TmI PARICOS, V*O- s.-.'. G!orld Chus t 4 1rhtur. fasthse Esotte Jérualem." Tise.Wise men veo obe the o-elled Pire vorsblW foatd tbelh de.cendauIaIUle & OCetber. 'T'hek r heathefti«M l mm tolrablo naùy f d.rm afftons, as u morseà*bi.9 1 bave, alreadyshovu you MOe-08 forme f hethedsu, odaY 1[611W Ylu 1 tise least offensive. fie f ise ParmsawuaZoue ster of Peris. -Hie vaup.adpl osoplier, mal, reformer, as wÉIas y- liglonlal.. Hie disciples thrivedIat Ore in Persia, but under Méhaaumd" np- mecutlis Gbhey retreatsd te IUWa4, Vhiff i mot tke kasd tu -addbItkWbat gm ÎÈ bem ai theà mr-tml Bombay, i, I hsfid Gw w&$of sus- dlation with oue of the mosl learned ad1 genialiof their people on sbip-board frai Bombay to'BrfndIia The Bible,.t the Parues or ire-i jahi 'ets, as îhey an e luaSGY =1 ed.3 * th. udvsa 91ee5 the stassugest books:tisat ever c»Absu itte1 uny bands. There .von eorsglnaliy twenty-one volumes, but Alexander the Great, in adcrmikeui iý ttre t0a -Palace which contained somiaof Ue, à"d huy vent luGe ashes sud frwgefcl-1 IMMu. But tiser. are more of their acred volumes 1.11 thanmast people vould have patiensce Go read. Tisere are msny Ihings ln the religion of Gise Par- msmstisaI uggest Ohristianity, ands of Is doctrines are lu seCOM itGSOur ovu religIon. 'Zoroaster, wbo ived about ,400 yearsbefO rê Iula, vWU good mas Ufrred persecutlea for bis 7aGbradivwas-aéassinated Whitever-. sbipping at an altar. He annouised Gthe îhéory "Hc id but wvise 18Pure Of, huart tM snd Ihat tiseru -ameGwo great a lil uthe wvrid, Ormuzd e',Gs s Spirit, and. Ahrimnan; the bai selit, aud tisaI ailtvise doright are under Ithe inhlence of Onnuzd itid ail vho do vrong are under !'hrman; that Gb. parsee must b. bons on the gveund ser of1hhe ouae, and musI b. burled from the ground fluor;».tisaIltse dylug man must have jprayers said over hlm and a. sacred . jilc given him o drink; that the goodn ahii .1~deceau go jute eternal ligist, and the boal Go eternal dark ness; tbat hàvag pased out of this li te th. soul lingers near tbhe corpse Ihree days iun£aaParadtsalc stteioying mretissuait thse nations of tihe arth puttgtsu ol enjoy, or ini a PandemonisesMate suer- lag imore thisal -tise siUUspt le. gether could posibly su&et, but thes end of three dajys departing for it inla dostiuy; suad' aI th iser. em ruciou of the body. They are mme aruful.thai sany- ther poaelu&bout their ablution%, and they waksand tsis aadvash. Thyry ge't % t4fin5g physica iamdtb aw- rr te àee a slck Pases. TILOY do uot mmokn: lobacco, lor Iis.y consider tisat a mis.. ot fine. At tise cloge of mOrlal lift tsemai appears aItishe Bridge Ohmn- vat, viser.a an',lgel r ies an ves- gieuslise soul about tetogs, and words, snd doeAs of Its eartbl uMate. ]Nothlng, however, 1e More intense in thse Pare faitS istb te " tsat tbe de&d:body Is impure. A %eVil is. 1mpesd o laku pouse.&sioof hef bdead bdy.Atil vho touaàit ilane unleau *i ience the struge 1ule t obe- nies. But bure I muet MgIv,!e lise, or queÏnstio- nsud suivisfrein one Of tise Panse.calûechlsuas: Qâeston-Who t is e IIoULforGiUte eau iâi.lie vord? Ânswer-..OReWhso la Lb.eInoa 111D- Queston-Who 18 tise mest Innocent mn istluGb. ved? Answer--I h w aîks ln tise path of God aud shuns thal of the devil. Qitetion-WVhlch latthe aabof oC a, sud vhich Ihat of -the devil P Ânsver . VrtUO tg the pals of 6.4, sud vice tisat of lisedentl. ~uéstîon-.Wisat. coustGilus vrs visat vice ? usver-GOOd thoughtS, 9100d vr &"d good deedu conaittle vIrtulet n 60 i bough4~ evîl Vorda, and evil deeds ousttute vice.. * Qâestionl- WhËà constitutu good tbouwg. r, omdvends. and r- d duAs. 1ssstbe b~u"s~5 tbey are tie pIeasýbwa m 1 %m met. Then ütrut *5*Wo s nnl iîli se 'Bwdoms tiseni ascatlle, a dep sud gyims mnSt of he oi< This Pau".-on va - ,af w cen MM4cma$ambox ofKIdmep.lvu« PM pweo to mq @-go >n ea boom to ÏM4 am bmuma VUwliD rfocon6daMe bcose of deRcateSucntitution. Nbe lrxngcy-Lver PIR taken wely wIE ,hudlynetralm ethe formation of Uie x PaUlfyinO the Blood Mdiresoating the cml. CspecWinl the Sprin, one 25 cent ýis qual 10 $Io wàocth of any Sau.ifla ttmr hn«wn. Sold by ail dealers or by 1lonreceipt of pdoe, ID NA NS ON, RA TES *,45 Lombaéd 5difteoronto. ome im mom Io boue lbey are be5uhe. aTUIM W4 M lt ersU seaïei sud cher"oalde Gila t, r& t isnmg nOS sim dlsasotu Ibedmatraugeo swers remeved as anul suce, but Giey remain, sudwviii aio douil for ag"sieamal SI taIked VILS a learmdu&-Pame.about, Gbo maoruary CUa*MMM, ]h nid, I poppoueyeus onider ties.veYMpecu- han, bu tiseftact-lav. Psumn eyer-. ones Gthe elements et ua«ývý dcaunot emUMeut Go èdeeGh"I. eeec lise dr nsd GIsrefore viii net asIL Go :uF uttAead.W. revurence tise vaSe, sd do not aski IltGosubmergeI ou ed. W. reveresue the esnlis and viii aIl ai lt. b1wut wdesi. And Iq a lut tise vulturu Gaptissu sww.*" .condrused me inL the éory tsatise Parseffla Adon b. princilplo -'the deam mUàM8IM. NO Me '-mmi tsmch imeuh -s ,. .Tise carriers -et GMW i5TOutb et atlence" mut ot -PU&t Gisr bands on tise terini#ethGie departéd. They veargioves, lestms.mehâw lise sboulA be contaminat",.Wheu te .boaware to be remeýoIPod>-tGie sidus ofe tis over sud lmlth ie veil at the center, they are ouche' cetaeuily l>y to.ons the beupepple bueh ave very ducldeci theodi about Lb.: deme- cnscy of tise tonib. NÔ snob Ghsng as case a on, té5e ud. Philosopher au . l>orthé GueGsaud lis.destituto muast go hrougis the sanie '«Tovur eof Si. W,'lliedwn side by sai tisten occu hae thir boies dropped luGo rhe saie abysu, sud be carried but hreilgbGise saie canai, snd âf oavy on lise sanieses. No spionder of Necro- polis 14emtplnloget nansoleum., C,ppofdomus or obilis. Zooaslers "c i resulted ilu liseu "Towtvra of Silence., Me *aO*S àNaised you camse tu- e worMd, sud naked Y«n mut go As. I stoodet the d05B0(tsS day lu fi-on rrepasthe tiefuneraicuit of the, Pansue seemed horrible beyoud ompare, u yet thse dissolution of tise nua odby au1 mode lusvtwui, and Gise beaku of ue ov are probabiy n more repsilsive tissuLb. e rnis of tise WYoddvouring lb. uacred bisman torm lu cemeterles. Neli:g but Lb. Resur- eclon Day cum undo thSe avtul vork et deaiis, vbuîb.n Il nev bb put eut of #4lit bcuttllg spade or ftln vng. Ctrtu gbo~ n*"dl vo 0o"à vere lu the beart the et; andsv a buiîd- Ing ail a-flash vth lights sud nesound- ing vith. murry veluesi. It *48 a Par- se. weddlinglua abuildingj urected epecally for 91te imarr a uemy. We -came Go the door iaud o oso< e 1olu but atIbtire nnt purusîttud. Tbmey uqaw v ereot PabesSi ad tisat vo vune net even iativus.Se very politeIy thsey stod us ou tise ooer stops Ths.=emle of nuptials, Wàs clslefly occapliedb<LwomOflh, -ir ears ansd ukesandlitaua iasse ýof jewem or imitatiIon of je*els.. By,_Üaltoirne sud gusture, asivu lid no ùurnefet huir v'ocabulany, vo tolA t iselâs wo vere straugers snd ver. curilus' tosme li vhsat pruce'ssPansue voeusaiea. Qrsdually wv o vok"QoU w#,y nlid thse dosa. Tise buildin4g and tGisur- noundingsi er iumiuud by bundreds of candies là giases aui lanlten, la 1unique snd grotsu holdings. Cou- veftation rau b sud luter 1bulibled oven, asMdi vasg *y. h tiser. -vas a sound of an advancing .baud of music, but,ýthlb.o~trments for Gisethe mspart vere ita*e Goo Ur 1eau aM eyee. Leader ,oâdind eo vorth ie ouWsde -voeues, Ïsud-tb. vîid and stringedinstruments, iintil Gise pro- vcession isalted aI lise 40of thebtemple sud the bridégeonimounled tise iîePeP Tien thée-Mug Cease d-ud l tis ivo-Ces -'voýte ll.IbI.Tiemob« louise 1. brldegnuou, vith a plaîGur iii*dWdA eanr ous a" udartIls of emâlcUi*eD 0ed beram e id an es% « g 'flou se toek~mbe ef of porftsu E Vul 1. t aé 4rOn s" b u s K A a d ing éh iv»~ Me »gbu etrmLt ~~~~K».B TôOREN4 "lhsad_______________________ ~lgban*m te a S0S wi '- w~uw. wbw.usnw-ra,inluIla toiM ne b White vomuis ...d b. hgal(y uurrwu in Idla "ty j4ý mo t.s.r'ý lb. cubin budusf me ohouldr b& % aafl ~DM oii0( cotrast in. Bomsbay w. .xporlenced 1 tb. Temple of Silenos eGo e1= l E1lriylPromlb. hevuturo t t =ovs tFrein mousralng to i WGe Faon athering sbad&" G~mn to bymuch 0f ailour Ilie 9 upofsehoppmtes. 1. have s~eI 0h sanie oke ud read froîs Ila tbe marne ur, the liturgy of Lb..dead and the ceremony of espousals. Aàd se the tear meels lthe Muél, and M dove muets Lthe Voiture. i Thuui1 have net before voktWi.bea of mil the religions of thee heatheas worM, and I bave doue sin order tisat you; might corne te bigiser appreclsulont the. alolous relitIin *J& hai iG Cisnisumouma b. wciolars of the e denetauding, vilS C llam s nsed"Fiy fi baB. If ve be»le o«t of a bundrel li dousl b. a Thuses ineoaib 1Maedaniu iu FROnvu IN YOUN THROAT" bMdrd mm Bombainasmade sua voraas uanly es ~ ~ I oree a oer uryf s>zl ià mi oarticle i lu >- E NîoMNl T E odvalvr Ioulis vwoineaioreOlilver bal mosu O RV s~rZ4rI Two- mi ~dyoars mgo bsIr.1____ ~4rê4 a aleA tise buse.I 1ib%ecfl ue me fLouis, XIV. dL FvIl W#eu «mWO tstbroad ai lb. lop. vive tuts madeat Yps,laOR EGOR> DRUG STORE. utt o 1 coCe nos eevauo orer Kent snd William Street$. * gntlYfl~ l. hfrof ladies frein 1426 te 1 M. i An EgIab lady:' stategovu as, la ___________________________ ..PhlTIàrp fGeorg ie a cca. Bk tsbegan te 'supencedo tise old- 7- -style beaver on vool In 1820,ILA Casisa sort of- bonit. vre sn. vente by the Ducisea ef Bedford InLuM SHandkrhef scame dute noticeEXEI R P LIM N Ibetis rin u eIL Rersb.PhianthopRt. T md ue#~~ss.> él,( otL 0" lal havé bim 1»M KIPUNG'8 <1140ACT. It bas becme Lb. fashm to Ifl='ea~ iarppçs i ui im aLeverstrs Ipietheye0« bear or i griar~4 lsa4o bu teGobe' fndubut, amougor e i ln a lu tile sowhich jhadqulle o ctly. msrcmposed 1is dmftor r.eva *ri1uder aiiI admirdr of KiplIng~ s.b>r mto Kjpitts,,for criticisiM. i ** îd tefus-iu'.de fim from'OWý 506 gwi. Bu: bis .1 ~..f* .mknsr wa» t ct.wînt n N e-. ~ tri mon tha~n 40 yéars Jon B Ic é o (it sort.oC piaut¶ropy. Tiser. goin. narrow ie, purhape bigotry., o. roligiote.reed. but noiue wluil- ln bis praclice. Hoewva amans of iderabls attalnienle n ii lteraturn, ece, « a"su music. Above ail, ho a bor a dvenlurer, as bis vOY;iI ay ioctudnI- elee band tlhus a"pI*d ,0oO, sud hvig hlmwslto 0ollucLtisatmsm heep-lse- ,euedla tisa 'work durlisg elierai v'Cars, sud-after bis hus badb ,siO4i unai the5 total ad 1een rak .Dyfiu ilm 0, aIti"se o o67, he 1 fa rmwr ofiteady herulà iisd of r~u service .Go lm ilowmem wisich là almoaluuiqùe-- vassd 1. bma upî n. Asa au. »îy e uii t- Miam s Lsti, fmtthmfly sur .... . ..........ella S1«iL tie ê" , 0.-~-ul w-pr, ~ t tue et kes are in-aMy v a le a 60tU a e> asPply eiserv, force ' in oiteu. *mmd by âdnisised, sud éàas s emd thea£Do&ut m4be vu t".sai aSethse stomuacis usun* dIiiut, patlahy & dgetu, sund Oinrondu.&i ibIlsaion gSilo. ud Dyspepsasoon naie V"si vi t appeursie. a publie, BonuIAuerica N ruine leou ,Wh"é 1i pepsnea tisaI il -sois dinmtly ou the mes. Mr. anes. I viii sbolulcaly ete c0"* eIndigcstieu sud Dyspepus àlem miu ad sin m Q"seluepecilo fo as bUM 1 wmunusduse«SUAs ud "Umt$. a a Jrk« B- Uy gies ée in me Uday. df pam Itepewme -buîld mp the vhole 1IseIIcIWil,,ysysbmen revonderfl iuthse extreme. "a, eçd Il ou" es l cu, tise 3oun g sd th. m masU0.4léc4P1. Iî is agrest.friand te «à miWu* thed sud in. m Do net neglesî K masm to re is pncuaou boon ; if you de, *mêWPq jeu MAY nogisot thse only remedyl bW=t» wM*, wMi restons you te healtis. ami som Seuil ian ervlse in porieoUiy ,qým puib,sma vcry pleascutthé tis a Da. il MI >» Iab ies, do no flalto Use lhi aw .fflte v4 ti,%beosusu t ill iiput thée WMW m lm det freshusud besuîy upon m #& om lp snd inyeur.obsse,sud 'okl ydrive sy ypur ssbilitiis »s. W sbur, d N1ew IW ýlebm [indimis, writes: "ihav tsh a M004- oni. il C. i hUM a 1