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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Mar 1895, p. 1

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,I~. I SP- àm taà Ic * W@. 1984 p ~ oehb ai4 Ibm. b tisé fluai IbiS, douas ,thauhsoh. lau m Wuom ~,aIl. misas la alnuprnl. lu oommou at 14, - Ad ....u.lfrmanmtm 4, - Utkeg. - t out8j ;to zem pur Y"r st .tP« Y". uts,~~t >rtehe.5t r-t& rdsla its =t6at 7ceu P« YW it £Asotte4P&tinaS 5t. a adsu A ushe.tacmts. or8stpyr, a" Brown Smdetg4Iqs rgt23 cOe o.fer at ;@o seu speu~r,. ___ as, ewFrmsh mdAtatiegod S.oo, fer sjoo b. Tweeds f«..Boys wem od ymlu at 351 r a5 cents pr yard Soo Yards AUl WooI Tweedsextra good, good valuei cents, fw 35 cents put yard at, 50 I750 Ya rds Fine Suitings »d Trowdtis, woth fi m YS to $it.So, yourcbolce for Soenm 11o0Pieces Moes l Wool Uaderwear, good alue at 6o 10 cents each, for 4o ceut& Ei oo Pieces Mens Ail Wool Underwea. finer, quality, cheap at 75 cents, for 50 cents eàch. i 50 Shirts, len'. Flne Heavy TOP -Bhirts, -a bargain at 75 I cents, your choice for 5o cents each. S3pring Stock Complet;.inm .voey Depar.tmente W>A:RNERl&,CO The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78 Kent-at., lnday. ABSTiRACT ,STATEMENT, Receipt rdExpenditures of the Towup of MEld r h 05"M lm Eaam.rolOS ................................ ...... ...... * 84 E..d.tt~Ur@...E0k.......... .............. ........ilU8le Nfou.wSidt tBo m M rO méYtR .............88 I.qorieue................n................. ........ lute..r.......e........teg Besud of .Vltlà................. .............. R .........pt .......................... ................ tous IMM wa Uxmuuaof PM.isblIUm PsSob........... Baarw Md am an k... .......... .......... Esimia.............. ............... Boartade It ......................... 1ev oul................. ................. GiaIL............. ........... . ............ GamtyElOu........................ ..................... IntreI ai lbeuu .............. ............... Bosia mi Ijrd~ue................................*.*. NSo.bauu......................... M1871 afs mua &m'Co0 z-No "glu tu 27 T eqouhur.............. 11e ASS BTS AND LIASILITIES., VoolvIle Bom..... ...................... ..*... U ProlmatpPlaeS.& S. .. ............ ......... Gani m >ts, ~k .. ................ .............' I VnoabbuolslTBXIi............ ............. Un........... ...... çatn ue 11 l ................ .n... I0 Aaoash...lai UM.o. ...... ..... ..... **.*..........* STATrspaLNT M RAI LWAY DBB«VISUql - -- - - 541 ~ m~Ip WROUOIIT ?UU MMI OS. Neuse e fuov,- m__t u buDle ~elWam ai 70 t. 76 ?.srlSinit.T~09o Oaro M4 oawb" tc& Mèm «i ,&RUS $0, U. a&à The above asied C.mpany *bav e td in Lbdsy, with head- psatmer ithi. Daly hote. Won't mersausseahorse's Bpaff"i a dm&W ihai sle &nd glomi ,but ihi OLD ENGIISH CONDITION, POWDER will. Every faumner suil utook raisrer hoald U»n this grand o14 povder. Yon au oofd ih b aMy a"ial inauMY hind ofweather. A~ HIGINIOT~L& 74 Kent St. DRUGGIST, IDSY FÂRMEs?" Don't te bamboozled by travel- ling agents uloaàdlng steel ranges at double their vlue. Bofore you buy, inslpeot our stock. I am in a position to »oU you a firat- caia sSteel Bang..Ioldng2 pieme of u.nbreakablefunue for "900. ha. I - <gasis. I fous Sm i *~gg~ I balul * ên.u~ I vAlisaI - I u~ I so eI m mvo ino ~ uSaoa m mu ul ~um. du n~i os u...0..94 Jb AlU P«B UN.la. 5~IUI. , NL Mat16 Ce& -M Hotel, -Teriace o!f. ve Dweliiggs, etc, TOWN 0F LINDSAY. = Cpm. a un slbmhUUOroîgsomla *0 imm Friday, the ith day of April '95à, boU» Immetuli mbmFu .aemm mli onA mor iam thon hlaii 1 10 bi.kit ê..(4 Tnià"MDLwmo.floeq 0,"i fmbtevii b. Pstup lu - pon"ML là, ~.tvhemisaU, ilualul amim i Ur. a8 ~ s. im p ha monT 1.0B -à,duth à ms- u5i p&Wu bwale- eois malpce monihg m* ». ho Md@i bmowm à, llivmie ohm idt aimls vii am.1» mm*. Isva. TIarevl be keumvu Ni. Fbm luilm rpumbnMIte , Un Vaomin'.ilioe, jraluablér 8ropirUues 'County cf Victoria and in the Town of Lindsay. Uh"« Md by fflm o *0poveinha Sb tat motggevi ofl qe Mi e wpntduu04a l et tb i Mds m" ada"i bd«iMe ntuelaT- mmai~ os umb, Smmuuuithonvuii1 gRad 'r e at publie 8um Wsy Ia» NOi, Benuon 1!House, in the Towvn of Lindsay,. Tu.sday, M~ day of Apuil, "95,1 -&mon w . a W1D~ 0eohduaMidui~ibh0 I Sonti &à" ami fl a u lfl sIéra -,- - h ' 1. 1. 1 a . -. ý e T. A. u~~.avoe a ns. a- ~.~a-shaeums hm1~i~ B eu ed cigar la the Market. Ilpu -knov a good cipr and wil be muoif lytbet' L -- tr 4 me la di u ulsalbgm etsastu,. te hs l ileLeim O% mmi Parle a b u mos Tlmwm seai b* ma UT" oNl sM Mrbe amSehmonbis* psls mu w l'là ogàmdtalduso te Iae tswmhip iet , ýbidêmît uss Petie buXosmdurlm h L 9 m bob netol ma tosmsmp m là me puis du 0ail m ambâeo M bu te tae ma ao* hirdas I t VU ~ -1.. go u W - b u stâto1 à"a l tee bduti. te tarons et u@do"aboou se , h-o The trabeimlaha aillha.m Wibes bau in *is #86«4, la hotala lW . tà»yw«M he.l- i8àdOm1'âgske dotpsot raIe" laam iss amamaboum .lSS"of ta tlmlgabui .dos sAOés (mu*mfor 4"s a bloutwW* aivoult . - bims 06*b0108) tub - " voeblin es rom u1 li; n, iàMlaaas a u n rom-t sathoa"entsm£bus e almoIlam- iiw P" l mitothe, IaticeSmo -uamMoilsut laI4. a .y bosmy et tbs peotemmaMr1hobrb. Impoai obie. 1 Mr lbat 9 th" at *opmlaof miamorot tbeisa A lhmtel.g a furtiser for sgmat sbtwia nfuir- nom -u u lusthe hasduft ftu ma gndtluetoui ars fom urniw (a"d- hoiý f.stures. Protestanti deoMMre o 'ber sa abave taghin th le hSh tiiat wvisiloi.bell lu ommmmathoIlo 187y tist1m Fu»es , isa laeoSmmon trams tisrro t" à a kptoh.mtala -uppoce *ea flrha *" sc- ta dîne with huas 1adI tpdWaM lia ie dAmner oucit I ta frAi aggrievm, VIf tôol uothing but v.gut.bal y hasé vouid sir that the. dAne, vas moi -veghaus, the& 1I beiiVed in tise VaetaMeasuMm*eM h., ldd and liaé tis vuastiier i ' esso w sua alasoooll Mmo.s. Nartha- Lau.j1 t 1 1iin ia Ivmil. rigin Sm msiagllsavgemebamdhmrla the Man vsY i1aaY ths e, , ian ddehIor protestant. BI tia vu e malsuiOf arn lmrdwlsM e bva'y à»L. ailb. Maller * la sogn lO04,iii aho", a mium obolom te basum ao.v#ý Fwettbe etréseklrdDo Abd vby abocU »ai b m havaM" * I ul a t h i r p o u d g s l f- t b y v o u I l t 5U n do mo i amimyoem i hve- t la .aom-s et-8 fui m.lty .orasêh "Miadlent1., gpar ht in *ab S. valwa Sm thes wpue scmbulquiw Wbv thil, «à uethkg : is .Oùo sra bsmud b, 51 blaei s susbs dhy . buuIwàw ubil asét M l.aie k ,~t i Uailvay Dsbamlaoeis Veelvilla liaI. Pramlsmary NaIs Si Amomnbof 12 TalAMgiâ Omraoe on ua bl E- - I 5.Y"N *irome Y"rs 50 F"s Fa» 560 Ems ~IooO Yar' ds d ffl - 6I50:Sutsl, Youth Il300 Yards Spiend e Le. ornai. ~ mil .lus~ LvamM5. I DmlU~ 'UIC. ~i1 ES. vi*.2ur a tthe ==CLWOlbM hmysrecetvd la th 'eljoeet il ot m a fbt 1 -the 04 and b aoouitr, M& é adod imsoatent." The. riuemwbwfIbava egirondo not rpresent po ythem~ erwhoimlng numbor of lefmai ejty tétai; wae iu iavor of the cetitélicis laNew 'Bunswik,- for upo. 1biol sasealons thèrevere mauy lu th. aloetyvi voted as they did becaus IhaIrOOIUOIS er. uotsufficieutlystrông. If the.acmUouith ad been stronger they wool bave lad much sdditlonal. su/port. Aftoewaads, In 18% the. Dominion Pilis- men de fr spa. te, chools la the NU1a; rsiesUt Tritorieswitbhardi sa dilsonthut voico. when lin18m4Mr. noath iabiel ta amend the statut* -and lewee the soilect ln the hands oi the of s a ti Nor *Wcst Territorles, he watt deéa by 114 to 21- and Mao Huhswho wlahed ta proiiibit dlrectY a-111c1, la teaching In the Nerth-West ,@ohools, by 131 ta 2. It bas boom urged that the matters ini <5eI0 PovnceofManitoba.hf argument emnautes, of course, firom -the ,mijorlty-1.ave ILta ote i.Prvince, they ua--ta (save It ta us. Now why was ansppsprovided for by the constitution -a ' mie vien parties were about euly dlvidedt Was itfor thiepurpose et beig sted pon, or vas it inserted merely ansaomething ormamental tWaa lt ta b. uel ithe protestants were in tiie miolY, but mot If the catholc eret Lureouest Wfhat vas iL put there fort 1 My. duat IL was, piaced thereas one out af Mmy constitutional guarantees whieh protestants aud catholies alike enjay under the Canadian constitution-a auar- auto. which, It was hoped, would remain ubumcIt like a life-preserver,- but which wszneresorted to in case of îîeed. LoUt me quote the. laniquage of the Pr:vy Conaît.upon this poit:-"Bearing In mimd the. cireum8tances which existed In 187, It dons uot appear ta their lordships su, extravagant nation that in creatlng a Legislature for the province. with limited paeit should have thought expedient, rncas. either catholica or protestants b.- caeprepondernt, ad rights which had conte into -exstence under different cir- cunistanes «vers interiered witb, to give the. Dominion Parliament pawer ta legis- late upon maLters of education, as far as v as -accesary ta proteet the protestant or catholie minorlty, as the. case may bc." I v-onder What aur opponents would say Iabout Dominion interférence ivith pro- vincial rights vere Quebec to interfero withprotestant privileges there. k would not b. provincial but "protestant rigzhts" then that we would hear of-"solemnly guarded and guaranteed by the Constitu- tion'," snd so I urge that it is catholic righte rand not provincial rigbts that are being interfered with; that it is a pro- vincial wrong, sud flot a provincial ri ht, that w. have ta deal with. The appea i given so that provincial wrongs mnay bo made into rights. Abr,11t HogS and Baccn e A MilSet 75MW rgv. W. wer e taking In live hogs to-day and there wan anc lot of 12 hogs that I consider are the beat quality for the English Bacon rade that I ever bought, they were fed by ]Kr. Arthur Bell oi Verulam, and are a crauso! Tamworth and Yorkshire. They, vere the rosi long lean hoga that are 80 much desired, six months and two days aild, sud veighed 2,22D pounds, or 185 pounda omih.' I have bought hogs from other farinera that were equal ta- these in weight for I ber ge, ut the extra good points about thm qpvere the LONG LEAN BODIY, ie INTBOUL DEE sud vERY LIaRT HEADS, Iand 1: huow that viien kflled and 8plit dowu the back the. fat ou the back wil 1e >au even thickneas from Uthe tailto tahei hoad et not leuthan .14 Inches or more ithau li luches thick, which la the quality zrslrod tor the. hghest classaoai ngish Tram vhst I1lcuow oi the, Enilish fBacon » tals I have no doubt that If ve could get ta abalyj supply ai hoga just the same oulty athèe,we should be able to psy un t me dollar per 100 pounds more than va Sau psy for the. hoga ve are buying We gl ame very, good hoga, but a largo Pmsas oas three fourths ofai vab~ eyaehbetick heavy shoulders se ~aior MtIe theiiBerkshire hoga, sud altb.ugh the,.à mgo sud weights are right, aibfi-tie henvy aboulders prelvent aur- Emg lii theprions in the English market 1 aboubSl obtainItho aides ai bacon vota efhbem as ta qusutlty of lean sud O@W fflt i thehoulders. ailm à oftheright quality or -1 garest-6t.e16 1 ..............

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