wv tide. face of col, ilst wîi were te hi wlauie tiiiO eue, lit&iy wý, spoitk% were î<rri'gak )l aW14 sie sieppeul acrcxed eue cf Pools, tteN ilQlil sauB t iwitt appeured to bu a leia witlai w iti %, aw'haua r ai bottoni t îri uie titeib -mi i À. I 1wc- cen it -Au 1 never.to b. men -w&igta%-nt.y miillite. vniiflngt%%enty yearui ! Iatblb..nl cowry. the largen pee . hé i r vas pré ptisîl haing :îhtiituqt ptc blie swpped down iao li so im aehome. ilàa i,, .t gIl elle got vet thue ru pick up buie i*ielleh %Yaîer Was evtun deenr iti 1 bsed, for. as 1ber fi ia 1 ihe bote1toui u11Me pool,j m<>aÀ %aet iay Ille waves phaaig in wiithtie risi monen 1*aiiatû io p Y' ',.beer .Lue, yu @)le sh aid ye ,r@ty deeljdn ti:e to lier waisct *1 it, l'lit site wal li dhd Inot càri euzh. 8loppin5ý e Éomnd 4hîît Lhq t te .1 TwI yMay d.d to t Taimagd mucI' dsci nby waa, 4 tex& was m rtid in tài D it lifor c je that Q b~rhand oý ýChrist ja oucais ti vs eau uti in-regard. or tis ( tbon art vpelk lieubW tuatioz fc ty-five years watil eachi iand peoI 1 fI OUL disciple h#M ad becouta etood upon 1 ma chui 'Mnragitateq r rcit aould, Wbo those ni rated and kdarndered Theyn i. Met inîg, a i n I m me p o s s î b l . W ,ora pastc se ave reci fr8no& Miron aorage or rr frolnone, la amainf atuninviti g tîiat G and Im h. * thought P4 to $[aie ýwe have bc firet Placq üs-c - di dg, a chu the. Lord Ji . My ti ers-Jesw. oences. Jq itis. Jes ~wropgs. 1iniaV, F ia mre powu W:Oj o-Jeans Cir *ewortl than iii IBCkOy.- Jeaus i: & rnitnstr-elty. un in ali1v crcîwnl Liht, Tie ci lnce.i T[Ie cdr iter. Tiie picîifi e unipire or! mué 1 At Bis tai L Around His ti SrevýOlve. Hi j1 !b. univers. Bti truth tliat 1; k bis Tabernaacle. »o 'Voix ask nior ha eiau tel bawve in Go'.i,, akuàr of heuîvet à rof the daetress eiee, tiie .Frrî e. believe in es > the utterinust, bqpUtng Hia ri-, bvir. We belie buComforter,il * hieartinla h lisgts in ev Fbbeleve' that ItiT n sai thai - ) f Goý We beliei iv.n heai' ksus; and il q$*wbo are bm re.chioci *ory. W. belii bu mm wilo acc oh - qrinkrleu ~U Cite For ~ap for