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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 31 May 1895, p. 8

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atl.Baie CM .Secutts 1 altut= bic stimulates tii. sppett. 011C4 timblood, overcomÙes was gksstegth to al wo~ t rw CO= ~Coule, ,Sore>Tlw. & UPALLNIT Wth ibat Cet«.i f yu d0 not vent to repoat the expurlOnc, buy a bottié oftht -MM STANDARD RElMUDY Gray s Ofu 0 Red __Spruce Gum The. best Cough cure in the world. $old everywhere 25 cs. aLbott.le. K«EFî«...WAT3ow à Go., paftI<oug8lq PASTU RLe TEE FORT SWI AcREs ROUGR P*8W313 Famors & Stock'W *f AtteltiCam ~S u141m1P« - namos.OwuM&u 01 à"»iahboomil >,fI md @4o *0e . ,gu là.mu*0u."0q h8 am Pm lo«&- Ss opa --U MÂBBIÂQMI LiIOEINSUB. T. SEALL. UNDAY, "ea TWIR -YWo vallos bave -M tise00 amutwa sIft ws *o ap- a*e XWUt frouw HoilgobMi-là 5a »a- gie .18.4, whh l~a a Ibe raoeet mors tban tort? gserai URSPar heur. Thle swagow'5s offl4 as ONNAriO mSi one-hUUf =U« er t sàUbtp Or U»0ti three tms that of the fastegt railva? train. Uv.. thé .yOMng bita, si2 Or eilit weeks 01&., a.onwmay lb. others la tbeft long jourue?. Prof. 'Wang aQa hineIt wbat leatthe impulse vbieb causes tte ns, after the. brooding sud mouitinif sesmanle *vr. t ut Or osaeftelmmsite. ,H13 ,dff mt thuil illà ftes'.Of oohd-fQr thes blincs. Sso aortwnet 019.7 sub- ply the. fyersbut arrangethem le the rr«qatslm ob6rosg#^ etrasu toitEre Qervice.m., A gi oooeilstille cupatloua sut ,be cantout te lea àberbusinesstbor. oughly rnmer manmxerenomi florist, a". aboeu i ai a- aulcapital thibegin Ther. an gose minpooltehbaiel Sohoabs uow that thono neel b. llttle dit- flouty lu2 obtalng excellet Intruction ln whatever avocation le ished t. tabe up,-.-Ladlea'HoUa joural. Mie'1 ý9obeatuhu. wbiehiffl#te 5UthWý eft& 'Wl - for & butober a&ald isdg abylen of stâmd the. rWors of the. vinter, but that I traies. A ballf h. bas, and elgbt uher-, t1.7 have an irrésistible hum«r for tra- tI , s ecers, bal-a-domeu beailes, and vellng. Tis a sIs Ide& et the1tct but bil as. many more brokere. The. sierlif' lie cau 51ve ne expatnatleWTorl i o.carle, ot course, a tamillar emougb Worid. figure trram the. isys of aur lterary, drame. Anu01Cu rdge M ejimtâ. An Ingenlous American lias conmpled It bus taken two1 yetrs te .Partir re.. a list of Dickens'* characters, clauelfted buill a bridge atnReie hb. t jestat- by 05111gB., and t reads 11k. nothiug so ed, dates fram 'ho lime af Umperar sMI" as & trade@ dIrectorY. There are Adria, au assertion whlch la lu strict archit.ctil auctiaiteffa, bankiers. bar- consonance .wlth «=ny ocher remarla bersu, boardîug- hanse keepers, black- features disti---.ul - t lie terna1 Cty. UMtbi, carpefltei'U carriers, ciiandlers, 1h ioes net appear ithte n.ccity for j cies, clerls- (a perfect army <>1 the partiel reconstruction arase tram jtubs), Wcmen, ceai m.icbant#, .con. any absolute want of repair ln the an- I sai 1ý"or handlers, costumers, de. cient structure ud1, but wau due te the. tectives,ý dochors, domestlc servants, dry new conditions te whlcb the bridge waa mtez., englueet., englue drivers, tarin. subjected tu coenseqUeuce of lb. workseg, flshermeu' .Igameko.pcrsgrocers. uziiertaken, In counection, wîth the. lm- IVgecu grocers. baberdashers, hop grow-, pravenmet the River Tiber. These OM S.aolers s»d turnilsys, laborers, included 111e better regulation of the Iaailghters lawycrs. law stationers, coùurae et the river, a *ldcnîng or tie looksmlths, manufacturera. merchants. ,ebannéi, aud a r.llng of bath banks. me&lea studeuts, mouey leuders, nota- Thse resutlw«vs hi1 eue endi af theap- Jries, 'iiostleru, pawnbrakeru, parlèb proaeh te the.bridge vas betow the. levcl lerk:1 piutere., porters, poatintera, et the newiy-ialffl bauk. OrlghmallyIpot-beys. reporter., robe makers, sad- the structure cousisatodof thre. principal I ibis sailors, sextens, obipwrlgits, arches of flfty-slx .lent span eaci, and stewards, stokers.,stanemasons,ý sugar. tbresinaller oees f twelve test. The bakers, tallor., teachers, tabaceuita.s Eter'were for the purpose af allowîng w ysakers aud merciauts, uniertakers, for the passage afi lacis, and have now, vatermen, weavers.wharfiflgers. whee.- been replaced by a pair et arches of Uthe ~lgt& aine span as that eft tiose tiret bulît, The net mlglt be maie longer, but that viiich brtlgsgtcroadway of the bridge Verlasps le long enougi te =a eyau te- almonct on a lèvel The structure as It &ais.bey amply p aided wlth tradea now stnis bus fve legat aud UyiS and tradegmen are the tccmlug strett metrical arches et eqam span. Iu tact, et Dickenslimiaton.-Madoilau'a If It were not for the ilifereuce lu tint Mgie of the. oldsud nw masopriy 1houli b. almont Impossible ho IeUhnguih themcmot Cm m, iiandiwork of -tôday tram tiat of nearly 1,300 yea sm ago.-SclentM cAmn.rican "5uppose 7o vaut tic lady's name en*graved ixamîde, air ?" .ald thie Jeweler. mît&*%#»iam Sgemnt ing "O, o,"re lie h qo nsttuton an tan uneu t careful young man-. "Just put Inside, l téa Mr. une» Pel's oedin T lllngirst bai rseor «Theu finlyte udsent aoutit retaken. West Australlu stands tirat, wlth 1!-t as Gorg.-Elot ays1a "strong so- miles for sery 10, people, yeh Il lias luio f eelg.1 oontierefare, on]>' miet frilawhill *11v itl « o Isl h tender %en- Britishi lui lth 17,748 miles, bas orly -tmetofWrecefr he ishrolc 11Lileo a wyta vr, 000people. Boue eteraind. y -r.Gladstone .apan anditUic Dutci Indles arc both and r.,Peel Wbre w ehuldb. ln- equal lu this respect, eacih bvîng 0.4 clieiltecriicie r. eeletarewel ut- miles of railway for every 10,000 people. terýanc« a Anlu his liaylur exclusive stress Reckonlng the railway millage againet dignît>' aud traditions aofUicefBouse. vîhi 29.4 miles per 100 square miles, Il -would, Indeed, be untartunate If thc the Unted Kingdom second wîth 16.7. laick of tradîtioni dlgni'y, ich char- Holland third villa 14. Then cerne Ger- acterizes the Muerlcau Bouse of Re- many, 13.2; Switzerland, 13; France. 1 iesentattieswere ta pervade Uic 11.6 ; Deumarla, 8.4 1 Italy, 1.7 ;'Austria. 11018e t ComuoS. ut w donet6.8; Spain, .4; Eurapean TurkeY, 1.1. think It probable, for unquestlonably and Russia. 1. Tii. milage of ail the rail- *the manners of the Bouse have lmprov- waysoet hie globe atthUicenid et 1M.2 ci. The flouse ratier tende to bfb coin- was 40«,416 miles, or one mile ta every iw.ptiace, ta thec colorIess monotony êt 3,516 lubabitants. porto Rico hae, thc au aMsmbly et respectable Cty mon. siarteet leugthioe rallway, il miles, and In thuatee, 1h reveals Its rePresentatîve the United States bas'b>' farthei great- eharacter, for liaI la Uic notéeot an est 174,784 mlles. Neit. but a. long waY Engliqff publica ssembly to-day. bebînd, cornes . Gormsny, wltii 27,466 Wc have ne aleevy, Ignorant country minle5n iuFrce th401mUl5 squites, -tupeftei b>' strong ale ; but The United Klngdom lu tourth, with 20, thien we have jao Pitt, ne Grattan,M miles, ani Rusa& is tt. ith 19,.6OU ne Burke.. Things la theretere lUkely, mil«e. The.Islanduetf an, Malta, sud O1 on the wole, to maintalu 115 dIiiItjy. ers"y comblned boet taI$8,miles. BIg *whichli as certain]>' neyer been lowerci Perals hans24 mlles. ani diminutive. bY a sieliber member. T% . re& a Hw5IIM mles.-pbUlelpbia Record. question lu viether il will maintain its eelimey. 014 traiihioàsare ell wuî*ta Nhblmag. enougli, but ve »" tluenawedded tae uniu moet .sl new soUrois l inr Utal Uthe newovei nuu m té é li*a of to-day mai b. tientornaed. The &againatb hMecf 4mb ýfer foodthan Uthe methôds vlacb e.? yen enougiafor a. use cfsan? cher Ittaiofianimai food; .'-vwmflsl uii.UedasletoratesaMýfhasslbiay b. Iawtallystera, aaIsuec cagpex pocw îKeMA" tii.? 5ay le IaWtUUIF tef; bit tiiOlO 17 equal te the ftsr more 4ialul, ndt ougit ho&bo neo rultr et maakt"uaa oueous du«nti.. to.1iemc ine " sghem. W » v o va r h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gas degèw,à. ojadeak a a de45c «-er I ~ ~ f -- Pkidie.aet b%* W<O I.831 h g@fo tiiy rpi5dwe ovutOlS tu le ib* UtcSg de- =Aou -. me a -. oora t d.v.od Vs sered fr prugTrdêFAs tc.1 Ste ok Goos. in corns tii. oesths water, sud our uewstockl..........Thrlih bif itoycfte a Stee ae brand mbuk f nw arnd bryqinhjnsty. befrofthe oos; e lots of t b o md seclady fr$V& -us iidorFoSdockrs e. N b t d s. e w o esra tbe fir, in jes the w thandOr» t ock d w have or ia sog. od i s the0 i fcw.qo hels Our snapgin ur stock' ivte a lymtoesm er wac. W . glntvie tihe pret o n ig onfot hàé e aol d e ig hesntkeep i thle nga Summtgroe là Bues lokhee!nfeouwan "0e'er M ger a. o n buttecmdiscous u ee . utd otd etd idTo sr rgtU oteue OequstOkhaWte oos nthe rc es mno tilstthre oer a way. God te U frlig p. Pries d dwm. Cus lusud mo et n h w tarnd tey hvc dcpp d y.lb GOUGe Dan riht us ROmteLoos Sýf e Thet isord fil ou Che.p Mon. Liimuâty su d P- T e eboro.ma k»s btad ebae brenes oosnee solowU. &Membre GMv av 10. IM- to or effl UIMâS moir ' - =-"riSmg 44b7 t es<u149»bum isK% a a. ...-.se vu 'i' et'1Ltg j : rnwdé 507 "y e lm me ma qN.pt~h~.. ..- mann ue culrTu ma 1 a--..:~:.::::i hs cOol~~~ umd L' ..DÂ.4SL 'eq iIeI.e . ...... 9 ah, le Lands For* Sale. @arme ou: 50mta t a«G ~inb ............. ...e h 018 On.....................Uh*fa@ W0 BtSIn M"M " lb m8 ..-.... ......o a 0as 26th year of ti. olarnoJ6pub InBUSINESS " .-. NTARlu0,COLLEGEdt£ w:zz:~ ' p40 W a a xSye -mdr Iéý -.big*- -*.OSh Sui,*i. pdW*.......Rob* Sm,. SJ. ofBUyIl. 10...- a 48 fflé **totVf em. .. e te .S Uh, d~ea -n .* .....9..040S "W Pfl * e Optbe... n.. fa. ouh1 N i W* 1:*. * e - --..-.- o i Âmeh RANNEY (t ChulEalors 1ft1b, T.a$ EWDLITO)i as SON. INNM fe, ir e d7met Inurane genzt k~~~~m il La DSe ag Ounlo autL u UraaoB OflIOU-Noliofa Sicé,lii iEmts, %Thw dDmi * U cfet 0Fmon OSesuml.-RTUly «olk, 0a" eu omm9to 128M..ed from 1 ic4 pi LINDSAY WANTED Llllber Yard, Youmg Mmen. and. .Womsm s,~ ~ ~ ~~~~ii un-N ng .epalc nlle dhuadouKmctre - eks a me aiidutioe [ou'V 0" Boom7ti.ec iSbS ~ 51obbn oi eA 0", ufius lt Apliem30 va w Ommâ« a b, l Seml y bipori. isu. 116 .MwemPiEE. !vihtebe "M& rte hm&b .Es n. Lath, Hard Soft Wood. 13«t Lime Kept Contantly lu Stock. n:avîng purchased the. Bobesygeon Roflei Mnl wu aue pepared to turniah bout lanmfly Flour and ieed ln large or amall qusntdties, d51Ivered, aoywhere in town. OmFCE à&r» YÀ&x-Eaat end Wellington çtmea bridge.. Telephone commnuniaton. Court of Revlsion. The Oourt ofREevl.ton for the muniolpgUty 09 LAXTD#3 DIGBY AND LONGFOOOI Win l» hmu la the Town Hall Head Laket Saturday, ist day of june nextp at the heur et ton Vclook la the forunoon. Path~~Sifl aaUMAt their a*n1 àW& WILLIXXWELL. SuNemib. May n U, M-S1.8 1ýTH E RATH B U N 00 1à* juet rocvm alaupply of thoil Speclal &and Pastry Flou "CRWN .JEWEL 9 14 quarter, elghtb , and ulxienth bbL Ah. a, ftee stock of huit celebratOl rog8t4rtyBrad Portdend Cernent * uO.uIgnuUli et two sMd 5hree18 DRAIN TILEm oi Io" Jor aboiia randmj Ring W m - 1sybulbeb 00. 9

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