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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Jul 1895, p. 7

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-Au 10orm.-a~ hearm~o~i~ »tme lmoai tlis son ofo heSS uoIr Ghot ito wM. mhe lu ouh >M mafri te lm pAye,,placeb~ behaif, bt 100 urpIl.ê cAu ti e frti l8 vorlde *t oii$l fortu wrM10cone D yu J0 hn* h*om lunubook »a& W**ii m *1 dod. ctoby Wardor. Commltted that ni? AUl Mmas re a i ý èràbètm "wYl' XtbMIff WMUMonaau$Mz against the HoIy Cihost, b.u yirt nt etouin« " OMWI3 I aI Um i è s .tati t a*M w£ speakso f on.epeclly. It l ver tem t16un&< mm aL d at tWU han cs se iat 1»have-__o clear to .miy êwn mnd haU the. lmd a leaty ~~eaes fgtu e~ vy - egainst the Holy Cihostwvu the &et batth OUli ceo ga ome omm SabbatIla'm the .- at A**AW<ý lag -of the works of the spirt to 0t&W V O V ht G1e0lac g.ptheeof yuvlthoatyer ge*uds ,Io a vq akmmtas volt îa agenc 0fane eil latimecinl.aa the, nudd ItW hIOII hOIiaP -tb« I ilgkt bae dos1* t lu4dqty hlsh *ê the sW~umbOtes tabe ies.y Ineedevh. iet thea otylIS7ur g7eat future la t10 wa; that aa Ms muensml wm". Ro* la It vlth T$ib »Ut *cver bift a boX f elUtne Ue& that. TatherBiblrd.Istl at tell lmiute,. lustead of boing 4fWr somdN., y«u 1If Yen iks certainn u=ber'ot wgb a Wtt »1at 0f ýold ater and ot lsght. Ien thl, ore4if a ah v long, te mode up citee.bubelu et vboit î»4matt.r tIbsi. arn o a ow >u o~______ sih ie o-hm.-o taohrws«yenu, e vbat dignty ad Importace a4eert&Wnuber of twoit cf 1.4 gkmapu i tp l 5W The Bafn utiMyIla o uaIsed from the -dead, and n omeon Ii ls 01.lteo I u oa Dta harvost lu iroçpW!lou la lb« MI %Ws .ttabd thelb.gelatlae ln a Domi~ standing there uhould say : '*Thls man n t olngwtr n UT1Pini b sot him sight by satanle power. The follein W ',lat s ilto bIs ft- Sf0t eW, ave sil» r,a ud s riWouma t bed.l: a WIUWt ofs cur mii 4e jý oyXadnd Oye o.r Holy Spirit dld not do this.. otsebub tredifs lm net somsl1 hng t bb. frit- OU ftu ave hreft . msp fflg. od U&Ue. WUi18 , plat ciu-t a, a je& Th gà%SuorO.@! mcomaplished ît." or, "ThIs niti.d aay s amebg e . mIrI- d t t-alrtq gvio 2sow mded g &ti an tand O0n- -S'WYpUIP 5* . 0- lh o. adl atsO uie!0,dg from the dead waa.raised. by uatanic t t evegim aIt boss wth on? Y. aple~ tir unU Clii Bld telbI Ped eoffia.t. lss me où demOtie 'ateful thi04, Inflenc," he aitwhouai tht doPth aaries . foiternlty. (04, yungelmtqifor the future,. but port op- etIr laIe a nold mDÛ stadakt asI aatsom ui dow G under the 'ourse ef the ~mm, the suts cf terday. the l"- eto1-.pOtuntiea'ares g»0.& la tbe »lopro- 'edn. Sro ihvimlOep._______ mai bad commttod thefatl s in agaiast mu ,vi ec oe 00 er-'0on onf future yar.althose pautl e arunIO the lb. 7.5m uOw*maUfl laAuinles the Ho!>' Chost.aye, over tue grat ad unendtiig ter- moments iiMmrei, but the Arh rëb umy « ýTe apanse.have rnany sUoe quai- Ib ,Is day1 omît, th t ut.. bl tu aIty. Ton iaay, after awhiie, uay: 111 age!', truilipet that vakea the Us arnl<wih pii'Mdesgea r ni tome great 010.1 r thl da tocomittha sn. thnkam very soT?>'. Now 1 bave got tb be' viii-not val. Up, for 70« Of ttmtigmo tacs. SPOMj c0ce. NMp ctu, ther are poliea& aPPmu*..y ft vas possible osly ln aX>out*l1c tim*s. 3 or 40yers ofage, and 1do vlsh p'rivfege& a. t ty - .*Oe rem adtl el, are ,Ory genite aidvery balve But Il la a very terrible ting sever te 1 -adnover comiéitted those gins.",tUnau uold hi. blrthrightand IheM e ba tosp ôt pwian edThé> are ati to'ee xoSedlgly seat, oa> anything Lgaînat the Moly Ghst.Whatdoeza.that arnoutt 10? God n>' la mt vealth eaougbluthe we-. vataalspomtlu0fro eeft sud 'Mto e b.bmntiIft U I l and il Is a marked tact that Our upriuomtn mi ieetins 'u ossWhbaeabli-S la gatu.two stbo-onl atmI of d «" 1 île Uk t*51 DetofproPrIety, a dOO<mtIVo ba bssmaveou~ykeI ac- re n e~~ve Ul. Y« nVer oa. WSuosIbtm t aaob t~t e tthe . mo plla, SIt blgh, dec- m" of - the0f *bSClu Ac itB Lut' that protanity. Ton hear a man swear14cerisadgv. b>'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I th aeo h tra e d Ta is mrnettflforo!irr2vocable If,7<>U &1* -80:1%9 tàget amY advaibtag o mi ft t. lp hrie a qre and c 110tubci t1W at*«09 by the ane of thJesrist, b an matakes 1 put &U ppectlin-gleci. We e ut _o ibis Sa11bbatb day, iy«u viibave o mui 5 te h Uaip the . naine of Jeaus Christ, but bout> the M'~~__ ~4~t*O&U Of Our eblldros 100 10 get It betors the h1c O- -vbeo iUeetanapa bymis ot nt &,»dýil yen neyer heard a mansweuar W byteestm anm cftheHoy Gost ~lat e. Bythe tino Ils>' gt toe 110 or %rounid -oe lb. dock tla iltoeght. IWtlSbUwo ba t lan emtlSt oa u l thoso here to-day wno tsar thY af, 5 abasmpl ot i*mks m ty flU5IbMevymgsa E shoqp 'emo. -eflget - ig*o- 'i-ii uéhnniet? Ton~ ~e bif te lt~ héparenit vho fl,' 1Miea hawvI Su mreles, but -ta Ba o f a bright r7.4 adbôlê se- b ave 0bservedip cel>' have dsobru4 orIt, i b IaiIc oar t the atrut Un ie tu-oui .tsrmity to, oisr. 1k. you positivel>' that yc'ti have sot cin- aso~o Ttmestatog f.eult Pol utOwrd fSw tl mitted sfe, to make au etef' gelM-rth tt»voiare the wutert mai toek haîtua mItdthat sin, because'th, ver>' anx bi- iet uea eeull.re-I iImert 4 thor-gb thsrearIoy.tle 1É s okbst~poisl h vri fco ll loiy la a reoult of the moverneut of thte sfor Christ, neyer nmaI1. The mybrkdvn i rbavl',abw.l. d ddtwo tabkÊp o!uls -0, pity that vs ares ot moremlouay graios uirtandyor uxit> ~child, viii irobabl7 go »n vlth mii th.e oe. nover drelpa the brak--àani nover u>uung wa-er 'sur upoil islved& ip eoeeOus: that ourobildro* arm sUt de- proof positive, au certaInly a. anything i dalateiWthm#tbv o ome1 u.I ou btvlea etr u! o.aicir> h lapee it tha ca bedemfisratl l maRie javoided by yternal faithfublneua. Nothe1r fem theb clp mrmy 10Pam" o » tUid l lu p otf ad*e e. Dtp mach eblidrou; that v. tbov paerullta mhatios, that ynhastd Inmt en Ye BeeWlsat a mistaks that father or u1W tsi vo ar reject Ilt. Md ret at~terchr1 ytu tiýe glatine snd preu -thein ibm utteet- a"c Ire, pesan bMEsma thaies mntha:T Y have oueklge.! ohr ue opasof elaelieavuetaeil b.cpsaeu eIbs b. sos of -the MOU wbere -oemsgm pool on lth ec)ru et ontpublic thelMut! hiabem p aio.Iadhorenco 10. ChristHRsm l9 amas toast novr givs us but ont oltbe. y Osuld si. ltey mari- hora- cv~nf.0 oreI ui117' Mn a1R ears0fffs uys e ye, "htRi audiencmaereoande tiai vaw gmjâ* ilustamers, 'a wreath or mad* . e a e so t mbrs à»lethe lapas-. that there la- avatios -for- ail lu otmut Cstia,"ai ojila I uai'MlU noplaàe for ropenasUce, tal oeur tbmbottmma 4e se of tRie mus la miir patilarebuat, ' Mr 111e when the>'. put out ylh11005 life- heartt 10Qd aldalla la lbe place Ot thougik ves eel l1t carefuil>' vib tsa»r&rs." the elsoerW ytb riol cbar-PutImlsbl 0~ie5iB mr bat fonilb Loh r n faor d>' ( Ville. on etf he on eemore clan ofminseIaIumt. rüsp, M etabd On W t *hardeD. Sea oMru vith au hi wdefotat 8759" du Havre. l'he>' Isew ther s net 1un o iubt it. UÈe pffb orneand ho- Tput lu tt. acategr et et irvoable. *hm rusai- to. awvetake careflt .W]<f7 e i ueIOatu rooni for al theo paMnenwl, but tic>' ma0"s: HHre ai tg-yoIofaet esI have 0s110 and that Illu et O»pOrtudtt»s « tro t Ibmon#h: ppison a giat IbaM **5sem mueis 11ai b vers going te dý Mg voilas 110v oSut.' a y ert tilte <avieur. NovwIUStuimoaS Tour bWiseaspariuier la a mmtIi Wiotl. ]But to-day we- ma thee ilfeboat Of theu tte <ly ablie aho 1 lraltr.L - - -- 4 .n- *4b%"i.tga- mOimsa are t sean- as gospel, ana ee 7ry out lveê theov04se la fMritelm "Ibelîevo la chrisrt1" aivr si05att&l er 01a a- huipé iw mai-be. "BPoom fer alr' Oh, that the Lord VVh«eaeyoobir tuL10Wmnal aot ho vhé i mar, "TOUa mImd poar bues raiesba*a ewr ntit oe s'id as onne uttt m alng vel lus- m JeassChrist vouli, tbis hbmw, hing 70 ln, is' uvOrieoma., ad iou. a>'brether, and l'ilmInI mime." But lbershê i, las4 g;àweplwe mr-pr,* hmtont oértià-e-t ok m&U ont of the f001 ofe mn and, piant at pourSMth er 91«t.0s".- pr Mctin.In hebmùe M ]INsot itrtdiM uil oil -- yen on the decclcf tht glortIou lam- I -p £215011 i-otago? e *0eil; h- 1005- m1tno5 lýUt l o3kiil ingýr= týOM da plt «ua mu*<atat.amVeu iif Mt mpres- - ibote laéthm elIp eVr, but ,atalLil,4 M for mimpathi- a l -m New le rup on (1S1 e il h <nattmoe, cf as-rejieme- B3ut vhile T have ssai TI do set lSu <- u~~a ie th, u aI, 0 «Ior e '5 Ug qêl,<~~ a 1 amant.*~~I E ~ - Il te posuible fer n te cosMbIt tIieJiawî 0w.ts.w iUt MU..TRi5of t. linational~ licular is spoleet ofain te * *41 r -ai- ce e u e ayou planit Ok corn, am Wé% au jbave b>' reason of the SoM toti-os ey mwev ee 1.M b*t". I -MWmontraMorbet -~t pleInl m C& oei yewattention 10 tthe tact th,*+ma »vIn m of t à": N mg 1-respect I there are sina *hicb. tixovah tle*rëo lepao'4ed, are lu smre repol u-O- .oaýr Al o th slab»O&T hl m aO5 4*&c , 11*5 .uw ~ tlifb.d5K5 LI vooshIe, and yon ma tsi o ace.er .iBfl bet lar 40 PM" tU vi *."l roeltscthough yeun mes I lcarié-vbil o @PeakOa" ùlau- vlth teamr 18uM.da tdtet P Ibmq iw*o riehi glven liai. T <In sa ln IM«It h aMfî jasant IMotoni>' temporailaiutlu-Upal w<B blesuing. One day Emun tSo& tht.bl> dm& jetp rm rlgbt and traded Il for »aàmtbàg t téi0&se oi.bromtla" ï, *5ê oto )h aeveo fou! But lt es nelmotmg U IM w hoba sd httai h 05tf1 th~ae fl 0?,wll gosvr pn-h.frMeloIl laa. *ua1#as .,. ', , - larve imittagdoélm0*7ail Mwê6' ,~_1 ouilesmaieshOnli <"ehotam« O tum Sbt cote anl eust authutà » fomiImmlnMme"5 ile fttre tho sie -- *e cs oc- ad IL t.À tW*t svama~If v-"tp ri< vI for J:e*L£Pt 'allot - îO'» e 10 f vmb hggu giTS ' aefn " I O M1~paer iithe a ict- inteigent readers. "lmare BUYERS. hOTU El - - ~ ' 12 -----I noms mette mira m implu me à* n.om eoestres' *0 pffau oof f.oa; vhaw hod né»unffl ao b ab 1 et oné e 6 the iu"mta. et.. lu. 10 ru.su~ me-. mimmel i-anti. iêm~da

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