wu. ~ àieu - . o u - wib., mt h ictO e ta the leftiOet hfat. b w'bat ta do. 4.a lan*U eludel ýta ms* pout a ah or a wltck, or aythlag th ta cal l er-ast any rae. A 'hai communication wthi thie etenaîl 'orti. It wa cuit thing to do, for Bai aa ail the witcsm. or cm ta stop busies,à A r imidta King Saul : 1I io ual mediumn.lova et the - dor2< <'O loyau 1?0 saisthe talle. Saul,.]puttitn,>ffhie adputtiflifon tRielress o men, with tvo servante, < up this Ul3lrtUSal mul eany thing for Seul ta i aeRt, *for the tallest people try anly came up ta hlm ab tbink -tram the trsiigth aldthe waY lie' borè him have been well-proporttai flave been a friglittul t jas'a vaking *long tn th or aine feet hi1i Isui people saw hi paso, tbey1 iCo-Ides thattia socapi. -sÏeally. Wl, passlng thie ki hie servants after a wh village, and ther say - 1 lu the boume" *; înd'tbey lc mse the haggard, -- -rI an spfiritual mediumn ittIng aldon -the table amipt and'divinag rods, anil pe ald btties. ad vîms. T tbis muet lie the pae' bringu the womhan te the ah. stands térise, holding (aàmp ibove lierbleadd, a jte the larhfless. sýet lise?" 'TRis talking tnfi lie bau corne'ta bave hiea When sb. bearu tht she almoat dropse lRglt, f there la no chance for a .r spiritual medfur n l i gauRliving evîora Iatt> erne ta lier, smie sa78; #.V I bring up 'tram lbthe a '<Dring up Sainiuel" Ti u>et whôa lad lied a litti, op morne polmton herbe or bear rnuttering overi tiens, or tamplat vith arles eut b tbe real.> "Samuel 1 Samuiel1- Lo berror 1 The flow, ie te Bldthe grayha *m flow torebeal, Uiceyes. thu11 ers, the amea, the test-. t ot lsad Samuel...vtappei robe, appearlat te the ami wloio tagger back ad catch tlir breatî, and i rer The bal prophet, w fr0.> bthe tom%,beglas to lips, anisbe glarýe up azd criseout z "Wha~i i up fer ? W»' ilyou t sleep ' What do you meai gantl, t'yng ta campai himsehàl '-makes thias - ti afgltdutterance, as dead prophet UThe tor and 1 have came ta you f shal 1do ?Ic deaI pri tortli hie finger ta Klg, "Die ta-morrov ! Cerne w sepuldlire.. arn geias came vitli me r' And -1 agaIn apens, ad tRie fe proplet -diuappear, anl the shoulderniand the baor closes. Nothlng tes1 but Saul and the tva se upiritual .medium,ald Images. and the livînliu bottiez, and the vaués, -à one herbe; Ob, tht I learntirett Mm . tII 19pirtualism 1lW avery oie natural tht.people. et know the, origlnand- l l doctrine 'whieh la. so wvi the villages,- bavas an( civilisel 'sorl, getting every day-a dotrine vl ot yau are already tinge la Americl. au baÎr» In ville, Wayne cauaty, M4 one night- there vas a Ngainut tUic bar of Miel a rap a second tirne, a il and ail three limes, vhi opened, there vas nothl the knockiag living lx 11-1v: by Invisible' kniu dom thg do» ta evu th* peope, ue1 on J" soor. 'm. , Rl~ the0 Dloo the deuil n syrni soct thal an. tiia want le ýor> of à ad ln al tui.. Suutom fuursevetç ad qu e other , r , Iê' bel - oe .11 s MUb* %0u>» Dow thecelu Yà4 atte té tm «Chrit te aah-jügta <et Its test aos s te le damee. tIlés ttciUl*1 are idolators.Sopi1% Min w troe ll hetaéWk»IOk t1>Voe m spulebW5an" emineus. »eid <lt*i ca e i' ,Tom Payna," holi A b ur. rs«cte«t wic telerel *ltliMO&s.1 vU tewàegua on. e=tat-1WW@ P gette-m *Pb* bve iffémla ut %ýl; Pe-firmel sitiuàfift ho Ihâa a hit»' a, belea vIi hJOI12 un~yan- terthec mrn ibiat. ovet' and over auvossystem .It la cipient eptiejy lisY> MUbokJoin. 'Wbky, $Bd gatî, WDdr themanipulations of thc sud ctelepS. fltm » ur au'vous htoiog bgaisthebChr1btL"4 re-. nmhln Nw. bý*'y ika sirt.syutern eaê you migit an WOUR le dlad. tOU > l, oanil hs-ite g.RtmUIY u&Ual a ta ifercal temroStis? tlan- i1ibave notlOoglqt- pople vue S«.te )be&à& W *jackson Davis, the mi 1>10buumonaI av m»-hearingtape item> tht futurofen a» thcs lrtuahiutgs, 00Mes en belonsu to the seqmefsmIi. -Trbave but littie ettângth loft te boear thc ti> Uic front jami IckeseatRial the 'New am exhumations ro lbtheu128en ~d. j arl ta' of thia vorl. It la an awtil e~ g but st tbe hual cobeOCfa What Ices Gel thb*k .f anIlionas.delu-, tba e 145vUioi' »W01 w aba e, ail Uc ie on e 1» nion ? He thiaku se everely of Ibcm term. I a1letIttnla matis -> e u claî»PmMdInk iéUelcs" et ChRUtBts» 1151 lNe never thinka - em bsnbut, vibl b dm erangerents are se terribl.They £tto.>I>tetaUbstttuts the 'ithmo livid thunlere etoflgui.ation, Re5 "Ys. *et .tic ervauS m*10>1 jamaeai n sd «7otgcdeaW and Ândrev Jîckaoii1 -"ibou*shiRt nol suffýr.a vitoli tp !Ie.' l a tr au your boldyaldseul are co- Dein nd- ohr roile sbalderssb tu 'And lent fyo iil#t uÉiks aOUO IlUpor- cernaI, thé vIole univerce laea'a oe. thepiam Ofeth* uu Bibwe teint diqlaotl.a betveem 'Sprituasai Botter la Our Ignorancem sitire "ovIbleve, under Gel, thatt Iill and vltocrat Ge0"aya>It se rany M dés or withi au.englneerm 510511sermon WinI Save i auy tram limease, woeres: "There shail not bs among You. ballr tRiatrmy blov us ta atoutas n#wRama" , ml perltiS1 Ibeflee tbes a consulter of familiersPhIta, or via-. sViperrnt vtuthe nuvous stem. A a&» the lya 6 e Uic heAposes spaké *rd. eosr «rS cmm;.fer, Ibey lIaI do Immi cmilive vith oaRy anseRua9, Or vweheftomil: < lathe iqIter limon th>ethings aretan abomination inta vith no, cyeu, snd li- happy, Ms'mon Mme o"U leçart tram the bdtli,' glv- the Lord.'>-And Ne,'usys aan: tIr- ilyu bon under uel aiflIttons, but vOc taig hed to luoig pitt,"think my1 soul ofet tlse WvoIemesi-ai ter sucli as lota tRie mm vboe uves ar6" mîcIaudiecesmVeai as otIer audie nt bae fariliar spiritsil db*hogo u"or- terei. Bpituahlm smltes AM 1Of Rn Dis ey neel tO bave reiteratedlnlatheir tas< mter thora, 1lviii sot mrmelt acalaut and mightily, a«geitthe aer*nus ~a- hqelng Uic pansafflI quotlmae Iheai. ad . hoshl l e oul* off tram te. andmi0gO maislite i1istilt. minutes age "it- e sah abt lie amoue ameng ais pepe-' The LotIAlrnlghty I lulet V« almnmse efI~ yua conaît«lerOf aiit8plUo lu a score et pages, vbiewhich iave te a mocal amilMarital curme. Tbe oret wgsrl, or necomer ; for tiey tRial net n"W timc 10 <tot, 1uttere hlm tailleg- b ol t leausum suad tle wvott 4othese things are au mbonnitlafl gala nationi againet 1s» Ibtis great famil> of ergiem of obsesitl bave tisen enaetl I tue Lord " 1%d he oul tUat lurneth dllo1>5. Aller thbe a Spirtuellot and«r Ite paIxronage. Mcstr>!bi. tOa er suh as lave familier spirits. I if you lare! vile forrme ta btell I viine t polute WIntten nte 81111 furbber :We Resra from thilutest my tnM o pu. lwihteT-shU mo et nul gut retem people 1>0v il la Ibai people MU I lta Spiritual- 01181. Bomtms thoe ivl Ravbm s 1,»ut Iinvite 70U Ibis morang t0 a le.se> Sul bal enougli trouble ta kili evOked taop i utae1Pàii twulameie aod.1a5le ton nu~Ne II et kov liee t goInnurnerclle have been broie» up b> ltb. is convoceation lae OIY one g<ot. for relief. 'à:fter &-,vhilc Rieroeovel b Il lias pse f ulesot7 uii.Br stRie le, tale. Care go ml me bbciIh etEndo. ~ . vmen Imb a Rite ot proligmcy. I It & audthe cuuréh t~c aeyu pochi and see héneh o mp ouAiRe ex- about,"Rcbv'e*tand 0mil auiW tor this a<ftetChisiti»n pomice, ptan>tbaef lb vs is toul tal rreation," a d Ultl Rmatche4s," md pt yonr Bible.en the table, put your bmRit.> tr. AnAw» bavtaubeltfl yonvadopte teh be woe eobu t f h4l- RimaIson thc top eorbis Bible and the, lIaI trl:tndtm halssve cItel Yu »DI OW ia> Ii01one of11Public Jrmai. 'iste", ad har If thoe ameany voices troublai, tIc bsmkrupt, the ick, tbbc t deelaesi,0 g5la tceith ODtrOemhg tram bbcet«e w l vara Ithlnk, batet. eu ose eurvaîRi, ud ou ures af civilisation." Il la -a source liors ame Lste» I "Secret Ihlaga lie- gorst tror luse or act.a and o o e eatehet>!antntempet5ae..Tf long unIe bIs Làord Our Gl, but thtngse vieus l lu. ouetar uo vtl a traIng spiritulisani l _bae fflswing.»< llia» rereveaid elocioauntan sd te ieses, ittl Tou .go» teks fotunàeteller ould tura Ibhis vorl b a a lefOn- sur ebilaren." Sursly that 18 s volas dise1se lanbalouI by oa o of l ri 1111 t caralft'. e18 M >uiC~U.But' 9m tRis spiit-vorl! But before,.a docbbr mternit ntb zýo f a.lame atcras, ldabie 1 -- s, aluc-the pS e ftcamI bu his itiasa oe, 1vant flisathe u attrnth Ui splwIts orîal i ropabb Ino bel. trom vih t"e. yon te pcMlss me you vin lieo satiiel treemel g W te Iba youmi ae com-ldtebbotrboth -fertit nd-h«wf- 'wlth tb. Divine revelallanuntil the' at»eSIi o tt Y hlM' n agiverOMIuît, or the. aie of mmmi hona sud *o- ght-et lb. eternail lrone breaks upon, niasrveum sud limlaml stl f Inou.min'. punIt!, 1 557 let thie tant Vestige y"Ur vison. Do aet go mter thc vitali g erou add ty l a atom m.yui-r0filperisl for ever. 1 wish 1 ouldot Endier. Do ual il lava ta ta"l . oand utleui.TRall la Ihesplrltulm.galber up ail bbc ripe Il lias ever lboard rappina, ier ta sport or in earnemt. I1 ctins Tht la hy 1 atsOia mnttroni spitsa blesI or lamnad lgbe Rv orlMsm eiml u It tak s . upM f f l omnts mx &loùIbm own h»aln eta ncIunbe- *idUaelu'1 no crs». Ihat bIle>!l Mua 2 aI -"Y? ltaL. We Rosea 1fut" hit'hefor the ýttbam «,e ttatm 1 tw g een aar, 30081381alo, tact thai stha bb cne or mpc bRusait- u»eute«r. yaue chaftlr Maid.ag. 1[f vucoux marsbal, ost,îty. .Tlere la 1>01an fllUKibe1v55 t ers are ne ghmeste liose»or bsard mil stotpi bbcelernal varll, and re- Bagoald SmaFrauclmoo wbio las lit Ibis vorl. save bame vhiCh vallk caeptureeOur lovai ens, Uic bot voull not the tar and bleediang vicu ttir i le on Ivo test, et tour, huma» or bsil sean h -b e iréballed. TIc baume lg no leluston. Go ita i SyltWi, I cm Rernember that spirituuliasa icie=t lonely, The verîdlaisnsedark. Thc seit- net vînre lb u il Uic thepreilinif bac- la a'uselea Ibiag ; for It lb telle vhat arailon la se- Insuferible. But SPIrit- lot, atter you have iskel hlm: "WhI t tie Bible revomis il la a mperflully, and àmin mayafl: "W. yl -open the future ts the.malter vitIh t mni " yul "a>: ifIl telle vhal tle Btile doi aot re- world, and Your lovai oat can carne "piritimmilm lementel hm"; Or '<Wbat nil il la aille. Inmeal af galas out back ud tlk l you Tlogl visay tahîe malter vith that vommi V' hle to gel aller people to bell Your fortune, not heM'Rhita votas, vurMay lesrthe crap vill gay: <'ulrtumilsu derentel lier." tell .OuIr 0wn furtune 'ly puttiag jour of bis tiaId. 56.Elleer lbe table. Sit lauontaken dwI oe fthe l. gt« mtiGoandosthbu, dBs.Pu c y uiet. baFe iaulea e. nintellects. It bas ivePt off IntO mental ean. 1 viii tel yaur fortune .:«'AUlthiffs r evr ue ieminutes. a oio f i tbe. TNo tînighl juacu, senators, gaV- j ork together for gool ta bbem vha espume fo -mtio the t abr vrl. TNoi- erorsministers af thc Gospel. and anc lave Gel." lasuIt net jour departed ty minutes& Thirty minutes. Nervous caeaa atra n I rcl yakn iut aelv Presidents oftheIlsUnIled States. At adsrbl ne uttnlutbe e xoittenal ath I. Urnacreasiag. Fluming, near thlm cil>, a man liecame Rmm rite undermeîa ton tairi. Forty miaules. The table sbivcre. Tva absorbed vilb it, forsoal ieîsfamiîy, Remee Uit Ilou-e a l n pril t rape tram theistlure vanld. Thie etIers bock hi. only fitteesa tIumaddollars, invoke, adtRial le- tUic lI, blesseti etof bhc alphabet are ethel aven. ,Thie surrendered lRiem ta a spiritual me- anldomnipotent Spirit Of GOel Hark! Iepsuwed frien4l'sname s John. At thec hum la Nev York, attemptel thIre lie la raPPing nov, net an Uic table Se prouunctatiaa -cf the 1611cr <J," twa tîrnea 10 put m an d bo ie onUa Rithe soot, -but rapping an bhe floor of t ap9. At lb. pronunclAtiOof thîe letter and lIen vasinearceratel ln Uic Stats yo r eart,. and evex>' rsp la an Invita- '<.,, tvO a e. At; the pronunciatIon of luaatio auylum, vbers ho ia to-day, a lion ta Christ ald a arnlag of judg- the etter "R,"Ivo'a rpa. AItthe- pro- ravIag manime,. Put your RiaIdlntahbeament to carns. , 0; Rêve hlm not îvay. nucainofthtRe leller «"N." Itil>5. RiaId of lts vlloli ofEndor aldshe 'Quench i hm naot. Hehau been ahi arouald Tlaere >011 have thc vlolcname spellel vIii eal yau ta liattornless Perdition. I yu ail your ives. Hark ! TRere cones out. J-o-h-n. John. Nov, bbc spirit lie- vbcre che boRds ber everlastlag eace. a vois groppiag through * the roof. a tnt presut, yousMY. «"Jon.am reyou jMi>' earsmgo thc stamer AtIoabie bwesklng Ibroug tthe 'Indows, filllag yhppy ?-'.Tva rips give maffrmative startel tram Europe for bbc United til tis bouse front bar 10 o ondi answaer.- Pretty, so09 the Riandofthe c Salom. ýGetting ml-aceanthe nrouilla- tm b-oor to ceiling,*vith tender and *mediumi begins ta twtband toum ald ry broIe, and shoe bonderel &round 'oemmlctriagintonation, saylirg: <'My beglas ta vile l , mi&ter piper and iik bey mter dY day Wl avs, mtervteLapi Il shit al alays sîrive."1 Sare furulmbsI, s message trou Uic sIen- mal for a vIols montb afler mIe %vas.due nami orl. Wbab larnmarkableà bbc de- Ipeople voalerel ald f»ally gave be« ;pattaispirit, aaflgl il bau beca 11mîl Iesvsgreat mnguilhintahes .~ . i im&ao Sthie.illumnatiomns:of hliven, cannot I cies, for tIers vere mi>' hovIa a A - g bal«. et commeint la made >speli as velli lt Md ta. It l 10st renlm aboard la-ese.hoeefflg,~~tictp» il ofwhichtt aigrmmatical meCUrMO>, ald annaI 'bbc vou», ta Ibeir distre% 'scalte is trlsher.Alo ii t write as iely>. 1I.rec*vsba letter lIe spirilual meltu=es&Mal cquIlte b. @ , t-tipresont tr',te the. mar- ~ hhr.ugb a meliba 1us. st Il bao4. fate cf blial ývemut , Tbe medtuz= sc*4l- j d LSd Frsme Bope, linitia apsa aUM enlbro telt lhm tag tible vbleatonte 1a tua v Is w O ewhb nte lv le otr 0 tler tic hal mlOfftsla.'l fg o~u~r b tu, eroheW , elring th-bl le- Uc Ma ia, a thee lieUset 9 la up*inlet 15 reil?, al the ibme r»- me*v*s vte 1 ta, tht me «bcU= fth ianitot h ta torel soelis 0fea», d *th*a- tao t e. 1l5 ol. bute cab&Ien, ulatae» fu *eh OCa am 91wff h lRie haIttta Ifs 09~ coli&s ens, hZir trébbcmm bfck, à~ 'd c »U lttil a UUMUt the II - I _&tl 10 usflt bX pf *m d dhd £pWSauent eus C0ZI1oet pr. - L'a. ëa iiinc ýD% I'Ll, ii bod .ti 1Mid L ekeir uevac M k nv aturally. oe t!i4iiaturai to imure free *ad natua tion of these 2~c 5 cent box of Kidney..Li-.er Pil ,goay suffézer they are a boon ta 1,can be used With pcrfect confidenc se of decnte constÎtution. Wuny-Lcr 11 taken weely lai a]Wpentr.-izc the formation of Urie atebloQd s»4 revent any tendency m« Disaei abetes. ýuritfinmthe 1ood and rcnovating the L. ccially in tice Spig, on.e 25 cent equai to $io worth of Dny Sarsaparila teîrsknown. Sold by ail dealers, or by a reipt, of price, EMA .fSOîl..BA TES 45, L'omard #9treet, f(Qronto. emaU te;*M*uI cen colbox a" Ia4 SONOS WEALL KNOW. Il 'enlIa,«othebc 011Camap Groffl" waa'wrllbea by Walter Klttrgdge. a Nee. Elahîre mn. vha vas draftd lun 18, and vhilc prepoIriag té go ta tle- front vrote the Word@ a»& MUuIC. Il &tteincI Immense populartty alsaxoutln- atantly. <Ucekel la the Crible cf the Deep~ was an inspiration vRicR camne ta MM Emma Wtllmrl, a New "York teaCher lurIng ber relut» voyage tram Europe.. TRie muslc vas composai bY JOseph phllp -Kuigîl, tle leaher of mnie ln lier acalerny. "'.hic LastRosé of SuMmer,'- one of P&ttl', favorite songe, vas thé work otf TRamas Moor. TRie melaly la a very acient Irish lune, forrnerly Rinova as 'TRie Groves ot Blarneyr." Tlls.lune lau basa touaI la collEtonS 0f1TiSb anuèic at least 200 years old. 'SlTRie lBlue Belle of scottInrd' was ths work ot Anale MeVicar, ailerwarde lirs. Grant, the laggilt et 01 ScotOlI officer lnat l-I bbiarMnuY. The melOd> vas long 'believel ta ie BSottieI., but la nkn In ta lie of Ealshorigla, e- ,.tag an ald Englaiehfolk sang. "tKethleca Mavaunnc" aswrltteu, b>y Mtrm Crawford, manI11,4h lady., vIOSO mango go yesnmgo ere ta hWgRirepute, MMTi munlo vu bRipCrondli, an' eotnie gomine, ho ta Rie 011e anmilpoverty legged bis vay laIe a&caneeft ,rh-e * b> Titiens, lIaI le mighl lst lsoua, oompoueiflfllsunsUD.> -"011 Dog Tr&Y' Wvas t 18 ime -ens et rostrs MM lpopuwmi onga, nu*AO copies leing »Mii ta Unmubas.Il vas gerittea ta tRis beA& e0tofniaa cOmbInai irflyamIlgron sop la New Teck, jw te.t.OfUIM laI0" fr te ouFeos ut Biomao -smqapy vU- InmM au st"TRis SuVane Elàv«ýw, a lb. muet popula tnsseu IPOvi l Amro.Over 400.009faj O Vsre sa»I ~isW mtmtri8.paut». 0fer bbc privie Ser living bu»MrInlted ca! thes bte pageet eue edibleam tbcau-' lior Mil cornpeSr AuILag fSp»."lisaet unerbal» orWIgn, tIers licig svermi versions et tRis leservel! popular sang. Oas cf thebo lesaisb> Banesbut anly the mEcl- ond mdlthird stanusu arem> bis pee ft thc remmiader beiag tram the pea et R arnscy. TRie sng ln ot tancerlili»am- tiquil>; one version je label 1VA, a»- otelsaIl te lite fthe bbc teeabh cclury. le s'm t heic Cold. CaldGround l" vas coamlleted b b'tepReie» toer ta lie the beeo an mb is campaBtmilonH e gel thie Ide& tram a slave cf CovingtOiiKY. vhorn Re Isard bewailing bbc tact, that lig goal old master vms 16mb and ltat Rie ad evermi other Bul vIa a bocome aldad voruta Ivul nzov pas. ttathe Riad etoflmes hal>mas- ters 40Hiome, Swsel Home," PayiieS song, vue origialy a number la thc opseat lClati, thc Mald ot Mila aprabue- bien braught; ouitaln 23. TRie aperà w»au a allure, mil aal»g1isnov mev»V et it sive the ane sang, vhicl bco Inatanti> popular Over 100.M 0captes vèesoldi thle fretjeaner t Is pubti eallma»,d thle sale ta ns tfouonnau- eliher lias basa constant ever 811ncelj fnl appearmace «etis beautiUM theme. TRie mcloly la a Sicilien folk- sang andtmvas apted te the worls by Payas himueif. tie 011 O("en Buokel« a rt ten bl WoodvUi'th. a priater 1et1Nov tTrI, ald ai lmosl votl ollier Aimer- rJS os b>. 1Net tan'trou- lis priait MM OEehere he vue saiglyelt hon e*e are ra bbp wvîl eRiRi&t«ueutel ald !-bel maumucu miterais» i.atrefle W la' » Ilind illel for lpgmm>p.Il vas e poured eut,» M a hle1.16u lb.e <Ram . 8 1 e remarfsbla s b-e"" printer. a threvSalingt 1 'iiî"om - h - b W !s~1, repo uel li' e ak«e. et 4lkor Col weRlvaIr 1 O thie ou d- cakesbukel thal hmogla a tmes ~ I pul." 'W ottUh v»ta the riatb>< oes, Mat 4loua sa istewte. » tu *0eoet b ta ~ ~ M ,, Il1gatk cl I the Mal arv -je i"IP,& OÈh lon. 1 eu ev* nb£oiuo ';rtiSO III Thoe Corsets are -now recognîzed ID be the'Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction.. guaranteed or rnoney refurided. ASI YOUR R WY COU!S DEALER F0.1 THEM. ÂW .~EmxBNT NINI~TB1I REva . .BAR KER ~1 m=OIo mileelPoerho bu bl hbU m1 cie. ~~no tsfapnecm hm»mlaamsm t(mi c Iasi.gft ts posou* ~6e epiniom tfaee aWom&i mo" a m ky -ff bowt»Il I. dJem&nluhea, ma i à rtuan la dm ukm M h il adigest ithoet Bytebauomes torpld, lte kidney »S *motslproperly, th. heua n& hm - Eur, maiin fRtat la he l oamboomes viakened asmÙnk on amient etfliaelack o affove tfeso Setit Ameai» ervine is base(. ea'th e fbgoiflg Scienligie dumcavery àm go s prpared taI Ià scte dfraê1 umlte nerve seatrs. 11 i.mmdi&Wsy inersses lte nervou »«of ettac itle sysm, 4thereby anI>Jing lit. diferent ox'gans of lte b* to tperfomai heir vork pertectlyp' vi samam u m on e m ppeare ]à S»aty b eufis isj nne y. Mr. .1om.. B md, à member ef *0 So.leby cf Friends, of Darlington,,k jai., vriles: 411 bave usedsix bott1e dt Boula American tervine. sud: I malin hastery bath.a did for me haudoars vof etgxod, ~te.1Ibave uMt bed a good ewa dulup hr lvenleaysr.on' gmu"tifeiillii.»,puahommebl anâg igema rervusprce.j fimU'. <lébub..»uased byt jalgaso. idyspopuis ed *a omit, mi by a broken dovu' mtay nerVetisyse> »V aa1îi do» n dep en~ m »iidty ua abs e, nl' lâêa om man. I do nol letis, ~~r, hicit et ma Pu»w t bisu a tem ic "vum ST,