TPN Dr Tï -aefl fwp ahi lt p j & Th@ese fer Orsa ISUU uVIJ wyv54 w - lane tuf Cao"Euii- wat e 18 "Golden osus. "Mdrebv called Osyléàs'l%*he Ms. 0f ;- drop on.the brow» fi« iw;""Thu Wb of Jewels;" The ilamd of atS,;v 'The sho Place of the VU U ".: %T~e land f yseiutiasud tub. ým 0e sfor oueneD1. imi t c miture ofYoeiem d iu know fmoe , f Cq lent viaile bon eco* evanàehatie. As otAns- «Md over It iclous thU kamd 1.0k au Che superstitions uhicia bave 1haverel hmisfor -centules - but the mue Mon ma s ek1n--iuR#e the jalong the ctcal. as thie mal pur- lasOf(.-"%d t vaud & ai mu andcon- Inio he Cb arbr of Colomnbo, whh !e msh by a break- vater bilit aIvaum fe . Aswe uoad into I ite vater la black vitia boats of aIl aseand uans by Peê vu of all co1@i, but chillyas an There ane vo thiiags 1im'atut atote ose on ChuIsiand:à.: a hea6hen temle wittîts devoteus là ldolatms o ý and an audience of Clnp10n a=.i~ by a Christan mlSslocar'. 'Thes en- tomologist moty have hie Capture er brilliant insecte; and th sporteman bis Ceut adorned with antler ou<red der and tooth oivlldhier; sud h panter his Poîtfolio cf gretires theusand feet dewn an éonysevenlug pilovi of purpie Oco vi ia teM and the bitailt hl# camap fulof otam and -crowfe.ots, subd gentiane, d valerian, and lotou. 1 vant Mostt tnd ont the moral and religwSm triumphs, how many vounde have boum healed; h@w many Uotow a cmforted; ow mauy entombed nations resurrected. 8ir William Baker, the famous explorer. and gceahr,,dli yak for Ceylom atter vis eigt yeaerelue uIS Island, and jProfemser'Ernat .kel,,the professer froin Jena . d ll i wh.n b. swept the waters, *ad rurauaged these hbis, snd ook home for future inspection tho , inmeta of Chie tropical ah.,And !crever honooeed ho mch v'ork ; 'lut lot aIl that la sweet tu rytinu, aud graphie ou cauvas, and mposlug imonument,sai lmuortal in muflory be. brought C te W théa eds of 110.. .who, were berce and ierlaibai Ch'l8C sake. Many sortm ave suppoeei CISC hus Island cf Ceylon vas the origal Gardeu of Eden, where thie saake firsC appeared ent reptilisu mmission. There atremass for belief Cat iis iras the uie wbere th Bruet hometeai vas .pemt'i und de-. stroved. IB1:Is se neaithe equator hat theie are ndt mere than twelve dogrees Of Fibreheêt .d'iffarence a811te year round. -Pewpetuàal fciaze, vrptuai fruiand til tyles of animal lite :pro>, pêr. Whiat luxuriance, and abanosc and spabuudance -of 1fe! WhaC «tanscfplumage d otth.bida spet!' Wht styles of.geai. do net th lieues reveal! WhaC styléesof uong (d o mt te igroves have in their libretto! Here on bii roadoide and clear ou& on the beach ot the oea stands h. socnut tueeisay-, ing, .'Take my leaves for shade. Tak thé jule of My fruit for deloctable drink. Taire my saccharine for augir. Talc My fibre for th. cordage of your shi s. lake M. ait te kindle your lampe. ee y wood tg, fâshiai your cv n piehirs. Takre itiy laves C hti your roots.. Take nMy smnoOti surface en whivh te priait you.r boaks. Tae sMy m)00ootrees, covering 500,000 ac ree suýd vith the. exportation euriciath« world. 1 will v ave ilu veur fansansd eadiabroad ivouruuebrellas. lviR. ,lbrate in ysur rusical instrunt&ta vwil 1w. the serubbiag brushes on yu 1 e n stnsth al re;al a!:ms I 1fed you ancetoi 150 vas"â -ith, theso same arm. île jOur descenadants l6O.yearsfrom namw. 1 dlety h. cenates le Hlere a"sestands. h.lutineg tlus, saying 6"I am e~yte qc oubey- emuadenricia yr a "elatabae," Heumaealtuethe My- ing «"Wlith the il nidb~ sTrommr bsrry 1 stlamulate Emai...m t'ulng hyýmorùng." , , À; ýi 1,. "Wleth Ch. llquldbofflsily" aoothete ed.mra theau the fomt n the 13holmilw1l. Im or *0y aeau a~a b.e. -CILh - fl Im - i vrd oi Wb" vu ý «an deahL' and oneohm hhsn"iiaia a.% vMS wL>~'Lés tia voae= Lot"Wu vutted for a pausa l thaelrm a th b ei ailo thon, etprusslng ucartSa FUi t45 04Us Cht er use n Co là u 010 cali. amka toisI Mi .4 sacc. T e ai utus ream.ri. à@auay Sa mualtemple, Mt" I woaier m*ttat hotus o ela M W Ofblh et dé 4-«, tbey bure SIaIVWsdbn aril a am hum dia are fffçge ut Deveri.,As' »auma popt m ple ".-ru *6 wvue prohlbitod ~ ~ Lt te *at tCe«. worhi, -lug »Mo te er,*»ha oia utsiie sos abh~Sbett a c h ~urMau ImusC, and untü i atof W.%gradnaly aivanosi Until Wo@cojidé ______ &ta yBhlag vutly of Vvshlp, hat ________ onivsli5 relWamgoy e U ilitaI vaustintmon linsue. TIS Invàwa.bslsaims. - 1E PLAT 111K. ~~ ltie aaglwhail 1*.- l ate' îyeaunsu JsCId2cIgYçad UCl "Mgarl pipevr blown andmye. IrSiCIOI WtIa a y en thm iihlmrne tF e visse la i! ben vam lus uwIW Nf@ e rw Compute pasffalî bb~e t os ir" a1 hevs uIisrbbs ..Oe ~* IwNdY eatM en *0 A.»Wf wOdim litsandi the i. lami Ciao oiing!îry g and the upUIdlig ofanother trois brings and te tUlt.ig ires mingii lI> oà »p f'm tsse uClC b poes ete tb. seul, kt t he Woduit ad cr how *o it li. tfieb tea ehsI oadud~bdnr s" te te. uea" u ai atlom houor 1It, uhake off.Ail ibis vas on estiv e.ptno a avdy.lee ilt gwaougiahlgh eam uwe, w.deo îl, of vhatvoW[ti tero transp».ire at ' tU lfer.nature bu 1slareà Cha- scret 1k. Che OYOUS .eIl, w H tolera of te day ia&d ceaed work aMid thCiO oge f &'aoneaMidCiao co.somtor Chat Vie a n o pmore walk bai time te &p rtathe temple. Th"t a *uauedb hO5O fl oat n underte.rebranchescon estiaVe e nputa i ,.y à. or,...tliewheh einpleitethe Lord, or have any poerer W do ciie It it à éohd,1Lu Ieve usnier f fruit, and vielda lier cbnsoiti or help te fvormoipnersthei. ouIyog!üs te l fruit evary uonth. sud h' baves of suotier mys.r nCi oî tms oet h Itabg eh th. treeO forCiao healln of h. na- tenus. Bot voe aaymdend use uvad yCagoatpnte Cl on!"» vch the apretacle, a sadite ie lé i d - vbth t of sho .1r t ns a rs ow Two S om sa v it Ceylon wlCh- mot teavre us util vo arrîved ait aepis o o hairesoa5r.! ut Vonsh lun one corr, Ch. lut led by a Hlndoo whtere & Christian mîsslcsary hu eýorieshv ousI@e a 0Ca griest,a huge pot of owers onihiisltead, preaclupg in the street te a gnel.p et the mrals u is a 1dluflured vitia holy -lacera- natives, efth. la esC _RChICt pectatore Cloffl, and his un'wa@W i olloyers boat- ihiia onn xrse are ail hypno tin tsCimagiclar lug au many .discownda teawhat are tevititeSa snc a asozene, simd wva., lit I arlllda .ia suàxmsd t. bs imudeai nsrmet, sStanding on an elevatlon h. AOd anonnesu mv Chý trick performiid fre. at one tCe u e ih itduced t u rte w as adtiuesig h. crowd. AI11 ias t- quendiry aud noti-40- Chat Ciae HinIdoos humait ear.Tepoeso t.d tCei o, andtisilence and reverones. À bodic W* thsuq elu cillviafor Cia.door cf h huis., The.occupants rUino rle nhe a engcu by boga l Ctr spcal o reeonofrele l, o VSbi oi- Chat pros. st .larned. hat came out ani maie ObeliIcs me "d Pe mendod, am h u ae e. C.ytle a ttr*lïm anC huai. aiented = Ou onait utiCoça, n etuDt lumlatei 'it theCie ntiments or pacifica- t ,éba eve oe skuomu, Who bas lu-! thereote,. tiao pnesspulukled "hes Clon sud relufoucoment. It vWs tue qýqào vry " o f e !te" ndustul- upon h. chlireén vitocame foru'ard, ne eoetSharon aftr son es t rucacg iC huu lWCra Cli.evietl afou t êndction. -netiles.sletvs. tue moruin tu, .Thon th. proessiontoi, on ceby tCia athick darkness.hIva theGose Cuoil of th*,n.habitations become pOleu,starWed agin;- more- noiee, more afCer Hlndoolsu. .okI dlsselvlmgch bu thegPoetsr- aubes, moresgenuflerion. Havever btpsigu n ontesresTw h ueaetsr keon oemoi et cfthe luducroue, . Bt1asmhorddv h sresron1u1a mubd ea gratlir stiiuu- oust "d4 noMing tC exite eorsa , s-. ix~ imIl. in h. movrements et mach a pro- obuo ess. Nsuig ngleis, oppressive, @qua- l*h Aas tbIJ Refituni g oci 8a, ' w. rseyles- et sa. n fauher ae ld hlm te fomaoîm Teet int.reslng thlmg oitn jv ht a opo nirafev moments and w. came on ertmi lu the bateahraceand sp:L1en suother processon, a kindly lady lead-eahnurcaapcmn aby.>. kI * l- Of nseu atve cihiliren ai le uTesi ich{. -f henresent11 Yj~ u>,igj~Laetle. AU ufg shavy, laughlug. They vere a le aBor0 te eaut Chrl stinecool out. for ercis. There anvîtii exiltous suait ce iaé baý cilsyrnithe _bost Ie- meeisme& smmi ItlignerfleZ I"Ihwant it once vas. Thel'adsi aonummy n ed - miShlutOPMOt Ofte ettii c fCeylon vère langer asud more "toèb ment ami happiâmue i uCha t. t ofimposin aet reîia îles. On.&M vone f is uétid. km aà .yC lwSnta Aae__the________ Ch. Central umnar ii s~aedead ev Vorks, amevSraiesetdi belng chaP«%oî n Chir aflea-noon sud attndâ;d indeadA .ehsl.8A.h.,u waik hroueta l Park New York, ngssdda Loon.Aey saeobvîm iluot- ..tifyde Park, I.ondon. 'hie Hindoo uancmon 55Cimmthe strof et mIepocso a a ueilaIe- process;tion . lllustrated on a îî mai cae0"tm Jiamàt Ch topenond morne Z bytho V'eleclpedeCaCe, 00 iae somethinÈ or vhat Hlndaoisa -can do -pes bain ou en, ni hee * Niiteuproductionofte . , ;ju;ctie hat wilvyet IaeS lor the world, The Christian procession re>pni te tiao ézplotenh plick-axe 'lThe vheels for handears tram a single shéeet ilhstrated u a Smail scale somothing fm iîsdHculaneué undernéÎth « steel, tbiii àlmpllbg lte what Christanty eau do for the. vend. Italy ste-suali compared viCl thme Pom- epeain, Wîth docrdod aiva$t;tageslu But tacs. tva processions Voir l u ercuaneu uderupath re mo ùt~l. A shoot p0 pueper Cblçkus rangimots oet Cvegreat processons8overt 'vals nd -Yeieà Ian eim j l e insufèri fent t roîtgth la stured, makatng mgbo onn vr orld; tii. proves Wuach Vas found e . undrmi years te clcular shape anrtpassilg irtrontl sien. blastr'd of supnritition and t tho pro- before Christ, a5udgla pùp " brgh e tIi.derod she, the cler conoiblesd o Gozptol ligh~. I1W 1luorforCvelve dedff 'sem rict e te et shppt oUt«sl Chu ln u oéaiernon in ocyion. They j auay u it ici ty mon pm side beingç corrugafed, Cor the, pur". eof are to bc seen lu ah inations. i ade Crv aiIsism of thou ,5-, - irlnjed sifui a Motitn~I. e moe Crillng Itterest Silo% , se n. et' e.m autant,. eset of -oT~fo sagd aee thanCh %horL-tuitachieveinents tlu hie thein erect. Phidiases sud chu' i ber tugaOiI< steel, la 1thei ted wsand. The E iecoW'lChurctwvasbore Wrone, ncierz hend o .bore, P plae c ritermt l io cthe Ch. National 8hurci ,but disestabIlsia- liae mame cl. miptu .tb ;hd M eu.âaw fecp- mns bu Ittaken place, and aine@ Mr. t&eý A royou Clouai 1t ltns,ai,vi -snstreugtb, (it ffl Itomioplishmeiit et thattact ei tmibd, - me, ani d uttdditaoit te the articles -in. 18W a ldenomnatioutU an .on equal 'sera e Ci Otit Wî* reur- i5#liLa.lii-e okS plaqte 0- W limedone otgtyr voiten&y miles la cmfu e. A volt t'a». o et &nt -' Aen aVes la eod a.teno itMhèr oivrta yyona angsm~e -evt e rekWC _r$u. r'1d l ke ,tb. bor c olovia ça a . s tom te of th tic sie lasSaners, 8e lM b- teg, . -re Ch tgh& super~- . hocUmam ou tissu iv4thbmhe rdos ooaai7 in ta -o e * aonk'wt éthersmerlema a Cev b M I*u~ ISfMuoPlat iBsiey-i-p A ma. .eeâ.aous ds a lu aAMiia w Abstih.MUsWlb.ui - a ~ Sa mai, by - uassp ~:- - lite iseeSo oSe b.o.u EIsvmtybaIruêsuiupou ami, - i MSb t W 7hbbtw Vhbu» b. ciud. '=em.ks Oh uthur " eu , im v em S M i a u tb eIaud W -àb Au Anaient portrait Apertuait oethCie VIrgin Mary sud t*blutnant jesu, .itëd by St. Luke th. Etangelat la ttracting crawda te tia. gIlish (atbiolie Churchin luthe. Âveîmuo Hoche, at Paris. Thé picture beocie tCte .Pa&sioùit Fathers, bav- lia¶conete thein froin Col. Seelmay, & u*ggrlan, who obtaiued it lu 1829 ln ChBoly Landi. He Chem o ltd a ùreek monik tu dietremr, vbo died aud loft I.sbolonginge!omei. The pitunelapaited ou copper lu anciens ecaustc colora andi la Cou luches bY bigh. The fgurias baveD ine im, Viu nand chil<l bave Jewiali featunes-, sud the paiuting aud draýwing are rude. The. inscritCltis on1 it are lii esnly Chai-. daté, rt1uninglike Chie: "Mine aes bave en Jcsus, 1Miiam,*9" "Gie strength te Thy servant, Lulce.' OiR tiae back are inscipCians- la Chaldaio snd Qreok of eaciofethCie ffrit live cený- CurIes atter Christ. The pictur. vau fennin a mtone coffin,buried ln a driud upeil moar Jerusaleni. Asie, trou amy quton of utmhlia t la a rouark- "le xmpl et r y hristian palat. ~W aCists maer, Gali e- olamed bis horrfed ite. 1 'TiT.omatter?" skouted.Ciao young dictr, Curnng a ha& s rl g ou thé ier capetdancna jlg, Chrovlngr vi astl salst Ca oe g as cme deVuL. aoUCtCh. is. "O% ae*~-4lmy My bottie et anti-toalme M Cia. heonly destur in leroshainej5tamy, sud I h a v a l v e & c a s e o f d p h t h r l a o v e r l u 11eacu bl* "-~aicgeTribune. Mlu or ligiat coorei eyes are papu- è d t .m l u f ý e t y c a rry inûm.% ad tecounteract Chis blu bous are sometimes worms. Casesare clted of mon able to ever- thww carage uerely by loeking aS lttelarnup a bean 1.14daud seo.n Itsmid haC Cihe belle lu the evlleys aungCiristis, Jevus ad Mehain- medanlSUM« Ven titan their rem-. goubellefs. The pesants try le ruai anod dbadic* M t Ca.colon sud C wthIft o!ahrses hait. This habit y use- t hve got from C it Bedoula AiýiXs, but are not se expert lu Ché aigus. A citestitut hor -gergod bush, musC have eCither botrh hnd legs ou els Ciae umar hlnd 1egwhite. If oil y -ths 00 hind leg laviaite *tiastls bad luck. Thon, by theway, Ifthe hait gr«ve o thenck, t iaugured vtto h owuer vilibe, killedby a spear « a damwer, amdi f a 1 sebeginu te dlg Vlt ittsthat meaus, that Ch. ovuor fi sma to b. bnried.- Thý notion hue always very. seu- eraiy ptevaded ,that Che queeu iaoi bom. leanuabselute; riler, sud isunu ber royal criera to villlug subjecte. Hence t0oe hé Flrst sptlnkledthe "mr- houove ch. imperial mandle, ha lot h. urus ot bis 4>rmafsty ; sud, h 1e outuy etfCte Pliarseath. le va s tuhCaoemblein --f a peoqie ditly subaissve te lthe 'orders oitao Dm5 CiaBt.the fct le, a~a *WM eofboss *e u absW oluedmocucy sd kj ns diqot oa udno vrslt x ~iy vstedltitegeal asseu lboelemy iraua hou heI voandla avsu ~* teîwoism Imm goumu ~guw Rt. .-feaco lhs oe Giyes Inistant. Relief. Mr,* &bdaa 900eh. Thkupr.s,.cÂpu4 wàr AeD t Ip'ikge n the aon ibeL vmrturr w*zd tuinor bce lrafiots sud troub.e. Thmani im or Iriraitin in any prt -of tige tend quloiy-cnred by Ch4e001tnt.- bihlgbeal the mets ana abera, dry Y« lis effects sud symptowns ara exaeIil the $av,& e "epng. crawlhng. Stiflgiag hIebi~~j ~ Chaim uOintmeajî acte iku s6~Iay idot routhis torment. Ma. cDosid.Khig Oig-Wni. Waiker. ~ I .Charobll- David Gvuae Brnkd-R. Davis. J. Leid. mai embxruuuy for Itohlau Pileu% but Ir ls eq nafly 1 " Enem à. Iteb. Barber a itch. Sait uam. lL anR toiOnt..Soie Agsta for Dominion af cana"a Ad~erttso D Tho Wardert >r.LaVISttCThe finest Remedy I the j taons of the Throat utngs-o Gppe,Croup, e I XMEIBER i PRLIAMENI REUEN E. IH RA 1Hut.Rs . IO= lytuax - th.àopetI bit iltriett" ho vuas hsmusi vCioui inaiuui mi> frm un u frpuweaiu b. ~.**mm , %ho -Ch. pâlie, l.suhaet is 0» L vlsi à'& àm vabus . wbflitm. "m, vu> te vu aaisiâ* U a, »~o~, es. NhIt m pue gnssCVI -I j- :mesu t. ar amwy uagi6 o.I f meBve fomin .at 40M ,lminiàeh edsd uanoslth. food lausnte o stomau in toaly pautlaiy &gate", sud.Chronie luS' sue",ami Dpopsua sloom ai. th*l app.srmu.. IPwqaei hat it "ot.ii oty oumC» 0 aow.It viii sb.olutoly eM» 4"hqr auaeelte pseilofm Sa' UW disesus ani sibusua. ~ ~llygives reli l0e»eday. lb paverate huc up the.-viw" ,7 a,. m voidefu l inothéemo. là ams Cie .1, the Tonne, mi t1" -i ln . It isa gruat uisute k t fl Md lur-Do mot megleel Lte am frPu.oious boom ;' if To de, > V" vii retore yente isatLa 8"C im u vi ru pdsl *914, amdvu 7 pkemet fthé testa rDon" ie, do Dm fRilto mtli ) on"oni heesm il viiput lC" tkt . àiduehse amd beuti pea pua lip sdrin aTour mioce, ami 4uieMIj dine avaymu Iauil - vuabae..5 womill1w lui