The'i JA. Our si ofrgoo eonvii couit1 Dili 'cAme, jeni buyws la M.stnal, Dr-ess8 pmetc.and in w~ W Our 50ci. double Unae of 25c. and 30c, je s thy are MOT. on hand. SBeo ur 2i.up. hand thes nbbiuut taiL We have bun )ur-$425 and $5.50 fpor pricewn huuneis. Seo ur ne 1westad- obbiuflt rder for Suit., Pute w e*d1etc., aW: COI 'os MP' Il dot. lmW~- N.e . Nuà liad: Meni Clot doubl S~otw minec Mente &wo: ~frthI'b rUIg~ IUE SLA.c pie ha we a: Ever) Oow lwo% . qur of Rèédý- ýcow 1