N rutTtr' Are Det4%s 0iiS5e Hors are a fewoCeIa4i!e4 l that nmike the diil;;ience Ibetwoe monpIacil ttanti ieihoeLkeePiiRg- 1 Mh'n you hestrIiItod oulri 1>~1ed ~take 'theniM ai the opeil tr or iwîndow and givo I s 's a viee ,ruu#KII]r uà-atu luwe- wm - ,uuwv mw Thev viliibecomo whitc and m y S~UMe, imethé. li of Twi~t oeée. mand! you W05do il a"""X bm uu sokrotat ithelin1p1rovemeuit. dwnla Mexios erila XMdM -- l~mI~muieM' tst .xt..is tee pante * Every good housckeeper be1 p. ,~itve t vnv ~ l relis or gi-stes lier stala brai! aus )[iSK a m -renet eunivsrct vl baving islu areadinesi for sc$iffo"Or I miv. th the, golarm aibut evst7 fr î gmeatsfii, cre 1tO.If iAs e ajç .scub hv aftr W-lng relled, it la pua arougihie, Ptuesiut Dis. vwu% met .stl*m h flour sieve the additioOal ilemeus ii l aiios.rec aat novboua"allie amply repay theetouble, epi nIta nis. voY no# èvam! - j thnbus I.. ilb. surp"mu!go.seo a bodyv 1 uta one mornluug in tie Ibright, edean of Muxicasatrop l_-ut. - i off, le kitchen of a Iurnbcrcam-p -watcliinz ah. mm e mete place.luia atW-off cook nake bread. Atter kueadinÏ the state. Nouesiii! .kuev the roamo, but brvad ia o-took enou1hfor a lest simd ahi fact wvil samen. becouno kuea drew iL out again and a1in. roUig It S he<i*guvanaumt bas proveutesi upeach time as io *oudpufpaS.au efbro ervmtuduinfos au Thn ho set l aside te rm. se1 oettig Souu mi oc.Acn ea ah. process before. puttimg it inithe pans. j umboer ot fmelcAusradm i xc This, ho sald, vas ahe 'secret ef iUitO Ido 55o~u i5 aite lav v Il MkeIl us- anmd fisky breai!.j plesMt fbe thon I their natIveplaces - j The. Mexiamasecret service bai ae hopr- Deovou wishlo mmike graui r trskk ate record of<OSCof tbe andamIf t leuTake corn méal aMdi mi t of thmsho ovmmSelàti. in3M: Atoe aquart o boilimg vatet. stlrrligiited11 maI5tes a iis e Ù untu tli ut'ofthe, consltency Of crerai. Uap a&sSes BthetltlO5 aer înties Add sait t. fiayot, amd ti i.i lminer aietaiInMIeploefhos for hait -an heur or longer; -tien Mrua TU lire, tho xilcai seeetservice us la througii a f ne sieve. Have lma sthe gmtd4 *mm ail, &W itIs ramil- bowl a lttle -cream' Or ticb MOL1caVim éZtel 0 the o.ir rli e- Pour your 1boilung puoiInto la, ulieUI, a& !*waWMB <11s ideet yen have a drink a sck person oughf ethe Mborer. W g: Sa.jý Aà111 a emtlessonderfidtuhei labor ofemzul;îng a sove. REuba fiamai Tag on ahe sesp, dip ialo ordinary sM.v blaig nipp te the stevea with a dr-y clotfl. - The wurtk WII bcmw quickly aud vill lIsiach longer tbis without tie seap. If, yon bave mauy sor-stmei foywers to arrange it ls vel t. 611 a lWn dlii vîiti daimpmoessthoen viii a sharp stick dibblehuiesln thei moa audll the stems. MnWhe ife vrs haie fade! the mou may be diredaiid used ageba. 'Pansies show te botter advautage làUs vav than luamy othor. Liord Porcy-Yaais; tie Englishth(at 18 spoken heah la Amionica tes otig quite»ntellilgible temeidont lu She--IndoodP Lord Percy-Yaaa. steve me anSe a perfectly boasti>l n.-clae'- Sir Raiph Verneov collecta neceipts for Dr. Dsnton aliroamd nd!sdanmcos- meticu for the c 'plexion et hie Iv6 lady patients.--,,TWb lttle glams.of Ess!ence et Cinnamon, Clovmai!d oSier spices, vilc i f tyou adi! but sgato your.Wimo) villi nimeEcellentwHype- <ras lina quarter an hover. Thero lu a ely pottet Pomat*m whieh -ln go! andi harmIee;mnting, yen It cornes. power M e i lut"aWater and ifit witii Fresii. Theien aabiseWite Powder, ick la F£Slmnt.painting If la k..pO, wvilcimay beaise moingle ici! i t Pomattm, and tien tii, mosa eccellei." Sir Rae sends the doclor fron Italy ,111 Turlsb lasrs, theeare tre uc rk- lai, bougha et slaves, my eu olns thin; 1 Box ef Turklei py deta In 't. fetcb off haire; V8 Lane~tt toetbt blood. almarked wth the. Halte - oone & t.é bodies'ar-e of Bootehoves dlorne, blaick ; tics.are Italian van. & se at fun far & neare; i!Red gl! Box viti 4 Boleul Ballnt of lie beit sort. Muakosi;2 du.. Bolola Das lsVtbout Muelce for Uw Worohlppschope, those vltýZtu sitke are as roi!. buît mot 50 svast; 1 bsoule of 00de Cedr_, nd a rae wet povdor for thce ti, 1 coul! mot gel lie eeptof I." &argial instruments aro verygesiam Pis, ansi Dr. Demion'desires te o nw "how liheFrench poiai lntramomt:" William os "it RaLph lobe> hlm missera atvwuitshort, Z * blads;. tie uiapes et tii.scssouÉ .out ln papet iti remin fastne4 te ii apothcryl ltter. "T1his le lie cloli ami!Otier v*am' voch yiu W oblige lus loti. Drax, eos14 hie ba - tr em os llmn.-Lobg> Mama aain. Cyn*hb-l-I im I baila nov doîl. Hon »the-But y old !doil te as Cyu.hla8e an Ias goed as tiver. ButSi.ésssbrt.ugbl ymi a mev Catsa Md s»V"rmléther animnale bavesa fais yd!, l é« aabi 4eamw ve dm -eebl dRatit Seoleames tgor s. es- teeut ion tse ure t a laglt. The. Musclet fpla Mout are ex oeedhel p Pct Iuhoir sIzà, a"d t i i. animai to tara Up vory biai greund i vii lisutmugsaus. I Wee la oi fear mIlIpi.f In . 7M éptery viater, tisere ?w7ii e éliving la th.e uatay, in u"ineib<t rabin nos;pj -#Me - bffl ... almos ft ut venyeWg blldrout ai &go toesuen , tubodvessols la the.boues aureS lulmvii atter. Thfl$Md captum- hW" secs bydartlng out tus tongOéeso tipfdlygtath e <an mt t@iov*. ,TU*-Up 1* coe Uze i D~uiauo sietpt,eici a #y or ThI. a.tertoîis ( et -mmm> ycountnies busr' iiemselves lu lie.muai!t hebboa- toma of itress i aseSos_A. - - 0eb f wmuter, audat aih. cm Tib* 4 Iaoj; PWaitr qulrr.l, an! nom h mic - IJ'ýun' a regular store et prevlsiqal btr i. matiler. h tla sai! tithat 1 s u> uin li veauher, a"i la oxtrome 0"l romain A litatée W»-la smitierm penayl- vanla bas ôty-ave residenas ie have pusde! i lsre Ihit of yoats, A sumbun oft Ilim areover 90 years .1!, am!n>andMa l éalti #ui!, are phyalamiy and memtally active A ourois pmwlailp Mon exise.. avoua th e ananueme aui!theo hersait oral. The IsIer alvap ba mn u e- mine fate..! te Ils thoil, aMi!hea ho changes bis quatewa be <skis is &ne- nwas aiff povMei hécas de" til bu auteded to e, le ak i@ ISeuh Dii* abs, an! mmno vorh loth o li!miss m i! s«sV prspeots, isu bM oudMlu baS t'agi. M" Ow cea sheller Ib a tshrailby s-, liai! WhI ioo~usiIt~f¶~~e. vIll gft dstlUi~7 ae,=l 07 Stnhinueif et, face 'CBifODb dowuvard, aga- hutte qrotud, 1 ad f vioa, 1 Iyigas Moti6nm as a Étoup, willlmosi shsrp nd prP£-tl5Sd-oyeu. Soiimes, VEISIS of iitîEw*bv~' là gOV6ýOf cctsor Spaush baiyo'iet vinlomitem, WM nom hIW bi bikkltngarmmnts blendinetia tsh l186w4toF ki )Mo Io the hue of the 'leu, hl sface and! neek Md -@- I conceali! by the ead ef Spalligh UP se h M r4 Myo k £'Ivmo bayone t, ha will stand liko a iost, Indu o r ..-$0 tinushable or utule avasg TO TRI UE 4X IENRD Brin or1atýR ti4lZr sven at close quarters, froei the gro- esui.SIb~o« eb4 " tu. planýtsabot hlm. .A queer ex- s atts e0 lua miboe 1.1 tou poteus..e fhis kini occurred t. e l fot iB 0 SIinur un eVice iArlscna durlag Gemn. hroq * vt CO1 lent campagnaalat the. mmd W*t*O5-h n » usailgo Aphîes.Tom Merriani ter my treop fIr which 4.b6beme npd. , and! myseif vote d0talled te earrv dé- f "The StuooVIASeiê wido qtches from Camp Bovie te Lbimp vhem ve TBy« d1 W o p u 9114 orant, up on the Rie Beyýt4. It was a of the nIU ad.fÉt. nêm dangerous serviea hat iitire nosd vo utruah .f*ater*d I Ti st«~ bâi ta kelp a sharp eokOut and be ready haît attracl the n Iu OSSI b ak te flght or rin t a a mownnt's notice, for &fMuail a, h!ueVbdC2l thr wsn Doig1 at wbat point on Ilected tby laIdrui w og90 emsoI01s ahe ro te Apneht-a iight mot beaIwiSk h.d -nY Moi"es pl9 dl l inu lirait tujump uq As vo camej such au D"lOed.f« mnu«. Tii. al .W. e on 01uicr M&urEte CKamP aligators,'les u t41t4%pe>Ua9sopus and hbsd juil crosned the woOid t he fish than p.. the #uu cauen vhf're tii. codispr~ing us and of waters, wtch VA1 Camran ver comiug out upon the coue prairie them ou, *a er itlyhsu "ha stetches dovaW tii:' .1 an theo moment 'they cmeout Ios Podro Hiver whmn througb a. oe-w~ hr h aak uh~ branhsof a 6tlUft1sw whattook furlously at thi e sietialti te b. au Indian ou' tho plain, about a torm.and et once the baW Ul as hait mile aliead. Bat on spurrlng my alligators, o!0 course,laoi under hors e, orward go as te et a better mauy dlodvant*gos. Akheugh crofo- nlook, nethilog vas te b. seen save dites are o!hoe kmown ltas*I eMt 50 sos tb. bare prairie, wlLb ne si or0fmain or and! spendi whbote veeks laait USater, bou upn ts expan 'As ve rode ihe aillgatgr la ottbudith. ocean. ain sipof theniatter to Tout, Five Qi six ahana vou1d attack efch Who ageat what he caiid my avare Uaurla i a M e# ou001motUglvlig ho1 whlch ho said caused me to oses lmain alligators n opportunity to form trei- ary Indiens. W. Came opposlite a 1ev, Boives luto àAmmssforcon.tratod gray bouMder, upeua the prairie two hun- étta*uk or dfefnice. dareti paces o et te m thti trail, 'I don%'t "EachSii ami! ndreptilo sootet rememaber ever te have seom Ibat auderatami! cleauýtii he raoew of bis rock before,'said Tomn, whe, aDsfflDist, ani t» o pertul talle vero I»ujht lo equlstion as etften as thé. RAD BEE2N OVER TmB RoJtU Iimmense Juvs. 1While th II4>llgtors sevéral times. 'How in the. dovil dd lt wee omè>re -lv tomoroet9"nthe g"t thon? 1'Il ride over and! ake a sharks, the. latter vors obligmi!S.t tu "ok at lé il*1'.Aad ho meineit bis horse over on their, bocks. be&twe Seing able» and rode tovard th.ejoat. 1 followed te bite with a ay eaeS. TMs gave him a fa* vrds "rhhd. His horme bai!tahe alligators a chamceto get away seiaely taken a doubea stepa vhen the ani! bring them r y, borny Saileis lt. seeming gry ebjed -moved alightly Up. action. Alhougiithe bard, bousy wand a.. thore came fronti ts lover armor of die alligators prevanlid th;-m I edgo e ls s reprt t i the. scream fhou aurnlmg amnd swsbing aboi taille of a Ni clbrdbi that flippait Tom ' aroumni as u»pidly aisIthe £à, oft *0ie roat wtbits wlnd and cauWdhbisbhore o uld daà &(erward and a" a r go plung>-a suddenly. .baht Tomi, one before thç &à~ could tutu ou bis back te of thè a etrdosinlutite troop, net bit* or get away. '_0f course h armer boing on, thé iock-out for suclu ftbthealigator, thèqgh lnnodlia is a happenag,'vas throvn. 'At the same Imovemenfs, vas offciolos br Atlne Instan t au apache leapd fremn beneath agalisa th.e l.wsand bites of hie ad!- th ga.blket that.bad oçrved bi virsry. »M eftir a wvii!.the constant to Mfasqorade*as a b0.ùl4Pr, and ram sharp snappug of the shark tore la like asadorfor the coai, ebWug te leftt away bit Uy bit, aifndhally witht a tari- atndrgbt teho wlut Aoavoid thoesMots ousrusktlue hugesbak, *@Cgi x las that Tom and 1 sont atter blet froinoui sharp We*=&irgow ppand, crush ~eti tarbqi% Wo knociipd up Os l. m ig dosomo AUI d t giug ' i e hlm tr asiif ti». Mm or e oauegsel des» ai edig othe. vhlsliugo Tevondtal sS'enSiof tho lilga ou ults, tta a ifor vo torls jav came l14S0 play, and i tuandmi didu't kit hlm. -T. have ciiased hlm 'aga.suarks veo fwa alinei t u vouli! have beau foh!y, fiast, because or the vater, a. uli .ue h %ve were burine despatcs inu " &nthetw uidonUUte and ueded the lait ounceofetreborvo siUrtaoo -,#a vor ever au ares ot a force ina eut horis, andi, secondly, ha' quarter of a mil.leai plain vlew of the cause with ahe start ho hai! vs shauld people on the baak andl beach, aMd froin neot have everbatiled hlm lin bs run for our position vo cold mue OM , orf-th the canon, lat. whlcii sie could not movementse dtii. hugo amimais. 8ev- have foiowea h(nii.. 18)ove took the o ral ahugetn et roya UMn the trail again and! rode cuir way with an- eah dir t he stugMt, ernanad. other wrinkle asid to ont expérience horly mal sel,50thaï they dlid of hlas utrlckery and cuasediïeos." iiia vçev inutes. Te ho hle sur- O ac f tleee lu the Immedwae Vi- KISSE% ciàay waa ehurn, ei!t.foai bytah " aalut of lb. log tailie, isoe ud Train Tour CIisdre.sa te Kms l eIm ic t t tea nrsuldure in *6thowaioshow'1 Kisi.ms M e dr d oere the . làWaXei! rOest. Kisms ay e' envniatlydivdedFor11H he* weday vs vatabihe battle into two classes, tboie which belong te Iutal ai1lutM levoi Of "ho&la o ent1 amid are hîtimaaely ansoiatel with the o»; thae volàe ci. vter counlng warmer passions Ok the heart, and tîioso tlinugh thé crevsse decroased and me, wieha are Purelv conventional. In mrs4110MalAOrS »Mu-5USD.Tii. foan nvie efthae exaotlnig demandaof mod- Ou tie 8UttwOf t tboqcoaboae lus emn sauutary prlnciplas, in neither cua" mdleIs, tUtilaet siultY the poca"ln- ia the habit désirable or oven permiualsai Wltofetàa bàrk,%-tait skowed vWheu 1 hie. Nevrtieleui tg teonty vaste otf 01SOIR tii.&91 »h ttIt 11iiç~ or1 labor for modicai mentors t. proteait wo h e ane Sii6vre Ihu g 1 aainst the habit, se fat as thé flsi t mong abomso, e eo ii llmort i-ouïder" et kbminss coaceraîed. Mi. osi carcasses." crobeai, hovover pathogenla, vill b. lg-. notai anden the"ecrcumstances, and!. "ouis a sNet Mie.dft is, g.nt such viilbe the case until timo late Ter'gmi aue se. » ,A$ more. - ear Its cck a ,~~ ssd IWlth reep2ct, hovevea, to the second huai!, ani le lfahk açaddik v varlsofetkiaus, th matter le diffetent. eS of ar Bilsupi'àM s.U& For the. mosî;part, the. hablt la practised kowa v I oJ4Sl50 ty upon cbldrem, both girls mmd -boys. whe amUi hon ituanj u "i gnt Among -themeVes soklsslng to-a uslii cit.et ieit, am îusesý à largo exteat prevals. Bu.t. t acility vsl o blh@i u gbeote. witb vhlcklh hhon masles, whoop. Inla M4 ahé . Mv.Sam Si au is~ I - ~ip" pw~. yeuhi Us- î i là. »u&eeo aforInat ~ 1ê~t»utoIer O1àit .Xerphhwena tom owwtmo.. 3*la s harmiesasubstitute Iwge,, »r~Op, S..tiig B7rupe,&ad Castor 011. 16 b 1% "m*. t 8me *Blsthirty yearsW s - 30MOM bretUeU.va.cauorlm4e.tris Worms an ian ~oeb()80,60«Uiapuuvets volatting Sour Cut!,. iliumDiawrbae. MdIad Celle. *Casoons relloves Ustbutrebe*# ssu on« i* .-xadfilatuleucy. ~oSob .I«à Sthe iod, *regulates. ibo stomach àià oha swnghtghealhY surd -matui'al sleep. Ca.. $du -l. bIiàaWsa P e aO-tli Xtlie's FriIn * âla Issu .a ibfr dii- Castoril. M L A AaoeIL.D, "Our py!an la the cbildren's depee incS .~e po~n igiycftheir e«"4 mmd ~ »lhuhw onir bav ut mcOur M~Icalsu'p!oswbat is known a. reguLar Trdis e m a=e freo gt' Conte« am he gil, orcf itons bas won in te look wsib Au C. Sum rrý1 ~. Csmt O.mp ot Suwa treet, New York MIy. MIDI! CHRISTIAS@ effitýkgiot *0. at aMd gave him hW S.m il' okt ai l o suhet vauud'tu mai! dho neeeivedm n Mgkth ~.n15 A tii be0 but lis, .as vpalute, sa badly Iuu W be h aim Io MM .ho ils eul seiail u hMe.Sth.e W" ofammly tiiorsouqmit ureee.h j~l iisorUIf thai!booma # boudeora&terrier lvwuida't have atm- EFFEOTS OF COLD. murme Sîa the Beo Pdmee litons.cdlaluIncapable et r!sn Sthuse te-grea buaS. butmm- #&se uin 1tmt<IIeeco.6 ~is or liqulab ah nd' e<hu au la ils haboratory, M. a"u Pict bs ~eSagekdiud ave degreo e haras ho. Inltense co.la. h u Bisa a <.* lered" , < wmmw lm thée sexd" ipdo. J. arum 'onti t lm ajtiab s le l- to itshlng, a .!or six voe ors umlyosl>, fer boailiu. la dus rapidlydetachoL. Tbiin obom msupuration mst .in, lu very slbôdw ma" mIt g~rdifereat hem Sa et bumi Ielà.: nQue- mslo.a. Pletot, %IÇM. A" 1~front ba bsndue te a of1 m.p maniwdy Scrb e bd. - he ccroi.,e pareties thé ~ co! m au WIopea six mentis asovaii!.-The LiStary Digst. uvIusA s us ntl eeratr, ae eieculse kmow a greal demi , fl Iem do te Oh. povu She M-!1 lea D~,aioSn s l ei la; q», «sMa15<e,àmsfouni aSD &~eu 4te .- M (sow . "T . tie b.Persbm , whom il vu vii... ingo erIkw Itbele oode .sisaneam~ heshis ys& ho.beac."ii. <d om l u..w Slbsudi eamhsimdIl vt lis a. m5 oum odr a At~ *umm bê noer bae mny bthl »0 nhe. ny or omiles. Mthà. Dm - àvifa it isalsm»ai oru tb ehve.ie. -te1es biàtheivle- ees 81la a ille of*.* x e pthavtaayIu HIOIBOTAM 'S NÂAMES QRay, T. ~éy, * l.Eu~ w. [BE LWaliIs, &frwin. IL Smith, IL Joins, The above ame the Manies Of Som of the parties ini Lindsay and viiittowom h boif ImiosiOriiIosof anvPar in the e eMfedtsrce M&h . i 'I TH4E crin Tain themq tidei The t one. the 0] eue à tif ni, a tyl m n. the time inves it. MI he é flouil ting] The u'v. 'ITIJRE l INT, cos UNDSAY. MSkèfl i-éoW Il. ~tA 00. T dow, ry, come tiec first' gion 10 a' aicla the I ing 4 ligils Thal the i adm ice and frorr midi thou v gen: f'res thro brat froli ilet ber alibi vor L be n Sanx Go I whe shc Ibe OGc trab Risi No ' the ask poo ni ai SO Thi rou the -soif are the For' jur qhristumspresents go tb HIGIN BOTEIAM'8, where you v1i1i fnd a, firet clsas assorted stock suitable for prosuuit. You vl and ao trouble mn Makiugasohoice, as the, sWok i lmarg Udpriose 1ev.