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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Jun 1895, p. 7

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ulit[ bombardahýýtr ouglt todbe- *u* at h einousth e,àeA lu ur dy gb Abc fidelsciti etlvand Nl he ven M r>l ail b. cnom0f eltes gg-ft bC" ortcuaUrne la ~ 0 to~ goese a nt o l -411ofevoneeU-etc en*t Uh alorde ofC 1 ed.Whitkmt f* t 'Ms ti UI'Y »imtfça oslf ai utepemof c UIim of the.d1wook St*oý *a«,w ctri waves dbahing te uet > L ti.uwoke. k tI@ >Me f t 0,çtïu OUs.011. «côeUll W I* 8 te stack, and the hatches fautred 4owii. W'1X*U-Sl» I bbbug S h g<e'Pate" 8vO tm Sf W*IJhZ WIwa &wu .n mayPrOPhe»Ytng thel mdertng Sand on iaitad -tta,àioeeold propkeils poit yottu a la&- UtWUC of the Steamer, ad &ttht imrnnt mre OQUta*U- Y:Otbeu book of theii l alaaetu. oe- the crew wlth axes as * od6en USD5. Uee oWàUD4 it Pr<ited la te at t uy« Oii.wasq aa a 4o ig t wqw Int the fhoId of, the sip adt.loy tr _lM' lu t he JOsff mUY ollor WeI àmmOol eg'untode givu p- frê tb saw off soins aI the planks and pry WalerSI t % ý Waye'v oen . »Okl Maw j g~ l. IIdos ot5gm otome of the tlmboes -'bees.umee Y, c bdr 0f Bug Ida .iralls la lffiovute bletic fml pta"y Cf v .à timber, dit! netcone roinithe. rigli 5"Il"O, h v'a !'fennysn O " oSard, e lt li under- oèj. W f0oreSt. It doea flot aeem to me a esm- Md L0ng*isw and ail:the. opular . ovv~iIa rtua iebesn aga incndable busineam for the .rew to e iebas Of Ow It ehgvil no mphli-, 1111e fsat hi litarhabit vi eli ye a ilgIt belPlng the vindas "d alrms entaMe in.f the ~lte» t 1h15 014 orù_ wat the Ble Idaaite.fle la te- p lce with theïr axes, and uaws InsdUe. Nov, Out >ootDo ou know vbmû"aarug- .4 e I ovn»& v e wsd gl uic .ov gse this Urg dt i Wod gospel ship, wiiat with the gle a book lah"iordar to <et Ilirouglhatvamiahdt Iber ad theg am gTepl rcarIng 'Of earth iand benll oun =the0Ou*centuI7 or tvo c4ure? Borne t"weWhit irWloigi îè stem and stern and mutIny on deck, la 014 boks durlng -afiae ln a seragîlo'if the mire.", Ne glidlng or Iiqulty. N s havivng a very rough voyage, but I bave CoIsttntîopie ere >thrown Ibth garlan!m on a deati's head. No poiut!- ol Iioticed that flot one Of the timbers *tret A mss vilthout any educatvn Ing awaY vith a silver Mallez at lui- te lias started, and the captain aya lie Picket! up> one ofthone boo, rt ~ qulty when t needs au frou aledge hx-aI will saecit througlî. And I have noi dand! dit! sot see the value of . A acho!- meaueyudeeadbypoiIi tha kelso su cunter tîriaier klmýe a.lkdover hM shouider and 55w Itbrdigoetcdsriioe 'n 70t are bulIt Out 0f Lebanon cedar, as was thectiret and second decades of bcleans ovhithe d ipyto iun yt l 18 90111gto veather the gale, but no LUv3P 5andhXeofered'tic man a lage lu md nItheyBiale M l'ailef lorid as ote ce-dit to lb ose who make mutiny on revard If lie would brlug the, books la lnast!te ea udte os hes der.tohils atildy, but lu the excitemerat ef bru sd îaedaythfebaad the nfs-l racs When I sec prefesmet! Vhristiaxns in heUicre thc tvo partet!, and the tiraetofthe adorthféclaresfabut v at lafun rd, thi prjlulr ay 11n9u fault vith 3Geeu eae fLv eefi wanted la not that the Bible be disîn- Teu"i bbc Scriptures -if makes me tiblu of a. ever lest. IPlinY'Wrotc 20 books ef bis- fecîed, but tht you., Uic crItlc, have w, 1 fortreas tcrrijIcafly beznbsrded, sud the tor, .Ail lest. The ment of Menander'.yurmd et vtebwt a- oac mneuton the remparts. Instead of ewab- wI'tit5 lest. Of 1»0 comediEs of ybelle ad "AI!be it ar one bing out and loadingUcgn at il-Plail4tus, ààl gn but 20. EnrIpides b o ye attI.ceCidl.myd ooracîn t Ir-g fetdli up the am Infrom the rte 100 dramas. Ail gone but 19. Ibatela man twbo ontlnmy t îlre i te euttra bb amuniîcuAEshyls vebe100draas.Ailgee boolr.,audwhe la mlcl »a to ts con- requir maine,11trmte bri ll crinborksterbut seven- Yarrowrote Uic laboilous tents, snd who là.shocked snd oubragcd p stone because they did net corne trour b1tgrsPhteO-ef 170 Romans. Not a frag,- wîprtadctltenibsnee be bhe riglit quarry. Oh, men on -te ram- meut lett. Quintiuan wrote bis favor- soundîy cdecrtdsba Th e netogv parts, better ftght back and tight dova tte boou Uic coÇrrUption of eloquence sudycvet&Telrnonft i, the commeri enemy Instead try AIl lest. 'rhirty bookg Of 'radIus ut: lte bande of presbytery or episcopucy l117 gn inake reache ln thrwalug to 1)1035Caéssina rote -80- booka. OnuIy 23 40cnet slways change a man's heart. tion. Whil T ppoe 1hieexprgaionof he eman. Bérot% hitor ai lot sud men ometimcm gel lubo the pàlîpit deal WhiI I oposet hl exprgajo~ ! lie Ui eîd~ ~as Weil as luto Uic pcv, neyer haviosSc forîpure psito. NWa, aysm eand ga i l hetme fodbeen cbauged radical>' by Uie sovercigu Uic coi for suh gAv ou iY eaOiSbcdais, acllgh hetme0 igrace ef Qed. Oct your heurt riglit, sud duoed of tle thlelogical evolut 'rults, wvie. raesnSd perhapa once Alà y 29l.Bbl iile ult ii rul l in braa hve eenatdIc b> 10 log ornte m aues ongsu pch p oeeman's natures are met brevght Ato bar- order1 brooding over themn by Darwin ad t df msd tla he Uc dusan sd opens nony vith Uie Word et Qed. Ah, rny îjgittil Spencer, "you t!on't noW reaîly beilevé b si nd t Uic book bo doemu't, vaut. mcndu, expurgations of the hëàart la equal1 8111 the f5tory of the. Garden tof Eded ut thls oit! book. muel of lb 40 cen- irbat ia vsuted. ery. ]t you T, Yes, as niuch ,as 1[ edleudo returie oit!,stands tbo-day more discu ssd TYe nnuot make mec.beileve ltatin1 irere roses In my garden lteve there than any other book, sud t -challenges tbe Seriptureg, Wlth h Iis moment lIe ..t "Ilvc tha they, n su ia sme. Uic admiration eofaan Uic good, sud theonteIiee Ucuetsdlet "u.aathy"endont reali> b-3- spiîe,.an4 bcth ee, snthe lb.aiuesity mnth en oenh p« ndbe an! ~ mon tod ti an sd the hyapererIàttcism ofe eatwand he*mN 17e . ad If1 hLd trengtiienough t1 éreate s sun 'à MIAMI ailEprZ leotet!I of thev lolaathe sto r geettmoc oecln tlemstndmlii 6 ocu e cr ou uA.pesatsaemue lt uo! hoet crlttelam oosld male vWsbla stan tlsu' aa elwnd per < uaIthe va>' that Qed vants Ilt tocorne fmnaeuctrl.beuteiA- Stad îlt.'But," îley gay>, "myu deivt te us, and_ If lb pleasca Qdoult IlbIfdmn ae n enthntleite ite on. really bebieve that île whale evallovet! aieî te jilease, tn? cint le asamie suInem ut! oJuier Joa? es, and, if I1irere Sres, Ndl ssie, dJd&sad uo enrnigh te mnake-a whaieo, I oid have ieNt oui>' have ail Uic attempts te de.. «farsPomUible excuse vi iience under Rade ver>' ea sy ingreas for the. retra.- tracet front the bok fallet!, but ail tbe sucli provocation, .*bat 0nght te lie toy rohe. eain t e10 Uo t tteniptm b a« t t1. Many attemptesithce vervheimIng sud long rcsouudlng ety p Ifphe erav n eoithy tea re made te sdd tUic apohryphal undcrs ef ceudemuation for su>' man ant. «"But," se>' they, *"Yen don't resu>' boks toe cC etmn.The coun- Who vl stand lu s Cbrlal'auu pulpit thci o ?rcf lie mynail d0f Jeuam ansd asmail Uic mare bien vrgiu purityi beInt e V tItes, v as a trndbb iaos fNipaisdcde ot f inspiration, lIe wel-beloved daugli- Antlto vn e ?" YOte, lumt £5luat iY the apochryphailico ls muet lie added ter etf Qed& ~'aer ow s ote Inact Auo vseto thé 011 Testant. "TIc>' must Epuat eBil! enmgts mlhan admixture et strychnie &ndmit xpuradths es dmobt c gte te B4 i!tu gall t auA logwood. "But," Sga> ' Uey, "yen don't hpm toeIre i4btWlgottéod'iuegaerEsn resu>' helleve tjiat Saunson aieS' a tb»u- tht>' tald ont.-Tbère la net su Intelil- Dremdcu sund ln Venice snd :n Rome. Sand w .lt thebcJavboue ofan u v ye, gent Christian man te-day blet mil and expurgate thce ld palublurge. Peu'- sud, I 1111thatte ien ma hovithis a~put the bol ef.Maccabees or Uice1book lips yen ceuld But! a foot et Michael -day assaulte lb, Bible l le AeAlug the0fJudith baernAthbbcbook of Isaiali or Anigelos. "Laat Judgment" that miglit saune wcspon. .j omne ',8he agratmanyiy , be Improved. Perlai>. you coulît Urov There la nothug thi tbc Bible thaI "We muet have bolks added la the more expression Int Raphle '. "adlon- Stagger1a. me. There are mas>' thInga INew Testament," sud there mere cPug- eu, Perhasu . cou'd put more 1 d6-flot uiidcrntaUd. 1 do ngt pretend tieaud gospels andaporaldypses wrAt- pathos labo Rubena' "«Desceut Prom the toeunderstaut!,never shall n 1h15worM sut!andsdded te Uic New Testamnent, Cross." Perlapa you coult! chaLnge the undersîan!. ÏBut that wouid lie a very brut the>' have ail failen ont. Ten cm- crests of the vavea lu Turncr'm "Slave poor GaG vIe could lie fuli>'uuderstood _ tt ntlg.Yncna utst lp"Praeynmiglt goAutb by thc human. Tiiat would bea aver>' snything. Divirle 'preteclet! bolk lu *d ignlries of sculpture sud chang-* anuali InfInite thatt cas b. measured b>' thé prest sape.- Let ne man- dare te Uie, forme sut! the posture o! thc bbc Bullie. Ton muanet texfflt to la>' biebands *0où,1 mth Uic Intention statues et PhIdisansd PraxIteles. Suc> t101IF? %welgh tic thuyndrbolte of Omnpotenc eo detractlag Item lhe bock or caetlug au Icousoclat meld ver>' açon nd4him- Bb'." In an- spothecars balasM., aarting .uta.aisfetbaes boly bpute.> c »V lb.thepealteular>'. But lb la verse e- willi the ides that Qed tan deaything P= th&tI arn eppoad tt Iis ex- vaasimwheu n sproposes to e. e-- ant! that ic vas ,prescrit eaIthbe ig- 'uiiOfthle Senptua'em beenuse A!f rgasiu thonMaboioCf laspu-101 t nin ad tatheis reent nwthee heateçbt we cesmftal t vouli le ie , a" tozumedelthe mmurl 0g a QU Ja nethlng in the bol>' Seul>trem ta ,b a" i ih il.làte ftl al7o kL arouse .sleplieiasa i eyW'héagI, ere £SloWiste wlukw mir.- Ont mth lte* Nov, *Iletus dtide, oM.Let these 1 ms etan tnr>'oform atio, Idiugp1 ok fGeuM&' lutidelt i0nOMM rspeople whe Gê mot bolie e i ble, ,i Io stnh e o i ert t aace d offp would ay,"Out Iptilthe book-0orJeu- &#d vWh-o e oetical e! tu»a"su ltaI s the ahei f e bcanbiqnax'ian. a mana n uim >o0im W*w-t 4iwve ithe pfflt1 f- t,-go leu" over te tb. othéri 1hosa th.ý latter -part of the gbrt* saine. tOtUI cOO P UÇ UIà0 W My, 7 OàtUi 8IK 1WLet th" a Iel bid the t!e'vWs p«» C tenth century, bellevng in aWho>v h e bls éit LivW«P" ePe o do s uag. hM etn e i» cm PtmseIel Bibile rm 114 telid. Dt 'i---nth- Ulm) W04 m we bvn , oi-CbmeàUmsg. be e 1 arn epposcd. tote - seargtlen or *toutWUkai au çoes WOtd5i<ul B mt"rb iruns Is t mt uio OM« mS the Scripturc a usebbciret place lecause i hle 001 1Md4N# 1 iIuit4"ty ritbrtez leS -e'Lbc hf e thc Bible ln Ils pressit ape, b n otta vot MrutOut157 tic book et 1À se m1raculousl rasvd Yfsu b1 .1t~ Oh W*i hundreed yasalrRrdU ds"u~t b, ate e »A«***,t Ai aer ter vas on! tLS~u i ek .us wate ewoiw his hs cre t ire bas uya eu o loi~seqslt'$o ohéof andy.SarsaPm, li r i tko MY SoId b a"eneror w*vwip opio, OA SODAE 4~,#Lo,6ud tàk , weeto le t, 3M meusvaic caue mnnîtub t h m « , » M Ite S i b ern a s a <Uliso,mmvAwt4ý ne danger or et ou= hese the Oda.Th. la t ba sbisdUr e sos5eting tp - seueahlâh bs Lud wbenfth LusLIl le Wa*emtood t!lat b iasn tacs thec subject up Aslai .. To hliuute u-ab s pies t i secessa.'>1 toke a. slong bar o a Md note lthe luiancy eft hu A t brodumostbrougb vlbrallos *x It le a irumatie experimeuit, lu ral berme sPled te clectrAcet>' be -ton putc vlirations as reat!il setpeole ornt tt eallb the] 1 11e lebave Nec4n Isil ye, àuimber et vibrations producetl i rAn action, a»si drair iubercatlng mrisons blerefrom .Fer exemple Young nza rntemBnlJnmilltel tiat a c'-ertain kint! et fi>' pecuhtqi ie svamps -et C earai America m bis minga about 25,000 limes tc Mcond.TYenma>' doublt the .accu- eft Iis Statemnat ln youIrow bt Iif you hupger for dtlg vti ml it dov, asnd canvince yot figures. sdduc.tI Item a sclentific >mpistien ef Uic problen.' i il -bave te de'.". saItmu, dlsenu. âle Ioplc mAth an interviewer.."1% xplicate Uic number ef vibration& rad te iigbt Up th. sun, aud île JcallAI'of my theor>' viii bave Iemoaiuîrtet!. lb la dlfcuit for mue ce you su Ides lIaI you vîil est!- map about Ibis 'question of vibra- In erdinar>'litc auir-miada Go not ritI bbc figures bat corne up An lnvetigablons. I bave cerne ta iain Ib attb. sunlight la pro- b>' flve bundred trillion vira- o! the abrnSpberé per second. Iu tua manaufacture thecrme lAnd of t ml be ruecessary let produce an aflMber of vibkrations b>' mahin- I have, sOcceedet! up lu a certain but am tili aI marI ou Uictam&r. Louis espublic. -Ravc yen ever bad yrour fortune -oh, yes, indeed.- -Br a gypa>'? -No. bi' Bradutreet The>' bave toesvery, helne-hunatlng Ceunt liteo Imvo çatooleor-naael>': wIc1m ichyphega la a nacre t. ma*ry set! -sR.oelqiAos sat! wrqdI la ouhquanî o-a. Ikýt The lfat mter aie Ain the $*,Mad'mmberne almoudvasA- to;7* e t ce wm te the Ir HOW1O8ROWILN b- Éwm&Iw î tà WoimAt ltleai»m ver>' vel te laugla st the ab-,~ Sudu Uilt taig - gOver gr*Wtntr eld, 'e but,'there amc Ver>' tew wýmeu irbo itare'Seicently pI.Los.,phicaI rtlte lia s 1111e cbagrlnedMth v 'o years ahowlug îtel pacnl I. fceor Thr wouid acem t10 le tva Ou Àlft typets ef AmOerlcan- oucu- n those vIe groW LeIt as th y groi Y- iderauit!tbpse *bo gro lis. Ibila ýY ail ver>' vell ee as>that the face loaks ù, licIter irben It la plump .bIa vm heu 1l inl btu, but ever>' pout! of &:dit:onalii r voiruupois certain!>' adda ti a -w.- el man's age, ln appearanc, aI icaît, mhile ths vounu viedees mol groir atout rarel>' change-. mudl in uappearance rfreux .thrtyfiv~e tBffty. "býesa e mauny physical reasous çthich lidoe at!ded fl, a.nd ve are toIt! that ihoi' fgure setîlesa a eue grows eider ; but At La Ibis ver>'sattIlng bliat aIll omen are suxiaus te avold. sut!there la resU>' no i ete.slty fer Il vhatever. Eteady bauting alirsys las Uic G'l- Slred remnit lu no far as the ret!ucirg eof. DlemI la concerne!, but bîcre are other Ireaulta fer from satintactor>' vhlel are: s aPt la accampan> lit sud ver>'elu e ii heailhsud. irritable n.. ives ar là e outcone eofIrylng le grow thin. The esvait!lng of starchy Icacinla a imple malter, and b>' net eatlng potatosa j sud breat! ver>' alten su satonlehing tdlfference in meigît la soon percelved. ilCertain mse.awblcb, hemever, shouki never ie, takcu except under ths ordent, of one'a pbyscian, viii sometlmues sart a disposition to e us fihala, irhit ! ki lo.wed wvilb giving. up potatosa sua brsa& wmil orl mnSvebous rernulta Indolence, oeeet Uic greabesb fators Au iuacresing ivelght, lies villAs lite power et ever>' voman te correct. Il tu se mueb Uic tamblon naw to ta eg- «'Ob. that'there la no excuse ter btu amount ef regutar exerciso wM Ibeneflt c'ven the moqt deicate. SIltlUg Auvar- IàI>' produeu fat and fat Jmal vber one doesnot ment flcsh-about bbc ste-. mach asnd lips, :Whcu oue begina toif laueme colasutbis can lie ascertaine! b>' bing we!gled ever>' meek-a. ilîle, massage viii b. lauud, s grat, bclp. The mameuge, »If abe underatauda ber business, li mson le able te tell mitere tb. Surplus fleali la, sud direct ber ener- tien, 10 lb. particular place or piaSee Of course massagel la an expeuslve, lx- - tr>', but At la net a tling thab needa to e ccouatiuued, sut! a fcm heurs viii otten work a wondrous change. -For Instace, eue heur tbree limes a wccl fer a lertn.Ight ban Icen Inevu la ne- Once thc aise cf the maitIhall anInchi. Standing ereet mAth the bauds prersoet mcei dova on bbc hip anut!then, mlth Uic banda utilI ou thec Mpm, bendmg the boed>' ervard, liselmard sud allcvayst severai Urnes, twloe a day, viii aise work off accumulate! fat about tU i lps. and etornacl, But thua exercise muat ie, éonscientiouskr persevered laL-R"-. pet'à Bakar. - l'h.. SPaida King. Tm htth 1.ring bas su Entitah nurse, sMM laes inberusuanEngllsh governem the. Qucesahersai speaks Engieh Vcry weML* Wbmn, la the atternoan,th rem tassi> go te beaedictIon, t ht 111e King viU beg to uta>' sud "pil>' vllathe musa."Tiacre la noestate ceremos>'ast! holdIngf et icbreath. -He Ita asiple, Sirabbls ad -naturel MtU.e>'o. Orne et thet am as, » Egiel Indy visiting Ml. Sebmllas tNm bbc Londeu branela et tllé AssuptimOeaCuvent, Sa"e bAsaa - 1111. O M& dog, vbieb ah. lIbeuglaI foQr him lmandIoauo, a" toid t! hlm 1 10 une It An, lS >aIh. A twudmo s f brw~I le MYs>' be e "I' 501 My 4A6M dot and b"Mban - 9 10 a MR hO gtu smmw mdo iSTYLE L *1A1 t. one Skirt Bone I Albottý pliable, elaatic bonue mades frorn quilb. It Is boît sud vieiding, ooiormning PE m.dly te 10108, 7eL giving pruper shape to Blini or Dieu.. Tb. oaly Skfrt, Bone thtt msy be wet wi hout ifluy ES y. ..r~. etebn iuI drsg wi reod oel.h h MO SUCH THI1NG-AS OLD, AGE. ré those who use- South Ainerican Nervine LXMioeyf M Tem Perwan.untly Cured by tà" WondorfUlModicine. r»Bto mWu uit0<Au* wa Uer Complaint" and Gave mms V»-Tft B.s U«t N.uvla. Gave Roet-Twolve lm joSN IWOODY, piehetu, OB16. b.WIl ~ "4AI d qm on otou Np Mse» n»e, mSra %a. u~mod»omul ido lier<8"l.K.!.et b e U n d 49 m s t l t a t g v es o u a 't t w *814,.boraUfl st r lias te dd nMt dempain . N@b ,' jm u, -me vm inte m iu.e oed t. ry N ver a. 1 " *u . *Sb * b...bIlls,-ad Ibis ws su*ie t16 eJeop br ho1hm, bari ut! Bo mt yt m: t honi obtau! relieL eh.$par- âwm& odla au tuok tvelvebttlesd suS b mouw . pillathe ii* UsUsitI bcj .11 ~ihn~ ~teslmy care!of.tabra" 019 41 à tïë «t»eystom Ihatt hbr.tonedbhW ltila wedoem le > lot.opdy moltPreIs ancf ot! esethao.gI 4 Iet, oa vll#at!ag Whly crnfeoieDUm! ep4 dgbties asd t! Anttims, e mha lb.ais 151 blidoyt.usus U The Thé War i4l

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