dwe0 the quan, from Ai 70our.iM.badTie% , New80wThes, et1 Wide PuE aid Flat New Four-im-hamd I'ew.Wid,£Bd Cid ~~SdBiSfor s5seCh. *tpdCeS5 s=h FcyWooulm MuflSra0*Uoc LUSSe ,,DaIWk WooglemMufâem413CS 503 Ligh ilk and Wool IliffitM M 4C *Bd lic mach. Wd 10OW1 A11 e« im.of 8M1kMufflums red.odto XS-to am pe t m. bmow MENS. IIAL4iffOiEo mt uugr1 dr fOr 25r. *ilWoo Soksoiy lc apait. Ait Pure Wool Ribbed Soclrs, at anc a ir 1-Pine Wcoilmn.Bocks. 2aapair, repg'i cSook .10 fer cmnt. off ail BI&* CashMee ocku4s ai 5pe t cg &U B aluka umd Coiored Wostd ocks. FL.AEL SHIRTS. Mlen's md Boy' 1'iaaueette Shirts, ouIy tic «&c. 'MnBKnitted Woéîug Shirts, 4e and »9Cch.& .,AU1 Wool.Gr FamlShirts, oaiy O6k ach. MWid.lsewhese t 41.oo. Nap~5u Gesh-ïr F au fl uct $1.'3 *1.35 mmd MWu sUds M'he ad e3Ca*,ol 00apair. sow o* ,iy 0apair.'1 micki-plted a*osmgs,3= Mmd 450 a x.5o M 'e md on' Ovumcats,42.50 to $6»o, ain woot uct inibm lateot stylaMd womomnis sm Mmsuits, *3.75 te *6.ooe, stylhob,> wOllmade gmeots zIo Mes?"ate, &.;éte *.5,Worth &doube bm y amas wo r mes ai$&.oo0811.25 »d 8 S pr . Mess tTweedPinte, extra WOUl ide, oml i *î 82.00 M& 8&d33.5aapair. M..'.Frisa Overeta 4 93 amd *6oo mach, formaerIy 8Pjo mmd .*Oo Au «etra good lot of MeWs TrmsseOvercats ai 88»mach, Worth tire. aperst CH &Ea Mesand Boys' IadyMXadea"is a - ATOU 0ô1 out si 25es Soc,75c, and *x.oo, cach. to 82j»e wch and are good Good, but v Gooda 20 per cent. off. 191 OLLARSI ETC. e mach; r.iuforced both back and front. mach; regnlar price 75c, and as good as trade. 68c and goc each; regular pânces 50c, 7S as-e WIREflUNDERWEAR. Rm~iWbdU ii «ur. «e 2c a Garaient Or 45C a Suit Anik. àlaUadrve atysca Sit;forme rice, *r.oo., Pure Wd IRibi t7.duxa, OslY 57C mach,: or *1.13 per suit; good valut Scotch-hàItW.st ad.w.ar,,57mc «h, or s113 per suit; former price $1.50 71». As.WeI SetehaIt UnderiweOmly 73ceach, or $1445 a suit. This O u = Ne803uesOf Uaderwuar at 425 a suit regular, now selling AI ~ ~ ~ ~ i: antUeeNtus oImd LaMab's Wsol Underwmar reduced IIEN'S WINTER CAPS- Utes lt40psolys C goamd Scma"Ch- AstraCh mi Tweed Wiater Caps 68c*mmd 75C mach. bieus SuioNs Ceps 990uSd $1.i.mach; former price *î.5o and S$1.75. Fuit OOATSs FUR CAPS& ebaY« P te l u store gàt our. prces. That's ail we want If w# cuaot q48*s YoýM à»m mto 30 Pet Cent. lesa, YOu oagive- us away. "ALWAYS GOOD0 AT' GOUGHS'. vu. &boy*eêa few upiO=4cm-Ii. pNOIlDausos dl **a- ,ma% fa ob.n alb aie mP"$m M O Ur *0,ih b. qar P" m. o. .et" Mini dim»0.sa afl.um* if y.uvm tAil bBoY #ul ihu e-. Corne before tihe end "DLWAYg COUD AT GOUQHIssen * .. ~ - I ________________________ I _______________________________- M _____ B WR S - DE N Pioleol and A.dom ToDiEed PROF. OORENWENO1 0F TOIOTO lu Comiuga"mdin b. at th esousHoum « Thmersi a). .4th# Ibm h.Im bu Zs ia ieS 0 mWb 200 mmi a~ t aau m Ik1. ro0w itca.5 amue. 9w00S ion la bphmao.. 300O aou-Iu uPo b SO nelamoMuiuié. Evoethiag Che&>. EL JUÂZ1I.- LINDSAY. ibseli usau$ T OBPaCOO! !~ Umas -~ B mB iw~U £Du~ Uma. t - -~ w. s. ~ s ~ I - Aa I £m0 W ni-SU_______________ Uem am Le tr su. lm fW 0 *0 OMM RANNEYrvINS ~~~-~~$ou mWF- vi Ngledamé»alel - hmïdaLLm. eu iNwe at-m b. ~srb 1bfe E'me. mbd"nWOOD ANI) GOALI a m m m lon m â* - mmi mi b " am Ravin bd " ioi 5 84£115%0» o~ Ve ww' -Vd.5 ' .CLEANOUT, 'mof * l ~us, Iah* a ' 8 ~ ...... .......... tom s ,«d .........g jjm__l!lip«> s ~ ilotes ~U~........u....a a5w 1 mc.5..... .....eu*** 1 Uax ~ ~. .......... -1 OfI sI 0 ale# q.U S ....... - 0 a M.~ O ut . ...... ..es ta tub.5s... 55,.* So ut** M. 9fl~ S5 S W c .b, . ce-O5 2.C. 8W O U a I mS...... ** * tout.*# W a~~~ a fa..UW ~ Sale V,3.dêdcee 55*~. C ~f î...ii.. a !rutr UAU AIS PICOUSE M EROKANTS. nom SU1UM ~.m b~ a a. ~m. u~. u~om l. W. I smi * aSt yen .1 the (mous flIRTA OBUSINESS UfIllIO GOLLEGE SE ~~~o theiW.B Rowww 10.f D Mmtmted catalfflet iSON* I.----. .a. ..c~' -.5.5-- yoreipi tand Vie"oo a Ll~w- Tu 9 Li a md Peterboro. ,gaawm!. ratou GARRIAGES AND CUTTERS Mtaiy. Dm% ki-t - Sm a beloteyoubuy SHOW 1I M M o n G.mb u< "r$04et, I ua rm of MARBIÂGi~ LICE NSE B, Te BEALL, LINDIAVI Book -Biig If y0u wat t 5ktow for how littIO uouj y«eus have books, papers, etc., bou n lamt, .ubstantlal mtyIe, or blazik book fs >1 i d»i a n sd rulings made to Sd«. wwl*tiidm Rwrlaw, P.terborou<h, for priam..The. bost work, loer tbau Toronto pde& . Anl kindla cf wok .10- MFA2NK H. DOBBIN, U813. Man. Dir. RcvIow Co. TIIE RATHBIJN CO- Ha.juil roniveda mupply f thoir Opoulal Brand Paatry Flous "C0ROWN JEW ELIP 1W quarto, , ughtb, an~d slxtoenth bbL package. Abs s tSk of Sheïr csiebratd "Sa"Brand Porgiend Cemenfi WAÀTMIRLIME. XUSAINfTILEu J pëmdte quota à; King8stl ai bm d.hwhe cou lu T!he Wmlwndd heM~ Mon. *GOVOH 1 . lyý