la ts. *avy odier XM 1mm streogtheftaiWcak mot Emacatin d Ges Baby Wax Mafli Carùdinal Tu lpagatable foodpepared, smg oflitsklna. .rhe beot foiold nd&ebeut value, put up in Onie polai Ti na, price s5 cet. per Till. &MRéoesild.1.b k an KaiRy WATSONa*00., PUMSIEWOUS ci) 390rIMRA. imgk Leus Sa à wif m'ut um ~ ~ ~ s ms rsVa UebEm tum a% aiEvto tlko e» m f tbiU5s. a1!uIibtFu ~7'b iet % ebtia e puas sur a.yos.01 ote tl"exw.,fo 5U.BBL&QI~ L~IO3NBII Tr. BEALL# UNOS1AN Film tWIITT-~ ait 0W6 ad ao.4ui on Kent' of Our»M Ofthu. goods had been ~ ~*P*SSIW~I5< gad ~ £W>~Goodi. Down corne *~ ~ètmmd uw~ w et b Irid bih tory of the laste ~ -.____ Im t ndour tm W e~d for. a- fmee-ad wepulled Hho, 1 w does alt bi t e th e buw 1>* IDA.k4.ý Y15k We adbouhtourS t t h b e rly wholesale uoe h T b. mls..esa eot 900"H&v ginw. had to replace the sT b ~W* W lut. ht *At mJe I t gn. wboingraSIêO* M de* htwholesale rnati was t~l onuSh.Pù rqdmw gt a--g t a big discount in con- L soquuce;bigger a" botter di$coïggttau ever. ,Thea thte à i wether oftRoIs tre w ek ba ooumSeued. Igtclothosad givm , us to .gM ik tbiep and get thcm ready. They a»e brand newadbih,~u~fo the100oms; J ltofembou ma& dooul'y fer -as to fii ont orders Gougbs' mt be suited. The wholesale man khmws that, and we-haVe bore uic.O goods nover so low. * MIPSCOODS ORgf90 Lowe, OUr Snap in bting lets- n i à a -P, m to inmtern wearrs.W. -v high prices one right ot from the shoulde. Big charges can' ntern wearers.withu. Summe1r, Buyerfi, look here!1 IfyO wat1vlueher 's your daisy. No orne butcai b. iuited. 03uited. Coated, Vested ai»d Trowserecl right up to theline. 3Our stock has th e goods and the- Prîel run the ohe way. Goods club UPe Prices drop dowfl. Coule luaMd uso how. far they havcý dropped. You'il be Surpris& S Th Wodetfl Oeap es.Lindaai d Pèterboro. TheA. MIDDLETOO' ISON RANNEY ItNaEs Ob ee@»oflt P«14 wbu a or pu 'N'ex.8 rgU s ai 1' bir0&l onsu flf ruts le -t.? ot75leM et cg vIE A fU tw O- au %'ketUUIoa dlà nd ami abs of the it Oertalffly uelne u4ot' u o vesaireuiOdtva gngff s tevedole a4iai te thuÉ IMt aOwt~ u5 with fty men lu ascii gang.w MrkliW t la tweouil et e vIs uel Wouet-~ and ami ht for abOut seVenty ho* C imtIUlveMG EceuU eTS vo 1 rhe vane a b .ODG uti S nortl ol W m eo sel e SIOS.It la ber second V07960 iîlmiu ulsueswnm ou 3lt MOeoflea Wtmrqes5 Iarg- la t, -aà" sootBw la nVeSma hls i. TnWS m wlt eil he theY u»ane alve. Tbe experienc aie lu a fsur-matOd steel steamer, M460 bat MchIw"eavoTgo auftl long,48 fothtiesluces in breadth favor of retaiilug lhe g0;0o0w»sMd t lu CLI U3 feet O luches déep. AUl deck t ehpdtbta te tat v- wos.vtb the captM ainsd offloer" s h ikse0 bllhfti. tumeres MldubIpeon theoupper deck, Â1RI o5lU5.-- ame of steml sd the VOMl Ilýi gbtOd_________ tiuououuwt with ai ejlcty. Ber 4,000- AJ& xet ,f51erBe. bhosse-pover riplaengins bave driven 9 eaReu o et the *LP 8go mles a d"Y for hhreo "Ys. Uel iil lsuefrm me rugisters 4,148 toDs net sd l36 aoi i'ut 1 abeta "y. etel tonu gros&. She carns officerSs d crew I HeUt I baven bt 87e.m nuaieriit O mor~~1tIOteAmer!. bb 78vlibvyve A ,eî .1x.,~ 110 TOGROW THUL. Kava là the ative drink, and iOuse- and the mannor and cereoafY of islhaftnralUonfer b...W" O rdebe pparution being amo!ng the luost ana cdont cushoms or Polynenl,Ltmo 1sIt aa eyWi oluhe h b I'tui, a short description.. Keva tsi ItleaflVcTY e oaUtSîtig ld an lndIgeofluU Ires, more or bus plenti..j surdity aofuigbiug o er gr w o tul tbrougbout the South Ses lulandS,, ab u thre eyvhloy fp mr'tobo the root o1 wich 15 employed lIbe SOuulchinY etlsthe anofb mauacueof lhe drink. VWheu yjgj.. a lttle carf0 tt~ayuea torsarepresrit mac oOOmol a Ob. ym» e howing Itueif plalilY In face-'Or tse re ipreparation. A beautiful re.There vOUli sOem ho Se two srnud lwa! d rk-colorAed wood l r-Idistinct types o! Arnerican vomen- ,- duced, tailsntertor utining wlth a bine tae b gottotautcygo IL nîo-Iec~ng audb h e older aud those Who grow thn.Itu p eamit 0MIeot. e nued b thespe-kL&g, alvery velilu osay that the face oiS 4pt bouthe Soi lencralopty 0f t1better. wben t le plump than -whefl t reisetl oihnfsdpoevn avolrdupois certalnly adds to a va- t~e maminLuthe Interlor. mnsae,=luappearance at gbewaut tuee. aunggil, it blin hethe v . nwbo doeu fot go tU tre Icoscu uugilfrotue ingwhterarely changez much Lu appearance teet, coMnUSU&ly romthe bundW from tblrty-flye tlu fity. There are of the village ult-thermolveSaro d ny physical rossons wich lduce thg levi, oach bavLng-a plece or the degahanw nto ttte kave, root. This they proe<dto break fgrefiebsdne gare toldert;abuthe Ua» t sa lcs," utngtea1la this very Scttling that a&l vomen are mb t tieir moutbs, chov tbe dry rOOt tI auxiou to avoi, asud there lu reallY 11a lt lereducod to a pulp. vblch in placai necessty for t viatever. from time to lime lu the bowli A SU11 Steady bsutlng alwayu bau the de- cinyhavlng thug Seezi »Pe<arcd sireqj resuit lu so farau the reducing 0f vaer l)poredlusud the vhole mlx- flesh la concerned, but there are other ture stred up ; luches f fiue libre resultz far tram uatiufactary wblch are are then draWu throflgh the llquid to tl capfyL.advr fe aIran on an mmmi pece ! t* ni11 ealth aud lrrLtble nerves a"e the Which may Mnain. The drink lu loW~ outcame af trying to) graw 1Jin. The jmeplste, and ls pasedaro=d In CUIS avoldins f seati7 f oOd le & simpLe or cocoanut uhmil le threebift sud prill- matter, aud by net eatlng potatoes c«Pal peple of the aseMblu 'norae . aud bread vrY O ton sa ntOisbLng of rank. difféence lu weghl 1e sou percelved. ,on My firt attempt at drinkint kaVen Certaiu saltu, whlc)i. however, should I. vas.trongiy rerninded of ne9& nver be taken except under the orderu but this unpieàaaft ides voe o«f mte? foeu hsca, iis1 tie tr a Ure., A refusai to drink, or even Dat a dispositon to loe flesir, vhLch. if fol- - l drain thre cup, lu, coniuderd a grave lowed wlth StMng up pota.toesansd lnpoflteuem .Tbe solution af the kava; bred, Wini vor marvellous resulti root leauce-intoxLcatlflg, but, taken lu Indolence, oue of the greatet factrs exces», producos a loge of power lu the lu inceang eighl, lien wlthiu the Lover limbe. &Many a! the European poo icoywmuh orc.i resideuts drink t regulariY, but, eofflu e mch yc auban tn orra e c- oouru, t le thon preparcd Lu a different are lutat tixero la ua excuse for bclng manner.-The Westminster Review. ta.lbl.mpuhi frsme1mu _____________ - ta valk a <est demI, but a certain ----------- _____auount of'regular exercLue vill beneflt 0.1le msudmai lectrolYsib. eveu the mont delicate. Sittlng Invar- Goli leat oi any thickness down ta iably praduces fat. and fat Just where one tour-milliofth O! su inch 1 la ow anc does nu ant ateh-about the uto- beLt made.Sy electrolysis, sud, accord- mach aud bups. Wben onc beglus ta tgboIventonet sncb rates' as loge flssh-aud thia cau le ascertaluci tlrecto etunu the gold-beater't by belng vcighed every week-a littie art. massage vill be found a gfret ici».' Thc masucugo, -if uhe understaudsbher theii.w inluAU *mugs. busiwn, WvIlmmos e able ta tel vhere Whena no thig l lnteducd the csurplus flesh te, snd direct ber cuor- rien lu the particular place or place. commerce sud ordlnary use, & flOW 0f coure. Massage lan expenivc lux-, Word bau ta le fouud for t, or sai od, r but t lu not a tblng that eeds -one borrovcd. The remourcet af mot to le continued, aud a fev burugi modern larnguages are equal 10 bthe often vork s vondreus change. For demail, tbougb 9M»Oue0f the very cou- intsue, anc hour tirree times a weelk nesrvatlve languages, vhLch are Jealouu for a fortnlght, bas Sen knowu te ro- ut o! nnovatIon,, ave a bard lime Il u ce thcese of thc valet balf su Inch. meeting lt Standing eret with Uic bauds presed Uttil recenbly thc Word bicycle wasvel down on Uic hiPesuad Iben, vljt not conlzid lu sny EUglish dctiouary. Uic baudses*Un ou the btps, bendin thlb andi whether t vwas rlghtly Prououucd b o y Arjd, backw-..dianid 41 YB "bi-âsIcI' or 'bî-»gh-kib O neeCOUli evergl limes, twicc a dar, viSIi s1 le sre.Thtwor lenovvaleut~b-vonork CUacemulated fat aboutt hie ips LIS1w SMt torMb the7le 1x10 ansd st»omac. But ltis8exerOSIOnmuet be graphers. W permvry* e-àý làa eyre"buuflanu e .word for 35sa. * b. sa» hiug hms&abard lime la Se -______ a" a "bl@ycele-t,-4e ai Word being -à&. OMuOeuIy pilplai lthe Macine vbicàgwu - - v ela uefey bicy1cle. m Vie- lim 1&- » « lahum l -f.1 ClviT. Umgiaoerm. <PaLrieSON. Motett» th POQiMMIVL174&1y palsale agi bftesla us~ft ~sats. Mdl olohw 1 1ýý . 11 1: NDSAY WANTED LlfbrYard. Yo.gin o. amd Wtun en 1348ot Bill Stduue ,mmskoe flLTAD ftBUSINEsS UtrSOLub.Shnel UflMD UCOLLEGE Had£oiWod mleime Keit C.ustaatli la mtier. of B.ley1f, MII. voare prepared to turnlah bout x8 yen undr tii presat ~ faàilYlour sud Feed lu large or smml cipals W . B. r eOeJ n t olSnt .~ . q a iies-deliered anywhre, ln town. JonM F CA. Q DIE i Yàn-EaUt euWellingtoU ^M' . * . eut brkie. Telephone communicationl. 180K £ J170 8ON. 'o-- am. ýn-4m& .13h m mm M d Lot s fe r a sa1. le om. 11 t mul e w.i. 0» oa Md abafhoI iituiimlie . oderu lm ovbmets. »mi ope to t b.e ouen ou b.promisse !daêap JalTUsE IL-44fi BICYCLES PEIUrUEE.E.MBLFr, CZESC T W e.& S. 851}IiJ.1nev an& W.odhfl o. ii eyOrywberc, "Getou? pric"-a d ..xo mofcy . ne eg. ~CutaIoguefre<> I THE RATHBUN Cou mn ejiSnuefl easupply o01th*l 440ROWN: JEWEL" Taater *lhlb, asd iteentibu A.ebuh sdm* of ther CeobuuI jus. Star" Brand 4Por1ei4 Cernent DRIN TELS.U » ~Mb»O-oM pepeiedto quoe .Uele1w h.8; Kimvo e coqB Tu gla. lu&18O.ue Id* te kas u m iiibai Pmet w Ié 1WAtla .me..î se hem fer hW 1a ieoddu -im.- h àblauni .. ......... .. *.entai. Pm limmu <dioliieaâssliIusl.w4.îbla- i~~~~~~~~ 2.g 4o sifrju » , 1 . ~ lotes s 51bes imadb o o att mk dfy <I.i i .. ebm h .... . e ise ,bmbnmueS Se Ima n Sa*te0*d à"eaibsuMe :10 Wb mewu210-00c6 laey u.Xy bm weWMlufIlu, 0---- --SitaS i .ý* .. .. "680fmb lune myhg ain i baumo 5 au... hu elesuvd monU ftwu. lut*»- Ou UYwe. .. ........ ..... . .- ..... uWIor tam.b aau Ds.. tea fm 0tue Lmin t I -m.b »w :: ,,ea-u amas iff *f u lmos aWk à lb»-poe née*-. mly but late S ut bu Isf lm I1*hm pR 0. fo--ueu v u at te mie. halaib l atou. saW ' "te-&- i tu0 ta miaBui aI mt v Omri, ot e aP ubuMq *i* I mahoy 00 am~pi oi hm --"i . . &- MW se st a On iut bou tw balGm ekg e peuh.mi ar on eu*k d a ~Ut 7 C tuéep if.. vol,*- e èam1 t m m mhi s . i'u E ,LS wu MIMÉ m« *» pou%,tape Il" hist e.een £os tï50 *08 Wb' iN-__gn.....--** et WS oI aml~~Syo~ I~$la ~ ~ *Ba lai VOS ~**~* 8on shh Abuu.,& lm l iont. ma.......* aO i~~ ~~ loiiUu~ s at