S 8U0081 IWA~ A? i LUS VAlU ~.a u.num~ i Ibm UU~~ Ail R Dut.'. S-'. ~ b ssof sor St. mld mot n gave t8 W@TB . our remedy diseMe, deaee so many. to diest iddecay, mtrimnent m in the Chronie Itgives Lm. The LIc-AN NERVII41L-.I reat relief, and'have a entirely, free fromn rIIow Suferef s from an imimediate trial Jugn 81et y Mervoli at atm to *010g t 1 Io« the ifted 11e a. ýdicine and l coul4 rise es in alfI1 p good, iîd n thé world mdaddrews, 8117 citiID, cat*Iive as he t7 83 le tme by. amut says wuS bom -M. Li IRv'sm. ode itË. cure le stomadi. malady 8"