ammIlesai are. -. ishasathe ~isa fie esslmami Ms'r. OsuseSmes g. o sntilse8%& wn.o "« wV.~U imUsms . gu Mr.. stastwuacaoetf onams Mwe. '1o$-New pou, Pmayrb e eaidm ulg tariesm, hou hum filsmpla et wu our~5 h _ asuS u-S "ewa iim ,ufIq eet 111111d a C9"mi Esaisi Je, méod = gret'ut 'Who a ac - ise laUiglsu ab@rmsattnd atour iBIs orifu w- hiemeàgwletemhla. thé te, bus.tiâtsai s 4k hseh idulieh bisefer me e.uighi. joAu., clibhivis oul earesiî4m.Cia. m m m*rexeali bouum its.baud daigave fli ve- itda&ay~ e - bigs. pIpla,.mai Loré P>rup.la8mtrs -i Z, beu r«" tso ue 'ese.CRmat am Tho Valsi mne doua iq iismekmt. " 8"un lhe immth"u~ I tabis 5hater5 usiand554tte 09, th"a my &a quare dâm.WiSm uoush mter Ilium ilsboi s ea'tdy* OUDgsiaUmiiI resets -1 shah dm. quuutlpai 1h. dlobi6- 1"Wl: hPIeNsor oruil osfavohi Blgh ,me wdi i, au imi arisser touisa, m olitaber. But," marrec I vifl maite a foc osl, and hl et. mimoZgo e he, "I presune pou arau a Sème eamta ibl% eh., . in Oh. i1 prdo, ait f 1 lai "«Ne," li suh 1oml "ye u1 noyeer <ESue a dayl ber vierlay Be aek visahoue * Shah ve satsemeeied* mmw e tu? b vestlbuclbsook.Wbéi 15.4* bus' b*,uip uMkeu, OD'rkg ber bis ara-s l hiumei-t yco eepseoeuE, 0eSort a muse fos' yu. .hly bot Sers?', in tah*&.bond eumbave sleeiI Lodv COlsoesioe, bod moyed airarte Bliis nr ulamsine ciber IoegteIs d i oy héOMA un boSs i écgine Il. usn iii ciuim isess pr 11ts rs. di , Sseovemsd bus.Is.ès omineoutans vi- S asion fur a bah sm bat .veale. hAà L Chuurs as a helua vissa b. IBeut parsc b ho , iemaie @.à*ib inet tishob cocu leaS ia. If .ulp fer usboer. mcas m gae a Ivmà etmfi« upeopk smec r »mse 55 ler liusamiuiti te club coaibu uas elpubecoolvI-lM trn ,s Iamt lîsu ina, amat -W"l* rriai vi bail md Vchlia ohoruwc et g. A mau et tclaml ue 1% tb s>! ols aa là-ele sets. amo m ellalmmne amo. bat, if buJe toia, M muy lie- téesi mî ' Oeh lb MesMMhlskmSI.àhilew mme 'Iime ai is m d Mi oes "eun hl edmea la te me ai h. cas.sbonIy liw e beMj"u. ssdpeoai iee Wb hme ;asce ed bre w-as isaslutuai sraeriseifha wr se- al. 'se li e u. maure, a amoseh* te -h iiipimsli oUB eut tmrnme tàek. ' 1114411ceugo la * sait culoom ta?mit"al oud bav@ mllilb sudait "wuiutil m .lpare ciasaiWls'gis Sitai, lua my Ciraaîmtamoes, fieceptaie tOb musi dussbe? UImes vih chosalie aiui, anasheb k iIRUt0slemeut,0"pu&, W11111csela Mi' bel lad ttboss llais iucer te ,omaW ut e cotewmém""dîn mumpamhte alh.mas, us vTom me su "I eqlàààhaiA __Éseet e t M gae;f mon vis@We ta4se ai «d s' h bai eaug1oiesglauie mli. d ai ties. mui py*"a vo mq mjoy, l dt wttb in dieauma b vias, I <he cohl y, pssa t .<le'mm*%l -si as wemie "W v l* iemb dlspsal ce iasalu mmii h verohmrpp ods k"a.< * M fit iess dusa Sal e.uuu 'y ai seipmibout e a ve ,gam nsagaa a m humble parlerrs s laug $0 yie ., -t'. *%do xeu *aserreuiesloi,ue b, Umm $Wkrute ah. sl aslg cu wh m bad. amids e. lad ecat0c u m h moi4héo the voyage, chai Mn»y Wat Eeos la i ms hSle au Tropies. uluith. vu a lu lado le lSm a~ aoilsceahem ii51 vflt eel. nd dei.OUMhepetthet i=asessatir.vthée"l s' aut uand nom* en*, urne bat eflbdparbl hUa somelutelWheot.Mis. mes' bom tfrnber oa rn 11harVly kaovalaonul Aqogt," mlutn th"suth TpZ r l',r.up iaughingly, suewr Iuavlmg auwered altise .u ~ mle.."Wo, m cId aervsflS, Wmsi. re. Ubêu a lpeiimh I sheul mmmuteut me Litas h ~~~~~~ut xi veni, hiel .l h sgso o'pu u' tisai utirely torgatbes-#ythe.lie, aes 1 I 1pesu amuI am " mh e won cothe Dery-1ihwbagiýttcf, mug aOh"».eh M"sarly*«0 de sm bowhur s b" h &v , o pimama% Iisca b Es<hoas.»y« ' - ry vo I eusnsEasu ea lise puo9psst I iember sai. "Raiber EWâlp, pulu. _*.ngo m lbai~'attentionre6" '<Tbe atm e b ave a. jeîîy Party é O a=Z.-A ~oV 914111%. aunclie, b uas pufoi 44»seue lhsâw , 1 l uros Bn la e uMA"amaetisi Mti af thlog beojt -1 ielisa lsty b b aumsa-.Md Iu thon Sir Pitti." velelaas Ibuen lietunraeu t S Mie poanger Mous peuvd. l'emaieeami. eeidas le drew hlm m"d. @*y 1esalsti .lier mil DeI. ed yumgiBileot1dem% 755 bov th" J6811.1 lip b', ai lmr i.. B. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rA ".Ai.l~u ii U oi. *1WtA* oeÂma UL a. Fa &m a 9difm l. Urd Peuma uidlifrh. mMd sefflw. -- mma micP np8edom, 4 o Inrmdu leIPI7P.. frott e ~ 7i U*itswlkh btldoutf m aa 0 .f 1 is i . h*h à=. mrp Uic pouesZ-11 7Z o pehmu Droits ho S liss liss pusiumdusb ib tondits Soa eWy h. mttbe 4m ÏF wb iii'mue denvt. ho qul u b befère bu ethr."f t ]>glua& blid miote aI;esdrdea b@ atireslgeu letr. fie< IIoesuriôhm ba w~m auhomorlila, ImebS#are Sadtots île ezuspl e M aéàd éè au fecwht ilum is mil .an imseosout. ~tsri whe Mhoarut l ud th.. huil t o « n,"b. mlift éas,inee.04ug hi har uif bd eps -ab ar '11lél~ ityt ble ta" sasses.né- ore 2"s wnoor igbft r*b1or usuhulI uu .b « d U iabou sie el.vov uith.bnetIl> I SOSNhy me l .yUagsom lait h h*4 p4"14« bûlsse a OW m toib pm us elà te o r', aor tuhe àcf0 W bëd.naureI tal eO ibmi h Meadm te l M ti sait I tonwol.ehoc1Wihe i WA JIEY" 050balamsossui oves' eduà%*" haïm "Id be to<îur fathder' oveuhod Mai otpul s., i d hiltnly seM i or .maSitsti ms m a s made a@& Anda. Mtpu. .mo ogtehv puIeretmv.a u u, Ivag tisye la u" M .4i rmUNlp doî4sn Mi he i. me la&ugb 4OcutGIV aaUsnt I Tl Dusas. O Pr accI.sp l a , à M n won u mo a Iii ttiMnd WhoWu, ho n? aesssi 1à vy I ai ellre P 'inam1seglLiai s udssl fs' mid .o 18 elbiu d ultat i "o.mndpof lteu ai u lie t e-hoLr eay iail i. ~. ~ tgm aua#vu1rgPio p romiv" * hcliimof- yaur hapae eu oie aasMly âchia u o miv ehi. ho emd angis Ho - biter01ran bia ag t as» Loe vue Mm àSid pal nuldvelacesh ut.If.,anaj amm bu bi .ahawagehanvmer et eerid .irg si con- w&? ain h lw a sirUt hveoi cf iose î<maretesel a yOssulos bs um.tols 1prnt yr c iety 1 MW i ras aMMisOde a& in . m u ft uer Iui sia ucuudi.l f 4u leons ui st» v ts, e 71 1 a het s ý e 1at< s i lu bg5ssi m b se MM&. oanldmoidys, 0 i mm ae l.uil eoêgBet bs m ma liSo'ga ieh.. s a uoksu. Mus'ssvmet A mo uai a mr' mtlir chuhuaisbis ml. laoil m i ep lis msune.rpeu se .hi . b-qm"M.fl àWs i #pangas bhoamuai have Ba ee l sulieI bieie mywl ltot&a ue t al, CIta bis r I"u& aUn.1 ia suteM d reaecessf&h ac Us maain M is vai" fimi ihmisEte lm »i e amli. n ma& ees otlb Oe m vdn.m "ol a% Ihave sseen béef.., mois his o . ho itIsli eim ily tr t v "n onih' a.. Oet rams aiM y methoe ed bis uà i hae a air b M <beau 'ors droti mae or éal is ltL U.4hfl ail SISVO i< ba s mami see o mceli < ispo bu mrtksE our lu eu. f aghis'eOcvents.o i. Lmit4 a u tho p9sye, hai pdema my Iargs mm "otr ntsi iswulas etiiigout a era r whaaad bi-Mida im bà Mf. ib tw m eyhedopeauess. M4 tête a I&Ubul"s e Neniis a m i%*%'1' ni de. adble Vag*. d te bi- iada t t im aulb er. e *0~l is ha.suc mio e~%uisisauos bts. eeUiig'su. l mn 5 1sd s al Stigo ou tae he uar. »- Mm sii. u k" . le rrualaygria tesosd abat as Woelél h@ os iliemi. lU if M19111, e la .uchtqnd -fa Mnyai vas heeva ibae m ail ou A~îM bsiw> hoeBa msue tiuhâvhai, cue thavbeya aI u 01i is o n s v ert si ati e allâti e a sndh a Yoie pe 1shaeising ihaoit insa < iro w"ho. mise* br m w-un bar. saakIeal bmu1 mossei, cli eiderbsoîbr ai ime mifle)mm bailPhIliéemolieb.leçm*0lpro- bale a*tbathvlg a i os Immif nods i W s.,houl fmmluisls d miugs, BSd aen inwl n? areetée têteeful, ba. iMp'iiipbis lssud Wbunan m u ssaa rmLd h 0aOMOmiqis1 aiablp weaàl proilmi or, emer&.y "LOveal se and 1161e6rend mi u-1Mel ialo-I d dagi .as am VL rd. Oita au iaîhmrbte lhaisàim lorme tlofahmes jui Frl.Ia . - jis s - baff o s rdibm vlama. idmferuoR of bis brr»hyma re atogdsi l n. b in &Irl." A ip b iesa b ée belmiat 1111111ePb.d6bossn, avr twiait;p "Buos seif iteustte autbee darudIEiOguOUad os.saii t SeLoI sa, fro pnt g fer hum Il agaum bolci . vîthaavhiuglsloai hae baue i t IIPor if. h o bo -de m omelyliltassi s ue sseébi e kghe e *Itvas) mate-menyforbatnet ingy I"Amu'.Bs eu pslés tee vf "b ea . m« - mm me uNutays-*usame "apl exi ls hae.handeliu e' a hm lad. salutis au&" bvhem ageiee ams #$am lotbestinbl.autm* l aito8,04 s large màm4miinheefor iattera, hea bWOorer, inm m Tuaà$iiwub.aolst s hâli*um.uumieOe s if ots ea mosd."i lvsad f abri emurrlul hhPewa, vudtibes h msylu q amo a i i,10stehu,~mrat i Gorteame Ote thos, mstliai mio hasgin-ehTlmphatdio" b5d3,,rs matleh"bhdi h tantuuhg isi . soite bverytlmos &attheUy se ie bssai-WM s ame b e ali sbvs.,0u lise iuobum e -- -7 ~ olvis. uos Loral ualn" edeSlr Me o t» ayb PW-k, se la v-bu aum qp1Sshmsébrumelsoa Ttis Wgbietivio n t l.a.oilm Duveis- fs-i bulémmns Tuas. btâesS btboehhéliéhm aThe ntahOhitgitsi et bld tilsa m diaeasi wu a oÏ sm c li mY s U es ys b.mlabqg grimoe alia ultei ourafrosa df r" s, w . dAlge m a a slaosMon a redaash. egeomalae w bu'.Li Ue em am sabs reflei Vovr fstser oavi uwr h m iseshuil. la V" m I l ad ldm b a boom rthem' mises shoiaesm 'aet of bi is tmel1rdunsoctli i*dAndeS las I Îe nM Os 4u," Ma ive tud'- U'i49 a "L5ie cd5e -, oi 'Vsraiuy h, ife id amd iue oa, uteuep.Inegis h. si uahae ueva a.htom' U .eseppidi A fr m fe eh.UWMslc lot yàtn sui eoeia.ut h"y nlses baiSera Whille bu'vt~ sSimenry vgi&4 éo hm upmeulàves " 4Ms., h.ll meiswbgogb it wu contis fasory avrelissaiouu @*Ao aeSeait bs imbe'ur a amuw«.. ho I tsai !le- a1 m eh. s'saslWi«vMW -oiabmihave bu de-s go fruod asMèdje, yoelav aass ollou a ebu tae îamu bses kutm <bei vet«o. 705 éà 0%lad. ayb'a 4 it buli as"sM%« *hes. as 1Wie laup ms'Il a rlto ud imposshibleegl mouse1ennebs wu 0Iitiue amWho u be r uuly bw.8 Iu. me e aral re frsianallu pilaigram i se Lig 1101Pu a dy, Cmmii Iuu lAae -blus,«N ah y usmileaWou li ala.,.mlrtyo.saeqallp PIl ~cue ou. àïM suelamitt.chieooS kwo lsl MW*i fhis'rboitmg , sa oed Heud, apas'. 'li iois"Peji U*te q .ueidSamml ui I aotdertaost dive.l&h &lout e Sa imnb. di..M1<WWOUarbr. as emt ssusteid Lord t. Dl'ai e4u ay, uisss ib lesta e.afS ve4l h wMs t- aim * éo o m osese he e sua ceram~, liSai sverd<roai fib pe t- W AU0 VaueS> d*rnm11011elqsh 01" i$.. wy mq5a.le*u ems bv or Muer silgiceieir eloa m F b le mis, -4111410 110 &0y é1e th-ob os iish ut 6 Usaaie tu.-.4 ot i ll a u a pm% iemua leais hauMt4gnieut inal n d se" thWe m> I~prni.roii fory 44 TA1a1 me' la. lsteUse -laMd sPèi neauri ouip e a, in mhms"te h ie e yaiti, l osdi ete4mePs . i 'fU f m4ensum aLto'Memusârae, ho e 18 hav1el ndky4tetOaa'àaabmi- il MM"luatseéa"bsk.,10 aIS Ai- oessabre barep5I*, 1for el- M aia ty io& alaer on. een { s=h Mii 3051 un me .*0 swe idlmmuphýA&h oiW ai Il.. fou ad aee aîr. sd.mhosbledqrohom b" u té thi«M5=vrm A"Us iisiv,ée~h thy iitI~m54.mehabmeut1 po haebord"ts wtaeà a 11111tb tw àas. te dS>mwi o1U Ozheshryw- ore susqu ad ae«mterF Ï v"wmau br ahe wlb - 81 want utChr Cbebp xfod, bey ailm b li"y kéo*t tUetw W W - bW -g dh.sdmumlb. laiW im ubam abiR el lsuit- l-bar"w Se 1ubmbbf.l _11 *é," Patbn'% ousm. otgi fr ae - 1hP »Omsu mm». .it la aharmuesasubstitute rm mSie* Droe, UeM»binz yrupes, auCantor OU. Usi P%*.1W 8 Il0 15 thlrt7 ycore we by i6 çmoto$. pr.vuutevomuiting Sour Ca-ri, - »lum .and WIn.tCele. Catorfm relioves We e.stiaindaa4latuleucre e a IlOM the food, È aMd bo"l% egvint heaty -andi mturaI sleep. cas. hile le ~oeU~em't 3othoeds Prilnd. sud~ri =rou% m* ..fl wcheru uis "douail thrsm, U.reby mad amen tg.pfmat ecrwa'.", IL. A. Ameatis. IL D.,, "ots'pbysidanlt l he childrons dopait. =Mr, awre spoiten 1ûb!.hy ot thir expeet ence a . -,r <utIdo j-rýactic8 wuth sts. sud aiihongh, veoCon1, hairé asonz f"gr p.udwxs. ye« w. amafree to confée a t theU merts cf Cnscria b" won ms teloSi .15 favor upou t." VNITED losM=i. A<D JIiqPL-R&Wr. C.Surrr, Fies., né. ontour Company, 'P6T7UWItBr..t, New York City. Su BUE -FO QA1IE MRA miO iVUOE IOOSBITTUS S A. INHEOL bO;CASBITCUES»YPBSI, ONTIATON 89»M MM IMM ASL> BLOL>, NIMBl DISEAS THE STOMACH, LIYEIL. K1EYS. AND BOWELS A certain doctor off bis toua Who was called t me> a patient, alter examin- ingl - ber caa.fss.lIy id t. the mother, «WiMîs.sîsI d.,'t kaow mcl about this di»suse bat, yon just throw mer into fitsp'and l'ai death on its.. Now, ve claint no relationship wh 't. ever to that doctor, but w'e woold »Y~ that we would -like every p-so ho happens t be treublii h vreakuesu of iny kind. ffinz dit*, epilepsy, etc. té try a bottie'ai H IGIMBoTHfAmoS EPIL.EPSY CURE, mimd'if.youà back and msay ihdi i mot help yuVU miosey 1w&l be cberful retanded.. A1~ T~. Wl' kthe WÂBDBB u&or. agy Capesin' the aIt cain sus uMe lu vua', 11e 55ies h 1mrs1 Be~ pu LttPuyWhm. de, huer i il'. ane ,e"SLIt4 "1 îaiuh .- e h A ?li'rewvos aafl~ 7 l. # t. TLOo. À 'I i