Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Jul 1895, p. 8

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11% Red Spu M lle bout Congh C» ft 1w OM Sld .eeywherOm$*25~ S1 Don't, Forg.t 4'qat when !ou iLUY ScOtts Emuil, $ion >you are not getting a secret mixture 'containing worthless or karmful drugs. ~ sc .Scott's Ernulsioxi <a-utreesc ve- for an aiîalysiîs reveclI ail there is in it. Consequently theendorse- me.nt of the, medical worid meaas overcomes WVastiivg, prornotes the making of -Solid Flesh, and gives P~tI Srenl.It bas noequal as iL cure for Coùghsi Cclds, Sore ThToat Bronchitis, Wak Lungs, Co.-surmpflOf, Syfula Anmis, Emaocitio nd nC Waatinz Diseases 0À CiIdtUL. sott Boume, BoIlemIU. A u gi'sC. bU. S sammer Qeottff o £MSet. à. 1., omua -ftat* ue. tgoem Rs, Iiwm uriseWom =idbobom ab uM WAIIOtIMN ffq et àAmt MMMUI Wwk T m-mau lbu Famfor BM" A~~~U .odfi taImm cm bo b bol pW u be IM tm m th otwbobail «o* «soo Oune. rSv frtm . « adrqm= vnnuo 5~~0 11,180. -.lI L~EN opta sear ~r.s. La MÂBBL~ rn Lài CE] T, BEALIL NC ~'O T INW POWDE TIECOOCS BESTFI -hé - h t «Slo ela I» bO.amsu d t On IL Uént1 t 15UIdng> W put ei-lulea la at lte corner. etflte tes, Mdai he vimieve on loti t" Ai Nfe station"d himiolaI ose ofthlie Windows and conmeneed .te ebave. Thte Mil e ves slmglmgouted ma ylmif about the bousesandtrough' te opea vindows, 3oytul, noe doubl, et lte bd- vent of spring.t, le elbois voeeuer lu lices buildig. mete. Iltvaa lux- m'y le have-a ald cmuisrreundlng, andiWouviten .Turpin itad fllsied lic Icoec- leeker lbmm ever. Mter vomi- lmg ho preparci te demn bie Sunday-ga- to-mutlug cloltes. Aller arranglnt bis -neoktie te gAve lb.- lest effeat ite vent t lte conter t"be andl began plaklng up bis momey but vas met a 11111e sur- prlnd ltehmtda- a$10 -bi mimehui. Ne titougbt t liat lte-.-lnd mightt bave biova il on Uicfoor, and hoboumga b.elng lthreforlit. Mte' a long lime sontal n valu, b. Save up lte.seaiht tere. He thon vent eut Ato lb. Yard, and bogon buallng amongtlite loversaed igraue for it, thiaklmg ltaI t mlgbt bave been blevix titroug thlie open i we, but be bad té go le litfI ee minus a $10 note. D)ay befere yesterday lte evere wind stormu 1ev a robiWnmet out et a troc ear the tient porct. ]gr. Turpin pick- ecti pienut up, anal vas about téeutea ft avaY wbea iho noticcedwvitlappeared té le a plcce et paper et pecullar celer. Ue emnRned ilanid touad it -te le cor- rency etfsnoe donomtmatien. but Il vai mot untho le td caretobly forn lb. et sptart litaIho dlacvered, Ilte lehoa $10 ULi Il vas apparemtly lh. one ho bai lout a couple ef veeks mg0, a bird hav- f mg flowa mb toeieem and enatlboa p. lte money. Thte bAl vas la prelly bad conu njdile hoai qrodeemea Ilt lte îàM éiuencofetgooi Geveimment bas ab"MW beffib been definc as "lte greatest bap- W&la tbbZr ba* béecadehinealas "lte grealeat bap-' tes m *te , plnesme forlte greatest mumber,"'"ani itlal surely lime te rellorate lte quca-, % me lion vtelter -somelblng cannot le é bu bo Mdouc te make bÉte lema unendurable for 9, Pbopams.te,. Ise vite vork viit titeir beas aid are- aompelled te lve la geaI cilles. We beud'.ve e are correct lni uaying ltaI luneoforetg" lovnanmd lu fev Bri- llith tovmes nmch Ilicous given tommny- r cn toe cer a living by mmuylng his elov-creatures as ln ondoa. Froun anearly bolr Ithie mornlug lte air la ai ttlek viit the rancos yoUs et bys ad e ew, > &"e-crd m ere. blt-penny nova abesl. Later lanlte - day ltetemmt le aggravated by plane organe, so-calleal-bandeanmd tro-sng- M 9 ors, vitile at a&ate bouro eiteught t I Ibust t. b-la quit. cemmon te lbe dlsturbeal by ýùoOnb hordes or ruffians viitt voices lîke feg- e)Oý ima borna, roarlng ont.-magnary and bigit- reuuotemt. ly-spiced delmils ot a murder viîcit bas oaSiS ever hiappened, or nmre even more un- sent Thc police, Il. appeas, are powerleas. News vendors cannol le lterfered viit If tey imove on--amE! tboy do move on- AMrom fmi a circea. Organs, va faner, can ni*WAaonly le imeved trom Rn front ef the compltantm doorand as a plone-organ la pcrteotly audible 200 yards, away liA remedy .as useleua.' Tiere le onlyý one remody, mnd tlita uto cmelay- -one vite visites ta mnake a noise In lte s treet for lte parpoze et getling meney le, pay a iteavy license for te privilege of tnsedoing. Ne one veulal object te lte sale et papers If Il voiweemot accoun- imniai 1byitowis wortby etfmn elgit - eentit century madbouso.Raes and taxes rift.wtthlb.utmosl 'regularity evcry ycmr, and Il lu net toc muai tot lask. tbat Conntblng ubeould be donc to ebviate a nusance -wvilci gels yearly M SE 8. The m!lugng of citurcit bae, vbkh, except lt..tst. PtPaal', are lways eut oftlune, sbould on ne account be ai- lowed ln London, èxcept for five min- utes or no betoro service., Everyone )SAy who go ithuroit kiovs perfetliy I~ aY. vii at 'abat beur te go, and those wbo do aGI go, probmbly do net vant to knov l Ite age et faith theb.rlnghmg et belle drove avay devis, but lte lat- t er day Demi vit egsl*s«'Palpai" mnd grAnds orgama la preof againet titeïr power, and te ring belle la but le ad oemore uaneegsary noise le telarge number of nocesary one viiaitai- - ready exlal. W6 ha-ve poinlealon severa occasions ltat Itere le ne lIegal rigitt - - rimg or 1011 a bell except before mpr- ~~ ag «ami oveig . ryer, or on lte - sesiem of a fumerali, anMdltaI the ring- y5~g Ing et-a ben pievioual to lte celebra-J to of lte ioly communion, vblcb often nov oceure, n lte arRy hbur= et lte mornlag, 18avitolly Iflegal and un- I I I I I S e m egbeetie. of Greck cois. va t Bolbeby la"t w8ok. Ime ALi- m he ma adeofflm «MIseslnubis amiom tlis 0"Amasf.or lb. le et buatl UV apeame&its.I Naya boo mii Iba dwu theUi 94 ip ýpkat-lmai W 4eAmi- 0»Mé On u 9 £7 wer Vucut WI.a Oh~ a*Moosor iquer. a n ottea tel nabphed m abadoctor lm fetobei telte pabloot Tits b »Wlbg pbhyiuioflaàs aserti -:..A mimaCe s pwSutir belvuos U, amW 0 ycao sa, crepeuw uM fi he reots Roe lentoix are prèverbaIy mot Adonbl-le vearmîwa a &&et eooèn tivuor and on bis bond a d1ovmS lIoapý- mark ite limscsp 1 Wbca oallod la lte patient ho prmoMerc. ad an itous attervard lte Kal rv1sasmeunda ever. lTe prou etlite ucurePD As thug demrbed : The "doalor» vas la lbe habit ot cxtractlng ami drlnklag the Vemomofethlie msms hlc behocg»> lurci. ItI ltexlte hlm. He veule tem sleep off lte oeds. HMcap vam nover of bis huai. ,The.poison lRn bu systemi vould vae-k Ilelt Into lbhe cas vitenever ho exetol imeif and le came bcaled--l te amne vay as pors- pArtion ezimic and moite lte l.Imterm baud of the. blllycoek et civilisation. Thte cap vas satureki te sucit an ex. lent by lte venomi ltaI vtemever a malte bit hlm Il bad mt lte bleseffect. Re lmblbcd lte poison titrice a week Onecamp lasliedhlm a year, someilmes longer, mter vtiok It vas ca.reully buug up lanhie but and aober buad- plece, witi eho emaufturedimielt donne«dlnlitse tmda. Witeaho wihe te cure auyone 1111cm by a seke, m a be dld w ete lake a cup et b.lling valer. and mter >cuttlag a pbece trom lte cap, malt Il la the bibItne water. rub and squeeea Ilt t Mevalerva dlmcOboed la proportion, and tm iangve lte llquld decocclion le lthe patient 10 drink, torelng AI leva hle hbroat. The cure vas hnvariumr effective. Suait ln lte stery, but wvither our ara vn WIi belleve It le qulte anotite question. The àamienamt.lr telle cf a friend vhe cured i Itimsoby garliaularly An- trepi means. oRe s: «I bave heard et a feflov vitewuvM e Itn latlb. lot amn by a very peluonous emSie la Na- ta, mnaic a mimba, witUe euteShot- lmng ar Plygrmartaburg. Reva quite almenemol ýa bous ithia lv'> milieu cfhlm. vitere:be ceuld obtain medical.treatmoml, or amy assistace vitatever. He keW ltat be bad but*a short w'hllle lve. unleme e ceuld do- Visme mo mone et riimg iimmef o lte poluoa. Whm.l do you suppose ho did ? Witithie Imites ho backeal and àlmmbed lte voua i mmliIl bled treely; ho mcxl rubbed us. guapovier lute lte afflcled place ad set a ligitI 10 Il. eé lâtezally blev lte poluonea flesi out of bie emi 1 Il mavealhie Mt. but lte boue of the arn laemepoeed and blache. ed by the gunpovder le litAs day. 1 tauCY limaI ellev MMethave bai -a diPop f SparIsablooi labMs vlas." yu. 1e ]Bevwte MAUI wivos. Tm@ué* Lmeseason vben ene wito lAves among tlb. levers longs te senal nomie of lte frail tieaure. lo fricim h iteare coepea lnla aty voila. But uomis e ty ane propoly paiol fer mailng, te fiuai resull le apt to e l y a cenglomi- eration et val pastebori, collen, slame, leaveâ, and wvit bave once been bkoaomq, a&U arushei RnIs au IaAuin- guimbable mass over vhlbite letter- caremaya, bard tthge, mmad lte ro- ceiver lea nllaed 10 veep. 0 A -ln box te boit fer packlng if you hàve Il, bul a patboard box vIl do very veli If Itlale rong and net toe deep. Thte more sbmlov ItleA la propor- lien le Ils lengltm&d breaibti, lte limi. er It viii e. LUme l wit vaxeal paper suait asconteotiom unue. If the vaxeal paper lenet aI iband, cemimon mianIlla paper voîl rubbod en one ie AIt boîter makes a goed subslltute. lay te butlercedaie l n, mcxlt tcevers. and prolel t eM îy a layer of grasa or louves. If lte bullereaidse vero pot mcxl tote box, Il vould grease ltse pasteboard and boflen Il. Coluteevers n ite mrnmnng, before thc ua hasnvillea tem, but mter thc dcv bas drled oMf The commen mie. lake miade la mailln Deers le te bave tem vet. Their ove jolce vi» pro. serve tem dorîg a lou<journey if lt.e air la exludedbot voler souks Ibreugit and ruina th.evitole package. Thte somrertev are put ln te box mter cuttlng lhb bter. Put te arger andl stronger eues atlte bollomi and ereuni lte aides, savlng lte middle for thc fragIle rose or viletal. Pack tem as tigbIly asr possile. Yoeu.ncarcely gel titcm tee closeï for tcy viiuitsake devna aler a U11110,and lte jolling te- getter bruols tem. M11upaml corners and empty spaces viti dry colten or meus. Net a drop of qsaler, remember. a&yý a siteet ofthIe vaxoal or bultered paper ever lte top, lie but dom't mcl t, direct It leglbly, mmd t will rachIt is destination vtit ilsfragrant contents as arztmuIf Luit gatiered-Every. The AUMiO*I lWi*., Thte mon utetr«Us ting theicAmerlOSm vornen, -,y fer, arc ltse marrical once trom n ai-twonty letoorty; aler ltaI mg0 tty ame aplte obacornesud- denly gSyMan a aum r heu faccu dry up anal grov sharp andl aolorlas; yen zseopy ever ses anyoncaPProacit- leg lte onmUtble, happy EngiAsi Mtff oft folu t l fty4ve. ihasg tl"ey de&.l,*btei, gbiiei about tbe Mleii vite " 'O'n youmg tehave 'a tuai ef eejeylkuil b.L Whateve lte roamo%1o, th i lbo e tor a di- 98Mrwbisiby 1Ç1k l U" «MaMd'. i B f r. I I I I I B B I k Ï4-»mo» a etI uMy li dbLng budDU& hMbsmeis u5mpJy oskiv. to get a ff OU lAS inS To ALwAYa siriary, AousTOMER6. SO BTTE 14W WMALL THE PROFIT* h fris inetbod n#k.spermanent'patemo n d ow $Moadis Irgi» ade up Of onstornere h ha'. ern cM111g back'to our store- Yest aSteryu.Wh w v tluoge1. resders of this paperb it loui store. Vha Goods ill do the. talkwg beferth"nanything we oa.n say, -hea" We'is Vi*ug. people of DBwiMmd valuce J Rats at Ibis sesin ci the yea1ý although P blme tr eiin t0 oe ml 1cm tliasrm hec~l. eua, atdealers may have W. wmmu e 'dr e maing tac, = a <ýceab lUSand, f.25. 110 huistie do and get their fancy o 'mpmbeýno e'oe e kigoal- n @41 rWiCI& If wS bid-te seil Ht lnwe epi~U. w">'i Lghwelhtes "LtaU8.pU&L& mlght bave to hustie, tbut w e éât good te the gMt nS 1UUbS"4Dsdth LgtelhTIdMjtaAMJ have to. Ilsî as easy as looking down a way oustoiwe oirowd th.e storeevery day I4h Ï'1gh Seltof te.~$.0tawelL The Rat maker uaualv loade up the shows thal lb. publW a sabuudantly satIi rglrRtdeese od pupfgrs fiei wllh gCooitblapbong cheap and BlmeCancolcmus. 8M - wh]Zth. fj jh bas i»ovarble ches U" beig Wite andVent%, fhm UMisé teloti lie slinmthie .lve general retail inmt ommis SilkCla eothi er amd bide him take them aI his own Whtcouabo kIn fswvas mg maithcomar aMi Ve-tella i sld ou#*&. tbultae> there, That's on. cf the Wat;of l lkproalnolwtecen- 11M I& pe wyovegt In our beat work. GOUGH fort t kmolmg yu mim. a od ~ Sporin Trumezsp0O WOO.BECS. have helpsi several seibtmm as' W. mndéompaelàabout evceythlmg ltaIe mm alrr u fab lt i lacceunts for lia toewcfl daY wtly thiie btrlend .of 'a a ~u hig hyby the, pelal poie festival- we have been y~ewuil Ithé ea Sluiod. . Iroes-eal ' rn holing lu Mats the past *fewweeka. Per- vaue irlz besanePOIC!.~ sor e lii>y olg tSUI b ~obwio-ieewe're mtl."edr" inithe hat havé bengWadually roduoi iproportion have f &"a ~1me- but w'ere the SELLESani that ue facililies vore enlurgie& u. aIw .3umglvis sstr i;tiesmtiou g 'can traw ND. 25é., worth 40c. --by you, and oel as low as w, caci. Dol NtaWool fle *1.50Gents:'orth $1. 5c. laresmand cents-cemte and iollars-witha Outlng Shirte 40c. Cme ieAoeaSrwRt btvue4Ma d t"ItritsFie de pairesrU.I i maro81.6m0.*l 1yoee la ~bte .yard IMMrno Sache ozmg .oulei~ e' SrwHlellg t, wide J W" l"adIarwrmsotyfo si Sanir Ui. 8 le ot i. or 260. T' H la every sye,1oi 5e. to 75c. PanadColoursi Mualaoý, c.MO hildrW Men are Mapt W feelthe summer hemlstrlpei Timdcrwemr, lac. cah. TwedRt M.ir mon mow th"bma tb ite =esn. mel ybàltte 8hIM »C6.38. »£c. I sýïff*1,_ mcc. iluucomufrtable clotwlng nov, mnandiCuflO>. 5.,u.apaiL. j MCa'. yHâa auaises 500., 75e.S , uobdy mmt W orethan le meces- A gol Ibaf drIale.baieW E>Jmd$8K umul ltlaInscoe vl. webcdýy le odorStte^ "Ut.shades, qualitiesn thedayffyti ahcl L ardys ha~ntse l mach Wpesse elyfsh f1' aise% foZas dBys s$8 s 0. hu.Bemte otnowl. ,mIntsblgsif ySour b a Eo. *Thwte e>uht9 prve our interest in member tlw'.lave the oomfory I et Wit. Tour w'blar .2 We bave a cer lete assert mcl. Véry ma bargalsme re for IV mot mucit of a b te W.llmwnyowrtae __heMWonM ;p Men.Luyd Ptbo Ou c I»VammaW "am IMsIr. ou,. uls , etllims aMW . I - se.,s fat*a .Wb.Mun ...........S001111 ni camsS mvlm c. VUp.5I .. -.... . ..... int01eS 191m mu* fusr w Dnb'Suv. ouees ch~e m at ibMa bu". 0syes EEEai 4 Mt* a lad us 1 e:..S ýpibM v meho p.. ..... .........- ff butmy se Smiumé onmal'- --6-09---*a*a@ l %UV 0 -------- -- 0CO I bodyéi é buiiitaI su -.--- ilimi bs, ou ee srbm1 Stte Tau mAue .'bns..-.-------.Ub . te l EaiavM 1 Ouimhmme D . . . ............. . ..... OMM "Hs e hgldl. mmm e B*_~-......------ ails ,SbimIU i ymts 84 W". gose sefs Set UCmm ma&...à..... .........oelb.. set ai te * ** esee vh S c ii ia s aleb l ui ~ Os te Ivule theiaet a m & v ~maW »V smev e hM Ite pS qu" t1mes leu ua foi,.........,.. e ec W^ t, elton Woi . ... te 0O11 lo m ss em s S , ..... iE te Sui eite e SesCU W L ...... en s ete y 5 a ~ O te S 'Yoe ésuliauecmntlmrg0 k 1 C te fibs -~~~~l tilé-.4* E eau" mi"* 4 et la,~, RANNEY, tIN NES, T.MWLO-&OI But", lmeumOi Aigo" Znuiae uffl maftOeffnlo fonat.Lue if*tti«G un W~aioset.,0k. £b5not, u1r D" ?hhW~itu le~h,0.1.Sttua awmim LINDSAY Im hw ,Yard BRIDOCK A ALU/ W ~IUNDTDivis & soif B 1L OOD (joinutrèu ai wl .l itoisAi ised Undresea Lumbeir. Shingles, "ths, MtHa SoftWood. Bavlng purobeesi lb. Bobcmyeon RoUd :RSmIII, vsre prepmred te turnimh bdi B I T R ~- tmil Fler mi Fei h lage or imm mas miAOUstfrel rd. Telophoe.cemmunoalol BUROeSýTIU'TIJ .th rlbiU f. m the. oIum fr em a mnm BICYCLES-% m oplq "mee SAYS Kouoe and Lot for Sale. ihe umm oealrfor msb " brick bos, INa .8.1b siu vuèt. boing o»ne mda Wa iWMl fib amffrlubea vitit ai&U oru lm roveaglEL lite m o» mtf.-qualrtm aname.. CE, 05111 lam applyteto w nu on ibo prunli. JAMSATIIJSO luduay JUIv Uri& m&6-tt BBICYCLE rSM pecond hand. e s- leverwh n~ eor prcairsgave r.eY i ' T. . »~> SUi~63 NtreDame SUIE L hI. 0Y 0,16,3M0"tïTRE-AL. THE RAT HBUN 001 Rave juet uoevoda supply oftb! 8pe"elBrM at m >y Feu SIOROWN 5EWEI. la qure, lhi, m lteen* bb ACsàea&Mo or ko k ei clbratg "Star" Brand Portl and Oemelt WA.TERLIME10 Ah.. oomnmot Mde ami is D DRAIN TILE. &M .mueprepmaed leqUo# fsepoissafer abeve, et ci fnma &King 8 Ut Le iýl 1. 1

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