e tos atri kmTnXI witb asa S )It-cumi '01. Ma hm mIstresm at leastillioas h, pwaltiv Liii ,ffoctiv lvemqow walks béfore hor *o thOQ *î" The b!la 111 P-ihIelC '1o io~ and Tnxh' theiIl Pofli frssltg IW and utto.rs a grtel Fer tria or fifte"nMintutes thoe amu iemelf 1w lv Iugll m paw allter thmne alid spbuêshlI ouslv. Wlaeù ahas t iod hi. thls'play he grayely pulls tli ...-an imna to thé ilfior. paguidtg the kit.- D ý M chn n asl andwhý-, the eil- tà cl"Is lbeiîag urubbed. (iilre alte th te *é w lb. oceusiung lho sticks eloge te tir' bonsa1- motté il lgnr U. maid, avoii th.e dry floor sud stand- T'M. inra 5 gi.Iuig'clan of yoUn Ing d.lghtedly on -the sectionl where avel. bhei' e ho, »i nberhtlda lhe, - - iug-brush. has jmmlbeen. At heb. mouey tb<'y u v eothei, leasa a round'dozoe' l imes ho hbus be)en <.joe aisth~le Satie- caught in tle lghlin pan n laIh at gt In a ie Oil tJ h. e sdln c oun cleining devs. selldiaîxg lhe vater oftquw e tliivlod ias rteofi whliiag vertu suroaadn*O~i~ doent eitence with soaemomsans,~d sudbis owigfur. Anollier ofet bipa8I- in lait ouahomnes on lub uaNage lime Iso pRce lm n@ith WlOtliepipr>ut- un Weilias t"i Britisher dcii, faucciof the buiuers pantrirlf bYchan~ce t sd ratier prldo themelss-on Il. be. tiers happons to e any drng theriion. cause's >Nle y«nknow' Ut lhe Ram s ln uld vii l t b ,ad as Inumber of persongp Ibm. hntnnslely mccu as he flitptlous outide jet thor- atuteMuet al ofs tn*0e h'l ty ne- oughly>wtl lec *1l1stand and vkolczaliyminlimte .Ai long ap su d mov at the biLCk kitelen dccx util it 1e__ fP oppnd fr btn o ýo a( sluilla he neqy a th tritemarks et tie lypi- cpend 1r ha' l tosudOplali il e# AmeLrieuiu cigares*'lit. have tb.eCali ikddles. -Newov rknWurld. ovr ipe, rIam qiadoi 1. Thorasà- a beap more menoy la cigare. -Nov DONTS FOR WOMEL York Iera1d. - Vo Latei lt» Vslds Don'l wear a voit vith a boblu nIl. Il Amoug th lmauv inierestlng deelgus #ives a woian à s qualld look of pvertY ai lie tenli auniie hibItIon of lis thal hhere is ne excuse ton. V <Il ' c I architectural lage nov being hleld as littie, and alý tie vorutelle <augo vithi- thle.fine arisabuilding, hnlhee inal de- out eue. aigu for lhe nov Ater hotel t o bit DénI lift up yeur sitigthgen one J tîthe corner of Thty-fourth street sud side sud allow It ln trait ou lie otlivr. Fift avenue.- adjolulug ths bétel WaI- Evetry womau sheult practice helding i<,rf. Th. desi*a bas net ben accepîsi upbe kirîs befÔre s p ier glase. Tiey by the Mllîlouaire landiord, swing Il le can les cnugit tngetter ln the bac sai le the lover lu lie ceuter, vilsi as te lift thelà offècively sud mottestly. I hobas neluoste iartbitl o ré- ,Dent wear a bat îooyeuig uies movo.1 voit *ïish te lookni. A galbe bat Ceau IJohn Jacob Ams s a tolehave the , be ceai filtly recomidiud as55 elcuat-groalesi sud grandest, boel inthe bd to anake any"ntumw OULU 11*lke word. liât b. ocalcion lie saine M graîîdiuether. block vih - William. Walderf Aalor's Dotiît wear s bang blggmer than the lhastefry, The Waidorf . The luterlor iuemeut's fasriole ustiies If yeu don'l déoraionsanre crd ite surpees Ilose with te look .iopelessly vulgar. 1l t 'a a aY stlre nov, lu Inexistence, sud .gene,,al law liat you. eau sivaj d a plnsfor tis accommoidation and en- simpler thiaag Ilan the fauiion with t luaimeal t ofeveralparties at oui safety, but lu b- hfuier'Ihan tie fitah ion lime, vlicUt any club are aise a les. is te b. lest to, gond 1581. and 40.4 in ture oethIe construtiMaonfethlenew .vulgarlty aud conimoneains.bulig> arDon at.wa yu lthstgt fyU The fie".!Wittfront on Thirtv-Fourti are oc at.street sud vill. bave a depli of 860 feet Deu't cul yourself In ivo usar tie on th"t street. Te aindnuro kotas vith a ceaIt tatstnikPe you about vhflfront 0ou Flftb aveý nue sud yu there if yen àare a shor t vom1, Noti-j have & a ad i in ercsmore-frein ppeaanceu ee ue To i i y-onî eou t forget uorfaglng vOunhead- Istreet ai8e. lu -addition tiers viti be 'gear liaI the fete Ias mivaria-'I goreral uMaller bail, receniion aud se tiens oethle Alsatiauu boy depenh site- smblY MMMdu aiprivaIs ng.trooans getier lu fine shadt's lu placng ît. Yon The o ugrocoe, Iounigg m e au have hornnigrevin rbiotatlly and ecah vii=1b1 on -1he finat l er, In out of your tein pes sud feel fauhiothe l.rer etl *e bétai about 100 neons able, but yen wtlloek crazV and "gly. vili ho spelslly gubi op for liee x- These bows eau be set Weil 1iack o e1k isv s fhceos o ic h bead or they eau be put forwari If Ihey Ies a "dmaud.-14ev York Evoaung serin te corne from teur the top efthle V7rï head but lhey must not grow ou t lite temples. O MP"e OO ý.Doa'lforýgl Ibat pointeti ope,9ge,1,01< lebe tie dresq -*t lie.Ilroal re 8 JIn 1Mthe -consomuption of ben la onlyto aeude womEn a s u82 galloins ptbeati, lu oniyle leuder oinn. eolami 16,"-sud lu Irelair6; tie con- Tho <idea rnssa~ emption of eider lu England 0.,sud noms ai aIL-lalu Ie other twe conntries; Tii most notable thhng aboutth.lie conu«mption e it inluEngland, speli of, colt veat ber tirougi whici va 0e8; ita Sýoit= M;lunlreland, 1; have paamed le Its *ldespread l ul.nsit thlb e sumpli ;f vise 0.5 ungland: Ai Europe luis been luntte graqi0ft0 luorlati sd091u readF i tee kinîg, and big aiuttcs are mono talk. EnalSIX drlâkr'.panilty for ben e d about Ihan liose etf sny tear mn.u-sulie "Scotch aud lbii nnker'o- arci. la. far Agi& Japsuese eatlors vere fernras.fer spirits ta clealy heirn. frezen te deati vwhit. training tom r Wbon lies amn=tsarmconvsrled .uns oheboChinese fonts. sud lest atinto them eqlvaleulsetfalcohol vs sea WeffHai-Wei, aud even tu Nooniru Iirelsai consmes lems-l.4 gai. Africa snov feil for lie fi rattise lun Ions per basai. Sceiauti comes neit long a pertod thal *greva men gazOi t vit 1.6, sud Englai iseadse liât1. Il wth woîader. vl wth 2.18 gallons of aloio for seui . What dieu il ail 11088? PScientists man, vouau »#chili of. ltsepopula- have been aI verk for 'ves t tfigure lion ; Ibis, by a égrliu d undeeigu- out s lav et climattic sud veatiien id cincldence, l ettuilunio one e changesasd heli conclus&in liai I àaaday per bead. lhe quantity vIlci se takues beween tblrly sud - Ihirty-ive mauy mees! auitiritsas"Mme eau :ysarm te gel fhematlieextreme of beai b. salely isicu-the physioleglca .te ltheextrêesoetcobd. Just vky tlita ua oft whvlob liathe uury bas is lhey caunot 1.11, but titi ielvtug Isard toumach lie years. mbt the old recotrds convinceà ihên liai Chilà,.Me»14u miR alcoho, most liten. la orne natursi lav ai vork, snd wvrnn e i 11e, mui mauy inn do liai socuer or latex Itilliibe duscov- no take any ai ml ; gse liai lie habitua)l . rsi. esnuiMt»ofetaliohol. vbether.the Five yeas & go a Sinapross'a r ~m ink t emor uo1, gelt t"ý Bueckuer , by name,pUtblisil atitys ,fu imes l*e amennu wic esiled."Climaýitie selieue StuelMit lb. leiding umumia intulorlies amnt sud S&luely enougiis calculaiona hoIIG M b .e s ded.-Al ith esi« madi IlaopeaiaI iai tone flte cul- I . ne"_______ .mtnatlng ;ketode cf extreme ctdvould cenIs around about lii is, h-erbas I0fU IEffla WISOOM lu lia ery yesr-to ha fdimedy- . ikic laeteied te reaci lis hiqies Spoint aboutthle. sud of theOrsm qutr if th noxi eluy 1 Wtw h=ini et e ge p,.eu- ivS 4îm bâtu i4"t"'Wand uevel la # sMMai d n shervard lb. amilclpatito .*1. midMwbmt l padto u. L. litaI ire cam Miurela le ta t"lce-' u~ M i N.v Yrork Ne. Ia. -o ma MA du is leu. I l'h. vithi-v7 "ar bis puuuln. e#M abao~lut tra.1ti... the Crew C"14 je expected at firul, btii last its *I4t!s ecaRne more freqyct. Que f thé 075 binstii tii. tbird ve veri fèPwi. s~~~0 suitin 0hgll1 tMy qun siit tu ln ý le iti t lheory w. ani ont vhat sa real decelver. the rrow à. up telb. eylendiig t@tb ot wcrti the bird hxd buen lu th. abt Of receilvig is food there O hPed ae dabifle black crow. Thieri waa st:n bout the bird te, show ttint It was not th. salais eue. Ihatliud baen 1h. hiet e eu bunty se long. lt bai Dnlye e url,1sfar as wcudsc 1111ilbet t&&lia% oni ur cro"',' mIII ewait sndose,'. said Charlay, and avsy lhielaui "dadretumed with bis gun. Rsaiging it and teklng càreful atmn he fired sud the bird stretle ovàer on the. r<und deai. We muade an iii- autinsl!>n ani sure onough the bird had two legs as good aid souùu ap ty bird avlug. Wheu tg'hit conte luto Our ciuap l had M1tched the ather up under lits wlnz sa as te deeive us and secure fod. li must1 have watiched us tetqdlaag tho woun dci bird and saw a~n opportun. lty ef securing food by imitatuîg that one. All- crews are s0 uucar alike tucre io ne identitying ene. snd the. cnly vay WA knev ours vas by the oe e g. Wlien uch a élever lmlla(ter attacked nes we veto badly foold. 1 do net kaaoi .what becamaocf.the reaJI voundeJ bird. It never showed, up after the. other bird vas killed. 1 deaa'tknow but 1ha1 va huati been feediîugthe begus bird tor the ieal ene for wreeks, belote vo fouud out nur mlistake as Itl vas.' -Now York. Tou must bnev that the chine"e are fair more eomrnonly virtuogSathan vo; 'aud a Chines. collecter li a resi connoia- Beur. Me bai ne ides, et beaaty, except te ere it suaplcleuslyas prebably, et Japsuese or otherýforelgwngInf ; ail ho orhips la age ; sud-mark thie mcii curlons trait--antiques cf hisevu nceun- try only. Wh&t a cOnversatlom te boast oft Iis 1 The Chiuese acholar sMd virtuo- se bas th* Preteuindoot admiration for his evu country»u sanOt llteràture sud art. Re WM lnet deigu te have auytbn forelgu or uew op hie ublvos. Iibiub lIais la aemething et.& rebuke to usi huutlng for relias or every country but Our o01. Il puts us on thie stand eofunn veaux richles. uotilg on hie collection. lIfe vil ont bld the vulgareat mlionalreSluthe woend for a genuine Ü14 brous or Por. celalu. HUm collection ke net built up lu & dair by .vhoelae, cemmlslu given te deaiers.'EUia bonglit ploe by plece as opportunity sud financesu11ew. SThe collection made by a single mas'. ltfetime le nothlng. Tou viii se pieeel lu hle catalOgue bonglit by father and grandfather, snd remoe ancesteri. They are helnloornu. They are pasaed dowi front father te son. They are the m&ri ot educatlan su ad noble b1rth, liecaum the only nobilUty there lu educatien sud noble rank.j sud noble birthin belug the descendant* cf anceators, Who hav elaO .o0e sud taken. degrees.. An helnlobôU ot'a cholce ýbit of porcelain proves sdn. cation and; vealth lu the purchaser Does this net make you teel rathee rew-with Itour twopenny tans.lu plates on te vall ?-Temple Bar. E*w hm1jO ffli87, rhumb "I& H oy togbe pretty., thougb ccli *las diffleuît p Dbllem for the- unfortu"tA voman w9- caztuel afford. furs et soi description lu this sew»Ia hen fur gsi. .menti aremae e ouo"utngY beceul lm. vita their vIde, stotcollai suds expenive lu thoir exaggerated. tuluo Seaiebla la theone mv vhioh. JecoiUt ally lu faublen sa"Ud lai se 4i*stiut 1bejloaiflgtoeer iés Md ompiexis -tiat, it vIl nover las. its popuitite. i It "ot quit. se atistocratie as, the graq 1haired RuosILUsable. but it«k amam ter, ot rty a«d pries satbh <ba 1qiiUoe t b.auty. Cblioloilla k susa the MuaOi'5 favorites anm for t ab "0 man M àth ar-#sonplk sud vlte eau plseSIM Ubeft-c b. aoihgst iiwt. x1 beautrifi«""*eaig ouest s s4P : âh ~ Ued lli W al5t e t Do- themis m odU if. sUl cippAIhy <et tw t lin a t4bel« seiWmid "boeiy , latem to pffehil berit m a ànit - e u polh*am'utsdtd*i tmurtoermi *Ill. *ear "s4& l eq l ar C$etkepi, bise tune, sudlàekirbhk5i." T ternpersace ladies an e", ber elao. "béhave Issu," mys=--la the IMMOftiLlode, "lie aduofm e ciuon tvlsted beind thelr freuborlabaem," Se have *0 ail; inded, Il la a comnma aliil ton fain sud markelt isys. sud -yst Horace sp ki ot Il as duslaeuor's dcp- cil main. But viat visu lie tivstin lene by alady? Ami ý hie la u lie Cortlumbiane couni on. Thi v!the cause oet eiupme WM be ii harthsrs visa lhe luabriate Suds hlnself captur- ad by a youu~i "Y oMler vie iii, it msY b. rimer e<l, taultiely cliaselcal festines and svmpatietie bail uemblas bVne- yes.' bit,, fwollul Ceam Whobalihbvtebd yoiPTheluebi- mIes vili gel drunk on purpois-Nau Mail Gazelle. ba1asi Ivu me**,5sMM OterwimS Hi (wlat ;elr! ou ladyaller sl T,-HE PVRAmiDs 0F-EGYPT. the Natt enlIawbr5i. litepyxamidi et Ugyt. for long sud te tbis day lucluioi angthe vends osidersare te le esias marel- loue tinumpRis et mecasloBI1 ÉkiL 0f theso tiere are many settes over the fiRe ValleY. ms oetbrick, -nomeOe t onO sud of varied hslcht. Tii. lt» lafgeaI ure lu the nelghborbeci et Caine. Thsy7 une sud bave boss for thousauda et ysarstle Incit oossal mezuiieuts -iu the vori. li-me anget. liai et Cheopi, la ils or- tc4al "tla 5 afli leta, ÀvO be M st bigia ané hle Isglioetbase c o h ailsç lie gaine. I lakblit et bugeaweII4 raa.uglg rein tio toem tou et tu Jielatt. (it là anov rugpd &" blas thi appleux umfaqs tfour-Id4e4<*mat stainmVY. TRis aolovS betWbft itb6eito ae b*eved co bave'beeu 0MW la lh vbite aMbrbie «*hvnuyiS oskia Ib.ov ue i »lir»*o rédmill ts pv asii »in r , ain ba ~« Uawbmore- legible c et et paver., T»e manget*sta Slu 1New ro%4 ays tt 74e ,Mt & jiwbb turmi Ott govutehum- -«, s&bo&ordai.mdthat, st a 10« noam4jPats. p euta egd la the:i"mm- %»time« tbee ribbons have bea. *- t**beatua abs United States- ibis Y..r -b sufturer bam a gnrst pro- Ow 0for mwam h is paitieul ablye Cf rU*naa 4 tus e mSt lu guau*d wit4M tbo gr"teit possible cars. 0» eMekO& lu thM is lm aseah b«x ad JarsOM- leAin powdsv or pigmant tee maklmg nue 1* k tlmoly, numberesi,-sd eVeu tbe h1p107 wbomixes it le pbitged As <.1ev bis printsi instructions mocbaf- IW,8.4 remalàs entlrely Ignorant St lb.oesspoelti be lau uslug. Orne Mar wuess the whole procesi and go uàW5T as orst asubetbre. "w best rIbbons bave selvaged edges, Wblch prevent their raveiling and curl- ing whm tausne. Tbey .are nearlY uni- 1 otvin ltiehi, though oeerilibos ig mada of very tuila texture. to le Ued wben auxtra large nuxuber et cazbon Ceples inregiered, sud the timprint, ef ti. type muet b. as Clear ad peeSIblb a"d fee frem bluri. 1%e gretest cars mnuit le taken in ulecttug the clolli frein whlob ýthe riblionsar maie. if the texture le voven tooc, lOBÇly I i i ,ot bold sulciUt mb ,and srch t1m 9ppe. Moreover, such a rilibo vwil Mi the. type of the machine aud greatir annoy the operator. A Prime difficulty encouutered hy manutactureru je how t0 preveut, thieevaPoratiOn Oft mb frei the rilben wben ft la ln une aud expoSe'l te the air. This lhas been largelY ove- Om a uthe leit ivo Or three yeau. The Minl charge of 'a large New York lieusewhlch makes wrTIUng tubs sai type riter riblions, Mil tiecentiy that the mont netlceabio tlalng la b traie wai the gret decreise lu the maie of ordinary copylig lnk.It l18lis- lng lmonct entirely suPPlanted by the oopylng typewriter rilibon. vhlch gives Wa better resuits. D)espite the groat aumber of riblions lu thae market and the oustaflI efforts of expert cheulst everyviere te produce ene tRiat vil 8&tlsfy everybody, those giviur Sll- round satisfaction are net easy to id. and dern inluupplies oft tuis nature Mmtenhave xtrem difculty lu furuiahi- t.g WhM a wanted., This country tur- suies pratm " aUthie typerits? nib-, ,IMM lu mebibote msad aad& Vs ermSte ue.nrnu. ~ 1~4i b mitrnS usubstitute Symupa, am4 Cotor OIt. tu sthirty ycm' %M b ~ ~vtBvomig. Sour u4 ad WI*4 Colte. Casoria rclleves 1. eMstpàUtoflan& ilatulency. Ithefod recgfites.the stomacli r 3I1*~ azti atural-tileep. Ca.m gnéiss 1SL l ts he dar go 1a" ds~5,hibSltOYOéss.byfcrcinçPIuIl, - - sanoer hutki agio -de b U % uâm- uMal Ucâsorla is soowelI sdapted to ebfldreiatba »oi rcnmend It asuupfOriiO85Y Pruscri« knw own10mm.r .A sczM . ii so. Oxford 8St., Drkv% ,N. f OsOur pbWimm IinU athS clidren'a depas. MM&t bam ge eilblhWy ofthteir sipui. in, lu beir outsklo practicoW" hCamorla, sud ithc~ wh o oxly bave among .our mii Enisppum swbat la knovn amrègiar prodSmis. ym voeame free 10 conftitst ai < ar" ct Caubtabas vou us ID look iti AuC tZ.1WMà. à tmsw ~. O.s O-~7.'r! Xu abqU»% ,New Yook Citr. her it is too lâte if you van anything in. the way of Waes, Cloeks, Jewelry and 411 we ask is your attention, and the chances are you will'buy when you sec our prices. We take stock in April, and froni now until then w., will:seli Goods cheaper than ever. Considering the liard times ouf repaîr trade is good; bring your repairin<« along. to us. Al kindu of Goods in our line made -' to erder if required. iS.. PETTI, "Hnoi Massy lli te mily, mun Pl "<juRly lvo- my iniband -sud myseL. l'fyr vexe oui y dlvered, mUuo, Il. goW»rr, but -1aeml v.rk for s mur y lire fsmiy. Tii. true uetunua animais ae lion vbleb eaufini the& faoonoeutai igbt W» h lee SitiUof the OWIB ansd bats. ismur s. oissasd nlgblJam .op- onessn, viiom a aftvu nily uvorous, tbey are Umar iian se»t esters.and mbouegthl1miDbke evis, do ev vitRirNoedty sud mmiepslbuve orns isurlsthle othm ierswnble M.s ti.~kedfrinthon cretur5swhii Val aft MWiy notmum sby neciima 1bytun aSsenas.e l li I vtfilu mcsp *wariet«- qronTUibator. biem0" = pus. dez ue tey talie"nm ed f ~ ~ ~ m kIWààviihl *11e lb 11114* etd~oma IMM oi A i~ ~ ~ C ZgrbhhbWu5 e - the Joweler, 88 Kent t .,iUnduyy, nexi the Dviey Houfe. Ostuavis tes 18 TI4E MONITOR~ -~ ail ~ U~oe osmilaoi mli, sstlo iOb ml~eotnosê a liai - lis mariol. Om msus Msd euht- blUet ousomllai ~ distelbthe. Wisbt otivalot lu the St issoi Uan nyotier combced machins luisit blonor. Ceatvito' imaie a B Us1.'.W. seai eur ordo"s ni lbe mu.ii a. U. OULIHAII, Dovnevvlle; ]L l »BUBON, UV ain UL AGILL Iao oaMO " àff L<mdesy. W. @bol ho k; îwhv "IPIev W16se nmpidés 0i-e01 M'O F00aO ITURES ENYT,& Co* KakOl' t bon" mpguvqm m »lý we b