spwiouduthe d<J. a Piano Madetie Mbol ýlw eau>' xtest.Oftulïk agheRrd *tItis lustru.et 4» cflrn'it detect A"I difeIIrenco Ù. AifuI irsciané il" cn edauatod dowi ad a as Au artist, or a comptentPt& mat1, for that matter, cnu I am atey îatvr pimnowas teso i j "But 1 bnve a written guate thi thia instrum ent would lastt for kfeyea and deyou am o eltha 4 ta vi eut aIrl-adv ? .-To ia1i»Iitentft and. Il %t*U od as, nov sud vii Iteiabrem Où as long as yourguaraatebodo g and longer. But ktlias lest t.o*inm toue nevertheleus, aithougl r4 ba woudbe>erepîbleoue>t.alieduci ed -ar. ianos arm ad o luta t tiame i ad for ordliaryuses good ont «o but for artistlc purposes t&êylm bust ive or six mouàths, as -I have sait No first-clasa pilaistvoulgive a p.i récital on auboldIustraiit, norvilii & arîlt urne ahniod piano eveu for prac lice. Wheln Paderewaki v wu 4 ti country, lho used a nov practico every, menti Ile Ho éven an sar as oducated es bis v»ui ]ose Its âine perception of t1006If ho g<. custorned It to the graduai -changesd tha lime Anad usage effitt in a piano "The est for toule la sucli a very o cate senoe that l cau * bo .deteÀ4oeatm lithont the knowledre of fias poseiua Customs exerts a powerful influenée il the matter. To eniploy a f amillar ill1us tration, you bave obietrved that those fz ai ntercourseWli lbhei& ailitc muri an> matorlal'change__for veeau aI a lime. But lb. changes have takoe place nev«ertios sud &M plainty u< tîceablo btOutiders. "I loi tasty 00 vIt llpanS. -Those Who pi Z upon them 'every day lil t mark t 11 graduai fallung off ha tkeïr tone tsaI lime-effeets. Tie detoriora- tion bas laken place tu suckh iporceMt iblo degrees t thle ear hm asd e dlstlngtilsh . .1Hélico a piano ô or .( yeas ldleassalsactory 1to te ordha- ary P laver as k vau wheu hM lires bo"eîfiand h vas nov. "ianos are at bett but imperfeot Wn :strumnts,",continuaitlthe deuler. "Thse chamois akin Tna tha t cover thie hara. suers in thse idile octaves *M-rom dovni soolier thani those in _thée upper and lower, because tsev arm brought t.al Play of lenor, and 'an unoreusu. ef lotie in, the Instrument emuits. aven the sorndlng board vears -out lus Usu., T he constant vibrations of oeusa4 te whieh itisla ubjected cause a dWsa«M. linof parliclos in the Wood 0 ÈvUrldii lI mon ar tgIlbocomea po ,1 hg ils r 4ount qnaity. Syou seCWg 1whenlfler ybu $10or your:laWrî nient amn making you a Ikir bld, especly lingentakis «nii il for 8200 or more to recoimeins me for my pins.-Nev York §u, àA %aTjitsn, b% o .4 4 -I it- muio mrnsse istualy atmend- vois à ' i.,and à@ it a ofhtslunch, and usually mmuued in a loose, omfortablee liglil volgh&flnnjthe foot test. mli (mot or? lbth esu fecons m abesa, hi.scircuulton unlmpe. that h 1ke1.U herves Wi t Us i1-tm . -t~de ietabhomne rb 104 .rbbn l~éfe tise h iouho knokd ubova as a y laon and frotoiu, tSm Tise argamerAs used b> thoso wilo G oppose voiaa là otrance4. public lire *are n Ihese daya umuail>based on the 1lime UsaS veinasis t6e »uCreol, ler la- htenoé tspure and pa'elous to ha *frfttered avay- In tise sordid quatrels 1andm eau ambitionse ostaliod b Parti' ~ tha ber resouo baseveï theiAPMot<bh asà-Meud.tisaI the u, io vi» h viseandud hst tIsaI pseusths auyetOfils wvonuood astý" la ntue<fIs mothers. 1: la îrocisely b lss a. Ibotve ifs thea trsfth oftiisarumet. 0-14 1moblt*in tisaI tbUér ôman et, &Jk,Q40 affile 'lt bOZ1Ué er any, priroga-4 tir.- e Wsto "# fr oleny disabfilie - by raanet ber a«, bt9ê-s e.. bfli- p abAr w-t4at tai 0 b. AMothur n .hé i in lit., but frnat $sa$s-sbs tires end aItishe gardon ga & 04he arels cshf«e b s.zAlus ay I vdialb id tesdUe d Imainlar hasthIi 4 a ô moe e Ian susae -Us'flo to undeasmla b. th e nesla i.n edso precilon,. sud yM*hwh isdu~ 0 &~~Preusevve W 6ter "m enfssnp 'The m ice ef 1oa,,kv Lady' *Ienrvoeué,l 0 mer sles eO tr ýw-thoulfoa MYMQUOsO L s wstianii la self "Ononsenue, Dicis I you, haint "Yeu 1 have-footbsîî. "But thaï iss't a 'rofe i donat I s og te b . . "et Tise fallb vIsicischildren have in Ibir, patenita .Isanol orson btter Illumtéd Ihan b y a story visicis vas bld receusU> by a fond relative of au aimoot pro- cmolous bo. -Héls about 8a r8O ffe su»d bis fond =mm& sathosght Sial 1 vas about -lUme 1h55a se1 inmpemsd 11upon 1hlm his Infatil mid.orne one of . lita leas ine 1 CmritmnZ. -TiîstoktIse fot ait g~Verv Ite neepueod vIsile tsos) happ1%Oed bMf4u'r? sfter :biL Il néd by me h^t tIse- W lb. bouseivas absent <tushome aÏ amen g tie petititons fer speclal bIes) sN home." Wlt a te w un be Sevfflaletothe b&aoaugo1 a 8-year-old bo and &,Preoeo uea tha. asSz obelatm lUP sumi S soIt Ti er e » emrepuu t"bat nighi.Brooslyn a le Thse 14Lga k . noM .g bair st «M rie yn siu télIM fer 0 "reyly tbioI xe, >ajthe * tonU perms< isaf he ltass, a V 0» bel eeasothur fil they1k I 5~ s dI DSw m m d J v d , su once tomh a ~ It ~ ~ . *~~~~~~ tes lO h oaonl>gstrange ~ * jeal<>uy et thens vbch Do tomeeÎ# ' thonsî eu I< l " elc ite would so d W ly dis-' Irut cônidOaLp Dames ssthe nobles'Sus Wa mousdo lanbusiness, aadgradually would onges ~~ ony ý2ýýtb6 lis, -U" - UDe 1hdeedout at ý oPi sIcnie especially hon« wlr- j: ite Able ivet Wé.arenet Joklgla dmtisew lusat, or v n ht wul e partiçD. trilsr 5 isrly foolish str. The maintenanceet ofpii poor relations dooa ctuallvnrendou tisrtu, s.eo~u and Iesvlly on mose royal a>dbsriuées, Ida&tJreame 15 canars luthe nat uesdêvn hir vSrfrom instriver, lIr Win bave te is eegv&îhofmot n yuem?1 rIatingM'cm00acres visich fra a dr *0 mer wittnom systo aofareuait the Contrai a - droilg tbeeUtuW@. TIse royalties .o s1%ad oaîndin 0 ie Of «"ao nt actuadllv dowtWibrones onetjasugcle ostrok ny wil, vo are ce uvinced, vithin thirly vis dr. I uL b ioOf ot yýeaa's ho d1sesebllsb., 'and wv on. lirr -> erote 10 eme leu te a curiouîy tomes the aforfo that miMeore D com M painful procels viiltake. IWith our jtotlsdveoat ccou 'rt 0stise princes a noble Mil aterse eti but uuPùad cste 1k. the descendent. es ut o tsis ot ýodAcou% air vitii Uey oeeaHv. sts aais ou acchfil ow iet atieI burg taken ile pargnershlp by the on ê* b 1e uchvbo.Tee l Rotlwihlds, or a descendent of Gejorge la.ýgsI vne W todluhditrThea 0o TI.seI ltes as &bacriser oran l stdfo »eas." oculit ? T ers les a- royalîy@-a real 1 oc 5 . - te pod ,a e one too-whe cures peoplie soe s e e rs eluloa Yoimno. Ie ii fot i se no;spes snlass pror thatlong nKbas and Nbatolvea bneiw ori PS 1 rlouly;iso scial Ma5e 'The.val»s et iriatini prîvlleres vhuis accompnYa deseent màfl otrudrtio nola froin kigs Mau, Fithln one more t"a vben tIse California expérîmeul gonersueon, bo pouflnait! omehowlo a J u.'rIThe ý si la ~ thinnor sand strighter lin.-The Spoc sustam iepbfleIsid are nearr t exhaustod. 80 iu n a ver> fw ev!aiulsisnlteemenai- HOpin o.arid regan Dmiuse 1001h mondai- thoe -atAmerkaDsr"b5 m dsof dillses, v*elle, vlnduàlll c-* & I _wiibe!udg 101 snd urss- Parishionet -Doua'î vou consider lbot- Un7g oAl cvii, Parunp ualbo CHIEFLY A. LOAFING.PLACL. The EIîbwmt'C ~NtPrimart 1 U.d fer luuai IP'Vl.t lzglhuo,1k nglîsis mon, possous a talent foreujoink the adran- .2es and conioràf aclub lit iuir Aler«ms iatr know notbing abont, msys tIse NovYork e veniîsg sursAi, Kaagllalwmoua c lub la irai of ail a cota- veulence. a omotIIaluhxnrv an onsin in I îv&?ssppin oeerd ga4pOff u j~" lliemso.is0 1r f "lise llpt sior semshlla my m alm, ure. mto au"e iuMOUft 1005fl te pm~~ remm s prteet1 boîtr w lWm be butsareulalu - *m,-,~a.- auu~. C ~4VIIU idos paru la B4 4»o0iaý 7*"psaMEI Qutor OIL çm"t*b»o s M Utr.Y >e u m by 16 p~ut uiim orCurd, a la lewudfltu.ny Ib. h.d. W gUIat. thsestomacIh hedliymmdmaturai sleep. Cas. Castra Ouctorlasu.well adal*cd to ehl!drem .sM twrma.me.d igaaaupriortonyprmipa IL A. Âacuma, IL D.9 Ili fSo. Oxford st., Lrooàclyn, y. «' Our ph7uLalu kth*e chuIdreu*àgdepueg -Mot have usoürea higbty of thelr erpS&i enoe in bLe ? ouoseepract!ce wvith C--.oria. *"d £Mithofl-h we cul-have amont 0Mr rnedioeI ".'!« vht is known a &3 ", ar PrudimtN4 Y« es v=e f rea Lu confess Lbm unh meo!tg of (aaïh» .woal nt S a twwoupouiL" it oo'wt t'OTf CLCL0001 la~ «Pbkbuflposm tram&* u.o Ibo, oah pu r a, ? Xumy Sfrbý.New York Sa.. ioyur Pohritmas presents go to HIGINBOTHA&['S, where you will fand si firet. claassorted stock suitable for présents. You will find na trouble -inaming. a ohoice, as the stock is larg and prices low. DBRUGISTORE. k Golen (3han Altag eleesten u t Clay mored "P au r sall, good-vui te mea.,, la soolm OUr Ch"istma promt. do am ferget abt Vo hbave ilh. largeué amihast loe" et weory u iii, esoya, sma tisai m *és Pomme,« bat *U ste uMr ltai freuxinov amU Use ui .1tisy~ jearvvini fot stiu& maRg Ne 0 o u saor iildeobotter faepsutisa o ilL Remimber oui pluo. th e* lr oie "e uEShISeJ. PETI, tougwer. lthe -WÂRDFJB air Papoeinth s RE f30. ý0w