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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Feb 1895, p. 3

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- awrtw uâ - efet4t uweltdkqflE5la pJlD« hat<àd C..k,é CQoU on 510.0 < . *là$h5U~U~ tee, or tuelose 111 »t 6 ommata pogtas.la bm$ Ui gud we wMl1 4 sulét. by-rtmm&IL un partioillSre l PIS25 5iWlOP% te0 Ioo .r à gtisàmî. drmu the. c¶uk O.ap. LI le. Mdbrea 4MI-1&Wltgs. 48 et*d~ Orukt& estE dq»Po« a Ut9«k" pum O.ssftualm ., b. ptraoùmly 1.111up »qgm MA& ..1- V»r %v. ilai. i u.ah& .1on W Umfl Muai. e tiow *Wbmolàtug valwer Mii. UiI E IDAT, IBBhi RI i i .We uuhesltatlugly take thse puMie our confidence eone pointauxdlit le qtia we do not claim bota able to orlîlOlse mnusla IutelligeDtly. OUrealy training La Mils artiatlo and lusýpiulejýacscam p1IahmfOt tp.air have been neglected. te ret.WU the omewbat losely hookt,totg of the owl, the rather stMrtliug war dc-%to et the. gobler, the nionotonous quaek- gjuack ae i.dcndteham asa 1 -ons of a donkey owned by -A neiglibor w hase tasàte la regardta aniais must bave been pecallar; but theiniusleanid harniony et to-dal are et More modern in.- .T'horefore. disclaimlng aIl conceit An thse efalter. wo mike bold tW saày tiai, vs lad very lîtte intelligent pleaui1e Or luterest i stsgta niuslie ash abcimuÉed now- 1 ady. W suppose an -Illiterate persou wq)uld finit ttàythitig but sgatsfacton lar iIs.nieg ta a reading ta ira onan eRPeciiallY il Ilwt.ee ffered In Gteak or Latin. The rigid-Iy elnrnslly murtlo we ae1 in:vari-îbIe favored %vith, thé se timea, bath vocal and Intrunental, je enough ta drive .1naudience traina hall, St aoM o Wdraw . e116 there,if it were nàot*tiât wo axe laid It la the correct t.hing. WVe date not pre-9 ninQas apeople ta knovranythiM 5about, a aubject. upon whioh vs know. suaevry. 1body elme kîîows, that we know nothing and au we attend the performances an! try- to bear up against *the.excwoattïg agony asboit we cas. But.,nôw rerally, wouIdn't It reaidovne of thse dityt, ofyore. iwoulda't t ta~i the. heart, ta hear an old »on¶. rendInl a woman s <fot a bird.) volte, or au la. atrumentailowhieh didi not give in imita' tion of everyeordaùaOioWdaUtsOOS& .ln the heav eus above, «r la tht% carti b.. beatii, or the waters under the earth, or a»y plaoc due. One itonld t.hnk thsetom.- "eOa of o ur clai,4cal (so-aIlei> music hud Decs not. only drank but, crazy wIenever they turned tleir attention ta the proe- tAon of tdleked nelodles. 1Thse wom~t fenture.of the case la tisât It w.nld appear an If wo shail nover have SnYthng eléis. It >la gettiug, worse and .worqer. Our lady vocal lot- lestlme oWàva- ble In the voite of a three-yesr-ol ebfild, trained . eb. rlgd, cl s udcl nsepul- cbrai. 11e;t. a&oulia mon u au tell a fyord they say, or wbat it la mlIý about, or- w bore th sene la laid, or whist. dli ior *here, or wheu. It 14 a moet myatif$ng Ing experience-tha.t la ail vis cm tel about. W. test thopubic vill b. driven bin theie nnle halls, and probably te .daînkiàg.-Whltby Chronicie. cor"'t ofr EeviOn tor, n5fl Court, Modq,11m Pbrumr, 1leu. m Loi; NcO. 28,26,27,2&8 CorMonday, 110h 1ebrU7r, 1%. B1g11. air NO.14 1e. Court. Tumadmy, 12tb FOW»qvr. 1896 At hall in VictoriludabOlLD .3. LIO O 8 Court, WedamWay, I&à mb hbsa, 1805 At Alevsbnder Msemobsi'OceLut 10,Cciit9.0am POU? ANS> DLeà NNo 03 -Court, W dsulodav, 13*-51r beUi, l8m. At village off Upitil 8 1 p.m. SALWUns.. 3 L C41urt, Thunesi.,14itÀ Fobefly' 180 CnourtPhuiduylitS Fbrmar, . A sfL b oo lou*%' Bobsîpm O5geI1 a030 i. &nmou ne. 20. Cu Pridal, IMisF.bume, l». -MINOUDiS O.le? At Minisna t 1p~ 11. NmiNDO. 21 nrstnrday. ]L18mb"7bun. lm0 At Dakta. tayor'. t 10.30, *.m 7.tsuowuaeuo.12l1& Atourt aI%4il m.m. baq.I cout T~mIi A lSoAt m'"ta C ut »Y ipoms )vd to b. .-without s-r"' Ur a» W" m w B. ésl owms Au 61*0 oa fltue mluo Ami »ivu bue mi .ut i0k.. tbg 9A"ai v go »W ut lm jt ubs ThUS Wfb ïb; s pslh iaipemi !hm iromi islgbwsp foi UP S; ueiu.frum BS uosuisp Amoiseags m.b"àm hus bih u tuoe b * M!ttI -hd »t: ti «àb eSa JMuu. 1895. Tmao. lutgsilsum b" e id MA u&p. l 1h. M.lr. S o!offe mal qem1Iby Mr Mak to Mrc. eogevOn -. hebo, Md frsty-uusre; LAdm2dd. p e r he 0& ,@,pal o artoJ.6M.forle*6comolmret Iffooi by Mr. SI.*e. temeod ibglMr. Mdak O, mtMe.GMoge(*aaho. mmdgl s.hom' l oite ue. tmi o it ar0i ment mofsr i M -a wetlmi. uh Moi , Mn. sentsom*edel y Mi S.m'm, alsat hgMd BrVos, eaolu ad *"ilto'. te mot > l eo. oul QuAu rnoî o t , tse4m9e0 PsarS or m41*1 W Mr. Seâ*mis sed .l SpMr. -p", t&. B-ait. a,0. -Shar m Ulula MetérSwatma susr bmep parllm, BSp4lo tw aulp4mnsautaie.6, miu of th Jes»s n. ahi apolimi M orel Sp Mu. Mu erle s.ucii lNe 8 oritie th&%tNe. 495.» bigoeg a Sm the leoum" sl sa imum S0a &crim ho revld b e ai e r.oilo.OmM i M J'dom No. 460her pudecet 04. 1b cou. bapsttto.aOv510ca ral bard limaP miKved Sp M. Math em8mm*W b MI Swoirn.tffl$BSrosie.,Rve bu uder o« ohm t teemmuf àet . Cmete Leasoub, St W.DainE, imeal» ood su orna. 10, % B Oie.,îudia«l siôc ma on d c.eefor kaue bl uafil: al ho".roi $W a" We&'u,"f Matk:.messele Mi iooietgie buaeders o eda %0 i Wdato Ir Mr&oB wmesse si. tmU.se oi Mdl S. -» km- u Q"a- il. liue ,as , t an -obi e ~ s"oui esq11 M Mib *4ou. sd iW lots mu Ibm Mu' Wmlm - dm l Oka. W4sh a *»" u s S~WSB obs b.voml lmai bs mk*èibis é mm eive bi bflis wbN e in0" &hom sl tIpabbei moebs n o.. » Z? lusAlim osl gBt ara wo POhah0 stop BS vhcht chueaIDS wlblbses eaWo uhtiir a" &vh UNvo no su, 1ev4»mp""eulie% t bibogue. sdl &move;br musA5h ow. blngbâeuW» "15 dingo vusDow1tome&@,O@s> u o ai .lth s misud* sa.w* sud Bro irmobm i WU F!aid. digst onarv li siop.vflýÜ t roued, roeu. iWtim oa &$i lom oud@i urtaubhd he sibwpid.m btisai b Do ordl ar iabo me loti uieo 11--«d vho. &asi paffelO, 5h 1deo.r bsmg UIs 0b47aJer. h. biabéloi glimpu o f ltei gLarîl se.l Rts gllriogbtinS. butho loirS a stlw a e Dêt ii. vlisié* 804#ig morIal I oulibo jui t 418esUter ue à,%t rat ho vus ladiarnauS. msudlià tougre susmo ai. sied sarsulge agote oemmaover him; hlioesanom elsvon iaimetSit. ()a visls our hop@ buMsirml tli @altuito tebmonh. 441 vu a obrlsiomu dcv Jeta be cou fer tort? 3 eau,~" md Broibuo" av . Toust aibAisl en setIS1t" vus lh mol600 -masysu; *<bavo ton aD ohueéb Pl"a 10 Brother Broum boome ft remble. "1a astd to do MT datif" Su 1mii, vîs ea.lln emmérips 1 i shah@bllme"Mi bU. qoume Ms.s ho ow oo ic r*" boro eMbIoi Bu %liss tio Brother Brown vu shah- Wup lAbo »mals .bed. Thoe boiohoponormilie 0thoisers, bsm&lu him mmm. e-lu .1 Sla"! i h itop. &admioo"»ami- * To àl.Agbly Gedi, Dehl 'Io oh .eh" th etc IlS O--.......... .... Telodty à euesof Te olotis ions, sud daaegbmu'... To orne .... TO mre lit . OltnDODO......... 0............ -ToMea m as t atos ...... . ....'..- Ta Chdedl o.lrnp,lexte der egt e».. To sivatlo ibiOusm...... To.ali $off~mIg: fO.le d30110S...- .Iteumter Item, mmap obosmde of 1 Broter Brocwnvwu@aMblarinSamogné. &&A longthbu hoi*on pibh: -"h lONmi-u ré nem ud miemDeU S i itrue er Beboli lby pejumulu'." f And ho sa* chat Su boai oms S. la a t. ttise purs-mo Itie, -se ucehig bu Ibeavmons he£m.IOoA ienSralagalMmui t, -o pilmsofor Goi% pe.mmd for i perlmbimu vouid; Ib h pst, se,MO to iiuzmp, oh. h»odi moe aof towaaet a tas&&lmai opu uifmi oulI.Sat l la0 ot lu mroqu, "WbthiI1 tdp P, 1IbaveuOasbort 1001 Saot II S" ýt A brhgau eto ps.bi $ho~. e.E V mev Do tru, but a vowso vos huma' ut "*Taon maes lrelu em a bssd mami i. on aslhy:Demisthon "S 1111109à 8YO i. e ofro- ro M AaIs os m b% am 09. Votambgtag - 44 SMW IN@ I tbliI4li *nVar. H~obis mm@er lmo esuIsAt svstp sousbblbauevs -lesv. is ot is vb îW% ý» vbiel "bu .*' »Ltb, b vé7imU*IM5II.P5f5 Il é i euckg voSmiarl SM-ompmkft oos. e« b: àmif BS Ufflle oSummlg OM os a dwm oim im bwoare#.al 6o mi, mmi b almos ft b1 SOigbty etoqmlll: Mdhs kmàmaeiotolikfoSC tmin Mae&blma =Itrgsoi,he %hm be Mf beaux 0# 4884,11616Maivagudaemmptoluort& . Th e.asqm lam issbeut stariuaviOl m» mAersVo.n lrlp ISsm ar ylu ies mmettp. Nthit blism Mlabsuse gule u o»mv"ltise fejualoemcx rou idlveSg dmco. N alurbu boss io Semagos tisaI t h Sla ornitune O OU IOS ms m aiMdoduosbots091»ue kaIs &§l- am.s And9fmiorsi au.miwou in la bO la seli*"sO&mo4ut" mut tblou",Po liais, and thon tomai thMe dmngfierm t. resPeOO vorbl. t«peotvl of *m .Whp ihould 6m mm maerchent h. o SODI m ip lsme, ami Me,~ voama mrbst iodl o.Srmoss at l a virlu r. 8tocert o. soi dry good, maie stm MMs.Or MmfeBltm ol tommeS A otilmasa voi @ogo W ffi " " *atslm versho s Sooher-i l NueTork. Bot loge mgo, I vli a oag frisai 0oS mine, ndden. bl nIieri't hkusti. "om80b£0e ex , hloomt. m;"isooSyoa ioz.l %noreucti yVoussoir. i l mou giais ll lIbm.' m a stov ytPOaSI u m ms mm e oslisa po a la merg oékeo est.9 'I duMr Yo~Jm 0»riaht," re- plil y oist. fisa, "but 1 Bouysm.e teYm w6om amicouné m and armoimo Î~ Ne éif heimie, boul husi lp thé obtdr m iMdpgmluise@ hOhmpurmte d s oli f salr oi st 0 1bO m ie viOl dletkuunbi»W .nbSIion@, bulse- 49W %MItuaed f.rmutly. ViU *ehbeulm auweisÀsiose abs ume55"ma"iMd ma ah vcu'.g gils boltacSt là"are»*thhou.m o,mot pitied. bmmas .j *air aihlOl WoM mar isaiTéelSmn »0 mièh pares. trima b oh ed y h e abm IIs Pon "0 Pmll I»Uqmoiilluolîe *0. obie la ecioloe me ski ssutml me mao"i ouOme& Th a ft O u b e xp a m -1e t a d e w ùo h . v o a lo h Owe biorematmeuinlm lisfortsmais irumsme BelMA emileet s Mmao s**Naà» lbol » amtbénin le osier*0 ïZriaiblu outfohgi. . oeu on *hm *Md"~ sud peaul meramoe of mimembleommuwa- Ibleve lu tise dil iti 1 et sulty. Teaie mmim cf oiltp oUghl p»M goho st Bs debêso et the menp. Wousrn alose eau h*l 1 Umo. Imi imsduo"mibarriesho me mevolMal BS "ofbcfloougîeus cil oi mlé ho etina vii. A voSàa nlem b ils Sem muaylifer bise a lS*d vubo b o B & s« 0 é o mo0 " Who la m a ll rm ob 1 Doms u thlse, ï m a i om m mes ie u bust a-*m. im bm e vvif Mda p oiàor, m vWou mea s b i lMM" M <1.3. ligististotetlowdietIt ssd si oIi o 1Isvhe j adlu atrby ho Ob*K al'h Cem16v« ail maiyPl uloesirop euromoiimage. Pain ,25sMd 50 cmuh.-76 20 las bm butsS voepu pmr.-7I4.L A 1 ormer 5aM3W . W lut ti umbes rot and hey f«rnMm.- W. throv miws o*Um aio nd gros. ,mai u og.W nies. large drivingwhoefrt IU11US, REFRIGERA- lo stnearly anytl'iog living for, ROLD- rEN S1 . oeiuua sx SLflEL STRUNTS. WITHE RU?, ISELL THE BELLI THE. BERIN9 TH4E DO.MiNIOft AND PIANOS and ORGANS 1'. .-Ipa~ cah for ail My gooduanma untousomes'papota. lJOý)B W.h grov cduis niisor. -mele oie, ___ m"r go b uvaesudrni uy UPTURED We roe.W. os elb voa W roiU We Ioa sobo oet bies ami s&o#4 ma. W bold ï off bou i ocid U rt o Irtr n usinSot hc fcretyflcuw e-a it, vs offmdoibeos uI itIB10)dî ., puaTamwlwspcaàmàatd aft n 9u" Md a 810 dot IWi huaifor 10 0051 tain your Heemia WITII OM(X T.25 years'experience in designing bIne. jand adjusir&In. uveotorof 27 Patents on TrRUSSES for ......m.d.ppin.s or* O 4the relief ofCLUB FE.ET, SPINAL CATÂRUE REUEv» IN 10îo 60 m '.VURVATSJRIE aniail other M O J' riIE.The most -4)e @horo juffcg oh. breatb tin,,gistheCelebi'affl Surgoom tse» dL. tem-exclu siveiy. Order through your biamuausplid uOb htUsoffDr.Aaiva' phscandrugis. o 4.<V' ,direct from factory .r',d fitting.rooms. Catbél Poulet, diffais " .Poule' O1M CItAS. CEUTJI'Y134 KiSNG WEST Toronto. Can. ibi m a rfe es asi poibs. U ellueoppoom n«Stn blouër suid dolSbtfal . eném% 16. refievsir. sud p rausuy onresOmmbn. "HIelver. Cois Uedsh8meo Ta% T MulIsai_________________________ Aod bmgged hlm aB*Iy se, By m»m o f Grmk aBcd Labdu lm.e Tat s MWord aiverlm là* lombei Bt um. hougirb M e thimiO 1 l pos hit frohemd stems. 1.mrsoo lM tht.. *'ad," nosarnlg k. Am" s" l"Un ob wae qnloklv fourni; la 1wmm"thov oue. Bo &e" mti.m u lalime» To tu&s mo viii... dr. t SPOTS. AND OAUSEDU Bi DrA Sns,- &mthankfui te B.B.B. beau.. I1a&m to-day strong andwil t.hrnugh lie vonderfu! blood cleanqing puwrs. I wa troubled with ecrofulous spots ndblemaishos aiover m y u and was advisd 1 try BnrokBo~ Bit torS. 1[o one ottie, wihgea bondt, ani an otivolyeay Mai m1ote h takenblet 1 on &d 9healthy *analby *Ibm eof B.. t fnd iIastOfl[I7 reSoineniil b every- boy. Pra. V weIlpl finished sMUd ate. hisxplains thely great succesOf CRANBY RUBBERS They Wear lice Iron FNmat~0gunm ol-NnosO ImMuI ,dmsakm.vMoot -~~ - - --,m--.d Uri7 am mgaat'wu w-k. KiOum* ?nMW MUÉ- 05*55 d. o. .. g .W LU.upe, *=tha 09 athe mariol.Lok sa - nomma massa dùlawd Mla st oud«tt Va oumo bI W. .yeam ...... -8100. lm ou e .1 uel o use ou th- ummi.------ O se et - iv eek .......LEG l O Ie la umoxsUONL GiLDe.nC ~~~~~n fo. u aieum r r st. ---wi u pu flno ~ ~ mé for lino fujjr DmJnser M. 1. Usmssud ide, Uni iuuerlbm........... bum,,.... .......... r~u Ume umlal tha bo eImip iaeo r o mu o.sli v-araîuul om oi.1 Abi~~a vutPbous. lo no mmUu.. inb *e0W~~mW Itou"uom-rldotpmoao » w our, m as b. e, M d b a ss sm o Sa.. u#hti m axs '. a ov u VeL pèýfai auvo r = ac.~c il t vu m Oum&--- ale by A. HIGINBQTHAM i J H'OYLE, bon* iéýfâ tet Rak g- .G. WORH cd 9Mlldes oriptions >noatly and. prOmPtlY - don. &l "The Wardoe" office.

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