at Boston girl. gliy lver and h. is agreeabl. ire lier fori it ters to Monsieur Bfld iltein, reads t4s margill the Trho inai l rb Be B1 choice, respect be is a IdOUS liQUSVw .d oier tig oet Oiet Deas al. did ort tliu Site Was ci e,8 aort orf tewart. w lnagemeeut of ait tigec lient, duor-ktelpers.&( «ImIîsn and KluOIii5 is orders fer tb2e rvai mp&te sat the head oft b Mine anut onlitit mi lier femme tde ehamb îîindants. admiainbI>. ra 1witht the greatet Ca knuwiiug &h&iL sguod ni 1 servuts, te very L- ind wil. treittitig ttirn %w alov ra irn wit&h uej rgd ceok*d. giiidiscreet 'to .psak a wîife and alutlier. S lier Iîusband aînd du roi. 19 ils a Imodel faini nstio viriQe&, Noerai' left to otitirs cara tiie bedâidu of lier s Idren. president of the repub a telegrain br<tia4llît Maml ;wo Or t'ras LiC )bouquet. offered io :ie iaaie day jaoi.d tu Mille Gartiot, %who Io, uelà. Her roîu ar'i alwè * wanifoeu bikets Thse lur-gnt bronze Statue Ma tliat of Peter the Great, aI St. burg, Rmsua ; weiglit, 1100 toits Thi e te bee owfler oni [arbk8on, of Cahdortois who ou hilWa The. Czar of Rossia bold8 the individual estmes, 100,000,M0>ac The. deepest isole ever bored e"atb n onauartasiain weIi at Pc. 70M about -iAo n recetit hii at once to ter Stile. rd afflof land. £An W.-. B 23 ýtAgo ta RouI Ilowr isthe tRaflis* or of Sir S. Raffles), whiph umatra. The. diamu»W t anija-hm the m utst SIas reache<' Cottons h lot of W. are c liasiagaiil ÂBan~ Torchoic cents ea( F*U range Flanne r. selling prices -i -Lac, EN orea mng ~O3h~ mN FA T he -ouw lierai oei. I fine.OrnêI witlhW ieraot aras Co sp+ t *SUits. id reta. Uwl o, û" gent « e .ed, art M'lue. 0oW Dair, ) a op Men, 8iplya adure lie lit the"' Mille. C waa traveiL Iews o<f bex a day. Ail Carnot were . iiilexpresà flowsers rery fluwveruî." ch LIne, ât cw uEiloYI acres.> din the TH0RNDTItU kit' 0%Rln l a Jef w.roth *Orbi the MI wt w1wi Kdv