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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Mar 1895, p. 6

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4 wus noti"g te stand *betum ie vus Ïmsl bout te*0Pl& eutithe vniddo iweft te 1Y no- &~gsebo It5ahp te the d m.It Je romarkabls bo ey esIev «M U thème w a hm sitee" 61I neyer thougU. of tisaII" ho.. sat "&d 1 could net bor i 16Aftt an,- ho veul on we*kly, ,vouameright 1 1 de net meoany uc 'sly to msa tung about 16, and h ho el f flired me te. de m 111 "TherNOMlueouly one thingthonel, Smerdn sid, 'vhich lo tfit If ye Do Bet precliin yersulf his brother, 1 cau- uoet Ouse bey yeuare su becomepouueu- eo-i e amonale - - - etDou't thlu;-k about lt-I viii Devez becme possesd oet 1. It uay go to aIr one but me, te somedistant relative, If suyc&n b.founDorte tbeCro'wtà,er vhatever it la that takes saimsuss uoey sali e *lu vitboitsmen ; but neyer 10 nO. Reowas right whe hemid that I had been Jacob té.bisE4au ai!my lif, but I uhli take "e more frem in l, eveu tbough ho ia dead. " 'Quizotic and ridiculous Mess!" Bmerdoa id. 'tn fact yes sd hebail remarkabiy simillai traits et cluarater. Extreansly qulxocic, kem b ave soms strong reason Ibr net- claWmlg hie millions. For Instance, If yeu ba resUs' murdered hlm I could undeistand -mach a' determlnation 1 But I suppose you dld flot do c hat l" Lord Peulyn Iookoed up sud sav hie frlsid's oye. ixed on bl u Ila lmoot m nair ef mockory lu eM.,Tiesho "I vmaut you te uzrderstaud one ling, Phlip. Thor mut lbe. nu hatr aur joklng on 6h15 subject. Eveu tisowgi I must heM niy poe. for ever, I stv- Ird16as.sau l NIca1amiy chat bas uju, onnme. Il Iceua ds, I woum t ev"detectlve lu Losndo t vork te try ansud the mm6h. u kilied hlm;-9 udesi, If I10 veo nttfer Ida'a sake, I should proclali .myssr iebI "BUtStila.;;àe yen. vllmot do1 *F« lias sake, sud lbr the reoson tisai I do nM wvshhie momy, 1"il mot -, sud more esueclsly for the renm that yeu hAve shevu me oui mauixg w"ud -be postponed- il. I II s. n noever niake sach a remark'agalu te ame. Tou khov me vel e»ouf h té bmw chat fratricides are made off." .- 441be yuprdoi," Ph4 ld; "of'< course lirInot pea ueiol. "On 61dm subjeit vs wll,fyesPOM speaisla uOtbIng les, but ore And If you viii belp me wlth y Ouir sivice I1 "lui!b. glad te recoLvo1. "'Lotus go over tise gruudlin d bisifriend sai,"sund consMee dinh vhat you hav;to do. inthe lret place you have te look atS.dte malter frein dit-. feotpointe of view.One poitlk-that you lèse ai! chuu to e'M oue-Yes, reIknov. "as LSdI' on m e yêsIOoteoutenaret theznuentiffl O -le hm y _ plg yeur secet.It e ottr, oweutisi M should go keep it. But, on the- 0 or band, there, lu, of cours, the chnce- a remetseueé, a thousad il te chelance, but stili a chance Suat h. Easy have lsft $mre paper behlnd w"lch oud peuve yeur relitionship 60 sacla ether. Jith"t mm caeou vouki of 'course, have no after naiebut teaekuovledge that you vere brotherî.." "And what voul the vorl thinis ef me thon?"' bdThat youhad "ipdy doue as h. baie you.-and-kept the secrt. "16 vould thiuk that 1 murderel him. It voul be natural thât thse vei should tbiuk so. Re stood betov .me and everytbIng, excpt Idas-loveaad fOOPle miglut imagi'ne Ibat ho poeem Itee. And ba S m r, emnr mn nafter h. dlsclosed hhumW e e us voul make appoarsuces agalau se deublv back'1 ,,Whoilato knov vkem uhodlmefsé t lalusef toyVOU? ,FSr .glt thietrom m knovs, v ta lçthave e ma isume 0f yoia'rsfaUeusi . bryer. vna lie for yeui*" ",De i nwl aroulth. ubject s>w And remeiqbor.6sb esfu.y.~ havye don. ne ban. Ave g diIInet knov 61dm sAecret. 64W U"Pmlyn said, prinmer boom vit W"s la- iMS Dm u rs- wvou am IUMebad -entlrely rbandored th. ud iss ofbar r fraksandi bad dann o se od te& abousoet mournlng;- mulgnod horseif te uselug ne img, sud té the lus of Mr. gesIeconversation, sud fi )Ir. FuIke and young ai be-taken tisemieves Su su kr off snd bal promlsod that d ob round hetre qittij »"onbua kvagthat me 6h. former ajain a dreadl. ar, Pen 'I t MaI&. vlan-ho recel . lhis -iu4avlunie rtymorn [daaovn tuebldocoa ýk ms bossbad onough te me, A upo. Cunllias s leur tOisb" p"decWlycruxhmislwy Y«. kuow vmuc es b I ym Uanytblng et vbst bevu. them reoeiutày ?"t leb*A of- the d"Lb 1mmb w te 1 And th pqas bPe 01 cou twI aopp Tise ahaglugthe sub- NWffre,tfor, thougb et Maiocure bebvem I, vebl: Yos; 1 dM ov ho vuaamue. e. Onyoneught.-prl- boniesUan sd I vas thou1bt yen se Ven ons. dme 6h. » * If anmgfaillie han e vapeae.i lathe IPOUIntoadhimchat ho uadermd-tise *kJet .1 et a& . le bal balbut aty et tamklg ev e h *flL d1VA~ imiLys î' VMt eonbied au b uglaî g1..té il cld .01bv $111,m1 Wh. a" Md aWhe theft panies wtt!-have tfier orndIàt3iu ins-vw veseousltA4my. Tht «m"ddates as $lie ~ b t , t théinelvesuay ps %th.ir irtuesort:Jarry i t frrwaWt0" égr "-Md a«,djàet e*o thje dIflhrt. n e 6.poili.vhich thG*v Ewvry ina 1et esMos:: = - t ,qapport.For sixhyieyarà Canada ha,# knO o qhie bexpOadêm etsf adt lat. 4 o"bt frsoméimS ghac part àOesr «*eU aEbvs 4:i. s% loot u~ et bau mdi. tu: lmasbers er bolti 4r.Mt' lieint WQ O 11>0rb lýgIultkbon sud'admniolmratlon. 16 a.tver QuumonW irthe p"à spis le ooaa.4hi çu dainied te bu perfect, - Tue fir-uuludod =-~I~ ~ iepqsdl mini. *h.thoeer idou. païiy or th& 6her; mwepmte rvrsiM u us.poly Wini $A&i tgt 6bas dou a agrat doit As buau polntid out ulmsial ala bis wvee i l isy Itr inedfrhitdev.loprnent or Mie couui*the ouaty aousry adotiqg Vro* Tàde feta on te g hbi atbh e à in , try, 1Wid m4~ d ittinj Whg mlsI uln.Evr se ontyd-SItseIiç nhIde if sie succeeds :îasid la the vay of parfecting i16 clne* te have îîything tCo do witîî illu Iettlit 1 e «boftr ber spoue bhi ltIt s 1Wleaders. vllit lire~, have and persiste la Jeu" iganethe uaîloe us eber teeth, ber amils, sud himinabcm-d ý;46,"everycrim litthe ùii o Its wn lt«emThe siuton Te ulu-4. are a patriarch al race. asIlendar bam b. assibusbd to &a.. i Caada in of coque e ilely dift1fi16Tii.father làs master or tht finily and But within the upace of tbro,% short toedut lu auadW. Euglish ludu«strgaovnior lis femasie part; thrrefore the c'ara vs havesean tVre groat leaders, havo remChed the s"nth Of pov*. Wh"* PQ'delon Or the vomnan le mucli lover if v.lifled and ahulsed lu lite, aAWY canadian intres have euly dudg ber buslbsnti bas a hilh raz2k. The :imidst undv.*rsal borro* and fi>lowed dthe peut foe*ye&mbegan toe gea. ive Gifh.thebiot ucver take port lu it*li tieeuIegw 01et pponiliteas Weil as Tuer, nbaiya couitry.t ii.hm» contis aud mav ouly inave abotOit - "~" amlted y thir jpouat vila 6. uuage .C*ptqU C Eagiud.tom f eliiuz omen. The prie. varies andeac oni o tpm u bau raiedthe people uko have adopted IL for A becwMestonan sd a bundred head or sud achouiof hemha.bee prsse Ure have returned, te a dteuive tariff eaU!i. fo« the daughte~rs or & cile. as a great frieud Of ltscouutry, and his sadder snd viser tma vheu.tboy d. Other vomen may b. badl for tbrue or abilities dieun accepted at thtiir propei parted froni l. We should neyer have fcowq. if tlieif ie doc(s net suit. the alid great value. The saie party wiila beard of "u crv ef Fré. Train luCn-huband in e.very particubîr, dtlîiho a new leader. surrouadeti by the col- ada vere It lot for the desire Gisa tev iesnds lier home sud demandés anodier, leagf-Sof te od lader, WI son b ply M outclaor ioige part o. the price paid umust lie re- leauii e th oi lad~rs vii monb. laed.oî ,oltllne te getlite Opower. turaî e M ina. But'if sue piroves te lie spp4llng te -the connere for A renf-val We shlnk v. are iustlOied In asklug 6.sellyvlal the esîy, h1sl ofonfidelâce. 165in foliowlaîg th4smine, people., as a speaker recoatly did upon her viii dom&"d somo extra payllienit. poney; a policy wlch «ma4 vo otlte thae Platform, go sccept tigevarnlinge of A bail vile mnsy 0Agio bsold as a slave. consolidabe our Dominion,; tha; werougbg bhlstorgigaher thanu the ~Among theDusilas trihoi, 0o1 tho to laarvmemîlseail races and areods ; that tiens sud promisesoet Wveut amutthe Women have nit the vo ought toe kmeno appetuuty et de. adadventurs.rs. Ths i:a len slgheut vestige ef s right .Theïy are Veloplng Our resourccs;*,thlat We Ouzlbt Né.2.. Mid snd ruso" at the pleasura or the te Improve Our ImeM Orcosmmunication .Questin e.8 laa Wègethenr w »do Twy m ailete wît te re6 srot Mti. ord u illing ta 1 i I, is.inkot wMt.out sud bdoeaitesthe wit th gratmarataoftheword s etlu ay 'rket fIijgnî U>rtthat %WokInth& Wd.and If thegvfailitobesr ullv as possible,;"shat ought te nsk~i & m¶ tti. beMIrty au .prepoël < chidren thuey msy hc kli&l, Âmmd yet a fuir arrangement fer raude wlth any' go do Il they get Inté Power. They gay t7Gbimng ehl hi w peopli who are willing t. des! wlth us 6h07 vili rémove evury vestige of pr»: e-aînMuu thoir masters. The maturai re- upon fair terni% and chat, failng te gigt tectian;- and îîotwltbstaning that tbs osuit of tbeïr position le that 6h.eWenen fuir tradj arrangianents vith other markesa0o other PoWal re hu combine S&aisaut their huaband ina Ianst us they vil! opnUtoir 1069ar- r Tng iDSUner. The traveler couutrit-s, tg la our bosnidn duty te one kette te i. We bolieve lu being Basta telle M a ricli Mauin Okoflo0ma that our markets ame prot.cted Dr oui >uOurrît h lker> with wbom h. stayed for somo tinte. own people; sud thMaunder any snd cothetignà hv ut sd2a~polI. rstoggeheade with every circamstsnaus the Industries 0ftbetIde tg lu a good ,au Weol au bis voe» suad bail te baricade bis but Catinda sbould b.e encouraged, employ. an oi maxii that cbsrity beglus et BilâIt t.ime. Twenty lnfurlgted vo. memit givon te Our people, sand uic Cia. bOie. W. have li.ed tihis to..m inaitated bis an sd refused adian fainer enabled te supply wl,,th rillOflbfre o eu 84teTi.MmotancM devme mn the ntcessarle of lire, Ia se far as lie or their miarkets by ugà' lurl .tise Dma'vn hvl!kora lîl produces theni. tua people vho manufac- duce fu ranthe Uteîbd States feus. arrlru We uch -more dan. mru for Mita vîat lie must purchauit. aboutlyfre t ofduty vle o e ous te Europrans Mop ta h .oopps:id te this ouui party, vith nflt ali@«d te serai auy ethl he men. The enormous extent te wblch 11l Its years of adramtageous legislation Uld ates vi t , its Ilearng a ta. ule aiton vascarrfrd on auong ýthe Durla &lie.Mmie perlIodnauWacur,, Dah.OUii5Iisduring Bohansin'a re-Igm ou te cozîtr upo lIs lios tat v ve e is front their lltlazamte Mar- tmaiWte for the great pgredominamîce of tveJustlitiicated, la the, Llberal partY kets ber. by Canada belig maIe , a Wmin lui nt et numbersf. A protes- 0 Cn:tda. Once that party va lu sd&ugter market for u,. c1i.* 1>S.k-umon ef thé king itucldel IONten et fls owcr for Ove.years.Everveswho la rupt ocisai uthemautacturers of the da1lateracconipauîed by fifty temafie Id enmgh te remnsaiber that iva yggars United.; States, Faugiad sud Germayiulave,7ofethis vives, thlrty'Amazuni momrs that lvwas lie yors ofCatiadiau The. redu Mrs hinlCana&s Our ofp théii.bodjrgusrd, six coanpaî,.et lepression amnd ladteipu 6vs"*le esOt Of employment, their §mn-AmersDsvetca, 6slvs 'lad 1me- h'lt t w [lies voue lu vaut, the nre unable, and a rosi Vuard et another sixty Anis- iv years orsa bluîmdsrlag stupiditjy anti sodngI. Mr. ula£, g puh s Ons-but 6111v 15) maie artiors. The ncspacity, sa far as th. leaders et shat in .ds, 'md luur le iflutence of the wornouîamont these trîty vers couccrerd. Sinem choir de- niaisroseau (!! ; u v 4u h peple bas beau toit by buah 6he Ger- uat ot 1878 Ltie Liber!art aebu i, Mgtsnelv.usse~ nanas *d 6he French ln ther ceolal îu-stanîîy s'în ot a àreneva!et omp"ormuutILu C%#"» luluulestro*hlOS-Wouiai's Journal, etof lU airer ; sud In arder te seurs 16 th.y sdeblsuvh.rete lad .eaployUOI la Uby "ma Wem.mDe Net Marri. :iv.-adotèi a tMrtise ndatles e ., omia and le Oone scl mèhWMa vas used Co attack ptg*dO>O A h li IIy almost purchass their brï earm qortugala-u mvsineo siug vçyir r .y rtivi bul basuenPut f0r- tud et CadPi frmmom, The(COU-.sad, falling, éMclerIah* eor or ,rd laui wountry fer acceptauce. serstl ~uyrevueec that ; tisev Icmainý oi p.c.tàt-books la lvc'r have they been guidai by o d e W h wlhontabil sSMUmuua vi le st elles hu Ab .Moui ,*tr.,emploid, oui pa , -Ilu vya «,Y om ils. gâte ê o ll iaI 81Y fted principle; their viiele effort eepeJDSJLe.O ¶a0".p rdw. asitgom ab tsâidK n flee754 le-"ma w«MMWlç» - d abla g ýaO"th,*vil- u enfor ofie sud 6!mety have caed Imaterll <6>à mi.6aia ad eg,-lbrageraao'fri Ut a ii hetber t".v soeured 1 it o'à ndsudt C5Lm andiau bands lu. e. . S tolaeqsahlhp i 4110îus4rr ne pies or anethor. twicrtced .-es.sreugcth yUupmouc, t (aadlaaIt ii bw~eascar bhaitla Screal iprucity, Continental Fuse TraIe, T araS. .all wvo osu thitsP -Tha tsull* thue wreh wvuehave f Reform, !reTra"isaIit w&dose. t&-. $ 7u# BIaîsyu *iblimselvc. b1te a 7à éle it .hv.h i i sadbd aut,. ylamU sore mmw lauh i tIa m*-.airme e l t pi o. ki di Ni 'il "- op-ommltf Wou" -um l accept orte t 'e Obaet gkmtadlsêy thelibealparty aait Ioa. The péopie have dom là &a tbe S jj- sive cesUelsguumt gool gee. Tbey havp reiIvbyUg. u4oeliUW té be takenswy hm lt a mdof log rS~ust~ ai, *elti ç udo«oi - v~p~ -, , ku, trenpibolier 11* la a bý-rnuIo.ssubatitute $yrum ,a"d-Castor 011. is thtrty y: b'y~I là prevcmts'vornitlag Sour Curd, àI wta Colle. Castozia rcleve - e.oetipatlona adi4 ptulency. heaI*hy a m aturaI i s .p. Caài. la Pauaos-tbe Elotbes r rlad ~~kbruuâ~tesir. rM.fN ~oo~ç ynpMal uboe boetfizi tbuë" «im@aql aurger stret. New York City. 11i1 Se. Oxford iL. 14ookim L IL "Ou. phyzu5c i n ath* chidre n*s depu g » =t b5a~ve pokCU ir.hIîorftheir expore eueS a tber outdki prace w" hCaucn .. A"d athougb we oay ha'o oigou? moedlni uppâm iwlat f k2on am regular producu. yet w am re et o ntem t h"s th& .m ilofw CCCav« eraLu Wou mis o k W" faoempm . l." Y JUS T SPEIW R1S FOUR QUARTERa FOR A BOTTLLE OF BURDOK EILOOI BIrERtS AS ALL SENS113LE PEOPLE DO; BIECAUSE IT CURE S DYSPEPS.1A, GONSTIPATION, B16IOUSNESS, BAD BLOGO, AND AL46 DISEASES 0F THE STOMACH.- LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BOWI"-LS. '?r~b s Mghy *cd wiU It us .a weII-knowu ( fact &Bl cmer the Couunty, and the ad- HIGII!BOTIIANd'8 RHEUMATIO CURE is théobest onthemarket This re.edy is put upin fifty oti and dolau.botin. (lue it a trial and relieve your, uffnig.: Sal by * g r LINDAM. 0< 8y Pporin the LZmt~S. RN (o. Pt 111

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