TMEDARK « . fl .» Il. lIt:,oW;d Lppue -j h%0 oxve las utha Le0cailed neI .melght l et.@ L a nimget -lb.s M the dstnc ud lb. bOumgt Tsam p o ae Mm h lb.tmlMv ho u4" ang à a mbon"don. ?b baco ghL f I.drsau 4 t amri&ks et l»W obmuitis mu bs t boya a Th ldn fthl o ha. Àarl thr ite are d stheou pMMg teu&d Tohe lb streetIMÈaohemain " Bsi O. mry ho as beeofa arlona om. eTh M gsle.sof 1 âild mk" Tho coires aobite cryvhlh luionios lbb lb. eroyn arengel basluitu ho has been carving taêssgnaof Z hit iln.n t a t puy- lb.mes a biter ry eMsopsidtmt Itedao Ng'nd a e the g o b0n he goe Olu l miiot. wmrl ofe.. on Wlih basch. ndow lg b. IgLI et the Maîchor fr te di=eams, adminlsteed, and tbe foyer niBU be watehied, and the restess tosalugff the coverlid must ho rested, and the * le. mus b.kept on 1he bot templS,1 and the perpalual ppyer. mustgo ue from hearteauoeulie brokon. Ohkthe :Midnight lu town ! What a stupenisu thougl-a vholo cily at rutI 1 Weary arm preparing for 18oro' toit. Hot brain belng cooled off. ilg muscles' relaxed. -Exciledl ue ootltcd- The white -bairoetheb. cto- gearian ln thin drilleaicroos the PiIlo, f(rsta (ail offlakes onàsuomrsady taiti- eén. Childhood with ils dilcitd=u tbrovu out on te piow, sud wvtlbw.ry, * bÉeath lakfiing ina nov storo f f" and~ frolic. God'Ps slunberlesS oye WvIii k.~ Let one great wave of réfresblng lun- ber rolover tb. heartolut5h. great lowu submerging 1care, muand aulia1y,au worrinet, and pain. Let the dry.,leep. But, my friênda, lie not. decoived. There v11ii be thou.. sa»dB to-niglat Who wiIl not sleep as aul. Go up thmî dark alleyt andS b. cautiousr vhere yoa .treid, lest vou faIt over the- CSondoorstepi.. LSôo îus yen, ]est you feol te garmter's bugLook tbrouigh the broken wndov pau., snd mse what you.1 eau se*<. You amyp,,No4- thinx. "Thon listen.'Wbati l s ? "God belp uslt" No fbooligita, butI tragedy ghuaier aud migItîler tiasa * Ristori or Edwin Booth ever enacqeS. No light, no ire, nu bread, no hope. Shivering lil.thecoldi, they Lb avebd no lood for twenty-four heurs. . ou samy, 'Why doui't they bug?"1 They do bt lhey gos nMothlng. You a"y, 1wy * II do'.lby deliver theumasies over to lte lmshouse ?" Ah! yen vould- net ask thait il you ever hetr lte 'bitter * cry of a Éian or g, chlld vhen id ho b muet go to the almmhouse "Oh *1 ',you$amv, "lb.h arelb Viclous ooand, therefore, lhey d e -i e nn ur syinpathv." Are they 1'lcioeuW So much more need they your .iaty. The Christiaü poor, Qeod be"st&emu. Througlî their nght there- twfnls thé round, nrry star et hope and tbaough Slip brokeai wiudow-pane tey Sm -the crystals of beaven; but tbe vicions. pour, they are more lo bepiLleeS.-- Their lis li - th" gne out. .Yen excuon your, aof rom elping theiniby'say u.tbey ameno bad, they broueht hiaro'ble un Ihemmelves., 1 reply, whee I gi. ton praers for the iinnocent who ae M*u&ir- 1 *111 iigivo twenty prayeraibr the o111117 who are suflerung. The aber- amax, viten he mue a veasel dashlmg halo Mite breakers, cornes out frein hii but adwra s theb. arrues flmiola aenud -h ,UUT kWho vS d u m aie-,y edilo s roind prlc .Thils dmt % ursbut the book- r e guwlmOuuf dtht 'religions yacks ,là= n bL tk wOI*3, mesiotri "d admais ofthe.stage ilbel,~ t~*~ddqI~ mi.ouY owia ievuhada pI up the im ts. Mame 1h.e ,use. <qnmtanmp U ~ Uti POM0i itte h:0 ~ lt _ula h eld as hlh ligures..Frank du fmS a apdm. dh b a heBtoaf f a â hewV W eout of P14 rc~ r uw è w. hai h dut A o illa MW- »à t mv A i YmafeeAaaw. 1.W Me ou<Out e "iieWga1M& m h ig rés o pot k ~~are r mçt flusCte.. or-bof ore The old lb. aigas vq. I Mibmi r" Yi. II Both LeÉdton and refe rsns fat la W . lé;W. le Par». a bogaLra mat ic ly at u es t c b*~ ti laOw eICkIleulgev'Bi. laid u awtm1 e am le b.f-ty rit6d b -arg ino eonS t 9o uaot,4Enairbofuakngback. kodwia sntores h. ISgo toatedI often g sre.e So o heth Urne WY.1 ai 0, hi%4'a M alMaaWMlbm thwpulsh oer' p lao.the eylof the ciasek a pei. dnt '- hi. sicbSwd'", Adverti. ettnr. Jefral -ri e b.;iotheu ire i t1rmebrDO Mbi btheqistndi be krh.f.Toelrge b . gQ , th c . I WIa s ho IUOd W I 6-1 l a Si. ot , IiYSd kems o a, tabo a bu allek r t baserabre utmv lm u i. rdiforltào,ÎaJl o.Ihir aas al M a"etliesoo rc ice O 1tijs? aebr, 1 Ibaud, ? e a h_I.chlde's hpbutdhert enI At tee ut h" oueéofa mgalIhete sas luesvi ted hat hope aband-MboAk aces dis- md hbuid "M. a q In". b" f- wikdpse n U rluws t e repta lmeakiCUU fo tia a..u 0rD UIDd o th-Yorkt Acr ase. s of Ibujide ofema e - thersU ofsituucfame s sa 111,Vvut u et i fmmuu ake that gamb ing tpn lm , stré on it th u6& &"nov -lbMarne cap ý A.i oaint 1lomhids S T oe profceissIon apre Iusron prisacl MI vaS m et~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r petai b du.0fw. o,1h termfav boe"Thn Wepnee aed, arenolbh &U dae aad m a fter t0f a obua a ous. u Ui ined bis vif.,an sab!,'iWIL mrmen im b i uen, 1- UP n he bMof sithen dthI edthat none." 6 uld;u 0 ç Tc h orn ca ric -Bonf. Jnput.o aa i i> e l%. P e ru the jr y eb. avu.e m m i a, aJi lieo <o0 at do rtsofa awgMMoer , Am t~ et"hO. or mal, mmd 'R lu. Ie eSd o é"iýl.à u too wuoSarno und vi tbb wtsudhen old do better..- 1" ti.. h*mg areLusXI -àileirseeemq vr inthe wod mow i ou ht l o iteut o oltnomy ohe a abo t hle a n ois u,of ds 'MolL4 e lbasI ooldd utr t Muoa,900 'va aem» eirgies lh al. iuehosvbef yhen enIatsni bcuildlet Uphe s dtbep;hycur.yo bl e1b0Maie ouola b M obii.Yaklig: leerludbmy -ro"m. rthsoi eec'ud liLm. . "lsas"me lb."ep ofanter. nal oknl dw dp~e «Thas Dl&l handVLlly n e l.ou laoteu lhoMe' ki«j . sucato ro -n te.deeo oint e bi s u st l 0lb as ru Ibiù Digo i. «b 4-i Meca» d blt& ,,frs ud e- md lb.. euvh movô aroen-p u aad as en itt.Is ÂTIaPUUIsw . 01410oh otrammhr.8. capvntg soe ud p t o ýuiag ar lng upacesounlal de r byste& Id br wu hm 5 ua y bli bs l ke . u aas of srin, aboteuin t , w oo boa theS ter h er--heh. MMer.»" Im lï r sa6vr-ol. Yho, l~ u.Iw umMh îhrugl~.Thty aasyou mno! n qau asIbsWBs W«kamstesoi, cre, ae Ld b. otihsTe u dfAi psf daMacofare 011f Y OW&c luxiiol ~ 0M orse m an, 1h. loummiuie bsh.5bi- Liu Ieu vas n l kv eauisIt miac tide t h.wat IIve " " m-( To v* tad y omli cmvt p ricîhed gierutrlb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ si. er hlch.s tire1ofuy ha ee VnohS" le lr baL eu l m-sal." trIusty *mwnt orpbe atai! u beuo - h Chtemn I trS ' - young ay evoa ruoodn hue . muid,* mv lem cry . 'vsu [Oltprrla t*11h ss W letoagablugjaontt itbs - ï SipbbyUo l.5Ii IlS 51 m me, t h Ip.Il mky 4p ý maer nth bue tbibêas ouni, ine Z w m tsud @hs udd, hs hob. afnwml«a, ?oein soixblofd va ahed trakinutfuor O W " vou14 otb ba UNI. avm gfTs r a Mie "el fo a e XM ,oýAUte gir wre7r byos lbaet ld li.* comn acles r und iuîg chueS et bl oss , a ave. boduadl t overroadi 1k.ok -__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ cardketo heagY eyuorei -Haétmd ore1 tr, but aI unh't. mm be L u *a. mge stheblminuete aieS vuleS è ? mercy la lb. ndhwaymauaya se raeleo who sbou * b. sui h w elt, lwett ir nd hre« , d aéLotibeusîle oe ltroug besof eurluaïseteMMb _ 1___d i;ê, = . ybe e om M "a"am meruy lu li. iturr, lisIhatWshbai fe COMPand 'b", I i. tru.w w- 12*2 ibn J. Rd& 0 !Épie e= Lmr6 se fow n ý,90 t6,-b.est.,od'«s of the Uowing well known, nàaken: Lnbi, Seely, Baldwin, Atisso., Ricisseker, Bourjois, Grosmith & Son, Rimurell, Colgate, Roger & Gallet, Pinaud, Crown Perfurne Co. W. aWmoW i~v MIht .4of11,fr, Tooth, Nail and Sua, ing Brushea, ud*a. generi l eoth.ofToilht articles suitable for Holiday -gifts, qfD CRECÔIt'S DRUC STORE CoîriÙ£p and. Wi,,liam Strects, Lindsay* ÉXMMEIBÉR bPARLIAM[NI T REU BEN lESIRUAX pe.5so %.Maame Usa,' ... ....... mo hooooeis by *"h wu6ab Ma I rUm WIR Wb" yNioda lu fa "pèUNis kw are xia.y -am lerangl #q1ply etmeaf»f iotmaS aum"wd. mi« a at ii. l ma àas.the sommb 10 0o*l jmulmlydigosed, mal Chrmais n&I - 'Dyiql" M,- " xwwn atAmIlea midme b. ut h~geainm mml»yposl, e.abuid à. §Mtsale teml s lisado aMi abd am EpuIbuib lUi lise"vhe - s'.Ilme y=es em