IPORNI AM' ANODVNg WAT MmeW Amist Fmi uSe W in lit Aolias - <Ulpi .mpbi dm.ed- blithé W1 the lougiwole k >ectaf 1r.Talm&«qeý Luka18, 29.. -"TiNt. Ibm euat* and &Mm-the lb. north, &0 *1.1 lb ait down.ý The Tan whiolo tirne a pitactillig phyui lime a al'dpkaâliw a po*rlW Ipresber; à isportWr-ail lnipired bleus, and hlp, mmd lum em, 1 Frounlfer pou d or pois o f ulIs. am Ilie,«ukA a.ad in a vhmci l oe angrpith ovis te romuâ vend lunt. ilîga th<le muloiui. 1,'Tey mtat emé frin Ïus st êani ftm uael-t. ternsd truma th. arthi du frouatlime "ult nsudhaoU eh dow, " I- litma mretateeseiu.e ft y mentu ýjsnny au-ou t ie orid liau W ame ib hpcaptain aboim :vbwetier ous lte Paiic, or the IJailia, oetzual, or Medtrr.nean, or Bei 8sa, lok - et whre vo vire saUtefg -h snd l la Wei leéknov Ibat Ibo«il h.he aplt telleyvou Ibere are îtirty-4wo peinteet divisi4;o e ocoupas cadi n th a riner's efcoupai à 1aruneobi M cardinal pointa, suai Mta tbai l tent th tii orthla lte south't e t, lte West. So [1apreait out beoiffus lte uapof the. venu otedbmm "tut of lte Gospel camàpaigu. TRe itendest partIofthlie e le b. tabou laIb-to i Uanh. becauïe eut Gospel Ilai« emotlomal Gospel, and lbe nations ai te -fat- nort are , a celd- bleoded race. They ivel aauong iee- bergs and t*wluaas mowsand i veilae tmg wiliate. .reote*ia4sàLaphlusr, ths sîcigltt drawuaby nuladeer. Titir apeel Ibm liickest furt et ailsiaons. TCîr ffisletce a lfuullse batlle wlsh tho col. TIte vinter charges aipon them vilb avwordi ofet le, mand etrîkea l-hemrnvit ýbulilof bail sud p'ouaidateum with batterlag nama ofglo lir. But aireadythb utseorthle Arcîlo ksar lt. songe et Divine vorsiip. Al- ready cie smowo taiton open Nev Tes- lamenta. Alreadv the vermailiofetthit Soau et Rlgtî-ouseua bgeis 10 boe lS titrougit thym bodies, cand mimas, catI seuls oetthe. Hypýrbonems. Dovu item Nova Zombi&; dowmm froua ub8 Beau; îlow' om alte Land 'rts"We nigimI Suit.; dovu lfroua lte palaces .et erytai;- dovea over reatimea et lem, ani over deminloaet sfupw, and lirocg bairaicau es e of dt ,Chlèrs#sdisciples areà -coming rout -h.eiirt. The lubabi- lentsoet ludmou's Bay are gâtitorhug te olely lfi l imoec Polar cimes bu baen grand>' eu~o u lu iemtabilstlmg- tvètuly.tour* uoepi4eetaions. cnd ever tvçtlvé thouanmîd iativtm ba&ve boIevedi aWs *tiai-ubaiaed. Tiemi. arare bave kituximhlel u i-lI tfti'Gosel4aiH a ; cnd.ir<wbLva braduor. Tit. e antel rmlsioitis i ai,-nid dIscipen fr-au arn:i l te silerilig kîbabllatq 01a nruël. IWilliam iDslnrestalie tie Goel Up -it ite tg it latitues of Cotaiînbiaî. dei vritiz oua. sermoinaine tlnos in t*etie ay tW neismay dit- feretltribu via.li11@8,( ,amidtongo 'lord, to baid sehasllmousSad rhuttbos. Alaska, caflid ai i lt arakuztoll Wil- Willhîua R.L8.wairu'itriumph, anditIl l beaaiamg tic i výo f Godl irougla t. Anuricatî itiitdaise-8e, mmpand vouat n stilant (if ArCSlOit ardships ne lias a Iiiti vmîtlifrf vite, viten camp- Wzgott na wlmteî!s nigl tktiockoi frcmmlti ind r lis so Il h-ad a pitt ov 'of inuw, mi\-imir ltaI swchaiuadagùiste li juxtur,m-y woaiii tetîahI ilhurace thé, dtan. *'['ho Jeainette INlul dowil lu' latitudu 75, vAhille VuLogng am lit ta'eexiilà:f cid uiaagmou stootl watda- * t hfl-ont tti rùtnbitiand xacrauckhhtg Poilar peak q bât tteold siap n lte nol slti ait au uîar inii aliitdo77 cu iir nt y legrete,aud ltotheo-satr m-c-clfim itt liatlmevt ia ai $P-qRatls la *Bafflum's hlaiy. man Baissa'. trait and ideluille Soazmd. Thte hi@ai oet i>ar expediliosa, vwicit b aele t. acu -arebamtimtm(bat, ced Scoresiy,- ai Oabvatka amuI HearEW mottai là ta b.e IM, bhle puov ofs the mon amui vomeai vite.&Muid the troe 0s9 ilguesl alii- c.titis mioiulig tek tm b ppe hmof egropti, Agi* &agintAet for Go-1. Soletilulu ava meyer baisa a"le 15agiees te wvitlu *0 Aurora BStiolti,ir Norltmà Lights. Icas telltm. Il le ths bau mer otfvie tory Air Christ opud oi ut in lime northeru ulgIalb.svoes..P*"la fulltd areadyo f g lime not." .But mv 1511 tes l in eopposte poit or " oin â& Thte tar koe basth» .b Zm tetapiattais temnai lionst lho sargy cm uauleicand hMh blooi, whtla iî t-nowaWi multlfbrib .vlh. *hlaee thmougt My test gol lie noi l, nutviia staum4hg l sia suaittc s4Arnm7test bringe ntheti. otvtttidlug its tsmniite " *eofet actmq lte orffl Poue5 au the tlilkitsef milmu ar te liem. uenemei l to e 1= à.W1ge7 T waemuta sIWiiam tIL Peeu &W "-Gospeli1 1h. But 1 mutul DMrtotiuMrlmyto tokai lu , usImtà.et iV C sl it ilu are, tenlilie = timersin lomi 50 »mMd bu.- fr"fl ne s "fac , t *0 mIsson- dunlbleesilare ua thelb woriM fore . LThe -horrib"e ver be-4 tomai JapenM emami kovi e,. tueà lait viil ai oppeailios iatlua.eduela Var la barbmire MWvcys u voy. vigne, . hlt uesrbande la amaus- us thougit ChrlellaMa is os esdnye Wehrl te mal -dam à ou' vairbot Ni. ansd Usuti =C. vietbe re -vers 16.«) mom =v 11aed anmd sial onte opoitle ido. War,-1 vbelher lu Cinua or , bm UuJited States, As hil letlotase. Ba n os msl *111 comaeIf roua lie JapanoaoCihaoa omfllc.- Thacse glous viii b. more Opsu W ovlItsloua é'*liii. aily ltas oua ekmeo.Wb m is. iary Carey fut bpfoae ia msbIy cI blitam sa lMortamptoçtE-ag- c limd, bi& prue-atfoi, :1wevanem*iimatiou t1ii Lai, b laughéd, i hlm out of teo bonsM. 'Front Calculta onthlt eteo Iodla tb Boubau ounltee el,,haie l aa«211hoodbut dlmetly or lu. dir:tlyr= eGo 4 = t~.The Juggerncu!4 vittui dilis a wft ork for ceutunle, a ey yaks ago- vasC ittmelt out.fointhe place Wbere Il bas for % eis ein kept under shied, as at r.uËrlosly, ancui tho.wvasnotaie reyer- enliaiiytegrcl t About titre. mi- liens etChiss'liaMI S tsu Initia are thuer1 milvanco gumrd ltait yl iead oittho t itundred andS 11(1V million. The Chr a- tiens of Amov- ciii Pokin, andl Canton are te advatce guardl tat litiliead te titre. huaidreil and forty million of0 Cina.n'a i su7h shaali coma frou timd ms.'Tite ltst mmoque of Mobam- déinisma ili b. turneud Imb a Chitianiat olAnrol.The. ast Baddhist temple wyul become a tartress et ilgiL.The, hast itd. of Hindaiffm vilii hopitcel la.lte "e.Tii. Christ vito tetéime he h.EM w iliyet bring al biga eslaloi W o overcomo, and 9 aIordea" m e bu cilmirougla Ibm c.the um=lloii 1 as viîssa ltse Armueiasuderthe bulchtm-y of the. Turk., May that lt oua on lte baak of tit. Boàphorousson traitble!1 Tbe lime bas- alimuiy même vhith ie Unitedl Sates Qo*i-rimoittandGreal Biitai8iami Gurmamnv cu--igtu w tosie lhe indgnation of ait ciuiled item lou. Wite Ït Its noMrequiite thpît *ms b. teaI thure 1e avengo ttievhhoosal.' mai# tacre of ArneslcnuIo roui3i19tht it l>y table under the wuandb ea-e ltsha Ibi U tthe vires frnt 9uh hyaglon andI ouloami dBonus te Con-1 aaualoîle, lte atatiosm a ethemnitize1 t.elai&ism ftr vwici simo Sultait 011 Turkkuy isn espeitmble. Moharmnedaîm.i elaIa curue Ïwbt ier lu Turkey or 1e Yorkl Tlaysa on tut t outli ,And %bey vulcome at the ili , fthe loveiimm Andl gramidest and best 9men ami vom- a of ii time. 1 mi-at tie 1mtselonaris Dh.sohatîAnterlcatmsandi rEuagliqllmn iltao if o vg-mc go Calcutta, e ai Bomahay and Cmteami to ittake thucîr fortunes, défaine the Ilmissiomariîa lii- sema> tiis-the y liw saiid titepuat bonsu-holde ýet -ihos-- miasioarics areaa eortàt ireke bto %e Aiesicain ummd Euuglililbertinues atoItg liere, but e ltenn md voment ofGod tlire.atit. l4iimmel go out gloriotisly itlm hair work; Ipepde jus% mne gond imd sol f-dtt isig as 3 vas % imistonar y Moffmmt, whao.wlicitau k- el tô write lu an album, wrotothe," 1words: f . u mnage bramaiS 'pogseand darisuec réasa mrite.te is mie of Je" there le nt Ue wortdu both a gs mdfatr; la ait th... agiins are mes anil vo- me mcmavth ti uscrl oIef Melville *B. Coz,.vit îmheklig for lime mission- au-y vork lit Afrîcai smdta a fellov-stUý- dent: "tif I dis, lit Arita coimmo and à vnite My tepitapit." -Wtial amait I r vrite tIrV Our e.'llph ?" aid lte itu- àdent. '1wiits, 21ueld t Iis.ords: à LeI a thon aàdtai boforo Afnica b. ea Trie. a aor jlof lias cmpose f ~al y t1, "Tiey shail toe rmtheWL'"That maille a Amnrica a ndoed. Evsrythbln b- a ve latifflia"l PiIlc-ans te bé, is boought ivithilti.cirais eof boUses uan sud eplre. Wât ilîbolom% byv.ihlly - refbm,or seughhal? ',WIN Itbelav. a or Uospl ai s 1ïkga héba ave of y teoons hm5 iepIaaiO5 is " lad, can w au lb. Cition ar e .-.lmg b. umrasge belimearub O te m elgt pp4nrOlime fui mfl. US tirugit 9mov. "jé*utb.vie 4mim4 At'h tis be* =l sto Ybd l iset hpteb cot raJ9" I a t W Bue1 I1" a 14 vcilb. r, slvtsad titoit crlngs1 oue du-sp et vhlçh, lut i ciaite mmila or pes lastte au' elenit cala. Tavay cI ematt fro ue ia mas, and éothoala e it, cand froua Ibm skorit, an& tt 3wmth &adl shah il <lovas. of te l1e. Is r,'mils me età a1001u1 in Phlhladptla*bem Ivas ,it1e. A poo n anba oai amiàu trfsi sud haprlsoned fo e II#Wmlae caudy ou Sundayýt. O 0iller lart'=a hadboula allowebtb WbmuDlt«eo IIIîIIOEUg-eIOpS opeuounlb. belnd lks beck vulke up mid dova lte streets declllsgg, tomolest gmeqyet. the ofb" oUbqé ve ait rosSp la « un we declareil thou h . evm no vomAU =o1Ù Ctaflovd o un molasses candv on SU5daY. A tuw vtqeks âge. antiI b1 and preacit- ad la one ofthechurçlts lu thiti-oi a man saggered laton Sit pulpit sairs maudllmidrak1 sylog, 411 am çuofe the reform.q» trs ita W.4elsotei tt W b offce.attbe les soeio.a." I goes-rilof that "xreet refomer" .as soo, as 1 colbnt1 dkl noslmetrid ofheo lu- prausios hat a amait Ilka. itI voutlcure te abrinittattoin et N w. York about as sbon as MataiK vould mumetyphoi li'yer, or at0 w vuuld ronder Raiydm's 'Cr..&las." Politiciia louri cilleA bas beroueme cerru>t that tête ouly cifference lb.tweeuthe Repubi. ca Mdflmocrat c parges I. la t a b in verse ltauthSie <itur. -Bult at no. tblng aise ial&te unvrse mi ido, tbe Gospel cati aud ii &etomPliait. "'Th-- 8hahi coule irom the Wé-St, antI ,for tha purpose lte evangolist batteries are piîed aaitouttiii Atlantic coalt. AU the prairie%;ibthemouattains; aiH the vail.ys -aU thý-cidle a uder nieçe or leu è ospei isflSitiîce,, andi when vs ReS ellougit ailla ani coum~eorat1sn for. te work, titis viiole Amorraa oatl. ivltin u r e ut for (3W 1,They shall coule froint tihe Wet."1 The wurk là -nt un8<>difficuit me mai17 Suppose. You> Say, "Thore are lte forelgit populaitkxonsYos; but Maur, of Vient .ar-j HollatderR, ant hey v.re brouelt pt love amêd woralp Glod sirtwil taktttm butiuIt bp -r2mlad Ibo Hollanddrmago a" *elb.religion of tileir fort faîthers. ThonCliernt are tîî.g ltens"fovelguers go Maur e or &oc.Thy or bIr anosors h.:ard Thomias Chftlmre tshunder, aind Robert McCheyne pra.v. The. brotith ot God 80, ofS.ii avept lbrouiçli the hontiir of lhe Bl1ga Adp tigmie volai GaOd bas 00 oftwmuod el'liraome Tl«.-' Sache, mail lley aU&Kmev .Do 4, sng Dumdete, tio lîtivie ili not have Oega t. b. Invî teil0a(cept lthe Goi of Jobn Thema thora are among thee rettat- srs serMay tilrtofEdmisia. Tlîeyi-l beriteil ttesamielatuguaire a vo lmherlted - tlloe gllsh iii wlich Shako- spearduramaîîmz'. , amiMilton a llmd hisantos, mmid R[mry Melville Gnsp- lsd, ud Oliver Cromwell prorogutd Parlament, taud Wellinmgtoni vominammd- êi ha. enger buse. Among the.e, forelgmers arts th" St7îst, and d 11ev vore rocke in laai craille und r lihe uhaïolo f tb lit%ait cc héiral of fime Aluigly, in whichlait ithe eliemnet, 9110W, aad bail, aîmd tenapest, outi hurrirata.wor- *lp. Agnon- lth ne foreigms ra ;;e hos$ cf Germains, antI Ithe qfeel centuries afterwaird tho coe e hat = Apaluelkd Spirit Whsh 81 the ýAah 'bla u ui, and io ,ibeavetms vien bu prayed-Martin Luther! trom nal nal[os our fortslgu populations bave conte, andi titI? aro hoiùcl-, far awaty frou the plae e fthir chiltihoni aui the IVraves of their anmetrs, and sur g'orTotis religona prêeîmte thent mîr-iglit- wili mont hvIr neWda.,and l the, r moule, iad kisidie thitir entmlusi. 1They shailcine fromt amald the wvine 1iteavesof Dakota, and tromalte ors boba of Wyoumng, and fron t te sii'tor amines of 14evada, maid fruan te gold n guiches of Colorado, andl freon t eatks oi'sbo Piait -.ami lie Oregon, sut thie Sam«oramenoo, mmd îbeColutnbla. "They @hall rogue froualte Wesl." But vhatvllteyd@aftet tbyrome? Rifre lu 5.anOtltiflfglot.iouiU nola- toryltaI OUnve ioled Tbey &bhal cousefront the eaau" " b.wes and im noutitand, e*ua utl Wshal .l a . it. lia" htis lM a sred workl 7%1% maIl akpt eu lte rua ait Shir3uI 4nes kep ut oh lite ma. iTrouble klee s u the ame. RivaIrle. ofmm e.Up thesu on te ra. Thory are rud frnm di. aster. Tb.y maren=' -And lims. vo ru' th. cam le deCro ss Servieu esthe Im GVMIM Army. Fer semial ear xpeilmeuts bave beasu mcda' lin titsGermenai ny l1a ite traitof Olt nesfor iservice lit lieiit- p".ai epsrtuamal. nol long afo the ve ol! kio anïùmal lter, Jean Bum- gertr aç, rx-cmmlsloiad tg)taka a ita niather, nmu hie rent report occasio: mcd bIgla pratue tramnlit e mpeareand liae cmv my ie ral lmnjcrtatmlstoplwas the scietiuof aot e d o a possessig cil time quclitie. siotmessry 1er th., pur- poevaz.: Obeiieaoi. vatchatulness, lletohigîuîco. ftdelihy anl posuveretmce. Titeasquahitietiwev onsioulttiIuhe. TKe equipment et lite dog contsists 0f astromagcilar' ultia e unil healier pocket for eI.ccu, caaiil .vaterproof blankel for ais est ats agit acdtIiv p c- -otainisug a seuil margton%' outIl htîm mlalilnes and aa stacl ceatit us f dà%rbiàsu it he titlti .'bd le liesliti u lima pound4 caldcaau ho eaaly carm nid hy theuu(log (rrd<am Hlît ervies ameirotetimportant il.- tse seercit for ltme weîiimiod or decil; ho oil-*n iriigs flr4 blîli moa soi lier talion iu bruhm or uttderwoo- ail coin pletqvhv bidden frein aulit; h.- makies cet excel- lent cusurit-r. mutidrhais train. ltompélaîi l eom nutior Vienî vem rsai lthielly due- l v or i i i g u e . m a g î s i u t r a i u t e t i t i s i a r e as (est ae-a cilvaliyumîau, wth mnucha lu daaî"er ta biatt Couiesr amuti ms- sage. ;£ largeo red« t-nop.4mairks caci Ida pocket. ami d dîigmaît -àitis voseuîc- liil *Mllutihe lsnmitftny.tmial relief comrps. R also carriéS a msmal littteu ot lit bmck, ta î-imablU the lithvr flwarer te fol-, low haimut iii the ts:arcla fer thie voumadou or leaul et isii t. MAK'NG UP LQST TIME. 1% te m, ui irtFe-aiuvuur agrama Enfi- lu regard 10 lit-' iiiffictlty et making ap loBsttimne ouarnilwtaý-s. c valSer ln c lor-Igl pperlay':I'bus. 10to aesa case, lOaI. l -tMne ag a»60mil-às atm boutacueagti liai-, suppme e bisagi- neer ln c coupleor mlnunu*tt lat i'. îi b. cornes ta tb's homglb et 10 nilfe., vhicit bc e erly rmslau10 toinute.. tfeu lat6stiilu m liant, ho te le , wujy uaklmg 10s'ai minute la u.y l et aull ho mato il70 Ml"esan heu, be maiens up oi minute: iâtecySomihi5m lauiJ'oNblY, *",te. m"ke l asesNwy tflte 1e .l4abQaIt ea MMfet ho reeu every day, é îtls ry1leoala ev-a aCouplte i e in ita isas 4epi 10iv ~fm ettI esl ohu lie ni Otst lMÇe mielu îîuery OveMil 'Wf~ iY5mlos, buta 'docrmau et~~irn 10 !seu mIasesli Ove ~ ~ 1 mlls.0Peo *40W GIlLSi -«4s WO thé Imrnsd, mi W enjoy iagoe mm md' 3. Cmtipat uso i k-mii Trouuhlni sui e acm s iouv j ta couumil Cdût-LlvmlmIS ac mit ho ai o oe goa Ilmiadolars amIdon* cd l'y D. Tiu pu, ionti1P MYUAD QtJACKS. W ata, oeo.. by a th ,OMaM d U i 0181t U Nénr Sanls Moulea, Cal..o0»e a&Y ham veek in, àlitits bay about ai squareiuaùes lu aiea, Iberoe e.fullv a qarti r of a million ofvwld es. Ibo nofes t lÈ rqaacklng an. cluag tg ,ous noblir wvaat limes iteard Ivo ils avay. AI Sita Pedro andI att' tbe fitIle ake in KRom counhv titore Are Mai 10 hi evea greeter umb&B sof lte gene, hecauseof ta. proxiity of thte Large.mmlumbers of lte. gSoe.aune slain wîmnualyiurlng tormiain.I isorcfor aboy sport-umats to gi-t 60 or 60 o! thf% birds Ila f tittors, and luuidreda etlte older hunIers ln Ibis region have often gel ever M00g"ese liday. Ainarty ot tour les Atagoleq sportsmen vito west out for a twe days' hunt over lu lbe Orange county marmite. but veek, cerne ihome vitia over 900 deail goms for te cily mer-, kets. Trwo Bakerflt-Id men. baila i trme days' huaI lately aind carne homeo vlr a tar wagon oauu.d down wit.it geese and daicks. .Ini ail lte Ili e lovis clou th. lise oflte Saitta Fe Raiîroad in tîbl section lter. ae ea score or tvo of maen anui boys Who reg.ularl7, spring anl r ail, ltta' out for a day a shloot nt il i ' des m ducks, and lte perRon vite I dees noS" show tiat ho itas tumble.d ovinr at least 25 birds is accountedIn ouer luck, or a decldi"d novice ln utitutg. Maiy pensons vii ridetethe lboumirts et te tovn. cul, standing la a bugg or wagont,iii satisty titeseleVM : asitthle armies eofalà¶birdsal long amag Ov a ïona W.% brlnÎ5. rda . o ih v i iaudffl îÎeein.AUl the marie aul CsM *ey ray storeç uov ae S gess amidueku exhib tfor .a1. im " alsum.-Newyoulk San. Importace 0< rlIeli 1b. t iegme bs m mf aon vitut ,M q u t of th e I e sa ta i ard d m &aa ie Iaiheork of the best o.ipes llithesrly days etflit use eet, IkgIal la pboumrii t uls, lteé dcu*- nmu et the alaoves a asource etfils uaay W tiie penatr. Van der WY46 deissd a refractor of alabater, on vhithe lailigimî w&4 ltrouti The, rs- tralor nas en coltected Ini a ne- Ioer7 md by it throvu cteule .Milet. The shadoim e ttues wfienel and a briuiihansd artitic piclure walss- éS &h Iemuamy teabureS havi bu iuuloduasdri b-saugrnenling lte &bu blity' amil ffectiveness ot electrit tigRaI lu potpby>4. Of Ibisehehaetsin ami Incanidescent lsysteîn, to!instsllu of a round Ntoc four fiel lln dlmameter, on bitmbi aet iici are raungeil oty it mS-Ove Canieo pover hanaps, haiked up D a doue of vritlisilk. Thitixe ii a beainsumas-' p:nedl om lte ceiliaîg, no Ibat It cas b.remoyed toany part of lte studioaI vifl. A nog<alaor iso tnneclel as te Ibaudet tas contrai of t)p operator, lb a nslcully lutta on tva. tour.. six or mi 1 muni ber et hampe hile focaism. Atervari lte remainder of lte iam are dolewytunnel nunîi ltev femrty art' buring at faullCandiie paver. Il le cilad ha by tbis gradaiW lu- cromaI e lb igbliamg powerthetimodlr la neier marda i mr Iacouaenleaauid by lb. etrong Ra iati la being mmmd dur- lut te expceaire-Maaâi~ hegýnapm Dow Mr "the 1 OjIratier*tae&', tun by Sbs oeî: îgi l ti t tanb £!içIig1l, mand tee ectrie lmh ana Caàfu .spec,lhivueful lunsaulrgng.-Plltb- Au emiment physicien 0of 1h18 Nty, a Bubmn by bIrti lec1 litaba e "a tmu as ir ecluite icoeopalbi bye a eertul oxMplevhalit hf à, b.h là bl@S eeumary yIMM: £ega=V valhmg vlb u Wa Irsi titogi I vuou osuakes forzvat IbalcuW 109 .. he 411.0st or reptilm* e vai t 0jam cit pmielbmi Ms abeé te, a l1ly l a psm li erribfl e -o*ui, iey I, l 5 mi meI the ens %wutflb. ~vo ki se-a le Oeow s 1112 ~ aia atm--f s ý ýM â± ýftalis;C a une A Burnau1 Moque4 More à sii mal Pwur1t*sb~ cooeepro. 1 tDecier. ü* x &"sMmd Liver, j *inneyer ~ou as amntbox of Kdmy.Lwer Pins amutraLize t1Îe 5,rciiiona ofUric Addintb boo ad't' - t ytndcrncy tI. DMght% Dimea e t. Fcpuriqn the Bloôd md renovatiug lbe sstam~.. 66ciî» ia the Spring, one az cent or Bkters knmom. slcM b>'ail dealers, or by ~iIemipt of przoe,EMANSON,, DA TES pà'0 4 'ombord 5tof, &al. Th'e Warder. Corsets'are now recognized te... le the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed dr money refunded. asKYOIJR ODRYl GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. EX MmoiER bPARLIAMENT I EBENI. E. IRUA.X suply of serve tonoe izaet mres. uimiua, amnd as a isia thé f ood ba"iemnbt te domacb iou317 poriuy dig.ste, andi CircumLa&d gusioa miDynpopsia soonmai. torappearsuc. Beuli menanNervis. e si M pie p rsi it a l c tlad i notly on the netves. Il viii absolutmly cure .voeyj ds e iadigistion and Dffsppi4 aMdin wau ebuolute speoiio for aU JuitUay givé ieif in ou as: Ispovers te buili pltevil sylmane voulcnfal in th. xt"re. Itour e aol, théyoung, m a. wlUe-mmui 15 luaegresl frimsale Ïfl ama ulin&=u. Do nol negleol lemu Ii precolus boom ; if you do, »e. ai mgleol te Sly rmiy whbioit vMiirestoresyou t. healli. BotAmioau Nernus ha pubfotly Dili"leladesdo mol fail t. useth <test o urs, beeuse il wil put t&» kblom o.1 frosituman ad beuty upc lm lilps amdi n jolur amuiÀ1 m 't*iély drive avalyejur disabililie ý DrW. Vauohwa, of Mev r âkamal, lulisuames: "I uaW musé S.uBO& AseuiesaNervine la I" jlm4 ami ýl os ibs i n ,Urpets*. -b b a. olt x.Us. DRUGeIBI, Advertise"n Es.Bobm i.Trasa, MO Ommlaâd bes Iblubhmen mi e@Wue-1 us, aMM. se ihiglaly esiufmlby tb.poohà isieacholhvu - wooriviW aaI lm in, Iâàismu iidyfutuiuites usoripublclo b. mut velcmt b ule imosmuet ssiite a n aol a IMiti paipinsil aUas . mai Mypsi. bae triéaum melihosamibave boss trileS4-V ou at ftom.then. I »00r»se. utuahi mutle1 my i sa "q's masWs. mi Ikmut mqIlomv g*st- uu i m he s t.im o aOsUIi7 à iem-jww .m *EUZF DoIs