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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Feb 1895, p. 1

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U~ niUs~5 tii Simm~ Ho'.. sko.I~mgaUp Iobbimg promplly s~ 81w memuaL _______-au Si P.! Aflnuml Burnt SMOKEUD, WET ÂND DRY GOODS" Anotiher Large Purohase of Salvage from the. .Great Torout-o Tie Oui~b stn b..Ua nJy pok.id 'w#h oustomeis duùg tb. - it wo weeks. (on sainrd&v moM&ng v ed lag.sbpm Of Duoai-sud Damséd Goodeto ouIm: OIh very diht Vorth vW" o!osed out. EZvry outtomer imade happy by seourtug about pive D)ollars ortk for efery dollar inveiWd. Wu. WIJL Op«U oitRIDAY MORNW IMottal h EST.. aoihoe loi pum0kanloti wonuetfUfl7 loy prie. Ona 0 tameu ms, 1ontouifor tho e etborgainh we have y1t Do not de1ayv. Ihes are damaited GoocZs, and muti b. soid andi red wiM a week, cand wili b. oi.orec i <4ow prioes witk <a ruhe 2o thm q f ourou.wmeraW4 owa nt pz.rly YREBH DRY GOODS,we mqay *MoeêrSpiq oi is arrv7b»i dai4g andis. very aUraodwe Ail woes reduoed during'oui Great We ýa.nd 3urnt Goods sales ýWARNER&CO The Gret Bank!upt Stook Ment 76 and 78, Kent st., Lalndsay. O ROWN B RAND' and Chowing là nâmy «e" ou Qr tobamu. aiu by is *0Om""ai&u o~i %" acr" , u vy phiisk," l aliSpaol oui bviiTolmS ame chevlnt.. The Now OANI9IAN YSao0o0114 Enrai Ye ar'sArrivai Brînga with it good fortunes b - you* TRhe ORd as <oue, thie new S isRiere. It is afittugsymbol of .oui ethods h oc~dsug We boRieve hi havaag thie MW# the bsat.-Bev olt t"êÏu" Rg. Ra is thb .eeqy aMd. âà oo t*-gli - «Oy f gCÇKbtbât e.*lu a* onvi b h ob, 1 &m -m a r,**à m'M& ew PROF. OcmUR-AI.n 0 a . iu Ia . liaiaf i 4Ba a ~un xvU nitme« A» liuima.ueim ioFmmC48M UUU».A W, Mon 0 Wnia6 bbllSil-i UTIT f94EO ue misi48a OamWKO SI.hall f riSESaS Eâi iWislaJap ii 150-ti a h madfeo iflNn hQa. mmt a A.'Zh .ofs. . humél'in du74 al ----- O.mfeu" qw n * Altw4m COIDWAD of d OMS im" mua mAHM»thmicm - OuM hIstimait tirdima*9 mlMà t &v5amaa iav a A.&a'" lam ite a m 4r ai 0 bjm"WthmW Md l Pm Pr" '- tam OiUJaiaia la. tt iSfa etaiup ihaitmO a mS»Wh memte se thdj wi bddbv bm orladeb *uè S fn pniuai imbirdaiesa Im u mu domi se or la dihuit li ii. ty MW . npl u Imedmaimeii hl a et Co. lb RC m a te iMUi li tu erad .aj i M *l a ia W. W.DEN *m bV dIOMFau SLE -o,-I"sa VALUABLE FABM PROPERTY IN MRtPO8A. At tao masterS Ob*mbecsat ao 55 Court Boumlae STm et. Saturday, s3rd"day of Feb'ys '9.% ilm edmoS la lia-lhmin aSma~ slPiil w, hhat a Mryt- .i ni quuaithiUtif0la S V* es6 fm Me bmo e*0lepalimoi.e mmm m e ai lmia iahamti itmjali uld.i ams4aSa6l mq Notinfg à so gratifymg te, iR. oeubars, mam sa ae- met dep - . sco m mapa n. of w004 dliioaam* - d aheathy liver. A Addigeston fiRe to asëiateor oau» av of, the food we eat. BZZe = bracing or.,-invigorat!ng hi ed, J *eiver, uma<tand TRaS l boe oLu il flid Dr. PhaaPleait Pelletsdo thie um good. ThIey ame tiuy, sugr- osiedpilla, usorolutarer IJian muuiad emodo made aof ouentrated bIslamiex»t& .Then "Pelleti» aue 1 aily dluoyed iu thie etoumb ami aUbe budato the blood, sftimu- lala ow of bile fmor the liver, miaromaMInEt. *aTity al tii. gland. .1W mour-en&I. TamatRi.7Macinl Th.y'ro ,uaoeatbgîve sali.- faction, or money refunded, inu-aRR Ilions Attci, m iSick Headache, CoeaIlp@*onD Irzinel, sud Iu- It cures Catarrh in Head - perfectly and manentRy - Dr, Sage's tarrh Reimedy._ per- Cai. £1~~ml b-ua iapW aiamuat i Me Mr maula à.M 2 a5. y 9. NL-tii qaie tà a U" :oi i t~aimai.l5iii i a valda, U cri-IlmoRsi u iinû&W. ara utdHaM"t PINTER. TO FAR«ÈR8 AID 8TGCKM EN. - Tan mmifl un iam bt e Ve aviliignm aivaut iM» I. ~ a*A*& a OMiMSai. a »È"mdmm iiPot lamohi, Yousholde ou ge stoc of WATCII ES, OLOCK89 JEWELLERY# SULVERWAREe SPECTACLES9 NOVELTIE8s'ETC.o No one ou show a botter muuouiment in reliable gooas'ý in any. of our inos than w. Brung I&oCa P.MoOÂBTY The Jeweller. your repaira to W. y. aty, gâood work. at »eaonable prices. Wu F« oAT', The leweRRer. 77 Ken:t41t., Lindsay. anr US.n *i. W. OL* bug *0 a". vi mabgly petatla .~ ah da uppi u aua mIta eslalummaocili. W.ma11lmsdu ~lht a00tr LT t. CÂLWQANMI Do. a Qopyiz. bonm~ut the grestar pui of tie ibi7 su»rin ustariuasuded aifly; bcl, iuaudmg tlui moie mn tum f» &Cuba, tbw.â» abbe ait geaili ire âmtit re laionsof *6lalui Camaisor the United shtes. Tie greéà devilopinen ef the. Losi éàel s a O f S o u v C lio rn l ricintse sladmai thelietihlai rigs. lion tra lhe Mountains Md frtramaréeulia velle hms nndired liaI loaelily muci mogre productive tisa toraerlp. Thue ont"sl ml mea a wery bright future le. tore lie disticlt beivien. lieCoulitrange o1 Montaius andtli es. Wiat lie loaily bM o evaut ih g"ci bard, vng fermiersach Suoigin visi large capital îahoul do. fulwvelI Tie levue and ollius su ivores bvilh g mn lokigfor "baeaing mis." , p@=@gotien vwil a little~ abulti mmd look fer othsrinme s ria lIait viii just te moae oti isla niaI. Otièearetire tienfotohm ballhand are opme nmma sdollar aheaiver cimai pin s o laberensthclae,à auiopmer povin er, o f x opilitrns etr., "Vl. yi er hum y say" smaiOur frind Wluone eday vieu, vi ver. jlabag b oi onthonovaui. "Whst' lie vmsilu jour rusiug svsy me awon. Weri e nlj ab fiwaus llire, but ve got el a b.s mghty lng tlimewL ..Do't b la soe'a gnait, hnny." -Tii prauauI logic kenit ns ovin Suudal. TaRa ut lave, ho compel, Sabiati olibervamo.. Tiene aren neWmhilave la Cailoru Mdi jet ta the rabat iy of Loo Ang" ie.vth lieSO.- 000 bm iol ofotdialat natlouallla Britlai Uni:s;'laie, Gtrmas, F»»14i Spamiehlg ious, Chinéeimd Inisn, lhe Sabbati vu msealnlolly obimnni es tu "ITcrcnle igooi," viii &Ulisablue lave, hard "ilipresoiers, ad mi npeoor Pormerly Saday vas net observai lu Loi Angeles. Butiasmumber of the botter aima it lsmn ditonalmie, audi maie ith Intention praoUoaley Raon ta amy atone, iop,, embalihiiat or atgoub" dibg buaini on Suniaja, vould. uit b. patiam by loin ou the other daq. of tii viii. Tii affeeb vu nmglcal. 1 isvloped s iemltiy loyal apiriliIlaui uelamand md brought shoul lbheulti- bdi .tlon"nov .exlatng. 1 1@ olierq su at if theauin, goody- Igsody type vie vsmt ubeir -hianota tao mini thé *e"ea"uiviii cOpoumMntât "iw aumtheb. am as dmaimithua. 1 dai or Ibmpiu boa le h"s ai fuil y bipmmusat ilionr U~ é~ s _d . AmmubW à4 tn Su r lipS la Mà m*"a vm m<baelh-M Ttmvam a »n" ofs"pac.bu smie uai mimain i oÏd. tfiv>y tnlia of Olum evi m f Pu""& rqu i tic mil of pbb"m t uooev Som thelte" dras nim#md uaislbg lie .11 ftailas eipueu4 I '&M l lbt. lM"w Uhihihoaflqt ýai, aio4al do ui. mu tslm Aeuticlus à" lie y - mif sii - e »ui W= oéumimgnu. wg u pane- bull - m a ujiai». d amI -the" Tournm the iU MAi. bus ausi.f ore w6 na i,»p Te tgava b l mémé, @ei lI Mr A"tuiegu rmml "vupIa ohmi Yeumg Mo"mabà bom sunIiml; Bu lantifl lasEume M I blIa tu thimaa i au lia li amààm*amte rUm , e. On arrivai diva the clope ai RuisO Caris alouai piotograpieboka tevw er tii demudlug amu. Oui vwu tarvad. id te e Md aiiwuti em a ont. of lie-trnp for it incllaou i ill Wbaum Pro. ILovea"d " *0 1o- mids. A hana obilieu v iii our p mnty. 1We ollbil parb sy up lie oppa1- nomaauMmd iamog g ba -tgie bua mmp vivof theiiiullaiaoili. ce ouostion wu Bot mini, hua oe hanre futup lii nv i mbuis pilOf thle. gr« nd" uie Tii raera trip b Lot Autilisu dulghfUI.Ou iwwry 1haud âlieti les«Mul grivec, aven. e, Isuns, rut- dessusorahand, ardeanMet tlia MOSNANRICA. Vili 3mai. Vilmen Mmd thlias om atm of ii oempmuy, a trip vas mude tw eSéta Koalas on 160 Pam e uoma. Os tie. vasésop va maie ai tiie Boldlan' Hom7 erce a ery good vIsa' it the nom w aT X LE va obtalnid. Sauts Montas viharf!eM. touda upvmrdofa6if liaee li te.smm, Mdml ee ta cz ity basul i ney vine obtinil. Tii owleval auiu iimail, lie bisainle nry fiealm cabri i tuta duesby proecuof linrc. Mr. Winp tarored ns vl i te~ Smn Pedro sied Long Be"naiL& barbon of BSa Padro la reportai ip ILU. ouglmir bb. lie blest oul f h Sm pwaàlobc. I% o.tWlsila ha ose m. ppmtabout ilut7 miles off lever fae meait- nauni. For mleson esi aide if teetii ancmate Sas Ombili river lie basain le fe fr lstbug x. géilnt vievi e mourei et lie pat aMd i lis uneny. A «triltru"inîdoue mi liepont. la seunce "piur tripe an made ovur ti&Terminai rmilvm te BSn Pedro Md liemui by abeemer leOstiuaa Tis. bSbor iu notai la oainio wtvl tie v*imovnabataip "Tv. TimniBefote riLi-Who1e No. 1977 d 910i tft d vtam usmitu vieilbPi. MM" bea, 4 uait i èanocats Vierami mid te- rac *0 MWa. bard of baiti, Vi U "Pr of a mmiam pau"I by SM. boad, iecom. i~ îlt E.Dfflaa be reapolatai mIF. . nom, r K. E I od MdDr. Lymé, ou a deputatisa tria iiimeobelua hmU.iub% uddri.dl he tiiusniuxg h ia un a" t t lia l vbga tatemuahou be lba--al. lbé Major mauxe idiputa. am "-- i rmelthenrmde nud m 9» i m u o.c.alddexattea of the Conseil. ams lubie, Utre. Tu.sd m Ulia mlap, M a dgmiuu fuMe a b. urai2onze- mai"vr pm in lu rtac.te, verot m t"ietati &gbezr uoaIMmot" mule by EMr. bn aconiel by Mr. Pila hlbW »tiiLutthe usmi1tes, md nu te* tb bii imwty vu a bb. diapemma 1h. ~uimlIamzreudtbmaavu M vl!! alla U Povoqa sragamenta Mmd viti. ,êtleWavecommlta raed. résa. ~iM amtIvbu Mode to thei Lb l ea t e t ist l i u l d e b o o , ,f r a d v e r t l a ~~bq tr1dfot aM a aunair iert. Raput llé . ut e mmitea eà" madopa Mmma.lg la it" ra quan the l. frm bu M0 buIet ho1tuei liniaildé. bai k»i "e, bu, Ume@& l. Alame dimice osthe Ex. woa"tolugle aeafer the Tiomte mblit eimpiy mai pioa Mimd on MO*iM allraad, the oull ba regad te purehadmg ait sud lader vapa, vili aoc.arj Oml bof bdwwabi. ioùa4U ta.ilvu miade br @il Ua me u lai ie u couaaq but rimaitte prchpaa thé truui - Md a&U aWU cas et lus pc«wat lame xejusral somaief- me ambutit .fin Md Vâtir t"uMtit #a, ti frait Mdl leliga cosmeua nai bfe 50.000 t mdairàse a mtl I Ialy nald td eonu t.marwa tru famoaib. adopled. Alla aime dbu" tola etivite the 1umlty 0f aafS hovel wr saa, the report vuo réfora lbeck te hi» oeallle fer litier oaedem. bafl etfsImuai ammitta e tmimaU *6 pfalmiaie air avna ocosats amoutibt ~WJS; tlhep eMI&d at uaooiaiuW myiteifl *0propoud grams1te ii.a od=t ., sd abat lits, MoCahe be pela 810 a*; ý mah Mt ta il for 1. las l lin w t . btmreapeuvidel ah* ebtelma fre i. O.- 0 11106, M mm eumae of a&U Maint mmt à.mn inmdllaregard tb ame. Mr. Wlmtaae fai ciarcai la eaim thé »lors.tgave * immatln oi tmou e îms thas xquli»d IZfloMLtiReiport adopti.' ,ai ta u p pa m ent y giIét.*MIu theMunom f the loatio dat » tavda e hbaýMomulata 07894 60 bas11mm uald. Th. plaolpal item vblch empoin lta f iatmg deba aratef oaly x»b4 ut. Euabuna aMount du. et ç la opérahouae mmd lm akb taid, dibitu. accouait fe ii- tira yem iSZ.ii'gtlgy moral aeuomiiil b' Kr. Job. ta m a Lutimoa .zsinlg the aymusli coco ibesmelo.sautably miuaadmi feivlelb lra.GW&aa, vldow of thi lati .1.~~~ W.Gés bbd beau oaaI a MOUS- lau et" IS uneil but died betors tmkiag bie 1LM. Wiuten moved aoonded bh iàr. Kyliew Utbm thsi fîe couaoil ltthOfiramea ton M»i mmaunr they worked at tbe late £vai uo mifieuit . Pegua'@ .econded by Mr. Tbuohbouxn, liai %ho aaaia.abave ave extra malmu inlu heir book@, ou@ e b fotoahi aitumivalue th» ai md sud the other fox thi lmpruv etathirson. vu s&lia mu expia- milan by the olurk thit the aaesaorabook@ vir fuahad by the conoty and vwon nov la hie, pomwaIeavau natmxnîd la the fianoe Tvm motbome b? Miera. Kylie a2d BradY viréee aa* oui ng tonr igit mari e lta lira, mmdtii other th&t th,@ apOtal om- maie on theisolation hospitti1, cozaïder th. pnopntty of buling ma sddiioal Win£ le tIbn omefothe moil Tv. by.Imva ire iatnocluced ami panai. oui authoim< the Mayer @&a lerk te larov for lii mas of thi lova pmndire ah. eilluetbiaoffthe tex" the , m muf 135.000, ,mm othir ta aoficlerand fix the alaria TMMr Mu. uatves wm s' filIid. ha Fmuai"alotan; AmI eesptbu #ni sai- ltaui maome am -a mMd* uh Am oa vti aiMaiMd au un mlbq» Y.uMMO. t hwiM W apitu i l" 01 Xif9hr 3mai Vss i a a dtmste meteitktbrhMt Tuai ah'vmm Msi t au w - hélng m ada. $0oImmn e a.nI limv piha fi« o *e i iM uephDM Preamli V" Mjr mimtol.mmbf t g i ommeiL M Wr. Cutiscvstl$s lim ra nouw, ikga-tniote" q d l. ionse raabd té *hbmii latà ulahm l btisu h eaoliufT*at.m 867 SsM ms e iny1lth$a"il imiaqe &a%*mibu feui auiamm allvni fr umgl m e tiaspintai tirai wa4n4 auité u i anbsii Vioela .Smmutlm"- MiUt.t uime I~ ~ t tVuwS, mlaut Mu11,nMdS lai .e.. .,Mr. Tho.. White peid Whltby frimada a viant a fev days &go... . ma.Mxviii ami Kn:. Poacock vire viatting lira. Ford et Prlraiize luit weak .. Wr. John Ford te hoedaanbai Mmd hesrty. John'& et etila amem té b. dtavutowarde White Lsii. - &crbxmS. - On Fridmy, Pib. lot, Kw. 06m"i.. Koahon gel bedly injurel bv a log aIlug cu hlm. We hope our fiend Chaulie "af toon b. hlmaelf aWal...O a urd&Ys Pri.2ad, Kr. Thod. Wice b.d a verv narri Iaiaus vhili felling a trie. Ri bink a geoI enearvalvi sud good at dodalng wu apara CaâàlxOunua or Fouuwraus-À ceuni Si sl aow onr h o 1e mova m court ubmaN. utvu egnimilirhe on PM"ay nimbalai, Pib#. ith about wm1 uaià.m mailie. Tbaini lia muesusilby Jr.. Omutuiy. o~ fts IltIt ablaiby if nIi ogmlmm. oloula h~ ~a. Eléal;y. C. IL. Un 4n I S . 1 à 1 - liffg

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