MONE $2500E CASHI ràlires DU Om i aUi bAitE NuE a mbIî mA"s maies e FUmmcià"luii ils ~~ mylvrate. Tmc catel 40g'a s mitggmEs @"yiS .i,fb« te Ib mvsgofmldbql iia et Sw Ton bae Ib putIUll abalw ai o@ ai iireucciatas. De't prowirstao #.b m ge 'Four a»phcB Real Reaae Boughtand Sold on OomoeisiOfl. 8G1ENERAL INSLJRANOE AGENTS ýJ, H. SOO'THERAN, Bsnakb r and Broker, 91 KENT ST.. LIINDSAYs ONT. -CHRISTMAS N0VFLTriE8 1847 RogersBa" "Jlos. Rogers& os Table ari Pocket Cutl-rY. CARVERS i Sets and Cases. SCISSORS of aIl- kinda. SKATES.a ail pies. tiMrs. potts" C oId Handie Ians for fige per set. J. G. EDWARDS & 001 lupaiea t ho it geR.y ai»d i fieOfethme Aitvit. 050 ~LITTL.E SINGLE TAX WO1RKS The Land Qsn.stiOul,........ Pfoperty in Land-.. ....... Pro gresand Poverty......... Condition of Labar ...... protectionani Pro Trade-.. 50C 20C 20C 35C 300 soc 050. A. LITTLEPO Book-Mud StatioYSotysore.- OpSta e ool OSas. dam* isLâmq Ua àv. Eau. la. S wU Ik ;~.ggoan LOCAL JO'rrLN 0& emiA a,, *WDR*A Pum.- onmmal »Nmh lu bu~~f bu -sas mmfl d: m i am i idi JasuabiL, Ula but iohm m' SA LBs ...... ...1 ogre AB ?U"l àit161Va du 8 74Limoa m b* .u.l. Lais.'-0 a m M.8 sise lm *V» Lie WaaegOWfcliha . »1.a. Bgaof the M1.11 w V0LENNAN Aà cool Guma mien, Bcvelvc The Celebrated SCRANTON OOL Derod at Lovout Prm at MoL3NN&N 8c Go.'l Kuvdloi&484MitifuaNeuWb A. ~ A g.....eli................"0e Oalul GIcas.. .............1 « tea ...... .... .. . ... . -icit -orvc..T..e..... .....t1.u niella li T Pot&a............8me R l oai . ..... 20 N»W mvNo..9O Co lec.....lJ F.8 VanCAMP'S TM U» FtOmilua ui Md W dai Tu, Tam ?C*,AL-BeS.Jal Hgulu r m . T V 0..mliam Md rhila«. .Iuii 8.1J-aat. tvteg IUs uMWl of tIc riuâ è" mmm emaib k Tt»k sde? KhlIl t h*aze Idma v«we o I v i Hugbum &Oý!y - it L.m, Nsiso"? el .ir. ei eted" OL. N. M Otthuiv diotud et M ose 0 e . ety ém Wmy, -joba q. ýbmol S. Li, eI et 1"prominais i*m mut. hlct tic*9oqi 1toi8. 'a u mali u a t w m. eq u Ibet" mml il tmm l 0 up e IbM&mii tie rim 03%ii Blutsamis et b osmn.~' Obat ut*bf e II..uIm.m Sa ~ ~ br almalauas7 m- Msld etiatalmSih 5dmhf.usculmlmusmala. pi. ammgl. ewmiupg ose..c vo i.~1his amb 400s* S"tes I- h. - . bwPh 1 '1 d iim oué.," MW.q h. h o ImmlS a Matv heai le à mhdue vu l thm 116%67. NewM un ix1mW liMen.,t itan. me""Ot' . huildaS OMun e t V&aUDIm dhttudomm.-IP im Newila-tu tmh» eoMpumi ie VillEs. sIam.-144ff 7M ditdw Cm ausamai mélfbtiewpeW setodmen mi sItuav. amaauhset baluOsebondt tmsut *y.94M wea oek&v les hmeas a i uiâm abamIul m bu If& ias. r. *Ou.uamN. M8yTk tm, à Tipamtlam-te vithoat deuil ibm misi si Hi 1dmbel, O9yPms Of&.bu si-s tor lonug hum mil l eeblm; i.1k botima es ibis .eo«ie eysaiS fs .memi lte amim aIa ne Vc CaeeeN-rl Nath i VotamIa libeval oemwvtveo aw tua. is nu Udmmy le ebàakli iavi, bumy abatons eou, oMdt lli sop a i mimyiv Mdaa HIL, leit i iasesi mi LacVittlil lI smil trrouisT. neomlUa n likgi.Cas almgtes"dsoi W , end emwu4 sta st a Aqyls. idos, Poate a& ia. eimil, Vweod& Lad mai Came.. iU ul Cae em loferaMi. Eataashg Ibm mIa VUS mai. mysoha Mammon&a sc. loba Heu . N. Cie e VOilai. mIraiet mmuaiBon, Ho. bs F Vapd emdaisert au Rushes, meabet tferidm lii.. mii dire us imu. u .ppautuul Wàii iih fu e isolsià t*mis etMIc6.0419bsaimmm Kik.l.t Ial l.mmmImm! omM mde. pt etyfd todeu O u esa, H Ctoi!?.boven, Fsb"a T»s gourume Axao.-bmti valla matitul s seis ls lieu*a eoaremia u t ..olalm u i regela lin tey malms mluj« ma Msa ehvultlm om tfly la b my mutlse% 1 niaduemo uefyh$mutbar0«W. ient endimar»tbaail§Atmlygli. moumi hmssivatai;Is anailu*pu mlet-*$ cilpujesapm te.1 i»m a msiIou*l prcuebaomisals mabumil m.oI"Md mui. uimilt a, ll.humm.bsodiatend msiomtlUti. ciciaatSlfhaI".4 M"mie mue autioefor beam. Md la 01130% Malar desIs'y. PotM m.hdhMdmuasii uImm1 Ov" musimh l su im Asmde a.velepomi! faumi.eua le ric.lIseat0& am proliblà%ciabous. Ilw «Il ai5s.Fou Il BItm Im d jo« olit tul ias ,es gvolabe lime b e stlim1 yers. il vi in lIbmmmlvma si ps s u sMW 0Isauorae;. aIsails1 te rtrladm-lofmKii A Iii lv b. * id i om oie@% amuule dm. hum *O bO j @ahlhaa,8 10um,07 NY te adi u130210s01ki5~J ~5 keu u Rb a k, u !"!!» "à Jeii w fftéme" Moese wu ibb la fil t.imi.y. h .* a ba M Ume usalii -8 pli a Briglu us4". et .1,1 Anum~ Iks i-I bu.dIus a cMl*<Imh ImbMu cmslmlIS Tb .~là .am. Ur e S laamy usuw ss' amu buO bmut Mao lmS formin* &P go mebu lu. imm»mte u lt a TS*dm 4 Im-Tmm mi * s hS oimohusin ubuib Il6m iinbmtalc, nleehh sI 11,kw h u*" arico k»» fasSi u amwbez. atua i W" dm eikmu lmtu bmwtgnf luotut ih»mun-et.Im pvalui et am. amW la lao. wcaat b mIm h squ*as tbsyt led ut hes.m"ais mgt tr1, et *0ibout"auveto ouIlsTer iso let »«. Ibiatabs t ai 1 ta1nos "a u Oma80M h W$ Athie ilee M %bu t * busme t. f efau hbo bfee. mIàsSpli and th lm buefe irom s ls - e S m v uww t am sIft cu é»amioboumenlhy ieul met Dr. TSbP. ett 'um Ml um là 190 dcée ou &u. N. Mss uà" M&-m iwuuLldAà-a î ". p'et mi. Tribu bds anW vua vil n setDL. P. BrI<a m»"Ulsumie ammy b mb.d dolaimilé th" %e pwna boa b eglgethemh -isabtu I .Où . wcualum aib.vets puuy ,mm Ii*mt mae bcv aihm»lI.r-Km wu elsm6iuhns . eau b" a. !dl tMu5 b v ulefl *ma ma h bm 1 1 Pd@ tb"te 9 bihtbudeismtbn *.ààm 1. m. i4r.r oe i4v.."BM"e te l» hSu Pa :, yamololeiau mPM aI gu% - a bu 4 t u hm vio a bisbi ih.or «wmiles1i hm 9 lomaIm a Ys, Es Ibau t i.l leei haw h ommpemil al Î.ma&uitb au""ly uae. wbmu. P vos P" ;ïîmpav &MÏM s.stomaltI m' t uta of D brtblag. w I.yi . 01020110010119 . mo M. " bu bise m 1 mmupet Nek t .M 410mibau.«M làa là ---ihe -L-Joe"1 dl .'thIa.v l. feraithé istol 00 M& se. mItpisedtoylM *m*l am b a W.< 05 VhhINS caIboà mbe"a ftwy. :~ lds ~eu .1Dr Milâm o*la o 'Wu bavie omu.aoed asi wtJ.~u .e ofaIl Mr .vy Winter Goodo, as VOale, Wso.eflod b oclou ho Mujhem oa f mk or u reN ew 8pemg Goudo, and for resi bargains- w.e ou i. l n ye B , jv.r tbiag mua g, regardimeof pubs. 'W . have & fine rong & of~ ~~~& DeuGoawihs mari.d i Pueus hat surrse the olosest bayer., MÂNTLBS ab leu tihan bfpiosem a. MauM gol> Meantie (Jloths-- 12 hufr75em, 880its BLOVES ANO HOSIERYR O VERO OAT8. ýFURSI 8«o ur 15c -Glovos, roglar ,;- -e aur 25c. CGoves, regu- let « e Oour xgc. Mens, regilar 35c.; se aur 65c. Men's Kids, rogulat #Z.5aId *1 .25. Anything vs have Icft in tbem aI nearly balf-pr'ce. A Boy'le$5,00 Coat for 82.75.; a Boyles 4.oo Coat for Sa.a5.. W. have yet a range of Men's Uisters. S ée them. W. have gttill a fid a tanOof Caps ini Beaver, Nutria, Dog"id and Persian Lamb, which vo, gieyou at ja*oice prcS. Bimoe ont tlsaundered Shirts, &Il sises, 8 for $1 0,régular 70o shirt.- Do not miss this sale as we intend oleeringoul il gooda regardisu of pdie.Thus i. genuine. *Compare our prices before you buy. N lod rbbiuh toop"Jm off ex you. Kverythinag nov and freeli P.MATHUR & o. oU.c.t Pnt0410 mai umismas g Ibm ValamIla mIsses tain! eut Ishal UM 01 y.te. ad. mac UPA vl etth abaObq bt. WM b UAd M Caa mie dv1 tSa 84u0&* wwt yar c bm nar.mmneNII a b isami 4t M Mlit Mmiom, Ha mdm h le Bata4 amiOf et, atml bcsWly.T AnomIcWomen ,ith paie or sallo* complexions, or, sullerng from skia eruptions or serofuloiuslblood,willl find quick relief in scott's Euîulsion. Al of.the stages of EmaClaîloi, 4and a o f . o h e a l t h , a e aesaway the pale, baggad MI that cores with General Debility. It enriches the blood, stiuulatCS the appetite, creates healthy flash and brings back strength and Mraild FRER. h&Ucé.,SOiiAlDiiM etsea.SO Baby Wants Rte Martin's Cardinal Food inmequalled bynyotbCfPmtim ofitskin& .The. leot food ndhhelst VOlu, put up in om e u" Tii.> prias 25 cI.. pet Tin. .Sdd RefAit y aiDru is ùand ictieT WATSON A&0cm. pusocenmt LINDSAY. Ypbu0008and OMlgsi t pMusqcw U «Melm fatO HARDMOUTHED HORSES AND81 PULLERS COUTROLLE WITH ABSOLUTE EASES RUNAWAYS IMPOSSIBLE0, nw . miatem . l u uà mt whouuands Who have purchaaed B3RtTT'S AUTOMATIO SAFETY B ITe emmmAii y hbu»h lSa e wiu, and iic1d be driveui Oum VUM.l~is m8 e laam iM cbidren diive o oseS sSad for ifutrated pamphlet contaHing testi' mou %&Lmoulaisf rom anl parts of the wold, mdd eairnes -Mmalcnd4about the BRITT AUTO RATIO sAJET?]BIT sMd mii butharnleaandhulaife po-er la «mbdulug the moM VlotM bri Md ooutroDug the met tubor piulers 3nc1 wvl bar' eulimlmdoated -, usdand Qc(,ld by the Society foût Iamýt crieur t A»iuuum e 4ltg&s UIOi DR., g. PolRTT 37 COLLECE PLACE, NEW YORK-~ FOR AE OEP OnefistoaPt New iloicOo W.b W-,,LOGANY Deale in iano% CioanKnt S.est, LÀcins, LoTINO- READYTOWR Uy'htvy Twed Overcoats, w ith cape, at $3, were ejo 0tO $3.75. B.ys hey Ii Uleters, doube- beasted, finequality, Iatrc. t Fmo at 45-, éie$SPa" 1 #5.75. B"'I' Ph ai i q ai qie s; a l o B o y s' fin e b lac K' W o r'Sted Soyle - T ~~ ctprices. Boys$ TweedPants $x.oo petr .- xm ta . T *e ed O ve rc é as , $4 50 é w e re 8 5 -0 . M.n~ biv~Friese'Ulsters lW.o., esS5p Mes#y le Etoffe Psnts $1.75a pur. ** weed Pants U ~ir. OLOIBJJGMAETO OR«DE1E Twtmqdewutbas . idwa.bgsas sa n"tyeof aur business, and we aDn I~ ~~ oe *êb4Ot 1 upy .jýGOOD fITING CLO'-!- ~-1 op of patterns' to chaose from; lods, ý.mqrge#s, Cheviots, Scotch sorme ro' f i iYancy "iteCwoiml aU ordefs.- m le One . first-class ir7oxent St. West, Lindsay, A'eely