ISm w» bal& huis..., la U»W"ula ê AS ., esa li e oie wom en lo wmIo a wu i * V WANYQVWO I *1mot mmmiv a .iaaU v« Twy m e Our nn O. 0. f tuaêa ehiagl IrOU? t l tu4t Settlerfjp Trainsa Manitoba and Nortb West fi.UNIONSA1 O.TIQT) IL J. M&ATORUTTP FBIDàT &' 8.lil A Union ea mea e; a udno f lho"s.sud a M" lon1lds "dmte. la. amm. Uuue. fotou." Withia sile jours them utomrmptly leaders have bd hme .fblolg plutle, esoh il uclomto boe« gdumosdel :- "COomniaroisi unon. » "6Uursstrioted rsoiproolly.e "ontinental fre trade." "Trfrefuro." Q"Tarif for revemme OWiY-11a" f",Pr.. Trad ilun 30lam.Ib la smme cme« until rée..>ly tiae wees dvsnoe "fr.e.lànoeia" of t4e pomy » gave the secret avay, sud: epaaui eç. Smmaexsti".Thal sted:ped »w. Thb" Ni-. Lanrier mo'», ami ub»âe oomuvich. holus. 4w UmIe mthai haÈ flomgarticle fnge a madoss govemusal Imetler, if vo amepresperom k.eop one; vs are taen 'the Omnibus wé-ia~ *'M'adota%-, c I hhâ "@pu et 1edgPoUah ln à. in, t O mwk QI;: . 50W Tsr fIm ara aFflrOiIi»dL so» m r m ae*0mglsimotf **Zha ooawsis samia vos1 nee Cmsacfth. mtem le *0gogmea am" bu .OmdmobuC. et sahA h. seule, mi me troic The O.ah gunue"lsii ma»«t up Md- eomvItie bai béesM d vu -ae pbu*-Pn»nim la Oms. . sOt«,iMM sbëd boam t. ouler op" OSum M.vmil JM t "ime but46* ,k appmeehu tg6 th *1 %0 toiassisl We et th pwthWnp. aailm ugit I. mau Me. Unie O t e s spft Ulse À most oeup" Isend md .vmol mt-k lat"svu glus te. te5uwam t KM. Udok; y« *06. din1tepoilaà" Kuloua uxptIuiu e a lw wby a.» uihimi mlib.kepe Up eamo h usamot h.giâeamrk»»m timi s" a"mue"im»»6w. a m s«ugl in faves 01 anoluagOmmadmsoke halo SWbt al.Tbey tt*meu ami chu. mdm a goi psoie. uaem m ioinlathe Umt.d Setamifl lb. ifce <f &a. d16liamepar"e be pusy te eh.. . of ai. Deug lhtW *etue wg* m- oa-s lilasOlos ulsê a Un"y md.iT.omée. v ore j intijvlly »L" ea uspr4 b . MW f1irth ehMooismef aime MêBUk13v OMaiILw *)** a<h Y.k 5,4435ê Ul -oubb amlbswttBm p-&- âmam, lm If e an «*slbtv le, el hUi &7 Bd at m 10&l«& Newm i eu..i. a. b W$Iy« (MM wm 1 vu tehma Pm ai et lm6 I~~~~W Ciit eu tsu ai hluI &0 #* bof gae Um a eh. mln~ 10emmud pu iO fa" -t am. 1 Il. u 1 vr mb Alomide et Rawsli oeiy la lthe OfetCarloleL la th" 0,1111 the ruemtmtvela lir. Uge a m. Cssr- eolve, mai aPatrof 1lambly te >O- fat rom. Nw. why la ahi.,dmmsacas- bseg romla "'ene buotl.cmty rcpssemte by a - GLENGAERY. ,Mve teas Cmev*M. ILRILMN- EL.mmpu,0md use aPwitreadldte b1 trutes, boIugth. Paf rom 09 Imdubly'camidlats. Net far Oeta theCmmtr et Adie- ton 19 in acomty at preluaheu by *0m GriCs, as membe bd«agDr. Daw. ms, Who, 1 hoar, le ove as Ontaio Govmmt bit o, se l rom omdidate her. Way aU. Gra»dý Boof tah. Patbolu haveDm.t puShel .a canidaela bore Mueoa vscy que«. Peuiaspebovv, It .vas thomght Et talghit h . bchanceset Mr. Davo, SOUTH LNI 8oth Lamari la repteomnte by a Mhalseertho em. LM J" gar, a.Vor ab Mua ad an honnir le hie co"udu- soy sud tie contry. A islma WISE ONTA9UO. la irdi ie Quit caudldat Git pont"dcka, J. D.,Edgsr, M.. But bOh.-ladependent patron -«gantas- lion -hiaput ma, orne lduOie liiinuala "l. zvid.at1y tiey feu"rnlth. h aigu le b.tee es.lIbeais. Wiy Nai cittéont ltrealment of SauO Lsus Mdi Wui Ornti? ]b tie smova- tic. Patrons or 10001*ry çblk O leImeta ar evngt ho trmintia soalus s! l «rder la t4wyegt5d&." -ro 4 uet ho ablivet b HgaML, *hm mSanoslt et lbe .vemmeut rallvay bu MW"v £é&gWet ".et i émey lte " O.y snatabpube sm- 1e lteuha. tdi0 Uwb a"- &."leea ufm«,okr s. J. U, wàmâ e fa', 1 , ~- WISdQU fS ~. nomUPWU fûtted- by carpenters, d» ýdwcQý'!ffdo"and best equipped '»%ý*ý m. ai Departmerats, ïn **SmL « t08milat 4.5, 8 and zoc, ~ ~ la to bey. A lamge lot «. m éc- a C.epet yard., worth double Dont bey 70flT Ld ovos tilt yon see- as Cets.;comme ealy sMd get the boit 4~f~id>w. Lp~ Se o Ciiw* BCOhSUiwfo.1 - t.W. propose for auwe.*s ivlq tbipubbic mos* Is-U"Is __-*. bivalooc on- tieckViait us fa our cdean, lam-b p#us. $#m nImm b m* iwclitellm.srnLu&"ai tSm blus eâbe bUmm te ihugi a te a umo&lm *0 vumi la mus mli ovlapue-1.. r l. op re ep y mm mm . Mmrdat II a U. NoW TO TMETA ML lame ~ne.tIuu.i. T , te a. opm s. . ois, Md et 'mlkmw FMMosci slnom euus, IL m. B 46 bu iI h.boom wdllmm ..mmtu m eut m mbsauaOhrla *0'gb bs mets immel -f lir im. il Iralet mevu m.'*ah. o= uha" o Ilkeyau"ctu tbam due*"mof uv..sanathi ais" o omms PMU ores ut musi mI evb, dtouaaaO.. h. ne vomle o tag te. à" le» mm Val-. omsIyho sIv pWOpi.bave ah.vau- abt s ttm cmr eulabul this* i u ilblut*i1to maie lb. .014 wê?5. Whm u ot have btcmecbd b! the oet, cbviouty the 6*4 eblmgo be doCo l unae ah. bMe. cl elate reorla thea. Nov, vam w at -r, ralmly brings a b heo bnci la t"e ehifteMt vhte toam s l the hm I valubu smBm vi ue rditaken Met :suthCa e mpera. urs beoM - mut* lovrer, the - bsl &'Wsu leavue h~fuem mi r.tarst te tbe f-l tom bocomus Tbe fet obeuliMuem hale cdi Valu-,5YG an a «mv,bi te epsl ~~*w *jk.f5~~ .~~PIla E sE. W MoGafley. Lt~dn~'a *ad 14W OuliPioM Dry Good8 oo, Ltadu.y, Mrh 14,1895 ~w~qTp NELSON MORRIS&GO PLVI~ Dem,, 3uatlb. Mngfoi this >sosumof othée'year. «Balada" Ce -ylonTea, in paokýagesj, doc. and 50o. per lb. Au.0 OMFBL Ihisay, Jas. OGUu, ItIS. THE-SECRET Of the. warvelu sces fBrdock Blood Biftto'lieu iiu t specific curative pWr o Cerf every orgain of the body. 3NbUiMver, tueBlood, the Bowels, te. C y fl$O 5)dkthe Kidneys, the Skiai, . -CURE *Wacts ail parts of the. humaa ý&m oeaedý, purifd, sam -eUoiSdth. perfect-maftura action by ekin. tbeseor eerat , D î reritMes of the ib'Baiblood.or dis- -a iofthé Staomach, Bâwels, Ige8T SP>RI4G io'OUMNG OR inethe