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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Jun 1895, p. 8

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~ocroami ai s., w.' Ans iim î. fact, for ail -'condtIOmSc ing ýfor a quick and tdsctlf What's the Urne? N>ou hav, a It la Unie >ou ver. iWaL ORAY'pS RED POR cOUGHSm COLDS àsTEmA mi men LUNG AllnTlOl pysusamd thevSIdict fti popftOsb" ptoetbtis. waid c wa.wb s-r&s kmobl W "dO £0. ,e Ka"Wle &GoIEA.fM m 'e UAI~BL&Grn L~ICZN888 T. SEAULNSY Ton TWUINTY-7IVU ý.DUNN' 16 __ s" s a i d E il t r e t -U s G s 'j c t I .1 N I I I N -4 **rentrnpv for te *u sn AI - ' ~Te aemmt esIloctelfor ohawwtu la &" ab"0 ol - o 3Ido .Be, a '.utb.= uaTvs k ,EonWtn aru». remt u sm«n,. y-mpe a mm oew te or Vouado os $botr e bock am atrOm 0» of the Mt= uraioien of tSta- miel, was., W-a a 4"Rilvln" Or 'baoathlaSn e l, vRwi* exhlm lm- menftquantitiw or U1olm NOM T" et easS at et tw ie m lt ahi»- - ret f ih,~ luextstenço la ltel 1113 and van ceMpol e0*nth Oorlr Of Queen EllambetiL by Tbmal COlilI,- auveyrof et'«Ye pot et LOomIos" -Many of the grotm t M bloraSon'have bSnonfesobrt stature mute, Uie Great va» a .slngulm*y alm M&MNa- poleon, toe, vas lttio; Nelsenhbal20 Icight te omeS cf. m»d the great Coule van short enough. Hailebrab&lGrog- ory the Scveath, vas <jute a&bluiniz- ttve person. *AmonrSthc Grocla braceets ere worm ouW y w«»34inbut aMOag Uice Romans tbey wve sregardldaIami- ttry looeratUoIi, Ma IU monuetal la-, mrptonm ttic number etbracelets con- ferrel on the subjot lt ton atod. ¶'bey vers et Chia plates er bronse or gol; aosuetilm 901gei vre ulrI'y wound vire u»e& * TI. Doai e la. eusMmis4au WMvitr ,*tt e ffl or ~WMOV& pisoW i emm;but mn t». »MM et lte tosletor or poussa estitisite 55. tuon"r et ite M&adty êt -met ostote, tatoema la of atRo value te te agoral public.Te «Ive. an lantance :-la lm Nath*sel Er& MII-e et.the mDet r n et Thoman store »%ho 11.1 la lm. lmaadvertlm i fOw by crIer oethRe Court et Chauoer. Thc ftumivan mot claime& nmin lathie latent netS « dormant tunde va fntRite tiiMetftiecCbanccry smit given thon uPomeoyr. Erever.11 No mention la maue"litaS the nemi t lin et Thom"n Storbe la vanted. Au Ide& oetbé clargo aumber et simula canon mmy ho gaineI from, the tact tRiaS thc nat et unciaimel tuaI. nl. 10' pages. This lins la ouly an Index te Uic «Un ofet aourkts, and la net la amy sése cither a register ot nert et lia vauted, or ef lapseel-legacien, latestate estas, unelimol divilenus, prise moaoy, etc. -oambers' JournaL Mt vp Uàaght aenTour NiquE. Thereo la alsIutély no reasoa for etoopiaiovw er 5 anies la elthor of the tvo waya » commonI scon-aul tUme la M exoune for o ding- ln or- bmnry.rosa rilig. il; May te noces- sery for tb.i "acrcher," vkhen engagel la 4"scerchiag - 'teassUme ticeone or tRie oSier eft heno attitubos--to sprawl with tRie body' traigbt> but ammet Ri- pontai, and tRi eial cloeo te cbandie Riar. or te bond tic uppor part etftths bck an If trylng te break 15 in theo middllead tirov tRie houldors for- ward n If deslrlng te make tbem sucot moros e I Rront. ven so-oee ho la met e"noorchin lng" bunoS ascii te make himtoel a hldcu object te o laS. and aise te refut te boneS. eofvRieeling to, a minimum, o fr an Its effeet on the chugt cupoelty la coaeornol-SCrib- BUYBBïT OIau'SI[ÂBT_ BFEEITS Two months91g we had a fire in our remises on Knt Street W. bad done the bulk of our Bpfrng>Buyusg in isaary. A W part of tii... goods had boss délivered. W. we*a resdy for Bpting Trad. -Fine Stock. New Style&.- Nobby Goods. 'Dowm cornes th rtpa eth wate, nd OurnW stock i old foraà;song. Thisithe brief history f the last twoumru Ind.l at b omt hekind <il tradoweamticipated, but it ta to b# cediad we pulled through. Ilow does ail 1his ef.ect the buyer of Suasuor Clothest you- may ait « We hadbought u tO i the early. wholesale maman. The whohéale s.aaoi is about gon.. Haviig rua off our daiauged goods w. lied t-o replace the etock. W. oo itti. anakt uend of, the.wholi" le sa an md wout when the. violesale man was ready to reduce bis. pzces at the. saght of r.ady mouey . 0g ow U oet ta i iCOUtiDC- sequnce;bigermmd botter discounts than ever. Thon the. coId weh of the. Ias&t tre. woeks has iè Codth inrgt cothes and given us iiote getià, the. nov things and get'thmssready. They are brand. new iand brighjB from -thelm; *lots of theam, de special y for es> to fil our orders. Gougbes mnst b. suited, The whol.sale man knya that, and w1. have ue uic. gooda n»ver so low. NICE COODONEVELR 80LOWeS .Our .snap ia buying lets us givea plum to summer wearers. W. gine high prices one right out fron t. h de.Big-char-ges ca't-keep in the. ring with Us. Summer Buyers, look here!1 If you want value here'sS C ~your daisy. Nýo o but cam be suited. i&ied, Caated, Voed. ad. Trowuered oih pt i ieS Our stock has th#be goods and tbe -rices mn: the otiher a. Goods ciub op. Prices drop dowu. Couse in and soe bo& far bey have dropped. You'l ho That much et the gonuahtib tat la se .haractetlqtiOet American lite ia the trecuit ot habit rather than necessity te i. .t~eaOya, by the tact that il quickiyy ielde 4 4 toe uriosity. Instances ot Chia are et- I tforded daily la the bouliet thorough- f0aru.The famuliar spectae et a mana or womas trying gritle cakes ln the front viadow ot a restaurant la orne that neyer fall8 te attra4t a Imet ot The WondSK 1 hap Mone ~ -' partOf Broadwy, at mn hour vO ~aw.Sm bParettth.eow t lerhof UtholHusht To sholda' bs~iessMel.admc et bsinhes b ~~ bavel stoppe bora te mnutse 100k taig thrlaouig btt the 'ures tht Muà 1belvettpol e nhrt rvih st oldor n'mtn o2ate thutld- ai.ey IS Moaere l a tmac ter etther v ing y r ah dof te c onr sed ChaT Oum ln S Ofd6 farouyurm ett.-*0l iae. à d *OislOmà aliaili ~.hi l rtcualyut- it is at tRie eete rdiafoatation Uf b- -***-d---* l Tarabe la ausins t avaeathag, hen trhdat there la theonrtetspiay t I w.mt*ub é lui me -.(.1MalUt a o 1 -é d -. . ....~nh. .. IWWI Mialoi. rbis &Jua soieims afledu- lie. l oe... * l a ctlaath l e te.ni rieflO taon u f-. m él~ ;s d e '. . .... s .. ror l hi n m udonds emwaoln.-Is a at e at he gAid test y a w IY o f» t .ué.n0.db iba fai 8 0* * lilonan6rater tRmad e la imi os batte. Menv tvoscor mn md p h an&a~kse i ~ o m tla is U.s ~SSW if evl. tmc omn m reo o Rss rm a tRie a éby mi a(64:is bigOMà hm-»- t- :~z .os bi otamasd e aif on-et vhtietRiaT toh a sion teplateorm Mat u L W. m*u bite . att5 or 17fa e e a ltlibecv er napt5 luemvgtf7S Ls,*hytho? OneyrEt a pkn atractel ise a trtiu ho ta in ia U kP*~bIe ~...*.,..*S~ tbt4s-tbq bSm&éâwtlU là thon alto- ..... 5. ~~~~t~~m us enftidG~re ~ teod u ofo s bwglmg 1emiem tecatch 'and ta%*5.fa Foez ne"S-sI >f his Olm déiet U1 eisOtnSt-1 a &Uof thSo 8ndyet.i«1, a t wWday ý1anc orther atanc e vl ne se Mi Mtétia am sg iacide -C lWS1 éer accould,. Saanlaaiay aoed inc diacovenuen 'etthavecu'"vastethen,- ts dieM Mtovsfth* mml u k3- M .aaaIW .iie'. ~ ~ ~ ~ wil typr t i eai ul- e a rtefl aumwiten Plle t -NoW b$MMs OWS )UadMevIdfer ace mmngGo'bosa o rIgne, u U..g~ . ..-- - 0****.. . 0S tae4 Itrarel aahast k ma viia paeentm te ______________ b U aluSl ...umigl.I ena~ U* Iambe ObO I m oW i ui n~ett iti e W m l** e* &V&MtO. ?'0 neivholooaiet Uic b speor Dogroirat entio mi..ha a etM turà e n»I m1 Dt e!eIf theodPl-a fee oa tht. eir love l Me mai t cth e hO alggmvtsIiekf<al v aw p b&.......--mSW Whehc v. lor p.yore sertlo ntain ct U~ht , sal httmong .. vs1e m as si. --.. .,.. Ie green Theemvas mas wA '; r.. really. .a. r..woelon et. *0W* i ~oerl ode o o.c ti~ retot' " mgeuMiaChatUic o *MaaebW l S lm'liM tri, 100& *WU. 11 bU. thiraocut.-4 l swallaruledteth isco mant ath, an thnpt tme Omubami Vn I mits1Uà" à"1wu 601106M we nPato.h dailata-np ntet s tati l oenstisetRe ve*lba.Umt Ittests--. 8.ietteSi vaeted.tesec f Rievas e amAn g G1odybe g..atsd*0.Il as, Ï55 ele * Au effr aga it..Satan i e hueba egpmm em ecth chese Ià tbt ota 26 1Im il 1 BUmg e ... ...... 555W S rmiite b ne it .eno-t 15 posture, va"lle y vre"tfaingmm is uiintom s.W hui w- aa ~I.*~ .a 0 poua ae lnuhrei uUe ain , amI on thel a y hegan tera gogtooo oslu.iy gMBsgggp a..u..... UW Whter l *lborfamie.Ty r ehrtalybutas.Te aidmimaorab bi he a1,g0,ni isaIoMe l Mtra S 0WS pmny ~ ~ ~ nd ba enogusliitson hog leahereinsM Ra goShéeni mmfmsw MumSuu*n .*I~l.7Uu n....... ..IW15 Lry e l>uei ailumble altior them u rggu ela lhHi mgn- a e 0blst 1*-Tnt Lia fon cgh todoengod-leg sweaT as stmandlug eupehstiaI~hmi su * vnion mm 80% , à.agogo. 0 Iutz posibrt absll ht1 od le.aongem, taUrhiig>e mb Hi olkl1Â:hmt. sMi-a um Iun -- a. n aPm bu - te a. on a 1 ~n a oprtmlyteviitmy ume ba mala o caeUi rI vlc»hd f =. i puflt aie Ms ~ W1 mnnt o iem o eople oa liveI.317 ra tWtioomfeUgogogogeoggud ton 1du ocmtrtaiy o eu bet, sd my Re asfealngt oe If - e stltea mte dg 0g1 m_ sAbefforas'exlusivue nth bouseoatiom mp et ttmnkes awl the upos teIoulai Dm --P *..9.Otto.0ate I ths ccnprepne at tRier recort in o thocatpeWhiséRmaI ere ubedis ftoJaL beed besi ia $lot$ .a MW i wiait Thy haf I nte n*7.o u@ beo mSin pmmlre ariel tae s t vip n&SS. 1140Pk*.eidetbaul al tRiea toa i et aummowhreot la n Itis adnh__________ tin umes" 0M W" Rdý & exsai, e byme fm~ imavh t i h *ylreily &otjm e h l a 'a rde i m . ai t >1 u m e t. -000 lfa vumeil oou 1ms ao. iobae.cOaShan bsam n ynm en n fpiv mwwtrtat ten bae toed frtai lact imcou as ngiot " her r eni. If joBsad»naittmçsU M- au* try tot ltd ad te piopandto, of. 15 cesS as ragngbhid hm- lslae-11 tMW about w» standing outoenebis ulackatommi- a fa etW ha rmeih oelvnio - teiz*aà b bu brous at t emihe cInvn l e leugtàjkn eCaodt lo âkadW el mmc ntl ovtel~roue eu m 1~~' Si"~O D,1 ekbsbdTol ~- 010 le est moer ose. fa.JTe ?lmon whih Upaewa8 "Pmtor te rein. Robt a iauai lt3 opulr juylabs in lt hateI et ffords de es" Lindsa sd f*orboro. RANNEYÀ UINES, un~ 515 W~ nom rl taleuà0" OSoss.isum te 12 s.M.6, M mm i o 6OP.M LINDSAY WANTED ILuInIer- Yard, Y.ug B.m ma" W ..., JOUR DIVIS soiI JoUft. *BihStuf Droafci a Umdees4 LuRir. SBinls ~ Bu .mBbb nue*te-pu te a m nt essi lCea"t a st eoi. wO~~ganfeilku Iqek~Evtng paromol thie Bubomygeon EofU« ~moia lu i wusei~i ND, o mn prepared to turrinh luit s. *0UaIdIIBd*0~ mmy irlu I0 ge orsa "à BOIS â i iuqW a"IrU, ctu lOnsâ ANSÂm-Eat endWoington I~L~ t"Laini ' tiotbis Telephone oeDimiOBtIOB. mu.t Md Lot tor 8uB mu ode.e uni.. ~-A---k. 13 Nmi amveos. bng oe nmd a RiaI jetes laaappiy te . e s O u n h lb.p lu. camw uw..,at u.q & JAieS TIZ BICYCL.ES*,j Bail alal T. IVW. , . &SeECÂlA ww v . Y.BOY» & sGi.i1ll ar b et THE RATHBUN 000 Have" jus* t rooed a aupply ofet 51 SpeclalBr&"d PaatrjFleur :48OROWN IIEWEL" li quati, elgîtà, sd slxteobh Mb. Also a houRistock ef thela oolbrated t ."Star"' Brand Pogtle.nd*Oement WA =ERLIME.@ -Aea gmw s.t Oftwo a"mi tInla == Ili p polies for a oie a ýZ

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