USE dayse voLB Ta ~ i m'ba la - bjpoe vs WflOkim l'crutve a m wevMd tom vri o m 'm eu RITTON BRS. LINDSAY. Bttiers' oTrana MÂNITOBAý muý the lNoeLb'West "IreS ep 1au a ThroqhTou- t Cars, 4week Tiiesdays eand FriG.&YS . wami . 0 omm C B. J. MhTCIIETT, ticket suK " fie s y u"F ?bIDYK&rn1185 A Ulme m u ostu m ae lh i A m els. - mm-&"lm e ,; M a" lie l#à&SfBMMi uusu tuom«. ON oHç SOHO" LQUiffoN. RauLnes, TEE govIRNII EN!OlyAMA ) mmu ON"EO oaeAIsècms" nob li vomm oatiolloPostaleet uKlmobg4ou la Ohiosa luit Tu1ls, F.1uaue " amod"MUst BruIt5AmeI gm tlb- mitb« h ave -er"41, lhe C" uet en utyha , peai 4» voni lihae ou p.mi Walw* bed m muaERsm uèdw "e »Ummmw iow m I céda - wmet - U-i iulbo s pum.n esmammin k w, - s mpoI& miu tUhrta* »SNo -*6 m .m , cod, l Ils Bli idlng, lis q.veùd mmrnt 1Amoia o mm *0- I ê1m" mi bm i lion umbi omse te ài mm iavod h mumésm fS m du slyamet hetfS lieomm mds eloiae trUml" a Vuk tmaud h Mdg' ae"hd aami lie. luia oalilse kor lis al lalth Ion a" smals eu mmmt«l hi k DO. b* pueltk, £nuaitanugla e tute tho lie- ubla su0mola fut ons et * molé mok4am tosmm " uIe me gestpou"hpmbbseu 01htWlIElO ogmom bes"dedonaudfom ti sisalS- manet. aon ", dsfsmda"l»»uohm f mLu mml st à" *0 uuuu lii cmm*S »b b. lmktola BMolQ0U& oThe ilspù foem l Mmd IOU.U mmmutd . Os ithT isa ta im it gioudsd in tb. mImd.ami boetta09 mitise 01 the puvy epUmelof QusIeta" Mmd binki baiuslyOmmo èoim m tim dmfot poimdtof u mioa aliomi quoa"., s0" lmas amt'uSik* Oal om- skiwesd. W. b.M si.i .lmiy oas*M "du" to ti. --Bmtvevmo" snd - msuI" faet.vslalig t. Un applhiêi0;e the »V W la ula aaihk lThi Usalabda bd uglt. piesthé am of M s kmdfa,.dad by lie piq cOmolakIl tuo 0jmlgmuêh . lTh" the MuOm oo f leet Nim bave a ,r do mlitisUs appueli e ,vothemeoml mCd gbimeg .s ksiboom dola- Mn" ed*k le~soa jiu" tet lie Pd" *tuWe sm a is.m m m oumoi.W avlte on suis, Un kamimelo - ~odis agonta oe..esemte89om 8 vaer amm iusqed m4 ~p.' Un"*d'l Un~~~~~i aeommB sbu uod lé S i .1mbhosuy.W.lis»80 tavut.moh boU orUSkM'P" uplie pvoimm&b mm& po.rmm la lhIvlUeon ID&SMSMV,"m thoison, ad bom ezmamueiohi-p boÀ *àsgpéaet - Oun&iuabeteto TiI. 461ma& steedm MW b nMs k Tbe ove"mto mt UUka< mli let Ibspvlefim O Ofbl Bothm 4.1.1. ve l lo atbdh, .11M grnom on fo Osuadomu pwogo.l TIs oM CM4 NOS.h moma SoaONdd foi lie iorascfmm4 O& Dr.i lisao .oum .It Md 0"» m et outheWi Vb.) ls, iib d i.d m t- o y, suo tR oo. on. RgaThbw fmlulaês cf R vajak sb Ud O t" Rm. <. . SILia moi e f Eombit uo Bll$" NO. M AgU baivqustl a e pmut. TNVO*y, lusnm.-Iapulai n et .L. &.IL K'. Torni AIG la-Riglminils. S. O1KWuatuIslod *.N. 0 lie ilsgfoua-b" nmmsafses dug bd dum y Kr IXA. Heu4. dmm .dw eRi e 041. ~ ~ so lass~ eIvt. 8 av aI et 044matealdsy-teat iS8 emvalas AMY7 3900 b te mIi1» ae--*-M th~ami t Ike N&wa *MI g.t~ t ooe uêtho -balance of ail SI& oosfor Wi 8ng.Qod =VC aEmlu Dr. L_ s, a Im-lSmg PphydWolan, iffl tv t e thaaldbwuliwk. lf braSa oes.fom ltehe momoo fa the urs Plâceted. Di. LuY0 a- theEwetwé ld u hae h et tah. Th~re ro s is hiait. houpA- madme, Idios, pr my-eoUy ticS, end :mbPersos, a loy lab o the elkulse of normally iutelgeat s.qbiecte bel ng added fert the purposes of tcloati- Se compaulson. The Vow et U.uv Dmshevo. Au interestng emu bou been falit- Porbrthors umod 8echafew escouded tisemtor of thé@1 esaile on Christmas aStiMsd pa FuGttin eiHoie")ý etc. IbO four brothie. oluel InaLie ftraeo-Geuma ver of1M-719 snd ieumede a solema prmise tt bey iiimd brmule enough 10 return'got Lirnative pisce tisy wuld ~lyeverj Christma in the laver. Ibis Fïaa Prws. il ismy returned, hpaohee ir homes, sud eetry year hr > erameet la the toper sud keop thoir voir. A Mariod City... The. excavationof thle buried lty of Guatemala are prceiug apame.Il lies on the PontpeilplantatIlon,.otS Stor Alvaadoi on Ut" opes of tbe Volcu de Âgoet. Boit sglssed vware, bandom vas0e eugrend udt¶ated in brigUa colore, domestie utei bsuc a tb n diaisurn e to-day, Mmeveepouanmd idole, sud jewels of turquoise sand chai- elavinil a detjY greini ."Mformewty »om 'yIndie h"fa, have berna u- s (s»ueles. So o t ie e e a Bisou l e Amuto, u i b., sle Mml ofeaire MsU Stautsl. ofotbe mk Wý ,&Wa" a raflemak. , be ha vesso. Ioff ê» AeaaoeIndiu ahd *t Zz bau« aàtu -otuu- luDresasGoodswe ake S mt m i4.mpr yard. NayBlUý6e il wool FiLanel at12.0inhPnt5o Borne damageci LaceCOuttains, must be« sold for what they Willbrin g. See Our Striped Bath Towels at 20c. eaoh1 worth 50c, A lot of Bt5a.ned SiIks at 100. per yard, Oolored Chambray ECmbroideHes at- 3e. aud 5c. pér yard, the biggest bargain ever offeaed 'n L.inds4y. Thisa- is going to be an Elm broidery »emon, 80 dame Fashion aYs. Ladies' snd -Men's Underwear at the amaUletat osible prices. -Men'sai l wool Pants at 75c. a pair. Boyos nitsfi*= 5 to, 8 veaxs of age, for $1.25, worih B3 io $360 Damaged 2bo Hemip Carpet for lOo. Teàpeatry, 15 20o26c" pa xrd DIver-ything goes for 12 days, then. we move to our foimerprmiss;Dominion -BanUk. block whieh prem- ises'are being fitted up' w . the most moderu style for Our oooupancy. Bring your friends to lgis12days' sale and einj oy the fun with the rest; you wl b1 ly 'pad E.E. w eMoGafteyI IL I t Llnday's Leaderl ow Cash Prices Dry Gooda House, Liadaay, Februy 28, 1895.: M A & 00'8 thie y«.. Tea; L I '-t - 3m=