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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Jun 1895, p. 6

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*wb oy po1btet »b b« wt* a at a bbs àm . * *Yed a u ffu smr. "Mh MN boUoat t wfth »Zaauul< Rh. as qf b« at à fuir. ast put 't luto br h jmomb M Ury kisgt te IiiIler = ane md gaire tim'ber band4 *akotbefl mli.put 00*11 $h. $*ës mtr4n and cli>ubed lato- the Ol!<' tals's itp und.bugged %ilm wlth bc -e 7ytS' um e atm the stemaoh a -oas.cý- for isamoment whther ele=,I "= ïw 1X1.9 et-- 4 Me. ftra spociner, or not, but « 60m &Dw tho eut.Mi.UtaX toBhimf amn g %~tS tr~ om ffectonaté go"od-b.t hi a ê r m b e Mind. t se 'cu tq!r -t e sy <a *be'W 0L 1 the Wel!and bestw soie r&WmsaThev &X m- *bd tom-, *.gmslujVor foîîowed -ber to threomar£o D qk.ea&~~ i bp A l4InOSiU watÇbng ler wble Bbc tucked ber bu». till e M M uist'm15gh"os gs lai -goumtp ies under ber arm an& raiso Atue »V the p#oug*de n tamm ln giAls fui w.m. w para sol -and walled away -do vu tl AtS t' o B tla th ~d r m lfSo u, am n w ho 3 trett ln tbe cl y &Ut«nu m o m Iuig. oe ewho l. , k -r e l b %o s a ffln the : 1o INed thé w 80nr. u h tmnoU ofrg Bbc bd take n ber&rep-i gaety a d W rl Pa<W I 0 0lace a S wdedB- - thmal loe fi en b* t cuir= and ai1 er. hüldtw sweetefl ky barre. N'ra I im ofat rion t wforpr'Vht arnc dMr~y 'ad ay wlth be UttlUaeh: l@oka t th* otbher sud ftlgiwed sMâthirbalqte bad corne wmth ii yrecb ay - g ý ene F a aout thi e roer imoe ofattecJt loc OAIfra vmng uig h te PlUcked ber like a fower outa *t -f i m.8WStfer au w.tli reOutgb, Te st~eh2c- lifs.~-r o s b l botter ta&e a drialt. ter&. Few vomen ventured aSeoai, but She did flOt turn back, but wheu. sesud 0 1 * ofwSit A . b z O >i anate * lui ru by tooliRif ha . was hait way home elhe- began tarun uyoub ad & hice. tics&" IstblJ .qutlibrium . ai Ah. atmorpb-ýiS, and the nov shawi vasgiven gayll to -Marie Veat box*t te ho sçfod a»t quh rpae u u opbfr tue.breue.TheCapainslgcd. dty. for ho bdohged tett 1 uhoN M5& jtith aloons. vihb wèe o wdod ta twlsab-the IltUe girl vol!," ho saW. j h door. and turned away, '<We ShW.! miss bei,.the foreman couidn't rire hlm. 'À" ho The botter ca of farmers hitch O butshodosntknw wttparîn' hkbpt an ugly oye on th* woaver'u v1u uOP antd dbve &*&y before '9Saek, 1 hope sheIl pleise them Just as, vol! ta dv, Md~ frtghteme.i h eug@% girl gatherli>g together as Inany oZ.tbelr Canada.*' Who vas trying te squat- Teritaspat- bandeasa possible, but otheru rematued SARAH ORNE JPZWETT. ten to ueeo the fus, wlmlch everyaus it t, .'he Britts" veut baek teo-.the ceme- be coming. THE BIfON. tory, and felt ne goodt Aat ho sang as ho Iltvas reported that the "Wapsey ______dtgged. Anid te commoq men, both gaffl" vas ln town The Sweges frein Thogh hyOneshold avecaledscaffoît and 10mb. reud thejoc i fRock Run vere, aïo voll reprmzntod. Tbou"Th vhyone slahould have1 caih reCeut conilit, ln*visage auMg, b.pd dowu at Oiea. "Mole ln the WaIl." Theî proounly ItId he the raùr4Vesey.boys and Steve Nagle bat hie% Re vas Irish euougb, and viielithe it eim ett ~1e 'ba leWpe ~gr"vsdy rheums.tlcs, au ho called them, tôt Ito e Thesbi ho m ette &JagIn. Ho' ieept"c rot andoon.imotn n hie bonus he vas exceedlug lkely te lose cre n emt ei&ml lr ba teWpe r".,wsdw hie temper, and reuent "h rtS eOfUered ber -blg wa<os.s aa uheve t tBe! val ohrtone.pt self lhe extent of hauliug hie tradcr back vith i hm ; but selle ,ve. lu thé Bill hàs bos luthi d tii.moa er- E But "Entas" be vas and *Bitonl' he o1 hd sde hrem;mhAâeGra d i be Winshiegang.the t rva always had bees, even when be sougt' girl laughed as Marlo ie gancd ,tlru'igmu fed at rz the coY.g n tale as for andsoeur d the Job -et hl t ~ te l a her-luggravnetag- ke mon 1k Steve Nagle quai!, viien., dlgger at Caivary Cemte rr-a posiSi led ber, hbreads, and dltn't carM.. nbsIfeun pes eto fe whiechehosalO gave.hlm Ieneuao1Terita vas saving ber money. Bbc vW« 0thie soéunt i terves h dofemse- ln th i t place.going home,_ mo »lut ever -lokod fr015nte mgngund r hfrulies ed a I vthi- Maria, the ItaàMan, bmd moved over I 5rifice te heaen'a iS gv l e Ume inatd thordaluban ud a r - trm the vest aide and vas îounging iyulvta iet iedyvc ht Bri dlec D.Cro h aiong Polk street, ose nlght ssîfling f ourney aboud bef .O he a a bOn OfaDr. Cabier aimti.c trouble througb delghted notrlls. vben Mai10 nover veut off "Ahe 1ev>." but tavu. *&The doctor had quotea vlth ho samyTenita aheat aof hlm osthe inud- jhe round s go0d daos!01Picasre af hic great cifect the cxperienoe of Boston dy ansd jittered pavement. peiar i knd.Tvo or Ato m eWmdi kngbefoucro.Tey ebatod ber ta star at home Net a dFu 04hmaa hy woùlt do t2Inarsbal, ln Uic dffls viien tbug. r»u oves the gracery basket, palpably tatou If ho didn't bebêve himucît ; but be took th i CIn l their oWu way. F-ron betng 0 -thons'!,It bat given ber n ne ouevScb sdeligbt in couqueet, sud thore 0ntbeJmcm atrr ab forproisins r aythngel.e-Would vere 80 amany XPEe eovor berse Iho edoput>' sonif fet iècue y i excuse that tallnre ta ame>'. didn't 1mev hlm, Abat whbat*Vas tle. bat glVen 15 drink enlire!>'. ny Xie Plamned ta follow ber. li uld Mnte do ? B! as.fa teWm. rIred loiter alon9tsit sapote ho saome man. Re tememboredAt vea«k sPot la"The %%-a Quiet-enough ardblnly, but vhen Thon ho vould "smash"', adeoe Britomu b' arnese, abg resalvod te prao-. n îuocvsh. ahi apleasant madlelsurel ' moment ta ex-tIce tor it. Bil!, ho ddnot rw MS t vsAAt mach tUrnesno orne 8t*3aet ther . terminatIng thc man, le put -thes loem te «tii tgIA" I ihm mar,bauted.ae hlm, Abat ButTetaspok ta neose, tbeugh A.irimsà otsu wnt tcpe asm, j ha1%0 a DU btbig the , thorevei'e thame. Who périled ,their lived apte et t mapi>' llfletiil, .utsoflb *pay heade b>' trylng ta batch ber oye. Ivdaarqiehpn.îh.Wpe ur And thon suddon.si>' simUlpped frem u As t ws.Aedme . .ersti CsseI lauv.BR.fNua ir ee ered mas,. grew mare and more fer- bh tie Ogbtand v sne.ctio dt na e a nd e me w vi.VO S u h«s rawu'Vonan épo knovn canai and iBuker streets. o e I t wvo usit4 B 'ck sMd the crevais came la abolit DII.L je koit sedulousl elood Ibere, very fuil of anger, an0 pion-. voie rusbllng like a river. Trt cok mt0fthAeer8ooo;lai p fin' pnismen. c mm beuaccd tooq mflde and watt ho veut ta th« Iayor's office for eoa And It vas tiere Q"Tho Britas" found d oi Bbc mmvtUicIntismal,-Mmd thought J ornsd relnfarrbrent. He mate a hlm. -, be aeodedblp, becuso bWi banda e.feeble effort te cever his titb a' Mari aS as luthe. va>'. 50the 115h- a I on tiie steSay-t: lut te scieral ef Uic uneoas>' etlu Man trIPPed hlm. If "The BrItan" hat onI he"Iroovat, îî h IAhÏÏar. linovu boy bard a a n- th#.Italien offie.I'm gis U oceMut l. va o auld have begun differently. ofiedl on pt o But h o found it ail -o t pre sn tlygùou>' Ev r mn b>' th. time bh at fOI!>'leaissd IlA-The j tnt boy ln Rock ]River I1mev anw znud.als Îtrad af Steve NWe. ta gay oth- W anit n d vas bl eis' mup o ver d v Aliof'eO'Sbea. T ii.>' nouted e tsabla 01 W a rd elld F ns i acem en w ho si- at .h lm m a s h o vet al us' th c tree , comb tant. t -tojthrý u tan lod'thebut Aie>'culd not blame .hblm ver>'-'b vmya ravel e d gthqEr, uutanglth mucm. Thero vas a Bart ai borse mense T. and vent on them vway. lThIe malOtrovashe Instes et -l "T h oe rit n" as surPita d, and . las The m ayo rs o f c . l t n a v i t e ent doweaon Clark street ta consider. ga en isusd4 verýhvIn«met o an Judge Brown, a-id tva cr three .remeaantamberasever bIalug mtmeothers.]Poster ai thc Saturda>' Morn- Asient agouln-aslit bis teIrtalay satmSWà'MO Tm os» nga'll taok a bumanrous vv e rthe Ant arlveuthom tii met vsb, md hii, anmd bhse eff Wveromm- malter, the ohhers <110 nOt. Fogtc- te tbraah Terita, b>' vay o gettins' bis nt.Bg le 1h ought hluby hic aln rtv ii.shruls bearingu. What vas lime use ai belninu the .hl spa 0 - e. OitaUe rtowhl.hapn :tboS etacrapper ou Uie veut sùit fone anBlie o h vasOUl theut iist a "Nov woUe oeng IcOCs 15 ~ ~ tab sue ythe freI man ho ellecaro ? *mIa, r Caut Rongeailmaksm meets, and liaI vihen ho teels 1k. meot- Wamo.1e810e a e aukr~gi,' orm s'élIm.' oeO." *d »h Itg mes, too? e? Was ot r- tickniet ulllarugbaU mrls ty. Nýext day Terila vas aut, a.littho the cie ?Wa nt egotné sait Ah. Ife ay PullaamUatil as t scai, verse for voar. but 0ceeitus' ber , . ml> truetmm, at IL dchol. bruises as a loyal .voman Should. But ar~ ~ j~h l turn orim cies.nt ber patience vms obbing., 8h. bad hopel mA "ndI t W mc eets ou boy srrx4, it feos ntf t for botter thlegs vin eabs gel Mr10tlmj ai h ,*t ~ bet gMme hIky ougdpt e eic; Out ai tbt Casai treet a. Eh.gm ue mld' bislgMWrne t th Oameiieu. .tldu't 1mev but one more. collision 11h. ahibld A ahit volley thepsaas iett Abat O t ailgt wÔuld b h, l elle mime pàm4 Ah. shoot. Rauoe>' ture ar, Ien >the caredtotesufer. jiuM.qw t rb sube tm aritm*m tumels c air, thset bis And slvays etanda epportunî 1t . yta me'. . iwmt40, b a>ig horR ng Biot tomPtation. Mora vas a aigu Whib pA roi. M tet13» g inn egus" ndbeser.Ha- sa1 a oaî'pet wVoavr vas Wvateai. Nolli- :bute>',w-bid Wfb>' log,-- su eut ,r.ou ie ,au It lest b>' gotug upte tuquire..Shot- oV N is outAt i The boss vasver>' gial th ave be br M t ? ao ave'M I os ." a camÙe. She-knew he oUX e tt alllla'-' 1 bs mtm- el*o tartboron là«r bie h.mmvber workt. Ho vas. lmmgeBjo eombl Bismtb* e*M suad ho ton ber she oulid have ti the lé~ - ois by Aie vindov. UH onu put & frgt wutrlor we«.er iu the srik carmer ase a.. et w the bat been. Th Mon Ver. toarlua'dov« tie ageoit rein mcxl dooir. BbSev -Itlet sLe, aq vatobts' Aboi-for sm, took ne Al Me,,. S e h t frais berwork-tb*ab> -flno nieghems màJa. m 0 Mdite asMifes tthm,,&i#, fort hel Ie lîiÇ1 moue- Aaotet,-Auit.b*d« ïnSilver. f« mre and adotiinmaL- Hair pinsi, comba somliek buttons, fok thimubiesknives, rmp-'-the IE s' almo i unbmbw &W inItale. p4unasain ushowisgyou th ii. aso- nmt, a"dif yo aa Malova .ftbe ýbesutifal Y", wMfltae ka leasinl W.usobewi*Dg mlit thelateat aov.lth. s ilvoeNooS, tbimbles1 stick pins. aide cooibs, Ahe mou" -ïbsk wllsitmp qe, ,., ~be«, ,iW r auner. -Wta sem@- Étere Mon jaar Quic)eokPwee oa" 00. h t s *d tbwW- mAI~~rwa>~sua J asmeé ta.'lb.laienVIS& lbék*. blt = f= %" ete M tsrka 'u Lmo . ni Oe. a-b gol4 -le oa them. . Et. Groopise puatambe OksmZ j 'e ma, me oudefrat euiclnes kw. et Ise pouAh. A1toeqper Jasvow«-.& hla.e out e eayon. "Whcîrlffl * t" be>skcd. "Iert aou u5O.'be e1 vwoo, Movel off làI the cgriaus "l h. vit, boys l'> il=s autel 'ln obuugà, wtth u sim, nmwg sIlo Ah. ahe beett »s' a'. fntolug drtsk-oe a mmWho la>' ou Ahe bl Ti44 tits nlnaInt SUi ft -chewagon unbouat!,save bar Ah. «ie lau pligmb 058'.<Ip ot bis -bréthaes re'ent.ess ilqit 31=, gave s gromuofet orzovmmd dis- "L d. ie nover net foot in Rock River May. -&iadt ,eterii a h î - iurthrialdevis Wht iatank 11>' lcanloleefor Sbleriff luthe county. bave. He took. out bIs bis c!affl knif a_________ aud. laid il aimvu 00 %ef*iaý«ngw1t hm, cý#! Id A N W WATCIIMARS STORY. 1 4=1ri's a gavtb , tee," sal. o, LilviL Hoe laid'islde bis revolver sud " t asme Xs start An buoinem'?* took off bis coat. SaiteO1i'?3,551 cl 'l*1 "11>11 b. te*1>nit oys," iie sait, vi'b, >'eUL a sat qhaveir luis veilue.t~. 1 O&î XlutIB1S, vas * ugit vatchâmau. sbel hlm, yer auner. - ItIs me dut>' ta Aboit *2 wek eu ot morning 1l arreat hlm, as' I vil, but t's logSkew*- JMaaeb Aie tret bat becomo de=e bracis' aioto t ke DIii'Vhhee's SSà"I1-w«S* 51>1. t I oEwSbeneait thAe dhrUUfL ~ Ns'» hAn nme If h. eau,. but I 1tuISM5« Ob~lh'MSd 0Db>' apipeam can't stroike .hl il i eavoapon. 1yer t variAi fro the Uic o t re Abat muer. - gsv.d là Aie.-ires baket -wbicb Utool Boasult te opus MM e et the but McAP E l o d ~ i 1h IL f4 1 0 m e jute va- out the door, but to>' kqew the 'stuff wbere somme.so-CrAbis r nl-*oba of *hJech iu heart vas qm4e USe.la P'ro«ra. 1 va then luaEhlk "if - ie- lsnt thou > o darz4 IWlAWe, si do-. locailnon& et aUourwbheu I la>' me hd Wauo boshut.-té, N e or UPlok4jtsaSUmer », de'Ifiloa f igildhrauk, $Vus hma OE Omar , Boa.-fS*-the abuima5 or mie," ho unit tablmselt,--ag ho vont' WORe - Io r«Mmme. vth am 0»e-tu lova. the mreet accompsied b>'Fsery "Wm cefe,".adla A DI 51 Ob itiem tA-ite 4om Mme *susing va>', -"Dly>' avlr shoot& %UF 100 M~ esUal thPlay' l's a tow il . 109V» ahi l e r o'mhtbtui licol,~ ~ ~~ 4i *bub p~p-tsaloon ~ ~ ' emptiet lAs Iht.isAp çm" jeut e e' _ 4w .'fortus A cxto flç*U trual*W, urgit à mut*#s WIU5&,Bm»SmodetMi &à>. ln aut eut et the taon, psIf thee' nove OU SfS31MAun INh t « 1 he b5Ai. .Hne va>'Y tram a C balelmmnt vIcat aisWS, qaaw, iilyyosd, ver>' ptunges tte oengAl tbof1"isaba..As Mt in paie, vthIiiakempbt bi bhey drev nami.,thboof jet Ah. i nsubideta"l- éb*f a .l5fo.f man coulai be heard as lie ragel again t b5haw4wlà tis âbhé batbek age-, hoe barkeeper, *Who itood tu dea::>' ter. elMW- ONUMtomtswbver. tlw or bebind bie bar pleedng wvlh him. OblhUb< t h al [e triot te assume a carelosvol 20. »fnitJ oev, haAs, cOu b; "oetak» si] ye v aut Tiatm il.au 4 hilnest004forumBourt of igmA 1 gave, yomay'n change., TOaie W& nrink-lt'saon me.' That'. m&l nigil-" #"WtlI >oii-et, Me hai a vams T"-, liii àtoppel sudde9ly Bite a bouo «'LIt w"5 agahiatAh. contractr,% i'ules scntns' gaMe. ho PermIt a>'on uAkbut,«d i f th. '"Hore'a 31» 1" vas th3 o>.4 "(lot pOlice "* foi a m th iera ie>' ut ofet h va>', borcs hm"ve mDoSimiEl>'ur bis it. bo e Jim came .tirougi lie crovd, hm bis' "baoa buaa. a l1su1lMolbuttAsine revu cye xet on' Bur i's vîN etrfm Ca t n b. paor sktvmng bRou' o- 'ho, masens in bIs- fSe aud lis reigin-fo*ie e. »Du awedthlie Crevi. W.I t'susal Ate raies, but >"ou 1"0Bw M r' n>"boy, came imome'" iie s t le 061&o l4, eN chai'.0seI sppose I getly..« "Camiehom, UIb-Iy,asut i UsAbat ym Canie u tidbi hlbaud ou hie brother'. home.'.' 1,kye"mui. Ahe mis».eomuug- There vas no aigu. of reltaun; luaab. "$makMok Yeu. I8a014 ludeciver>' Billy's oye. BeNoe mehie An 4." tà, eyo es cAo4 te rot seAs, tI.. - & B4M Ovau Aie 1 0ugi piasi b>' nouth âquma * heb.corne's. ,uI ie flN Bide, bsiiisg aA-bis emeeiaffl Xmat siiovol tua horrible.gris.>Nia Sie utOmaNte.a&àa âma tie Mn&, spremim te coaser ikaa.*bue .ho Vtleaiym e lA.bfst or "To - wia >7.4rin amverl. the warintb and ueto.> "Oc13t eut o et AbSY.'" stdJmi, . "Settat ât vIit satt1iM U mm , I Mt MI oouims' areul. .Thé > at Daboi't of lm quaai reeon Ahe ac3k, los'vin« eolear pa*e. la te **hmbim utha "(Ome, . l,"ho "àagt,1* id tae f w ai st, 4me wvu Ofeqttome. '1eà,alà,*a&madatsa M -I-. os90,MW' 'wi, 1un strehl... With aa tik. ocheg fe- ea«L ba Poor *Mm% t u ovuard ý b, oreflat he, 1I k".IsNa *flfil mmm man rose unIer' bn w» ia roil- 11t sIB" S fer »Ber., pes art bearilus lastiandsut hoaalhli~ m na A. th* >'. 2le faoon vth .eqal tA=& ow.m sm Wiui 4a, lA vas a terrible aigbsLThe tAve "ow is Râghtlng bhaume SA vas iha tatar md, hIiudse.d ~ bu «Mrt love 1 IL A. Ancamu 1IL1. lu 13&Oxf«&OrdL, Broobyn, K. 'I M"- bo» fkm btilgof>'et sr oamui- mm mtr eukM bme>cUoSWe W1hCaie à" aubtISR »usOUil>have amonas'o mwmm mpptsmvb.t (akawn am regiar ~~aOBwsyfffs te confmtAbathAe msb i cas" b lia von n te bah wl Umm nmnL A» n m jàztm a M14 rim 86 am*Bte Liadm o«t ilutheDal.y Hous. "FÂRMR S?" XJ -I1»bamboozIed, by: travel- at- double thofr value ef Yon bw7o*yi t ot our stook. I arn lu a &puoza mu yon -a fini- j!1l4o sU»I Baffli, Idui 23 Q Si -~' NOELTI, e -the ýJewoler, ~ Papoluthe Ou. f S. J. IfmTY li ý-J

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