<-' 4~,pt* - b mni~mI UVEET PUISA? NORNINO LlthSI. ý eý -' 1 au.rien. a We have just opened up a vM yfine satm*kof Li"hs White Uder-f1'I umy ware, 4consà ting ofI Night :Dresses, Chemise«, Drawers, Underakirts, etc5, ail of which ore up to date in finishb, tiimin and.qtualty. Prices, as maul, the veryIost BLOUSE MÂTERIALSU In - addition to a very fine stock. of whiite and color.d Blouses, we show a v ery- large- aasortment of Blouse Materials, consisting- of Wash- Silke, Ducks and jeans, Percales, Sateens, coiored and white Lawns, Faficy Zéphyrs, Crinkles, Saliburys, Delhi Clotha, etc., etc.' Our stock of these ýgoods is particularly attractive and well worthy of inspection. Our. Stoèk.,0f rints was xiever so attractiv, as fltto be found elsewhere. Io cents pet, yard. ut presrent,,and contairis zany novelties, We have grand values taoeffer at 7, 8 and' Colors. guaraniteed, ahsclut ely fast. OUR DELAINETTES at zo cents per yard, ini Iight and dark colors, are great s ellers just now. We offer a GOOD INE 0OP CHÂLLIE S in light and dark colona at 6 cents pet yard vwhich aie worth seeing. Our geueral stock of DRES8 00008 ANO -TRIMMU S is now very large and attractive. Prices for :really fine R oods were neyer so 10w- as at present. We mak. a specialIty of BLACK DRESS GOODS, mmnd have the. best value in the trade to offer. VIARNER & c on The Great Bankrulp j,ook Men, 76 and 78 Kent.-at.1 Llndsay. THE HIOHIST AWARDS World's Columbian Exposition, B uWROUGHT R0N RANGE 00.1O HOME OOMFO RT.I STEEL lUft ID llIRT UNES~ ýWÂTERBÂOKs, iEo., RE. a n "M rugeut Cam SALEC TO JÂNUAÀEYls'5289. WJ MsdoulbyWHO JGHT MlON RANGE 00.1 '~ netelStec las i eNlnOnttfp ad Ileme Confort 7* to 76 Peul Street, Toroiito, Ontarlot suA shIiiteuv7yjl laNil th BtoT. LwIMo., U. a8. A WUMg"]FAmlao*%r au p 0epLic14 Po~u% The above named Company have Iocated li Llnduys with head. quartots et the Daly Monte., A» shOPum»« »I Jta» ltn .0» le PROF. DORENWEND saule HOUS~ May -115, IV m&ebat il am s am~s SAN - - AVU nnfiuuu~ COMING. Eye specie.list, 87 lis& trict, EutToisis WMl!be at A. Higmboth.m'g Dru« Store Liadaa, Ont,- Tuemaay and Woead&B, Jane 4tli Md s5h, * hm l «Sexac sd ltéitaivhigluui 12 000 sysu duini the puot iuty re.m HEbu slu 1,000 tovusmd alles asi edworinoilfor bel mosas sisbave fallaiou' Thhsien ala.bugitan moe. apirlios tien mamy minea h aVi Anrng teom 115. tîmea I mipy yc'ate oeil" am"ft li" c' ie l pap tes o ils sp hmithlîe marne sud ad. dem of 2,0 eM of r m ihnrs vitth Ieir testImonia e stacbel. BE MEKBER TRI DATE. QLAU IMURPAKRED AT A BUALL COBT. Mye Speozaltie. Alwayu in Store --at- 871LEu86, Zest, Tometo Ont.-Io HM BOY Lot. VATLAG NatDhO, sgîl US yearsWhso e vask min sMd Irospabis 'd loohlug aller himmoi; 115ls; Ibu dinh lesuL Whenbehho s dnomasm I sisk ivesi eue yu aleiss us. sk rli ft 0100 PM8ais6, teb4 .bimal esuly ap aMd ICI, hdmlen shirdt lafornuS las lIa Ial to la nSeevil VMbe Otiaul11rselvsiby KulemeaMdLot tor aue, Tii subsuibsoie. fer " MisliU thous, o. 178 aimtainsiV484, . ansm ma M aimfitls Mdgh ami fe u u mimodem tuam. 2",O a uamnsquaniooe09 m mn o U.- ba" a»W I tbe lisk « mer en BICYCýLESàc 01our prifl mo u a udmv.me. U. T.!W. BOYD & SO1N , MONTirEA. b" WANTED Young *en and'Women or eiderunes If 5M01pourgla spint R mienho ehwuie, goal lkers, utiou à"mi Imnsilau o0» 110«1eMsIa0mss la a "M l aumovul "». treto e""$ r on * lus1hde t Awn1 1, are Mmers M <mised od"lvrm ~iP~OO"amm»U. . 1m or tue ul"is dau of J u i am at U .s as Mut toteui0lsna ethei oa" mal vamohsle for, Mutu » ls aini iisunllis(19fun) hm by *thfem b «th i otd tà lmi fm média a r@= s.1 lidamc lm m55le amail szstemtd«=,Oprosteud $0ainbes the elalmaet vie"ihe«»saliab" hsvmeal. 894, Seleil1an u 1e .1 leniss The Westher. £P tsi lss An sthm ~lg Elh~......... *lié.4 ...hud" ..m......... ..... 8s...'WIe.s Wu..idy. s..et.. We.2 . ia WU41,b .1&. ... TUMsml IEWUOIWAu,0.le U0 -neaosdmsii luin iAmy, M...Xu hlm 5.1am. a dm@ Tl .4»el LiiMi»40V18 TuwwhMd te thee. 15 hIghuiiifet panM8t iasi.M DwBe,'"I m, su lIsp ulght ai0 Dslllg uelti 1 mut.on Thumday' ai et8 AU ek iMembero iae nvited lius mtwt umu4yaleno i .5 Mdaadass enmd Vgeai ng. Hall&brtam la lis p"ceto go ou Msy 24L.th apeeailas ll m mm-Liad.,7 et 9. 8 ..B. fieu &manm rauo l pesoonatsalmg ex. ton" topof tkle fflbl: butober, of it. iv. glle-Ilanobs Lims udi I immIeWIli. lam-luEmnue bphtt hunol,' lu bargct itrit, iu th* sIly, t I oi ppoeu lIaithl rou MmseTsdsDormeWhvIale accue, oi bet ltimardeai, aiiiedd ils publie ahinosluLsdear Thé CCînomîla sya: ",Disou as ainluUamhdasud Ie 28 ý@aîs of et& ils atteadel lia Pubie eboole cf London. Ont., sud about d Loegai o..nae ia tit dtp vllh hie points. Ia 1811 h.k entend'tils OosUe olool, suti ismalned these umtUlihoa radalel. Ho ltonutseod the enfeel Uuiver"y, but puraured lis itudiéestim er o alv sajee.' .CI Miai Whhismo, oui a1 the mandered gil, la "s a owmuid, iS ermut@ abeaulo sepouerselfur nuay tIres isani . rWilis. ami usust oluaB&m Frsnolso% tut the mothhr litas i u isuvllle. On., s«0 prouldas for UiV" l M"laolldrev. Miss Nnua tva. tle ldesi. FumAr, IUa srd-Rognlarmeeting et Fautt. fui BmtrelisulliNo. 77, A. F..a ÀM. FtAnai. Uap 8d - Regaer seumomucShly sestlng et Couri LisAis> No. 125. Cana. quisiolte h i rei. liamA?. lRay 8ri-lsgurMemhly nmet of L.O.B, No.1. EvrffMmmerltaru., questa le M. piet asbusiasedet lu poitl i.. i!b. Wsmisooio NxuAz. MOT lui - legow rmeellmgoe ssemu bas lise loige No. 38. Due. - aofi mpealaci. Membre ev Tvuafflolisp tii- Igules ueetiog et TsmmMai 71-hou es oihlp mei.' In tu fVlotanla GUcdln tar lady Tru#, ieloige 1Ns. 33, Ait mocenus go. qsichi i b. prueos. VÉI , a yT 1 -lugular esauesîo f Violette loyal Iic PeSspmey No. 28 hiyme Mmd 'hoir Wriere. Jue.eLeer of my Boul. as» itonb, Choalus Wtslejusi allerMsu sapseo 0Oue Basio HesowWmounWmdid, b a trealIaton or a tueuuletlon. The oriina lym vu lie Salie Csat, ly St.Dnaud. Tiensla s oaisi11.1 dviti Blooe4. la lie »M ~palar of Covpor'à hymne. hleIta ]han"Iléclanage. A"I An Vs Yet Aâv lt ,by Viarn. WWis, I he!. ilsopeaagyma udsi I setito tmauseueo l ord otver aMd lu le.... epl.ped forcs en ie yeis. New«. My G04 eThes , stic carl ôi lirailguerAdam ansd fretappoue Mi a volume.!f lruma a asipubiUlal 1840 b7 le%,'W. J. Fex. vilub? Nival Peano nculu1779sud pubumlsianam"uly lun the GaePoi àagosn lwflovlng yfur. Ail ésu. trou ihé petaetMe ublevubu. s ua usu. 11 BULL. Repuat meb hatlosb b Iman wauts.lu vu 0eN oflaitbyma ubhhoI saiiiM sp tlla Olil k et Ima bolumnlu e rit. f .1 lsLsd Ol.Mket x# Loticot vith Thsia, la Poi.of, a àipu a mi"laseWedloi th palmdtliva émaI. Il bhi riginamlop haty vums.ami et Wos1st'alei uesn eM lm&g aui ItMag bau or Afip s*mua& oua, O Tlsa AinViaisaisseLordilb b oiu Velsk.i. Ilwu vnltletimte,i Luanyms.of et lIMA ami ecatale"uitra Il asesui sud hMsslappmali"d TTh m ort" . Y&ms tus aMju i ilst t ek sis. Aid msot M" upP. mi 3DadaT. -RyImm.1110 tu teais beis.vie on M lusseAet levb.1 lit *sa. 18,1885 ils.e mudrsai W. ireu dé*te wàr m 5. a au pu, cTi.Id mi "MM r CL:Oue mfm fl im el0ýw MOP*ah m a - - - - ommil- w mu"a deas. 1* bhuPPsU»,hao , liai le smomt tdbê.te r*desad riyT IsIm.gu mmnbmImm ls o. $0 tii il MWelaau.ste bu vebtai"m aslcueby sute for munhny Gu s tisa Mt ose Nsur Teat'cDuia uà , vhe 4iati, Mdi lug g Ilm bru esdem s vie r ld tonnA tia lu é! idibeo.ok n Vol., lsh li wils. sil"o u fr l it. eA ligi cike feiahsulgi tou keep ilim ,em UW t., ilvcp telle S ser puebi.. An vIesaieMaiutalrsaI all Ils "betthsu toughi. wdunlttsola atler a hsky houd voie lieue rutW ' Do &Ul the pol ym. ou; Iyslaultheaye7« m; tu aultheuVAT@es I sou; luai ils plas.7«joeu;aita»UlSe tissu you ou; te a',ils poepl*yeu eM; ms 'mit« oy« ese ou;" *WÉiUs.Iw Shot Deaê - - ihMê! Fers bdu lae et milleai.t sOMO., dlii %oatasl alt » .1uW'lAi tPeidwmu - niem - d*s thèk-bate 10 Poo" the.gluiliiicBvImm »V maa*t» U 40, ami suleelulo il es @WtmidOsesaet Leoouha" Ulm"sA li ias "«elmlgbessoos.et LI et'bé:, diadar tUne MW Nevtemlai .MM tf ineg sous.jus saisi h aMaa. th o estMs *usi mesoafl mom& .Tmo velums aofl*s Mt*l b s ulmt ta ho about 850.000 qusbs vu oes.meSla-M Saauai. TIi 1nrl ocsma steamer te arrive lu tii form Port treu the Maripome ou satundIsy Th$ oSe!.! figures cf ilbapolies amisea bou ils mmml.,et poople lalu ev YSktalei 1 M84 , Tii mses lu papuletion hmo Oetobea 1800 le Ava i18985là 139.1a1. Tiie uioiait alatel aoetsim et Haumitos va«a dewtosaheadbq*povlmg la atrogg liaumhso 09its sthléhteumaunssi héla luhels£rand Opere louis elu 7"7 lu the.Ilallus]slal te . 11.,dey a resdolns lutrodceelrequéuag thé daughtet .1Inhiois moi te accent>thelsbaudlu cafflaesofi»y PoMUaMmt a Ose of het l ýTbeIr#" uatrooushfp Tïbsi, onouvem croopu fer Miaaqomo nse 5 a laluilhes Csnal. ablecesta à bei posiion, Mdnar' ituationta "uh thai piesage hrouth ile canal la muoponded. TcppirLaneSir Hm". Tyler smomg Il. Grand T u o héaeoldat lu e ut Mmedel lantorlug the réestistloret he irsislmt sud ils aid bard, 8fr Charles Rlvne.ýWLaouviiiprobsblp b. tacomBut Thséviiiof David IL Bleusie, cor f ils New Yerk Journal of Commre uba 8 for prslst. M.tmltau fête» 09 $450.000 Thé lhome fer aged wovase e cuviV $5.080 The o er lpgtons aretail r. latveofaithe dsosaed. Woekmuom ngage n tagidIiil euiWrI tsllroed 'hrough ils Niagara garge umurlsi mivrnt sheleteu of Indimaess lsLouefais. end of!tils mmd. Ti'y sam o ouànA amml. 'if suwhidm tninis toms pipes sud ocuir crud1u roUeos of the ssrty part et tl. lui lie Duiol lrasetins Auntov.A luto Gilrsies reore Iiouri thminmut.aa Apil US, u ofs b s m uof Isudhf eul, vod *ailsept"lusud mate. The piraites A desl trou etJn., Nae eutosulml staiesb afleotatians ère xwogremmg wu niprSuitvesc etIls ululaI genvesimeni. l mentcqnhim a" t motllmg ie ft«e amclou dutv.1 Wba .. s Llesvas uà raitlIe Columbia Vasi VMsner aisn emireraebs ual Ami tbathave mat besau tezo. Umem e. amleguliu, l oa,«% fmot dafficit te lied that th is Vanieuver Nsvo.Advestds ms. ilMs.Laurier on thc aump la mcl il. mes hl« O mthsis .l, e l op Wtinl tasboumoft omaus." luam ui!n fterosteouffnational iuesi .la anoa. teuporai remsmbsrs laylog liard liamai:y- 04Whle IAsc oppond te.11. prsicotasisiaWi btria, 1 dI sa aya boepmnedte aiv" thmumy adussud asaltanc lu séig lhiai qetiens." "Party mui lot hi silov id.te eome bfm . peiisu v the fnue .t , ,t uhio eli uuaderaof applauso trau lis admirer. NirMaiNor"sud KMulote vere o! couru mot prssiut vlnezhsi erd" weo g m&i I. lanlMITehobsi yAre uhat Mr. Launte aheuld b le ati oril; snd mIen ihq are hole la dmb-Masuam Empire. ou sulod oontsmperaiy île Globe ".km l u o olumuthes ilrotypiesios"*Ias *0s umi"eslvouesymios Tan i ataeisses le»UM auhls Ibsi e miveu ii asncrsousr poeust meolaenu" soit, have Mmed lu suidami w l&a'sfallp unls lio piavails la udAscis. alil;th siluéels pu usse lspraciesfy aus d.I iliithe "d bus te ssd.viii gréduilly but s@"cy brnmg baol s MWnaofaipaoupedWt." The. OaMM et tho preipeie revivalMatRents; bute if ou»cails efavorite -Ulbersi ruumaia may bé opplisi, m oaum my ho taud in tic umnmosa tkare la a b. metarie lavs aimgs he àt niaisa. If Birm Rha.Ai s ame misie« ra esostmg lb 'tue &m.rlca's Oui> Qouisat Fmv YarkApli80. -Thi Colonne, uhlch 'vIlm bà nii asa laiag hip tar île Reds.' Takmue' nti! the lattesr ssal bu omoplted, le »mou dy te go lau aas dia-Il Itlaendesuieod tIai Lord Dmurvm lu lb7imlt e indsu.Mr. Wstkesteund ils hAbo ves viti lis ValkyriaenAudIave thé ilr barshmimelusiet lu theésitiol waters.LoidJ>uurstun' oitI ilsi il YaVelumvil asot b. rséd bse ln, ami tims ab*viU »t be in ml toit e ehpsite »Mu the All. ied, am i t wi ud ho fairifS Ii basda te Segit M et off BSadp Book,. J viom dle f uel tsor ils esp @a i isi. Ume of %Tobsoo lu lItue« twlbeam lu tom visImli leseunea Il apla *0 imlade. Tlument emi- dg t4..lvmves r.Lalvlg Jaml, et lm& ipýs ic aiuotoue an siiulp liaà» int WWuses a net eslpuib- Î80 b siéomnvamsi he se of-nA Un a'esmm raIor- 10 àh* th pilifslie bi Llue as.tli mss in IN* t hvu1t fleu uM. hum .5 lbu bm WM~ TheaOs NoI 1989t tesi lem t semplâes hllmg Doqbebtd 0 i ü *utt.em ïsï1epbut theyasMM tou, I* là %lt 51v1008 We@s80t lequirui. Tii.! mo. efiwtwl4iou Jya WaI m lamsl th"t ES. New" amE Jw1» ouset thé.uidd!. raid ohuvoh ce *mmdsp, M IOU10 h@i.aject .11 likély be. "Tte touxus mmîd its mno." "AIumai u"i epyirot took plac et Mr. J03070ilEon'aaedn«uay. ,1t. Auril belog lie uauaoEile sdest daugîter. Maggls, te f~ àLýýShe#. of Meves. Tii. kaot vus lied by 1 n P-99 K bg- , D&lit thépresémos of about800 au" a. TIc bride, rudelvd numeru Peeasutu. W. vis tle* Young couple zsalit ut flpm ensd prosme*ty. AQAW lIai p9" moaterusdsh hem pelA thie nelghbonhaal sM unveleome riait, sMd atopW *bonshort er yeung sud, umut ig. W. simod. te the deah af May, youagest d!u.ILter of Alex ecTeagart Eqq.. vIa usa. ëd pssofully svay ron the morulng et the.28rd eft Apuil'afttr an lmes, of ton veeka, borne cbsssotirfsea il. *ufferngm of thoso thatput tâtir truit in Hlm *ho in se"a 'hiding.plao. troux the tempsan dsacovert trem the atr.l" Deceuseu.& abighly uestrmed youug lady Istorsi by &%1,au .thnasite varkierlath@ oiubeing trosaur of the. Ladies' AUd, a ofml he i.an..8.sd s devotM toucher' sud «esut voier la the Uabbsîh mshcel* s4cvili b. ssdly isod lainlshecomau mmty, snd more se la her late home. Th@- lntetmemt teck- place oun2nho.sdày lut te the MeONOU ometery, IReva P A. MoLgod M.A. B.D. sud A. Crrle M. A.. officlsting sud pay. ýlag sglowàg tribuleto hi er memory. The 111h respect sud esteem in vhich the. dseeam eu sbld vas.mau!feeted b7ilth harie gathorrag ofi ,.lati,..s ad fiondai that asasablsd snd fotlourd the - remaine te tbe Piaeu offinforment a sa lt taon of reupecitat the. mem«of cidsceed. Tiieaonrowing re»s tivée bave the deep aympâtby of the. entirs oe nt a Lekais sAbsresrsment. v r ird. "'lé dualmacla à stem, DueBab ilal bo oran* in tOVs., 1~. or tl EL atl b play, viii..Akeue LevI' e, Cr*lgiluthe Map Lades ame .lounnal;. Sev"e* YorT.k vomen t of-0mmudla os util poussestr valualpoolletiim eft fan, bot atiîqus an modem >vsrie hil e ls Duel T Ya mighi fN" Man mis exhbibit iony tlhe sos luadred beautie s urusev as uni. dime gif la n.e remateita hotc, 17thé aIism. " Md *leespelllybeulltul. h sue au àwcegsl enA i00. u e rdmpor Demid.ffetiBonDisais, Flmorsoasà"lsd o W sali'elusaetlm. le ia us.y v. vous t picifpalmesldinterio" si musxilu haV flmpouctio t" >s rimipsi pietusn lt lbgmly suesii iv roseliu thsas fanS. omor *6ils40010seta la "Ti n upor"bp Wosvemsnam a"maller "TIc redigo1mas" by Deuil Tima. Tmieae"saet ils" oJe . ame .111 ehoinia bne sti aiipos1bluk., T11 Z lamo9, vani lis sui,, i yhmulse k= Ula êtfociami siAet b vii.,*aillAit si TMm bodne le allgtip MsAis la *#bool dmapuiaSie*8 bot &10-111Iaw L.A a"ls u làs6a]"y 1~I.Roue MOssui.A oquais tkset Muâe ssii.. 1115lIe chipsa 1 tu Mm flemi. ails a «&s s" et Me" of Ilhe t" 110 uimalagena a ls. bUscublaudont , i topa es.lo c&oflie h»MM Tidvo. ou h lockm moi imait t hp simdouv, claàpim lase. Tii 0 QWbati bsa *bne mts iblesm lag inde alli f aoir- melai ivIdL &tkkmm amA buULponOý usael R«bw4 iraos"a M,"onlSIS ud Raduen, iie. MFuilla Gilon, R«ssi Stavoi. lIr. Sud - Chum.Wleb.t, Oswuld Gllom, VluesDaviasa Edger WolUdig, Ji" ohn 2814 oatac -àermas..tParétuanaissuWcm nls lIie sa M e asila.., & 4Pmm A.h2,4astcimesluaul u ucms B1ileIemsmijuL.- Jr d-4»esleiA"b"oa, Freni Forth mi Lirel à oisiepsRéH Resata. et. 3-AmuRU liEtuse,8«" Rusala. NanA BSuon.Jr. 8-Rip Breal, nolua Puvis Mdoi& uNobl1e eqoul illeU Noble, i$ad-lot NinloulOner"l Vol. Etill.RasiWalUqý, NovaiW"ml s liJaclas etuL Jr Pl8-Tioer CIsc. Iwlo Om o b-Rei e"E a. Buedua *h"&;aslaam .C qat Olnie&Toruds Mo"mmve. 0 boul Wuiuell ve vu .11.1te ils As vasA Ns ilje..ou aWou8et10.46 thoe k e t pifOsseb4l188t4 »d m"d"nom "b. u IM afl t" 4 thoopa«»W e" ot» ueti li lit" - FINELON FAILLS., Mi. Alix. MCLrod af Toronto visiled tihe ranla st viol sud trted thé oranon ils asu peshyterin c urcI. Thie durcI, uheu lohwilv l b. a criAit te the village and the oongnsgatloa, aud patie1anIy go0inthéIl talaaled pester, iRoi. IL.McKibnon. This goutiemma les. durne ie ekv virs mjeurs lu lelolls, van a le t frfieude, bell .by Iis klndly "ipasitionansd sîcquent die. couïmo. :The. usubers af liii. durcI ulU b. *tu to t i Is eilst se e od. hiol fâ iù ie IP@ fromtra nday to Suuday entace the lai pul pit in 6s2!,aofaur .ii clurnhes.I Tue rus-susys toal place Ibis uosk, oui bic à i ldy use deposîldel n the read asul .1 lterivar.in lu diauilied lui un. baisaiondition, sud the othen a rusiaund tls umrîs square ly Mr. J. Aldem's preili S»i. -The tue ons of Mr. Aides I"a aI e -srwaspbn tlrcyn. but providences villuil îlot the ouly démage dons vas a de. mlishsA sulky lel, tle alitera. cf vIlol Iiwaouua improvtensteaors tallia place la ou thrivirg- village thIs apniug. Nr. T. Roerts hlea.his e uadèonouColleras strent ri, pelsted... . Ur. E. Lungeliold. fereot- -img a double dvstliug on Bond mtramt vesi... mi.. o ougal inb ooctlmuinc tle or. sanssatien ef bie eidonce on Colleras XEs. W. Set auit o n Saturdey fer a trip ta Touanto ..M ime A. Marina i pendinit a fou dapo ai Buint River ... . Miea Ma ggis KoFar- lied reterwed home os Tuesdi from a lemgih, riait ta Montréal..Mn. <G. Keur la cp ailto eb. aielsduâllia slhugI lis kanA la eclibodged WKiT vast he Ianimal uhich came flying doun tstio. Tuesday a.rm. driven by e of aur muet pramicnt gentlernen. Wes it zér *siauh.i lis beauthfally atripe cah? Tht i w thle llyouu heorse drive& up b, ils meme gentlernan a feu minutes previons fi beand tle probable, for uhence la se abori a.ilus uuld caome the inotsnoipbotst luTilady ai Ur. Atchieca, theaufortucete ycung inm« ba vu Arswaid mesu Goederbam ly fllg ftrm&sdrive of ltg, vas IrouRîl eva by trala an Monday mrnlg te be taues t.lbe laie reidae et Danstosd. N i. End Culion, vie bus boss .psdlng ilse linter. vith i e lter, lofs on Tuesday fer Hunstaullo. '1'he ]Paciflo Gable. Bllue, K S. W.. May I.- Mr. Lauke of Cas. ada biéscubrnltued te the Sidney chamber er commencé a salure fer laing a Pacifiea ub. marineoasile (rom Ouest Brittasd Canada te Australie. Thei.mo ouemplates un expmdtueof £1.000.000as thIlst othîe val, ubh smm thes yrojectns beie,.eu b. boroved et 21 pu e.It hla esulmalua tM ai of thil prsent Australien aid Caa ding baime nt ai tahaillinge a vord. veaU& r»P«y themplis! laU 25 ys. ;belles psyiag lismo sicpens.