he alo chlaie. li orm ulcp tc a vu ne pt worstaO.laThae aedr. knte et t vls abt caî or~~~~~~~n wovra tolgeafo.Til bcrei, sai los Did. t'eyrgefoh h t u !toabe eta, gtaol meainethes vonit .îhadlitdapa lfut f wu tvias. Pt unie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n place.A ret<. t fi bmmia eti 1-hes 0v .i'tsmqu e mte fseut gaianeah. puatvman d gao . git fer1yfiow l i uauoodn hi. a i t> *lo, as el-vheu bash. *a a it eet eraàte l p rid ndber t twlter by faionltloffean the anitala a a ilOh!h wm * m an. otc- h l"oh! akiue"fo o vrik. stprw - - ate teyhae eltry yn D P amies brotderI ami, ands mBony"-un gond taà G od. th uýuare y atrepehas. bttr.Butteies a mneWo wlet -fort. a tou the ba or oleaaofo'ti it i uam, l sy, w t e . ao eil, tona b ed p. e rnscaanols t riceuf fe got omeuay4i, r hr eataoy belwees Ial~. ers a ho ya gt y hi t . h rto tetaey -y tlou t dent. Dono w lipte iN4 itflwepngt av tn. heiave ba dihsgrci nogh v.tebil Bu oneimsi contint r beUhubeI ap MIL cnat bli i u . ' Yoi do nos élégu St. a 4- a Sunday manrnig-"S.%Vea oclooh! cmi amy bere ail day if 1 visi, and yoi Fve lien lyiag ber. avake fur ota, hour nnd fma'î gsit tosleep."-Pnck. A Violets iea&a. ..,....-..,, draw near! ,Upoua grav~el »h. m lin tcwho diod waiê'dusr .They plazatcd ie tle how. Pluck nme ns you go.e-' 1 aixber unesetager: With ber asweot brentla 1 aigu ; lu me hcleîqlieai sur. Through theae auay qijivering leuve* Sh. tan would i.pealc te jvon- She wluom tuse grave be'aavea Ofthte dean lite asekiew, 6How aalad 1i as tup there !» lihe wbisper; unde rWiund. "Hav-e tha 1%ofe m ne fair Sine otier fait ou., tousid "Ralm e Wh o l ie ie t Les*edloves deep lorn agan. since 1 was laid tuts ar in ilthe werld of men ? "SNay! Sireiy he vil! cme Todwell ber.e t the let; la 5eatb. s sranire ,ilent bomne * bohnd @alal luld hua test. "'aetawouli that lac miglit ltne Slow hard it his ro bide In darkneu hler. lieow And nià. hlm frein an>' bide 1 4.Fain wpuld T uend niy soul To le upon his breat, And breaslie ta bitu Love'R wbaie That lite ieft , incontest." Ah. pluok me, passer-by ! For 1 woaaad hear ber breath- Unil> lng Lo%-e'x nwin 1g- To bina who fleeq froua àDeath. -Lonise Chiandler Moulton, la Harpons. When a'mach persan bas a te ai1 degrees or over, lie aboulai lquaida only, writes Eizabe Anovil in Tic Ladies* Home Ji power of tic stumuch ta digest paireal, aud thise innoAsnen uf amesfs ot md ood viich, An sate, ut ln Dot able te take bcnt y.us tei isa, ou- ecause of s tatylale appetite, anal turus auway ini disgust frant de weuh! seem ii're.ible in days la in a cumaîaoa Idea thât a m being ted upon fluide s receivir counisiameut, andl, lu fact, lx ii gen cf- marviag. Tiios. who belef do uî,a kaow alua ail foaý al Iato a Itiqpici abat. lint'e A &rked inactho mystena. In gi person fluidu wevu uocai>' arviai iature tramt extra cxertoat m- a la ao nceusary for ber te' A tretigath anal resouarcea. Vue, ýreseuaiag thc food to ahi stemr tanna that At eau be easily acai te digestive argans. la auai. mid asitinilaiteal before ut' eau )Oiy, an At iAu s'elesu ta give im maj!> b. daapoapgd et. F rama :al a plut cf iipid tô;od once il ors As ordinail>' sùfficient fluoken Hrt MaSy 5Be a Fat irohon bera shave goneocul rutb the-old ibreo-volne - novi gi spehi. 'Tih. gAilwi'tb the iaat uovadays forIpesic, or 1 aàite glorAeof iber onreer. Si ypê,îrting, or 'tie 'refertux oel 'ies or women's clubs, and 1-A âe paiàn ii n uthualo mort ofu. meana -eorovt-h," ad- 1 la CX4 tint glav yul abe 5rvei ýee bas arisen a prophet h mtâfes ith.eiod romanceru in %ir disappoiateal herolues. uSy pubhuelattbaera et âget, vie Aliaiets. roma.ncr, il ita le4rn, *hsý a. -rokpn hleu àîtu'n'utal.fi'ure ofmspeech. p(tuirtli mhbcesfeotin Ulud i *o 's Pffleum Pr gîbter, v» as a Aovatous cof - *1 mÇolnamupmuitoa It v,4a ,Ocuw»dnaiby apDm ut aid ?4oisuAles, naSeul emperatura of be ted upuai ti Roabinson lournal. The ýfood As ina. fl1ling it vitia ite weakened re of propa'r- !this, tiiere tie suffcer licacies that Sof heaith. )erson who is ag venu' Little u.asimua uan- cherish this dis coiitt- an be ab- gtu reliove .tiane viiem tushanal ber do t-bis by tuuci n meth ,ed aipou liv bc iligesteil nourisi the ore than cama quarter t4) a ua evony tva ni Roalisy. rel analfaint- A SUGR CURE'FOR ST. VITAS' DANCEý OR CHOREA. hurt iitber Ctwotsii4IDJn 2 m pretends ta, AaoasILIDJe22187 muie'taies to ydanghter, eleven years old, vas seeverely afBicted wlth St. Vitus' Dance bin ié mthe or Corea. Vie gave ber tite and omne-iralf i*tles of Southr American Ner- aaiee eny vine and se lescompletely restored. .I beileve Il vil cure every cam of St. joaVts Danoe. 1hv kepa tl my famlly for tvaywson ansr tI perience ad teget remdQintise wctrld fôr Indti on and Dyspepsia, and for al Kait offat £bjns ofNerobe rde. rsidFaMin eaith, r, whatevîèr cause. 1 Isreebw be mm Ofq Itdîana, ~JOnN T. MmSH akilhng off Moegom cbmeCm og a:,- ;om the 8Shscnlbecld avoru tébefore me Ibis June 22, 1887. tr Alea fj'yPCTn« . i'D W IUHI oa ubi, arguânasaJ hih . Gzu, oýv. meam. hîch e ffm r -.09W astire only absolulely unfailing remedy ever tagbomvere Wti ule bindigestion, Dyspepsia, and tire vast train of symptomsa sd lbomrrs viricit are tire resuit of disease and debillay of ayez. uire asmn stataiicàir. o perlais eau affbrd ta pas by tiAs jewel of incal- d b1 wid cjdkble v&ae ito As sfeoted. by dlsease of tire somacli, because the ex- th Cary éë"perieuand tesflmmof aImsuy go ta prove thrat this is the ONEc and wm ryr omx o» greetcure mutire vorld for this universal destroyer. Tire ,th Cmreliasa ma-no oae t unimalignant diaease af tire stomachirirch ecu resist tire èeami(bt of owôuderful curatiule paera of lie South American Nervine Tonic:' taire. ~ ~ 'I Oa- ix U or cf aynaeto'wn lUne. aa: M iruaA. 3uaT. of otNew Rasa. Indlana, ne brid.> oqu Imm sla bëd tcrigmretaarmmykb autepnoio ictIoeh ltfet"ta--,-oeêg Nerybne Toute. My system wascoinpletely abat à&tt "etpo appetite toie, was congblng and spftting up Itaiàam. ut ure 1W"invsauthe iressages 09 9,eonsumPtlot. anuitaeritance haaaded down ,IIM m pt ot.tbrogita vlgemertiomu. 1 betgan taking *aabet tAie Nee * land continued its use for ** Inultà le t eat rs fo r nerva, stoniacu aad bib ~~ sm a«Wthfa euvp.No remedy conl- ~~ ~ OMM'>, k ma s*Oua me r itAie Somj. No remed-y auJ at ail ouvnema fls t.ýr ooepa. ZIWU oaith. la neyer talla W W& w t om l lte olil. theyonas. and the taWd- W t"a«m 1) 0. o t, t ttis pueclons boon; U ~' Ime.k US tesalSt. Sonth Auterican > thee Blaic, o tta teoune Sma 4~~~~1aeplyuponyo nd ipsd ayour cbeeks. - ~N- ui~1 ise, U cents. - ~ ~ WAIIATED. lui *0 1" tmufbrsvuI.,lad. D-RY lui Eu n lte Piit NUL Thtii ior1d Nim T 'oule hma only recently been introduced I*t b lhs ommby =z thprpandos 54manufacturera of the Great Ne & ouoad et ts psvaluf a acurative buifëb... kao* byx fe* :of the=ootlearned physlcians, who htave>.not rorgt lsmernte mnd valu.e tir.heknowledge of thre goMMral publie. Thi8 Medicine has eco.pl.teIy solved the, problem ofthie. cure of indi- g«stlUn, dyspepsia, -and diseases of tire gemu-al nervous system It An al» f te geatst alu inthecure of a&l forme of faiiing health from whate-er cause. It porihi..this by tire great uervine toute qualities' which t poueosu1es, and by Abs gmft curative powers upon tire digestive sapns, tir. s*naxach, thre tver and the bowela. No remedy compares witir Li vondefully valable Néraine Toule a. a builder aud atrengair- eer i1f the. liIê forces of tire human body, aud a.sa great renewer of a- brtuk«A-own eo«tittiom. 1h Au ahso of more resi permanent value in therodeünt »md cure of disesses of the lungs than any cofleumption remedy- ever audw on tutu continent. 1h 1ta a marvelous cure for nert- S ouneuo f females of ail ages. ladies who are approviching the critical perlod kuown a. change àAife, shouldfnot fail ho use this great Nervine Tonte, almost oonstantly, for th.e pace of two or three years. It wili carry themsatbly over thre danger. This great etrongthener sud cura- tive in of inestimable value ho the aged and .inflrm, because its great. energiuing properaies wiii give them a new, hold on life. 1h will add ten or ffteon yeurs ho the lives omua*ay of trose viro viii use a hall dozen bottlis.<t the remedy eci" y..Of IT IS A GREAT RnEMfEDY FOR THE CURE 0F Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Itervous Prostrationa, Debility of Oid Age, Remvus Headache, Indigestion and DyspepeiL, 8rck Headacl, Hesrtbnrn and Sour Stomsch, Feutale Weaicness,Wigr n Tenderei n Stomach, Nervous Chilis, Lc>ssof Ap'petite, Paralysie, Prightful Dreams, Nervoua Paroxysmos=d Dizziness sud Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and Hot Flashes, Fainting, Paipitatloe of the. Heurt, Impare and Impoverlshed Blood, Mental Desponden'cy, IBor1lsud Carbuneles, Sleeplessness, Srfl. St. VtuiDneeSorofalous Sweliings and Ulcers, Nervouaness of Females, Consumption of the Langs, Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of thre Lungs, Neuraigia, Bionchitis and Chronio Cough, Pains An the Heutrt, Liver Complaint, Pains An the Back, Chronie Diarrhoea, Failing Healair, Delicate and Serofulous Children, Summer Complaint qf Infants. Ain these and- many other complainte cured by this wonderful Nervine Touie. NEBVOUS DIISIEASES. As. a cure for every class of Ner-vous Diseuses, no renaedy ha. been. able to compare witir the Nervine Tonte, which ta very pleasant gud harmieso An a i is effeets upon the youngest child or the oldest and niost delicate isndividual. Nih.-tenthe of ail thre ailments to which thre hum an fsmily ls heÎr are dependent on nervous exirsuation and impaired diges- tion. When there An su insufficient supply of nerv~e food An the blood, a. general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and ner-ves As the result. Starved nervea, like starved muscles, become strong when thre right kind of ffàod a suppiied; sud a thousand weaknesses and ailments disappear sa thé nerves recover. As the nervous system mzust supply ail the power by'vwhicir the vital forces of the body are carried on, At tathre- lirst ho suifer for want of perfect nutrition.- Ordinary food does fot con- tain a suflicient quantity of tire kind of nutrinment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living sud labor imposes upon the nerves. For luis reason t becomes necessary that a nervie food be supplied. This Southr American Nervine has been fou2nd by analysAs ho contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue as formed. Tis accounts for i universal adaptabiity ho tire cure of ail forins of nervous de- rangement CRAwanavauýu. r».. Ans. 10. 'OK. Enmik &Waz.xrrSoor tBrownsvaflev. Thd.. To ikve m Sou/sA werfce. Nedicne Co. aa « a anaadsrse odto o friiGaxTs-! deshre ta sas' ta ou thIat I y:" albenluadsrssdcniinfu have suffered for many yeare witlu a very srions thtrears tram Nervonsness. Weakness et the disea»eoftthostameha dmmdnes. I tried every Stomacla. Dyspepola. and Indigestion. until my zfediecine onld heur of. but ntlgdonc eO health wa. gone. 1I !aad been doctoring con- amy appreelable good util I vs med ta sry~ ~ ~ ~~fC yorGaa ot mrcnNrieTnstantly, u'th Do t.Illf.; 1 bouglit one bottie ot anlStonaach and MOWnCure. »d s ince using South Amerlm ev1. which doue me more, asvaalbatis.61 l Imia ay tiant Iama sur- good tbau any 180 'vortia cf doctorlng 1ever p=me aIts wondsui powers t0 cm Sthie tQmf- dld lu my lite. I would ïdvtae every weakly per. araad!grai nervona as Il evero'ne son to une nais valuabie and lovely remedy. a. knew'tlte vaue iflis «soy do you woutd an be able to qapiy the dem»ad. 1ew bottles et litam cred me completely. 1

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