TRE ST 18 7545 s. UM biý @« e e éîk 'NEW yeu& VI. Sc rSalli persolîs vore tISWs411 tiie doorît of tbhe Academy off 1he buge building ha*' b W overilowing, the crowde av .0 tea aenibîti fully two hooes ý timb ffixed<for' openlng 4hp e)g Rev- Dr. Talmange took for hWOUWla $ "Tire Glorieus Gospcl, " the teït ohus brirîg, "1 cordug t b lM.Gs PCel ofrdt., bts4dGod, whiel io, Co og M itted ta My trust. " 1.Tira. 1 ;11. ' Tuietpreatest noveity Of Our, thmle thé Go'-PA I.t fi Sno od that li tg w. .As îiotti re anit(artiste arc nor tattenipt- iu efjishion pIrrlwrs- and clips, and CUI'is 'varo IIÏe tbôse of nIlIeteo. uù dretl years RIrO recelitly brausght itp froin hre Pompeli, auid .uch cupsq, aniçd ittebers, and curions .ware arc uni- vorsallY andmired, se atiycue who ean ipSh1oVfAlthie real Gospeýl front the Inouîianîs of sttif un11der' wMhh i as been btiried, will bu rable ta, presolit son1,ethiiiîf that will attract thse gae~, and ,,dini atîon, and adopton of ait Vie jwofple'..It iarnainîrwhnt mubstitlUs. iavu e i p rt'aenwd lfor uwhat my text caîle, "-l glr'hoiel."There has xnany people cher large asseînhhe.eiho livo ne more idea of wlint the Gospel r -a tly l thau they ha ve or what is vmtailied In the fontrteenthl chaper oci' Z'nd-Avesta, the Bile c5f the IlintdOO. ilite first eopy 01, whlch 1 sal I1 purcla1îîîeI iiCl-itIiidin, fast S,ýpteîîî >rThm.old Gospeil'ailfty.feet iiiiler iil e .weik liaîs bettu donc by lt,- slîovei oft thit3 who lwwvo been try- ing ta coltrive the )11ilos1ihy of Ro- 11-111.Theristo nlosnpIVabolit 1. It. k ailPlain îrîtteýr f l3iblestatetnmnt, qnd ai* vitild like -f-iitih. Saine of the thl0ogica1l -"euuîîaiirîes bave been hot- bedq or 'iîîidtlity,. cuethev have tried ta tece the "Philo.4(Iupby cf R,ý!- gion.'> B%- tht' tinte tiat maliy a votung tlieolol)ai stuiet gots haift throturi his4Pretpara tory Ouirs', ho i s0eloud with douhits about Piviury. Inspiration an! th .IDiiîit ' V'tfCirist amli theques- tions of eterrnal Desiny, that lie hi more rit fir lio loîvast b neh ,teathe. Infant clns4 of . Siiday seheol than ta becorne a teacher and lëader of' the. people. The ablest the.olorieal prof'esscrir ta- Christianî inother. Who. out of her cwn expvrionve, ril tell the, four year-old hciw bt'aîîti-lii Chris-t Was ou enrth and how hanutiiul ho noir liin Heaven, and lîow dearly Ho loves littie' folks, and lhen she kiiee down and pute one qnn arouui the boy. nnd with hor somewhat f9ded clietuk ag-ainst the roqeatei check. or' thé littitu One, enu'cratos hnm for tiie an, 1 efornity toa nwho aaid*'Suf- fer theinita cornu- uî7to Me. ", Whatan awfiil work Paul naille with the, and LL.1).'s and the F.R S.'. when Ho-. cleard 1the eks of tire. old Gospel slqp by sayiîîg: "Net m>ýnnv wi men, flot> imany noble-,, are. calle;l, but God biathl chosen thti weak things of the workl i t 'con ltntl the righty.t There site thiýiudZar-old hheologiam with bis tiblo piled Up viti Ail thse great books on XItipf*imdo, anid Exergi- uia, and Apologotlcu for the Âhnighly, and wriUnir'eut hie own elaborate work on -the. Philosopby ocf Religion, gud hIl! littie g- "a indcbill cernitilç up In hlmfor a good ïi; lit kishé niccîd,îtally knocks off thé ý ' geiut book frem the table and it talle ot the héad of lte child of' wbomn Christ himself uid: "'Out cf the moittlis of babes and sucklitigiê thou haà. Lerfected pi aise." Âh! îny îrkunds, the ilble vatt ne arioloeoti. The Throne of tht'Lit drn w ant%, noe apologetleq. Ett'riity vants no apolo- getics. Scieîîtiqts Inay tell us that iia- ttirai Iight le the. "propagation of ulidut lationu in ant elashic moditini. and thus net tI vibra«tonry motion by thc action of juminoils bodie, ; but ile one knows what Gospel Lig-ht l'a ubtil hi. Owil blind eyes by the touich cof the Divlie Si rit have. opeàed té e ec the noon-dav or' par'don and peRce. Scienîtiste may tell i(methat natural seuid i th-9 fec of an imipro'sion îmade on tho ci <ans or hearing hv an iimliutlse of the air, causeti by a Collision et bodies, or by otheî means .1, but these i i knovw hlat the, Gospel' soiffid là who' bave heard the Voie-- of Christ directly., uayhug, "TN alui are forgi>1Veil Uîtte; go in peace.â The theofloglcal dudii unrollIs tîpoithe 'Iusholte exquisitelly carved pulpi t a learned. discourso, showing that the Gardenî cf Eden iras an aliegory, aliu Qooor SnW a rather ln'deFlcate lae 1ha tboami the iurders, iastie ISk 0 -and 1 a il Stars. shau bave ftinhi ;a" the lake vbtch brnM, hat cash e 1140 a5 $1 1é t t~Vuum esi u u e u tebi'~ heen !i' ud A asat4 ha)vras a.y pb>tt,osermona tor pae, &derlab la clis rntedr fet deiýp.Rch, t h lius gving sud aftr Ulon se raig ti. tore nremylwit hosannasl wpounI hae rIoddl# thé e haMd'W tisuiiwo Ii oii1d onh * epl owhieh thé mountainé would avooki awray under thé raptures. Stroug- asm 1av >b 1 illars, and lhe bine skies t»é or vision vili vo have Ibère than Bamy as W dômse, and the nl*etebptoet n*« eyeoi t vould be bliaded b thfi t héL atinationh th esh rpt- vii ,là,av Ifah far frein that, as t rpm'arcùcd ln thse that nlutely la6i c uI pt opeling scntence cf this Sermon, thé acclamation, aq i. ail tsa ale greatt n Vetcfurhm he Gs iniah, vo wouil4be defened. Qurious v hi 1o. Aud letme yte lte hundrodas. Gospelt Yen thouglit religion *va a tit sud housndu f euatdan pendid atrait-jackat, Abat It Put yeU n théb woel ynd t mts ao eu tedntedhespellimite,. that'thereafttr Yeu muet ta Mli t r "m thé titeological seminaniescoddwn onneit1te TSI ofe ail denlOmlnahlons, on this and thé, oashellttid. By the cieansing' power Ole ether sidu ef the. soas, that there is no o ~ shed blod ef Goiltha set your #lîh drawixig power like the giorious Gospel.faces toward thé shinîng pinnacles. Del I Him bath, Gl dliftediup te draw alilOhil ee.notmle ht iitroe me»utie Hm.. Gl ynr eus cargdtomes or us hre-for ah the longest our [e j ani srcbrgedwit th, Gopelgan stay lu short-if vo cari only land there rde ycu viii bave large audiences, and will Yenu eo hhere are se many I do vautt <o minul t îot have ho announcee ini crder te, assom- mccl there. Joshua, my favoriteproô- uh hie~~~~~~~ mc.adncsaSudyugtph; and John among the evsulgeliste; Dc 8acred concert, with a brie!' bvani Paul amogtéaoties, id Wy.fiut thie pa-iter; or' lt presence of "Black cliffe among lte martyrs, and Bourda- he Patt, " or l mme instrels, or Sme lône aaneng thé- preacher8, and Dante Or nov expesureocf Tainmauy, or asermon among the poees, and Havelock among . mlPil 1accompanlt'd by a magie lanler, or the bernes, and our Iloved e ues viio talioné * tereopticon vîows. vo have se much missed @Ince thoy loftI<îfc > qheglortons Gospel ef thé blussed un. se laiiy darlifga cf the hearh- theirccl 'Goda spzen of in my toit vili have abS>rne sometîmes ainiost ibourablé, York mordr*we, .w in ha ind ofntioned lu this sentence lasit o Go. Pei gels ftuf*wing il viii have a aU becauise 1 vant the thhonglit cli mac- monentum antia powver mlghtior thaü heric, our biess2d Lord, vitieut whomI Ihant cf thé, Atlantic Océan, when under vo could neyer -reacit the nli Cratlea a th<ý forée er thé S:ptemrber eqLuinox it ail. Ho teck our, place. He purcübased ugtrikeg the Highlands et thé iNavosink. our ransofi. Ho e tOur wou. lne TVie meaninf of -the Word "Gospel" le sufred our stripes. Ho6 dicti Our triat. "goo-d neye, and mny text says itleluHo assured our resurrectlon. Blessed ~lûicu god ov, and vo meust tolli h h His gloi'iousninte foroveni1 Surging> 1.n our chlirciies, and over our dry gonds olserb i i nhnsIFcn ceunterà, and iu our factorios, anad over Him ho ail thé thrones I Out thresliinig machiîes, sud bohinti Oh, I vauittho son it, -andi I vii su966Il our plouglis, and on our ships' decks, -ttc dayý of Ris coronatin On a and in our parn1lorsi our nurseries, sud hhrone aiready; mnethinks thse day . ini kitchieng, as tbougrh il vore glorieus corne- héu lu some gest bal Of eter- 1ood nove, sud net with a disînal drawl . il7 ail theontiens or earth visentlie ni Our veO",4 and a dismal look on our bas conquereti by Ris race vili ssent- I aea thugi rheumatisin vere a hie again te crovu Hlm. Wld, and laceunai ne or a dy4péptic pan g hansd Immense and uphoteredas I ramalarlal chilI, Or au alhack o? viti lte uunnisos iannuels cf a thou- nerou prstatin.With nine "bleus- ssnd yoaru, great audience- roMOfte eda" opr 4&happys" Christ bégran Heavon. Likee lesves cf an Admets- , bis Sermon on teMountl: Bleu- daek foreal the ranset multitudes, éd hie poor ;, bled thé e mu-sud Christ standing on a h h blace r;-,biesset the meek . blessti surrourided by vorahippers sud aubjOeta. the liutigr y; blosedlte merciful; bleus- Ttey shali come ont of th. tartist past Jed thisetaeiù &m blesseti the oure; led on by tisé IronU thl; 1han tces blesued lbe penuoe" e9 tusd, Me te- eUt otbherzl, l _dqled<ion,.L led' blimd,î-- i - - emo -mm news fer thé Young, as througliC Christ champ ons0<lie btrulheos t îey have Iheir coming rs o- eriInfylluenboc.e nohled.: andi for a ilfe-time ail thé Anti thon front that vates t lece ingels cf Qed tem rcoadju lors, and ail ever assembled luhilUthe lte anuités of heaven théir allie%. Giori- villgo pit,,CanduheII" Dus gond itev forr 1h. mid Iie-agod as Crovu HimIl CrovuHmInudteRf througt, Christ tbey mnay have hheir Fathen vho not longr ago prointsed Ibis8 pOopJ perpie-xihiei disentangle ansd te tebhem Bs nlyBeorte cn"I viti ie alîn M courage rsliied sud, their victory over thé uhé shhnlt phrte Of te nit for Ad ail obtacles aanti bindraticés madie'for- eutemaprsofl.arbfrI eover sure. Glenlous gond news for lhe tty possession" shahl liseth crewn Un bau ago, a tley ia hae te smnath thie forebeatiyet scsrred vith tCruel z- cf Hlm cf viioni St. John wrOI: "i ion bramblé sud ail thse bostoaeumd *~ ~ ~ ' bdani11hirs wvenuwitle ike dovri on tbe levels andi up ln theti l- mOd hedas il le s AI ' ni d-leriés vili irop on their kuesacry nf" laIes àvooaswht,,n 'o'l n hed. 8>al igoferteKn O v n d' f feîice ef thé overlastilig artms. Gloriot "al igorerh!1nge léTb ood neya for tlîî dying, as they MyKn tsans tgetsrpalcents haeniihrigspirit, e sce't thein Tby kingtoiotgI au everlashiig king- mc and open .ing gatMs te reculve tilem n d dom aud te Thy dominions there sha i e n' vei0feeni tire oenrircle bhoeont! Amensud Amen 1 AMenU rtherntajit huweicome cf a ioving Goti sud Amen. ia to ushosoin thent.b 1 ohm ext is ri-lit when il speaks cf 5ssoviuswaer Waxted. b Ibmyeilsisalti i~it The invention ,moSt. nee5ded nov w *v L' " fot te ment radiant Bllig h thal ever Ssechmeansd practical process of viii à. trod théearth, or asende t tueeavenq, sterillii rirdnnklng vatet vithoul ren- mo >te yen sund me te corne anti b. matie, dortng il lésa palatablo- Thse grovth ca! h bppv, anti thon hake aller Ibat a Royal of population la steadiiy towar.dt he luo' Castie for everhistitig. resîiouco, tise cillés, sud linte cilles giood béstis te- >i e aungela cf Qed our cupbeerera. The pends more on goot watér titan on1a»Y nerv a price paiti for ail cf tItis 0on the. cliff cf ohhon eue tising. Indeed, il fa bellld sve 0: limestone about as higb as &is b ouse, b on that Uftise germaet disem O r a 1 abot seven Irinut>s' valk froinilteoaa b. kept out t orfootandwater ft: W all of Jen5alem, wbéi'o vlhh an Agouy Ihere viii be l1111e or no danger ofthtie ag nI that wilhiene isanti toto down tise rocksmra of tis e <on diseases. Il 15lre, S ~ ati ilslis obse drv 5mldil<I isoghl thal pure vaher 'woud neduce oft t blaekueus Over the beavens, oui' 'Lord lb. dehs-rage of amy largo cihy.-trous tta tg mo ne vf frestè. Maing nO apoklog lo0to 25 PO: centl, £1"a.Z-New Yoek bsg Sfor, anvone of the.milliOM i teluo ur lIt. Woed.1 %-. ýn o tei. I marnr - Penan bua s le wçpçuureO zupre*ca- ,s of lier ovaeuto thse legilahuno ,e m' vo~tete outast tt rPl mitai w Io b e vhêqlte Us *voud behecudngho er. Wee he cycld e e, il nt tsd ialer f oiy, mt uts dyandesrabcée of L, reuikt'd: *"Le! b<ere lu sormet1luX, siat Arever beicng lis modernivomati teard this. mandaté,. Bd a kncvlug littoamie auti forth' . set about muterlng luis novel )me cf ]mechamiileal depràvilv. At mt se onet enly id s ilie viseel, caîmnesu a-nd dttermnation; sbe iltla Turkiah.trenseî's, sud bluta mosly c f. knickbockeî',s ilu unean ldedly,'f Oit de siecla femiiîinity bas 9, Jack of 1eroisteiîep 1 trot anîoîig 1. Sonoi! teexnt nec ol ewôrrlv' he uptodam vonan. She l11ii. trie led ove5r everything usbu bas uîsder- ntcesubdue-Üreek î'eOts, business :tilles, politicai methola andtihle bi-1 3..AndlIse ent iw mol yet-New Proe. watA»e Notbens r Co, rtn' as1vo e au gk6 bick ile tthei vo,'l's listory, wa find he rage for naiimg w.îg.i-s pea~î.Tîe Rotnait; tid a gr ati iiviiitiion for betri.ig, anti bu lsit ut o~iout~aa!forni .L "ti_ V ngtiteir contract, Wilîith rO .si-tciI lit zatkingfroin their linger tIh-- .wbi 'l .,ivhig Il te the ke ,'ping >e 0 r~ hir . pat'hy lu -he cliidays sonte ver- ex- tî'norduîîary bats vere imie. '1îtos. aIdsund Satitu-1Whitelteai îNv.cý,cr-J idà the lhascie yard, York, us to wich shotil1assuma thej inost c Oiialcar-i te.Uipires ver' e'Ictwlose Lty. it waï te. île(:de upoi thelîcotriParkt- ive ab.surditv' of thec6otuttn's ini wWri-h tie two gelitioméax appri.reti. 0.1 th tI .tppoiiilti day Ilodg-oiî came before tÎie tmpines deconateti vithbauk nthes of' varions vnlait hil; ceiCnt unît alet- îî&ttcd purs t et golti arotd luls lies 1i,j wlflié a pîeee of papFer Vtruî~tie %weri1s *,Joltii Bull" vas attaclié-llo e sbac<. Wlîitehoad vas du'effed liké a vomau oit eue site, one-iaif cf lhie fac ' vas pauited aut hé vore a silk uîockin- and slipper oieue li-g. Tho other h;af of lii.. face vas bisekene t t resembleI thal; of a nego; on the coireqpouding aidecf lthe body ha vore s gatudy long- tailed iiu oîîcat, sud bis ieg vai cased vush lealluer breeches, with a boot and, 1spur. Much tho istonisbmeut cfhe crovd, thé stakes vere avardoti te "éb SU Bu." TheDuke of Queenshury lidit-a sin- gular vagén vihirCharles Bunbury &bout thse eut et thé last century. Thà f ormer vas te produce a man vto, vast'O vaik firontis grace's bouse in Pîcca- difly <L»noue) le tise 10-mile atone, hé- atvauclow n-theapace eoflitéreJ ý bou, advnciÉt psud aI evey f<urtis sto p rotiring ome sMep bsckvard. The bet vas forSl00 Moul prohahly tise Duske et Queeusbuuy ai bemr'owed thé bunt frein a lrcuxi- slanco recordet luntise hlstony ot Catis- orm Medicis. Tis celebratotd n bsiflquea mdte a, vwv"thaif au Ia eron fot ii be mnnen de=cib ad. HA l s ucceedt in ber finl point, Il remame tle discoiv'er a man vi th vigor sud patience oriough ho nderlake lb. journey. A'eümnsentcfVeibernis, Picanprd mlted hulf s»d promis-, id motscnupulously te accomi I tise Ivow.][ Hé ulilod bis e nen î t vlth great Proci4iou. Or *î m nnva vehi assurd by diésé vhow lsisuhad sp- ý oented.bu traiel by Ise aide andti oti bsmotions. The.rt vas a n<torlous "'ambler ah tise andi ot thé lasl century 'h~o imiet him- soif ficially by a veny exlraordiftary bat. ,dha bathen playing viti Lord Lorus- theJn shakos biat beau vonyiih, ani luICK bat gene stodily " aaint hlm. Exasprated aI bis lbuses, h. jumpet up 1fri thé card ta'les, a zing a large puncis bowl 'ssid "gor once. l'il bave s betl vison 1'yIvel ota chance of wiunigi Otti on aveu for 16,00 geineas 1" "ýOdd" nepliedthlie péon, wamly.The bowl vas déshed Agatust tise valanti on lbe pices being conat- ed there provedti e b. an otit eue. - Tise rah gambIer paît bis 15,000 guineas, but; if traditied bb. correct, 1h vas ohly hy sqh1ng liehesat otbis, s- tates tiaIhé as onabledteodo se. Mselher élirions wtgon vas liai et 1 vo getil eet i viso wv eo et ling their account aIs hte. Orne aetlseni drev mit ofbise ket s lot of batik notes,' wlslcb Induceta genleflmlstandin by te oxclitu Ibal ho vlmbedt.h .uany as ho ceuld carry la £.10 nofes-- 1 a im m uait as tie natinal d .bt a ntena tl. Uio vblei tise chier gemuan omweet i*ilay isins awag«of eM that hem sut ine. moreof t ls heOusgeýM U: ttisih be maitgel could net carry lhe amenaI et lise uatomal delie a dslais j M - mile vlifbou I P 1",Th'l varr wvas mmodiabeMly n4 Md aeacui u wtêok pl viset l -Un - 1h5161, mtuï "0sstii M» ÎR 3, roé. he turf huit d1h 1 mm â.n i. UBahimithl Ml6âwLý-ànmt Wbat are beathent, unc1e1?' leétb.ns? Ois-ab-heatlhets are le vise dou'l quarrl over religion." tw a Wtib Cerne te me semee. trons physillogcal iuovery hua 1mado lu th.epasl joan hy rot. r,of Copenha gél, intregard lo thse l cf ateragehyvhleh a fsb accu mu- Il ego m c!l ox y g én lu lie a ir t int d is- le. the smini or air bladder. ho air -cotitaitiea therein bas s pe"- igé et oxvget laI Mayrnue le as; ,h ae s ehty-ffvoau arnounl rach xcesof tise perceuta!ýe ln atos- rie air. Prof.-Bohrt tapped tihe air clor of codflii ud trev off the gas mmssfeta trocar sut sairtigil mgo. Tii. a bat 52 -per cent. cf giàn.- Ilii fvheurslatai.bladder relfihl. apparéritly by a piocesaoe reioù cf' gas front lie bloot ln lie ilaries ou the val! cf the hladder. )ne eiperitnen t lhe pis tinms Screted 80g per, cout. eo oxyvgni. Witeu thé réeonnected vii t tho oigw vene I erot thé uccrelion cec.d andtihe %tlvas motnefillled. .I thus appears tit vin sfishde Lds te a (rosi depthi, nruties bdy educet lu aisn by Iucreased pressue bise.watabot'i b,.he la able ho iu bis former pisé and mise hv secret- It segasho nects, hy lu titi 1$** he alt. Support14tu mn to the tbeory iaIt t egaseous h*ges tIsat océur inu thse lInIf~e mel aem Mt proy pised-ali = te met su'tea br- vM.h e~ou ll 3.,'<QPstipo.tim ft ffet eKiss.-withKidme Ttcpble, iii auêha case ttcre is nix mcdfda>e Whatmcda &pranent cure eicepChnse' eo in tie K id uey-J..i rPill, oee '25 Cent bo ,~ w4Y( do Moce giowt thaui du"larssud toflar. -worthf any othr preraration this is edors. el b> ThMpson, llOllH d = 4ZingOnt. L r r 5 Adverù8o 1h Is a deathbreeder. ta it and sA iI.I and Livc,'.g>wtUneyer bat ltPewfa. Tbeblondis the andsustainerofhealt the Kidneys and Lierdo thefr work naturally. Sem. r thigis ededto insure fte andnatralactonof tbese étga, One 25 cent box of Kidnçcy'Liver Pilla wdpove to any sufferer they are a boon to wafe, <an be used utùh perfect confidenc iiy thoee of dclImte constitution; One .KianÉ--L-h-er'Pull takc-n ý-jkly will eff.tu1ý neutr.Le the formati,,n'of Urie Acid ti the blood end prevert any tendency to Bright's Disease or Diabetcs. For purirving the Blood and renovating the syistcrA. . esecially in Ci>e Srh, LOne 25 cent box s equal to, $ r worth of r' :iy Sarsaparilla mail on receipt of price, EDJiM A"ON, SA TES ci O., 45 Lornbard Strcet, (cronito. The W arder dere Peàth.erboiie Corset-s mUst xnot be éconfounded with thosoe wb.ih were made. fi've or six years a go., The 7Featýierbone Corset of to-day is as .far rernoved frorn the old Astyle, as blachi S frOm wko BUY A PAI.9AII AID YOU WILI ECE PL7-AZSD. ANJJMENT 1XIINI ER REV >W. .BARKER 'W .Barker in. YdIUg oiiasretPoierboro i. asbybIe uil the 1aua humea. I lovhg m"imtmi'W n u" MW DP- . nai ec et . letý usouuasv *Aahoad. h~t~is. L~ huai sas Uftersli, - mationt fer aie, mt ms, fee la imintshel, snd seua reaul 1 t6 atomach Wilnet digest théeoo, t he> liver bicornes torpid, te kidneyr viU mot mut properly, lthe heainand 1Iuag suffer, and in.i tac h.ého mysteus beomes veaketi ,and i s bonaccouaicf lthe laok of serve foce,: Se.8uil American Nenvine iu b.seMf on thse foregomng soientifle diaoovenfl, sud in se preparedti lIai kactû' dfehgy on the nomv centres. Ite hoeil'Myimoréaes thse errona ayollfhe whole system, iheroby: *0bingil.dmmfoenorgans cdlise'ý bely* e rfoim iefrork perfoeily,<' vhs dsesem i cediasppir la #MOIy benat day. 1 'Ur. . clm.Bond, a membu, c* SSeeit*y dcf Fuious f Darliünu. of Seut iseriniervine à" il pMiie tbsaievry boit!. did for m. fý buIré eilUaisvonUs of 8pod *S.uss1 have net lad a gool woore.P fot *weuiy jyuont etIi"tiola, pais, homrbbis ga SM" orml eusproejF ubush lia bien c ause l > ttnab, mniby a brch« e»v' dMe nervou ssiu.l liale down mmd ."ena 'm "May au a babyMd11 bu «lia vrbeaua mediolme in*.ibiscountry, wrnhh At la t.vihthisms 'W or