7 ? 4933 î-r C nq à P_1_1 î a M OM" «' tbe lu tIM yet 1 8 à" at y e Jima -et IMO«ffls jl la we Me an num. ýw*1:à à"" Z&=? Dom am M»Y q1e the whO§ý menthe ».S"800« came te da% icere 7061. we beam in yviàe 1 Dow que*ý, làd 1 Mav he» MY'", tamet Hehetrdour der Umm 1iýý no ref- ta tbe ti 01 bis m toread Ion; eOM& CpInt we O«Rtins" in tto lm tàwm M. The IrMive. A" 1. theOraffl Sýder b,ý in Br=7to1ýM_ hb", in tnéh as te lm tbim aïne amit or *Mt il the tm- wi& wlegmm aw luet eleetion, la tâebmgýhing stock of t Goyerweent mmked for QSivmmýr- Wtbewantry. à la VU" dabdidate. ý - the tuurirl*ý, ýÊ»d twenty, fana- 8*1--pwty in ret.1 Brt ehkà ýtx1w' ke vaw Io in the order, . ý - > MOL t4wee *m pour Of Umm«" "âm te lecture or -in- Mt stock me. ý M-. mccauoïla, un al m sWh lethim juin the aft ring et thi6v» the patrone Jý" the degree' Then, rest »oh«» *Mt *Ir the agriouktràl:dkans, tntwtod Langow- à brOader and better bôqr ia *bd wili not atte = «Wàmt* yeur id" et $hm be 944W t # w to Yom, ait th" in& M»1üý 0» Mm bootem as he now doep-, èo"Cd effleulers there la Windommý>&" offl of lût atwehw#eneverdirectly WOUU Samar ourrapitily *«WMt vm Il te use orangelam et Mk au Dolbearyotwoula rmt Mk au though ddb« $00tia * Can't Pay r" " Wd a -of e1Êmý ùM Q»bec bu gene a t. Victuia and in m oebitut erand dam fer kt& *î tien of giiâÎ;ii7m& Miti* Cok." ,d MéMber et e= S= "apromi. ýYW in "*Wd Md tbe Dominion, fur wa 1 SU là the &M of thé ;a my"po-utiml bwwwm fer UM on who la net an Sipring aid e added »M - t tmoet- 1AUMPted te use them for S97, îe te tbe Jetter l patitai lads. He cer- ch«P. diffluat-W, tyrannlmk ýdtëoq> tanèh Ot botk Receztainlydoes 00»_ -*Oeking mm-backedom ét Vfl" M car %ttteks on us. He bas.* we bM no room f xamiio tue with brethrelit G"àd,4 mr bktt4 are my ami eo.- r1MYý Thé OPM"M WU- thy bukhn R4,p4euftftm -d"40dus truer te govern- tM»wrW»ý te be tim"M m Mrfe, M ignS 8" fer the people f Mr. am 4o*e%, by the dictate ot,,nos beibw% illlor t" evi*" make. secret or = t*ý "»Mriot#4n"bon«tlalwgivers, Pm t» #te= theOlOgical ide" the signe; Md - - 'b'ý Our Surse is ek m eb unPrine4miled poUt" iy' bave not tm" ýI The free" Mau Mr lm wta emm» My ber lsthë-umit te North Vk- been a dise of Our senffl 'diq9ays fils truc tg dictate Its 'nés we Ot fmav Pm§ at yo»g M» ft S 0M and etreet radmit. Peitioù VFAIM IM4 in 86 1%* ffllavffls of riewapapers Y011r mm or wbeft judiciaus, where S* àm#LtsW that way than 7VMR évft M1014 b" raleed oh aftw"t èt are.utilized. But, a um iveir loi thet the POCme *bd «B Qruve lt tue, that mer. buthW am# We have spent fJlýe San» *ad vftary DUMim): pVa y OSPICUY « a tbe tu !è. mm _000-7 - and more- time in Md Pm Mme* le b7 »d #« My bMis cm m or Slk- zuimm Suft et YMW - -w-W nua utuize butomte f Rave Yen wle eaet bort= t timber, minerai f MW Wa-U le-bive tka Mr. Brandon on [ I I CAADA j MANITOA PAS ýIsepr" ]recaam ul SepeW". mas sau a Qfbý mmou.ub mm - . u m t ýbo « Mt 1=Aul$M -m »R Il, om *Mfo druM bý«m mobob *m om M IwoMt m &mr àwM V M14 - ~ »Imm àm mt*Mâtnt érder et Sxage- muu regu& FUW -»"-b«Uam ljwpt:xjplt95 or Citles rj» kW *DL On our enterin M. ma B14 as you. k»w, un-imedgh» is haW old lady greeted Cod *Aiett»d,= ,t afewdem to «itfeibe bits ýo g Win lm db f*r b" emd O»dt*k«Pbmt 1&tomcesl:â'rB= AMUIC» ~ lodge, and pamed ve»W dm Imttolkvw bb 4ation!sý and fS buidàg up go" et & lut year, threste- to blé PohtkW couquest of others. On fat- » le wt" .Sw the châtir à-om Ïfty to mâ i mg the varieus por- àb»t iL BXV- aubèmVàiUîod" whodare. byreschittali, dme tu bis latter. the volanteers were mmbown omthimmte agaimt-tbi thifflir Y the To the mit 1 a w«k dSuffte Of subn"Ion as apffliela of the. natiom had been added to &ni P otet et thé -Xkamu,4- and we kuow,- and tu grest Industries deMloped air fi-cm tà- *Mes of your cadevSo« Mt UMdedUftýt.*wM, W$',. heur. Thesuperintendent 9 1 remlutwn %nos with *6 chia $eDeral forms of phuy -the phir. It M-Mprigm las -te- Imà the beffl of eath lunatic in igU'eý u of w Ich tc, !Z le. couvert or develop se b2 -4 , tçmdi" s - of and ulefoqq appeAred to Sive gvem tke Poo end WM b~ fini =1* wounded soul hmttwo et thémI.-àwý00eqeý>ý*oï-,-ý -plé e MY not be 9xeatý but one WD retdra to thedec=aeeLdus. *Smer two h%" lmt dredy en egr m ind, wm et. tor country, and the Of tbeir 1 The vobe tu givt ta# may coine suddenly bcUes»X*M under the N.P!ýr secret WW benedciàt changes the trickstiers vrho btiCereertâred their ght". for, a _e1ped tu and b dint of perse- Mmem -ad =ng proper "Jamamb Choien vessém) they we ;ïia the Unes of action foilow- hom tremuM the mered pendmte il 11 ehamNe et pome trust offer to au expect. Dm pamit 'd idé M»oodhw doings. Such ,Mt jw emphing, electSste for auo*ing fé110wj1ý Men he té Out OMMOM 1bd9êtry to drift to Michigai, celved. To ewapke aat bave we t":Mem4wtum of tbe produ . ets ot cur banka wfth natp«ý interests of the hme«Im is Mr. Brandon and.