FÏI me SZPoe BUr 4. -. k 4' ~t,'p. SMOKBD, WF.T AIND 000DB#-. .5 Ânother'Large Pui'ohaso o! 8#.Wage fom the- Great. Tora 7w Our etore 11e.boom flBeiky pubed WU *h outmve droq thepu PB* Ivo -w..ks. -Oni Smurday moruing we op.nod a sM hipmeit 0oBt mus a l DMoIood- ms .o0 à luay srg IgEht evM ýdaato". oekw à osd oab. Every oustomur made happy by Meour!ag abouti Five Doll rtlh fori vy dolar iuvested WE 1 WILL OPEN ON FRIDA Y MORN-I 1 f4Qs $th 1 XSY.r another loi ýpurthass et wededfuly low prioso. to>mo May look out St*1 the it bargains w. Our, osu- have y.i Do isot d. I21.u are dama<ed Gooù4, and mmia b. soWd and clried within a wee cmi ltb. oierecl aS Zou PrimeswW& a d& 20 those of ou~r oêstomes whl.-ao st purey FRE8H DR Y: G 00DBj, we madaM eour Sprint S" i, arrivng, daiy and w W? mwaUtraot w.. A prices reduoed during our Great Wet a dBurnt Goocis Sale, W.ARNERq&C 2he G rosi Ekmkrul 8itock en. 76 an~d 78 Kent,-at., LlndsBay.. Fortier sI "La -Faytte" THE FINEST5 ct. Q"ýigar ]EVBIR -O]PFICRD TO T=e UBLIC. JUST TRY MT. iflIeIOdtTCe fineýtRemiedy [theé lke ÂWO! World for alf fec-ce Coughs,' IGrpeCou Th Ni year's.ArvI -~ ~ ~~ fl Bdb ih1 cifrtuMu to h0 ~o -d iii omtàduli W, bdkm in 4vbtlwwwl. b~-*lot th"»*ebm,9. T k t«wgy adb~nu t44 12 *10- 1 fr1fl in. "mm'-.the bgo.t*t foi '1keUpgmuase Su le 5ums'fou i dmp - a PaoP, QI4XlWL Id ma., éoi.e.& M, omta sine d6J Iatig ~loiof mue * *r4 mu It cures ts <b in the NS A &.M rIteNDVt. , unet'hu-Dr.teys C . ______ ptu.*._te______au ________ tarr a éxn w.,. a am 0 wwm.ta u mm.. h7'e u t gnusb M - hg mv ol 084bà" & i potDominer~m Ibo ode*l enold bê4 ea m mdal.1Pl MMi Lopmdmedêhmdw11-.pu Pâaim ter IWOl Le lapn b.0 od uw. MWlmsf au.M»~ lumj.bortie rivi t1.. j t* 01. Pui Ob ~ vi. big ocemlune gwd dvm.imgbée Uas Dm3,'u kb*utt Salia e»Ver Wfla-ia, 1 la b* 1116a0 ,I.'d ha- md a U.- #.W g fl 44@ml en l éssp. fo.r ard"s.aUeêW*M &WY le tOea o4w 4 0-.the aut e. or thy Mis te * WPO0. Nb.E W. EAM&0V4b Te e.e Tro6volougpabiLe et 4e Ilbo. mlub r-& 4ol* m ed for tvet a"met'v Ut. J là- io.b4t* esi ette«, Mn '1dm, Une. l. U lw .hemt.bl mv.e n mMowéug se lie lww3*é'. me*0 b*.> -il * -. mas se m oau .b* W&M hi- Oum dim"wd i pogqi. sa ivgem ibhmg f usm orIbce mcOde en ab. is.? o» Maq s t 1, M...Zêw, ami tis il lié, VV.Pb*É. lm77.8. Comaty et Vioterla AIJOURNED 8-i çÔF LANDS FOR' TAXES. Vie'...alibie spu cf4md.9f r 5mwai cft 4tms bow seai$.,a, mOq u.,atte Uc"- a f -9.s uemm.Vr'mif Lb- Oe , f Veu..'. la i s . 0-18 wi tabuer of-aéawe t.i#e.@ 9rah -to,<miau .taRif Jlias. Ild em 8, 0.1a et bm' *- .1.a et& ,#w bc-d i cm 580>mtoIf lo. Iy 1'. vin Il e .IL .1eeX aStl i'* a oit tsoa,If% si. a mml m di fo . 1 .1- afln tta 1 m ti -.a,* , .41 I meu .ma~S"0 h m"ibns flita>m. AmlI vou fr-eiitm . .*in Ilb-q-ar' @ gym.ii, laUit... o1evbo tweiedaiwm,.Ib lb kmma a cmi lu. lêt er emd à eaiO'sr, : e d t èmoei lii..ml .a"abvt COURT HOU,-E, 1'4 THE TOWN 0F LIND3AY1 Wednesday. 6th day nf Marcb, '95. Ma Ul clecel lb. msi M.mwsol@"at. hea rrs amet osa.. « eau. , uïc"sv vit a#à maam. mmim b. mmmàr - lod <I*u,.6v'Imorim iie ~w l ~V- ~lm' la 1a - - - 2th49 1 a w- Oc M vie 1 7uu,60*0000%.i lé.«« i. uflmi 1* Ilbua Oi u m *9 met PRWkl Vbe'aWo. - -h is A . pa ùI Od -jbomai.Job*ela MWSlmto sth b erse a msaan. h"%u a MWu. uaimt Tbv »udahgb Bnw, Ibvie tnal hutbué luam% 8.111 sh by deRmes îbmy've m m mu l'a éns bi en v.0 wo Th&odn vof IBmmàSe otl8 Nfle.me a.tae tbm Rit. Lesot k ivu sarbe.Vu' yMwow -sa.e b.. sr.o hi a$ wiii eato inte' joa Ani »Vo vmt lsam a heicbteecas WiI à m Mra flicien sd soi a t b AP e e bmemari sbu . He!ii oami tuk e bier And d%1oe sbIbte s aeorai il*% Do l Pm" Sb ao.U.o Mte 1.W Tec *em soamhhdWwm Wittm e nd a ai- à. P. MeDiamIet TrsiE, ." etd cfKiu, Mni Lv. Ur. 8.111 cf tot .'..Ton adiam sMd POP" 1 'lidbtÈf cmwmls acmotw ai"0."al 1 d*m, % nou d.ém' iylie. A. P. Us. 55mauii ini tf liin- 1 w tes à Wk I. - - whlb in.uOI bdy, I bl oo 1979i ~ ~iiiêiq~ omat@&md. md Md 1" M nbut of a hire* sud r. J ~ uz onuiluse bisparpooe. Ut. SI~~~ blua he Idée, of te1h. ajeote dmus..,IlsMd as e dyOstmta »m amow Suma.B w" a sbeotr udumtandlmg 0 fe lin Il I.é i bm m"pluet smtt a #&am vUmm o f ebtalulug Mmcvery reteins M w». vhi Scdffabou& '1 5SiNGL@ Tàx. W>11 mo *mi .i et aq 6 f*E.IdN lbo wl osmhibu a upomnblpus wsom_ tweek mn.dmomibý la alb 10*8 a nus by " M".bla u mu pur ebomii uoi. en es.som .1lb tS s pncio la mot an",*0hnm 1etlb*eunei l. min, audhw làidF"ssia b upoot at . ....es..m.. uu .................. P...,m...l og en anibe lb pymmt .1 lb blfor ......................... 'à5U ~h.hm a* . .. . ....... d .................... 102 Mme dual eyerma fa, sl m .......................lf Sâtos Usasf.....u....clu.. .. IO am A.......nb........... 10SbS EaLhm Be,.11400e W. i6b* ide &W .............. OS JehuA .....ea, ..........Ob I' No Bnilbboa MaSw T&a. 0*14i. liW*"Obo Iwdmma ém tvtm mm-, - "ss e9lis"uao- whi m imtaes a ib m p ukd ofl " a bt fi e-e" m uimul bm b* twm ns »*us-m TI"à mi lb ujaol uaaub9o te hiau1 fi uf la.«de"al et ,4omus.,M asm or d let amlation mimue bVl cusn et i"um t te . lIabdimeomnu havcli(mb bn. tem au m a bnad"snetma t" t aupm ."h hai.. e b- licMV "al miofll i, ému puy =.milets cf â aiSaim (l b voatw oi muivlseo.umis;telCl mio (mulpovi 1ai al e appc. Waams. mi Lily, lýbmnluissub mble d.vé aes mà ¶ukamule àd e hsel WM lm s -â nim m li tu im am et.if s vu -m motsu.nmm ILt smill.1k nnm. Ma b*6l eonmlll, but ec mali"lbM»a Fmm h uknil Biief hieo-ait W.* ammuiotM s00. laMia tidiWUe Mu. msulybmhetM i , I, OCnil hcli - malaildb ieJbut ouollbp ami*0 b MSoet ons. *omnimtlusfeilnu"niet I be tW&Of lot e à.ha" oienau. taxes ebeegaiagoiMot t1. bisak I E.outi cfl »d Smni i bfl hilibiimmi b ,W"I5 DUebsa oiuo,§WelmN mi lm boss- IW limnbime s lim., h moutel aab **W m lim. - doubso eim-t alogaiiy wslWtdàii: b l.ut i. lbmueam ai eimglu the amamei et os p" nallbiproimet e. ai apml" a. ahu Imis.~~~~~~~or@ Alîttl ehil !Y os b §W"u m baL i, in éMait 1e U , 11.M- imu lw aMZ= on ar i ltlg& Repart alepW&iTe stiemieUe iMW sud 09nfa aly f meeàti bt lbpeitilcuof *lb alugloki~x*B.ssh ue ho ulepu ho aie"olbyi themayat Mmd dm1 sud fm-er'conu ,e.i m tase hem e Thae mmu et Ihm ienmi d o hcflb:"via mil h "Matutbu camulila premanl Mi omt c of muhtélu =et ,*" à -U In PU b ,«wmmia "éti us icameet l lthé d ibmto ut.it l oosmu m "m buMa - empa'y tS 50000 ftee oie,lm utr hom loutâtste emlouis b ay wn %àe quaatiy emoicitouhem ma mo» ue in -t .. ,.w a huil » murm n thecmarket oaume l ssaai fNU te I feue*ave It - bbaiM Thémobdlmam t paoin mgli tpit. h. -1» tisaken miiith hheg punti b »Potà*oe mwaI ré-%à, asedt obstusuh. o to d t e »Polbt venu i uyeidangsarIm,!atanMlbasuM. m obabenmmod ni ha lb reVU t h. me1 eetl.rmyhiecel a amlm Wà ouoer"luild. Au" - The prmousysélo n l"kdm. .te de oumi. Me obsleu mMltsaim tisatice @Moita"g vi",b lpoibis, e num sccie, sithougl ta onioui theeu- tcon- tb lbt onsVla iusll.*My vu e ieass-ic. soraice viti lb av«.doms la tit. t li. auebg tb l6bmm,. groumitte ebjoolmi. i.soi'Wh"vu out dsie ua lia meoul h umzd teeWhvImesa daIuSu aun lb eamuto tamit m Mtoe ei tmio Im Iolqa ithirtsau neb lim VIwe aslbbam iosmaN.cbdmonc Uws mrke ohm il ola. To m taxe blam Ive q»Ualllset bowed eor »V" TA daite s la su suticthb e t,« dms tic sasiplaummiltelisuret MtsU4PD7auSuErTae "W aeo huimlbe scoopiu e r to am, esmiuehevIem et Ithle"otu 5ibm Ias'< h.W~,d m %à"my seobi otta lb a1psabaus.=_ ya &&lan.Im-etfne. uWosmt iecsy mmovCmicU ou m il n b eusesmlbn imla Tai homystbmdm*l WUroblltoa b, mevithésual b coent l tguel f lbbai iguncvkW. fe mpimg bbaïao c tlb ida olrci -bodvlie NsAMlsit.glba"nIi bw Mme bl la 0 Rihbm emspny. à"Io la iii hallupM vSai lane laTaibla "miva *lb une n lb mulet oqun bum"c. Obesacdmaaumui.hoha".utelle i*0«U m M 091i W p auhgesmaieN roostM" imml. il (mols bai " t u a &U) M= lihe lbaguIn g be tesàene lm.oalsrm e , - 68ba l thex Lyllu oplmd.eluuinle ailulbW»" Ibb ~mmmii»mn- I..POIetU oë. aem mailam, .mn. j tat ilai t&ama h. TVbins k mow«*in hbomi ile r ýbe hI uis esahioa *çlbught» u t petuiool i pomn Mdlii au ba. £Mt g i uW buinii lu lbet hev»e On cflisviej i l b uhiM&M b luMM. sols,,lb obmta bhava "at.ciI d41WO*W ul ui osMd nMM% ui di wueim bi- Isrt m as cmteroute the'ls lb tl ue ;nim1la taPMtlW ~~h'ons hi W" moti Mdialis t gui "Me ds "Uuh01 imi i nidure tmf»aumnb"i4 1mailusqt ba .uiIln- bu t im. vo mme Oh mm"aMmaba lb onncecamil ou luus abil vbli iy 1 b' h4glQ7 1u 1 t Iu b %»,-b mmelb veili oIOMtuMr*m hum imamI la*o luvnaai i".mi *0 ata bM& Im 1 9»bedVdflb b8i"b ~~~*IÈ ~ ~ ~ ~ b lbWoua upIla %,W" ~*elS i am ma.a ~teu1:sUte FAni l clI.e Os 015M"1* Md>on tbau I Bemm M0bfloPW 0t haejn!-ldOL The specal meetings whicb hav bauh.d à 1.Andrews' con ga. #< o te i.lust tree weeks close lat ff1ldmy, mitheugil the weather was vr I ao ic attondance wmsgood. W. ts <bs ho baye umade a profession will b.e buS ltetir insser. Tue Rev. Mr. Me- A1y o! Plukernqwhovs amitqtinp Mr. MolhuM s t thse meetinXî, returned Lnome last fflday iveaing wlth hm family, leav- lgg dee lmppu n nthe conieegation. - iumlT.-MLE. dtor, 1 noticea an item ;a ne Peot tating thatyou wete mot as btonga a candidat. nov s you were when aieicuflI 1May Say as far as 1 know liat 7M iii orevtes ln ti.section Xamore eu idthe last «lime. Patrons, Wiies sd conservatves wlll vote for lou. Pouk e re are stoppi ntthe Post and bebrelongthefr viii non C a Post coin Je Issection. W. congratulite you on wreeelvlng the nomination the third tinie, ad kope you May continue teý plead thse *lari scause. Pueso6L.-Msa Tena Smith la vislting io1t* ut Highland Creek. ... M. Wilme îof Bowmanville in on business and p1esa;zre tripe ta 3Mr. Worms.... .Wc laoom lr.'GýeorgeShaw ilabo ut ta, leave tnis- part for uncle Same domaf usi ve b.- lopeak for hlm à bright future. ,3xbrmimru.-The Hamill Bron, have pprohmd a ure-bred Âyrshire bull. FUWR f ths section viii do Weil te patraulase mBamili Bras, on their enter- Tan villane et Dorset presentsaun«e- ample.of pro prty Ihat cainuot he equalled Is teý prov I -fOntario. Elghteen moulis ugp Itmight have beau descrlbed «Àa village e Umllng ofioeu ase and- mabouler elle.-Now Ithas three stores, two blsksmitWes aopo, an Englmh churvb, a Methodlst churcixs a towrn hall, and a Preulyterias church. Il hua twe habla, a telegraph offie, and one or more Drivate tslephoues. It là very qulckly becominiq the Ineadquarters ofthticlumberman s tutreats Ia Nortiieru Ontario. It- ha& a aboea saw Bain and a water power saw ilL -Ilbam a fair roed to Bayaville and suotner euet t Bunteville., what it now raquire. la a good road te Minden and a direct, pestai communication with Liat village te enabletlie fairmers of Stanhope Mndeu. aud Snowdon to seud ln their beef, bay, butter, and eggs. Perbupa our mmebr vili take a hint aud sec viat eau be doun tIsat direction. Umman S. J. Sheridan & Co. have opencd ont lu Une corner stere, wlth à large aind veil essrtai stock of graceries, dry jntdiL woeul, boots aud shoos, gen ts' h.lKîiangsand .veryting te be fonnd lu - Agmueal Ïi«ntry store. -A tailorfnâg derime.nt sulr thse superintendeure et a.fimt- a tior vili be ane of the attrac- tions ef Ibe u<v store. TEEmarnipoma Township Sabbath achool associatien #*in hold their conventionl on on Thuradai, 28th F.ebruary in thse methodiçt churci, Oskwood. Afteruoon session, ut 2 pan., evening session, at 7 t. M 3r. Alfred-Day, becretary, On tario S.. association wiIlihae present. Owing tqbad roada t1s convention was postpouad frein liti lu Wa Timnexot 4cal union meeting of Y.P.S. C.E. for thse Tewnship et .Mariposa ln arragudi <.,Flday evening, March lIt. Bev. Mr. Tollen of Lindâsay will assit4t in a tonsccrallen service. Ail are cordialIV -lxvitai. Meeting in the metbodist ciurch lu Ibis village. FINELON FALLS. ~ecrdg«W m'ascorre*potwent. Tnu basket social hald in Pow le's qcbàol lieuse on Friday eveniag laamt was au entertainment whsicis reflected the greateat credit on the teachers of- Powle's wcehool. Mfr. A. Smitheram and Miss A. Gillis.. A 7r &Iasing programme was provided, caie *ni et thirty-flve dollars vas realizad, te te spent in maps -fer the acheool Another entertainment #) t his klnd wiliéb. riven by thse truc blueb of Penelon Falls, in Dickmon' Hall, on Thurs- day, February 28tb, which wili also, ne donbt, bo vol patrenized. 'A tAaB inumber etf ouç citizens drove Upo leleLindsay an Friday hast Le attend necarnival. TIi acheel inig-ecter f West Victorias 3fr. H. Reazin, h. geAt reason te tel proud efthe pralse- given te the schools under-hiscisarge by the Bey. Dr.Johnston at Ubn FarmoesInsutituts, held un Toronto bust weod lu ie addreeb the rev. gentle- mam roterred te 3Mn.Reazin*,q in spectorate math. gardon et Ontario. 1Mil . &Swanton et Toronto spent a tew day with village frlends tbis wack... Mi:S &Mutia returnad on Frday tram a weeles visil to Mrs. C. Grahamn ai Toroate , .. Mm Win. oberteonand littie Miss 1Mattie came te ttne Fulla hast flday sud immaincdIll Tuesday morning, the guest et Mis Brandon, et.. ..- The many trienda et Mfr. Ir. Ka,1our poputlar ,est-maater, 'reg et s oil stili unable ta attend to itjum- ie tebaveIse ~~bUSNo@otmrhaveb Fmem t Si. - I 10 i i