i il IÇ <1' 4'~4 h' 1;t 04~ J vit . A.SMItl * CaMPS'.L & 4 B Wou. a- ! luel vs De mO 6 sase suui of mm . *puaIs giue Cmaibslà» u>5 00ml,,la » sha m 0 m ste .? (.dule The o4o ss A ~ ~ ~ w Arp£"IVUE BfET mmNO.TU IE@T w mA (00.4tuued hron> St page.) M<iysfe 1dbave-ieultb.t« ad ouil. fs aSIhae tshmutyso ami wlth 1aIl pepu dfutewme"dsit utomi@l~ bus bl i Izeleso,-tn se levrof .1ppesb albt t l eis b« dtiy te bearteh. eal, fis Md 1e,# octe thra"Sas ls se Mal ru 1In stas Uthee. omltii os he th, cuihoNo .mIi oýf aIbo Qi... lut& tu lbo w-sa 08114an au îmlto so f the Igllalv asbb bis E..lle?.lBOOUU II imt de t. ea sies ..au ppia.di oMad vwhslhar0,2ouiwud -fers th. e li ufoi saimyoterml tosse..t i jqdg"t nim th 0e aits mit tb vhs. brouitbi -befesenia.4.na bso.s rale .for th eutsoi lotsuisthul wbese fuseli Of as naur m aeb~oumow*pus livi- su.h peons bues Do *hS teaseE ezeroise luhit povéees. ['ho sel l @mareit 10e L1V50. Eea ofsa il saeme1 OChthestatut«il hPwmfhisi j<a v4.M& o 9soba-gso, <èmaw"Ai & héléte mChabt If&a ph4eise'tel Ont hicshbon domwSandigo. -Allow a quoa a sa,.i fr uKireil osn (pige 1-41% M a légal Or. t»M ta Publie fseeUomul. or e"on pubie 'purpos. eorI*0pmbli vots >always go bole,esod wvb oiauloii aises." Aîd 8400:-Bl uogarde the lapoyalils shaâtu 0i dami,,le vos laid do" .by te bmb (R. . . RaslugiU >. s1 .bat ver jesof purlIiUlà- lao a0 kasil h . soAS promot ieaibeosfit, aie alpeheu compuleur; , aLustga di out lllu ineloaalis vil ete00e17 spadte, is suastheuie vasP 6,4Me.eiaed6. h. aofl 1 (the word jIie"braelc la is vidie s 0) sode -bzeroitees ib .uOiI*oS éïd is exeriMI5-45ygl1LI make th ai éoeig.~MdJ5 «deu dipmnleuût à MM th oo orta i8àrhU <ý SI 1pwe qSW0pie1 cor. Tb#eulot la__ terme pro Vidis ohMk idp">Ob la the novevuW4,e ,, tate amy si our. W qnI Is go. mme lit(q~S proetoilon . in that provuies "d 1 bumblur :Cb uim thaie peltàow am"Sbc of et posis"rMots, Md 15usrd t e h.fumosof ehé ileil5 Ale u themm et t. né by the roma sib i W i loba, I bg4m eo" m-w Palie ofheubeasimule»Wlm diulê b, on lea l g»I M U4 et t h »»;;, » ale ue et e à# disdMW.bah mi ab"ele e mm *a bciffeheiI - vite lie& 1 of toi 14 §dMtass»Uils11 lis 6 1" t ne. sepuele set"; lèsem siobs viiitg le, tu»s e o aplp yuh, yl a pmamseb te ibe Deulolus peusas9l; 01.1 Maîle le- il ietr ebhWlid dei5bJ th5jmdI* a I ...u.Iitte 0t thePd" pomseol, sd sm a. i b t.omýbgibm.u et ilotes b«eesrtaton u. ,t * boul vIS 10 bve le Dnai s iliI ilms ibis "M as, q de m eledtegolte *M_ tvlio boa le et U im g5 ousaoous i budos là4u1i5esss-t la Qoebueb, "sù i mm ae et tle.Jeuotmaleto@ Ae M 14»s suols ileal AM . lm00lSevol for hes é ai euislutlolfadwklusmu It si. lv oo mos by hl", p M OBI? M011< ms'.kt, MIu& 0.agast tl à' its cefhNi h6@4 a" teb daae g'm Deow slh parmiferFou"9 pop.,PMd b 68) -h.t-. - ton I i bolse» polu « . es Partyp. The aimtguse le- aie he tbe ques As pla .-VUsw veI l e sM be vuSs va ebsefleamba silleughtem I md libérale il. o»ue l 1111la MualOol Ob.i h hk Ciplsous 01 feU ile oaub.aveM la siaM5elOIî5~I " bttefOaai is biv e I Kw ima OD0g1Usisq h Cmal h. vua s seléme ehg ssIse 1C poile sboel *kuees a bo' eh * lé Uems sINS eol', md»9.6. ge 1, autedasi. onbilat sas g' umbu Bd Osin is bWosis Bda ba-léh.0hr'> 4«"Fusil& hvl eilsko $Mdail amesd 1 svu ula su t..m lSM PouI e hovosuà au ti e U7vi' 1- le ~hIuI "DtIe hsis. Ai i Obiimiddu ", "k the à;se. vus viehie the Peva et ibe 84 wu. passelho gave Il bie support, sMl m a 1me mi.m te et, àà a5ie. 1H ome uleelI Im o be y ati subihl. bm deJiess803 oo.iamhisih I. ~ ~ bl vau bvWseis.Ubl Mbm te luisa t. e -mnospiu a shotie* muaoly adéatl 1h0pUise" siMW Mr 0.O"D. vu,"u es hut mmin vmii ,& = = vce ma ehail thp as,110 ,0 sIs let sind hdosblm ss lbeh.pube 0. saoul. Thor de oC iS le eipe eboumu sPsbls(ytefut u Ofa0c" a laie seulet clb b.alis.thabe déoleluah hi bia osbpalo LMWSI Whagols. b d.uaus elutgvih au semis ils hobed bise eleels. Ms. Evéf - Do peu spisil FiosOIl SMr. O'Donoomu? P ka net. 'Dogbm-3@. zmu.Ecs-AsI sy"e 51Fm e iL~~ epae s eeo f endn t O*.FÉ"s An Athil davits chib Mr. Evart PUt *e la daulaI iuentis eitm»bIs wqiul ad esdu tCe lasulilee .pseidl. Wl.. br thilsMSsiie vus vas sMr. lMtuswu 1-~ ~ ~ ~ 4mo msin esgilii istet g b t"Cae ile té, whesesiMrisMeisl * Bovai ïimeed éCh la ib. vIl me he habave au. lo mt" lo pe milsase, th aliuablute lle 0 OUI dmbl u 'y chs 1h desa uni vseuai Ibsi à"." 55 o M W1 vu !lb. sboil in naue08 I.ga-e, zoo~~. J 've ~, .1 rd* ~~~edaa fh, CW Ma ei-Uib aue 11z 4-3 -LIj~a.e&iBNUi LIn.O i e h " X 4 0 4 Ilm WU sensl im i u liasGuii i lé!OwVjs' uAmuiyoe r ~' t "I ~ ,-- 6 1, - M B ~~lad 1 91;ai, 3Mdâ 5 pidpou ,but l EluThec- WdMaim guia LaICIINSEL Whi tO-the time? * A to. ae aOum mm« 4 etetsm s-'s U5b4 Spb O m behe t B-IWW mo Lu ~ ~ m uuDsll hip.PAUm", The 09Mttu .ig u i bobfI5l au,~bo k u r l i . i L B O* W W e M M lms. law of -ests.« kI., 1~ ORAYs RED SYRUP SOfB TME D »STANDARDCU"E. auU ad&sUd ci UNG APPUCMINS. Dr.Fowler's Extni rac fwiid Striawhrry is a reliable remedy thatst én alwnysi be ilepeuded an' to calre choiera, Cia. filuntuUI coio, Cn'unps, *diarrhoe' dysentery uni ail Ioieness cif icbowe b Ii 15a pure Ext ract containing a&l the virtues of Wild 81mw, ,berry, anc cf the safest and aurest cures for.all summer comaplainte, cambined, ,wjth othet hurmiose yet promnpt curative agents.- wdfl hnown ta medical Scienoe. Thre laves, ofWiId, Slravberry wer% known ýb the Indiana tobe au ezcelenlremedy frdiarrhlo,4 dyuentet4 ma loeeuse et lthbe .s buat medica science bas -laced beforo th. publi in Dr. Pawler's ExC of Wild trawberry acamlte ffectuai cure for sa ----&9érSýgand often dangerous complalEla wnôcommon inu hua chage Lt liais ijod the leut for 40 ycarm, aud hundredu cf lives have bee-n raved by ils prompt u. No other remody always Curfes summel' canipainteso aproaptly, quiets the pain no .ftectually and ays irrita- tion go sueoesully aIbis unrivalled presoripioli of Dr. riowler. If yon are going 1 tmvei this be M e abtie with you. I tnssi~5Iflmercomplaint smc dieu caused M» 01 r and watèr, sud isdo b .0t .o- ikbua çi-s. - I~ IUL-~~ 3.1.~ ~t~LLî JOB RIWNS# REFRIGERA- .n 1fact uearnly anytb'wg lhb><e for.> OO(DE3. CUE-RUF 1 SELL THE DOMIdlNIO AND PIANOS and ORGANS e.U PhdOLu,096T. P~ ~~~~o B.- etnhlt i, 0"ooa toumiomom 'puêt. WORH of ail 4escriptions -uestly sud promptly d -0» ai '1'Th, Wa.wdor"office. M ite for LUterature anàd ueWtion Sheet, -whichip if correctly fi!e(od out, vill enable me to> send you a T uWnicb. is specialle. adapted to 1 il., and te. tain your Hoeria WITlI C4,,FURT. V 25,lears' xperience in dIýsigning andsduoClig. nvener tf 27Patents on Tg SESfo Runtureanda *ppiamncesT0 the relief of CLUBFEET, SlPINAL I.. -. , . a 9d&aithrDIEU.ORMirsUhtS. The most C.ertiSe loU M SS themn exclusively.'Ordor through your physilaridn~is, sedirectfrom factory and ftting-rooms. CItAS CL134 KI0,,0L¶t rToronto. Can. AND OVERSHOE8.b Warm, D)ryid Coàifor&able Perfeot iib Fit. &Iw*ys satiralactory. Granby Rnbbers .Wear Likid Iron ma Ieboalm ma . u subt sepai. RoS.f l.W usii. amw kuib W~"Ita Uark tuas wa"odMnstyles e aI Modaa ESTES or'ADYUEiING. Indde out"@ paffes. Pape a os SuE ~ ~ ~ I lauayi' 6 1 mae 5 vie - O uarer. 0 Un i " ama Id'14 - ' Voici....... i nad .&wOo mah fer ..b Ittio au.. asE lsm 8" "er, pet Myen..L...........la hIon.bquet tnaiil. ...........* ci 0W tn #teS ai InaaiIOf, per' Une*....15l *M1& ia'nau{ÏhuIS... ......... o ihé ýLkz - t I e . n.onodby the ipue. n= OIptV iw ya sme oef olid zonpareIL(12 à» - PONLNOTICES. Sm» iBam utlneuitoa» eM- fe 0 bêoa&iOago& le 1Pa e. ouote b ,01 r le, buim. e .v"0 oa" moi rgmi 461Eooffl lacé iet arrangement limbeWr. Iareemvol êt *0tom bs UuAegpreviomo fa paul 'e'm m.a" um menteideal pion.:et mm bea C.e pu wla Id u, or a imBha fis~ osere.each.. agtus IOn ulWA. HIGINBOTH-AM . HOýYLE, lit WefluS Iwa. ube. «i- mîDmuil - Ot,