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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 19 Jul 1895, p. 8

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to U bel if rSUb w*ht Ic z-I À. ebOdYO gie6y. zo su-mer mo Bobo i eat. ,ý:à rgllo .Msw -. getes, il haeSte #à Io* boxU- »lass osais. la.*6 Oum=511 isuilSte, 'e, I*. ils oimme on lai«ciUb.Ieumblar leUr, t 0»tét Mdxi Wte àbM otOSu. *afUM"I M oh m ehutl tsm mliibmes me I~ &RSL&GU i8iOEN881 .S3EAL.L. *4 loB TWENTV4~VI TIAI DUNWB -5 R. aumm eswho 80d" heyoflt tslyou you a b~athy w! t aud= peveit serious unesi pers=n have been sain e Pound a day ja cunce 'aaofSon but it 18 blo1utelyt wiIdo the1 we, auto- mGoffS-a1, -1K-wM6 ibnasa d j judged. me or Iss,11' ppaao.It nlshIngi Iff yen bo,' ai Jl a s& Nat Hguoliet*a Tulek. oItVams sol uit a trIck tessii Strav hog uosl - forbh lréatUed ,water and aterflhid MMlut laebIsdot ea. 8, wb. - Mo*hbo .tam t.8 ome gweek:q oisa uDMLSou*th 04,whlc ta Ma& moire rw*&Mb,'t»- tact tbat h camS @vr egbt gU uo te t8 bomle ef hie Parents, at so. m zuetarecoote4 Trmtb-Bar, thst Mhie Mm~ath etroot.hh u fl e ill e s'f tepplli' voUld bho fany,-1!a ie copu,' t tet hlm atherChallOl Nulor. it? _t_ E3ut litti. hé rocks of nu» or fUme. ___ and Kf ho eont thiaki of gobg Oa lovnl hg lofl neotbàomM it. -Hnelje metas red- OMDMl ciWOMWeA:cOMNPuihete Iookinc as «rnal,'COmm lu the lob mb0lme't'duMW be rssIng -tete hungry cor tit,. so oven elud@d 'WM»'t' hobg aa,'tui of t tl the attenimrtI e aiiurse andilk klaffl k". ouf tbo biteo ottes ln Wh"dliho la «a @ u MIt bet l ermo. uvthol. until hlm coverlnt bU o e l T0 b.wm% mU tfectBe your laivil- tied at hisejIuk bande. foot and valut »uD,'aithe sb'lme 09 Obles.e b,' narrov lptgk ribbôfll. Re lua aper- rées .hoult uilov yrdrummaaht footlt 11 rsturo, evos. If ho doe sot te guffOn ,Foet mot orvus, exospt veigli but Ive anmd one-halt peundA, vlhh the vor lgitent and meut.pliable und ho IMausSa c=llflhIiffcturO as ho maioril. laseons baidlua he Incubator vlth Tou shouldWlt veut tanshaous vltha is oye. closed, sud bis f1sts doubled. uilhor "Y 'drs,' Lova. lu;L mI a is corne ever,' hour, sud Tolu sheuldWt voar, highstock col- thon lie lu gI;v*on oe ounce of uourlsh- las vlth boys, whioh mahe you lookt meut 'anfl or whlciho eretalus on hbisuasthough Four hoal vers tled on--the,' stolmacl and umstaly enjoye. :Whs- arepaus". ovor. ho lu fol hie Pulse béat sud tomc- You sheuldn't vear a flora collar, If * pW*turO- anetabou sud the. resmit o u o mp OlxiZon lisaded or lacllaed the oboorvatioli msrkod open s mont to yellowSOS55 Filatricateo ohart, whlch may' afford an Tou shouldn't have your gowu mess- Interstn . tud,fo h lod aeIf ho Ursmor than even yads arund the. Silves te. the years of dlscretion. . hem; ftve and a a Ul! f f ou are m l I.The' houe lu vhlch 1výee Charles Uv four and a hiai! If yen are sensible and :la a quser-looking. afailr, and, su usini- I51111L r Ilalsi perses ocoming luto that part of Tou sbouldn't carry a Ilover, lace or the hbospital vhoro tho incubator stands hiffou41rimmd, parasol ln towu, ex- m ~Igh hOeXO~~ er ltkg Il-for cept -for cariffl .une. * mre InI cfora&ue* tangled te,' linre- Tou' shouIdll't ear s .11k or latia & ducfl te amuse the children.i. Io l bodice witi SahUne coat or shirt. 01 u11111Al.-o! nLlI:kl, copper sud tin, I~d tou' houlds't vear s11k or velvêt for p. proit, muoli roseulbls th machines on travelling; vashable materlals or bil- the eti'eot cornera vere 0ne b'iffs roast- lHantise areothe boat. -,e poanuts. The llttl bed on Whlch Toui uhouudl't woar bloomers wltb- Ahe baby lies lu pisced almot lu the Out a Ishirt, unless rot' viie look middl.et the Incubator, snd lu bsaan- vulgar. - .4 os uoee. A thermometêl lu place4 You ahot'ldWlt voar a cloth cap lu, the buldes the cld 80 that the tempera- smmer, elther for cyCling, golf or turé ot the air usM ay hukovu at an,' tenvia. It oliOctthe duat, and la ver37 tâme vithout. lifting the glas covor. * v&fl. Straw or înck lu more up-to- An oves degresetfvarmth lu Preserved. date and comtortable. U- b,' vatet héaetolb,'gas, ln the. bettom Tom .bould't lamoe, aissues ko- eft ho laimgs tn box vklcb forma hie gethel. "ansparote .ieinoubator. Freah air&b ysee»diit bla u thoOmsif yeM coises lu conat1,' frorn a pipe de Mt' 10hwant te. ap hulio. e aius 1b l KendB &bout tare fot above the .etOiYpOt ona bod,'of tii.se»winvention. and lu àter- tbbin Ilfor the mnuTmon siieli&'hbotj > illa bod dOi-Woegk~u ai 1 unays,'fol a shave. uniela 7«,'oU 0 Au tho verts trensh air comas lu at ome 00thé out" Wltiiyour svofl- endsI o!-the comparhluelt viretechili . _ - - . lies16 the Impure air Pasees ont at the cther aide, so that there lu a healthy * elosphore. for the littIe feflow to Mi a . T lu l the fourth babywvich the le phyicisis aIt ii.hosptt5ihave tried.__e # to suive by . means of the inhator. Tvee 11 d bed shortly Mter the,' vers placed 1 qeove-Papâa, Charles must haveo nho % tomela, but as tho,'woro hopulescases M.w. 1am sureof Mt *behn the experimeuit wass Irio, that ser parent-Se am L Othervim » 30i UOiUt waa Bot unexpected. Tii. thlrd memuilnot vit to mari,'. bu Mr lived for. s meuth. inits artifiolal case, and au oqual loagth cf time atervard àv ul---fhs. Ilha h- la the -bospitul, but vhen it vas 15h05 là M~4 Xî bomne It stchoed sud lied. improve- AurIel&lq mo -- be i balm ilePoevlà munts have been made lu lie Incuba la of Nylenl W êêtrs viii e »Uail cdiffl M lor mince thalt Ume.,00 that hie preomeu = .W t sufil m iolok P.u JAs.'lm le incunlbenl t phe -onl, one 'wich hans]H. LU1us a f air phunce. The docters sund nurse ff..l eel ~ o u are ver,' hopefUl. sud belleve nov that 1 au"l u ~ f tbhe'onuo r vil wmtiive.-New York vuuSvhomls flbu151 MM Neakesna a eue. e m t d.ua i ss Tuer. wuansuexcting moshe, hut jhIu ill usle l aI iesialndMous,' at.«& caga e eh u91 l I wÊi o, ntainina a doses cf the Brasla hmUeznU-TIh "1U riu-tMfflodvarlet,'wvastabouup où t»ho frhOF, Ï14*s 1kg,~ bah bot. <»ee ft hem pickod tot g u u..N l . loo t" .cage vit-vil, presumie. g'a*i&*4 1 a hairiu, sud her ailto ok te th oe i ~ af e~ 0 troos. Tie,' huna b,'tholr tans te the eas 1 hiahoat limb& *ualohsitterod at the u.o keepors, wvie got aSU the nots and trapi o - onsthe lsand sua"oeavYeelt escp. N MI~I ture tbfl-s 0se lttIeMemhuma from a bouai ksh~lM Omthle valet, uSl vheu a heopor bsu m a ellbi UP tge adi hlm e 11mb broke "MJI a" bo etf il tlato lie '»ter. The Nlah.iw heetoet aveu amblie, but the. moshe,'__ " 1 sw « rried a vi,' b , te tie. . »A usa1 la a. rovboateanlh hlm as lie vasw uinLOtfa or lie tbW tUrea "*ben lhe kepers jirel Bernas ubl - b" e etrelbut Ibis diâ »tdso t eIMa té auige * < ugItv.OiRe came dovaMami ýý m ctInt lae li os ~oce.. The lion Outd at bun, but the momko,' L AZ *W«osi,' te fWbla a 'ft trom &W- thban SA'ything I»1 fbhocoll l te live general retail *ibhr and bUla hhs tahothem at bis eva ,ihe-bmt tube lieu,- Tbsts oue- o1the we Molas ou et work. GOUGHI 'UKO« ave uApd severalsuci bat mn beu-sout et a bois, sud Il cconuts for the epel i etIUval yve bave been holdng la Etie ePuntev veeka Per- bugle e n ot lb.e"leaders" [in the shat tuaI; bu ve e e E anR d thati Geuls' JFine StrsW HaLË Mc, orth 40c. G'émtFlue American Straw Bats 5WC., GesW Fine Âubm*iàuStrav Bats 75c.,' Men&s 8*05Rasehluigbmtw it, vide sud namrrms, Mr- te 81.0 »ffl, Esteil ever,' style, from 1-5c. te 7ke. Childron!s Sailors 10., 2b>c. Mssa 's Turats, 1ts. Mai'aOrley'ata almues c,75r, $1. shdequalitilesansd a r,9 ady, as lew as 70c., Thoasenegb to prove our luterest in L vur volfsreJ-We hbave s complets agsuor mmntmué pdicsam low enough tcapture your tnaIe LinusysudPoe&botoo M o. eorneus .e, S.... .-.. ee- - Cu S n e us ia p.li pu ". 480. 2* .O mbu --prbg.------------- Otlé . i .. .......... . .. ..... O~ I a. - *.boa. <s~~~~~- 40.a.**..* e a a.. .OSt ff ete £110 ~p.tei..- .... . -- fe I a. ab*t,**~~...,fl la Çe ............ . W '"g»e oui RAI$NEY (t INNE8, -vey-~ - g OmS. ?Um.ha~~iM ~ t. ~ DatteS Uiu 58* -u.s.a SI'O1FOIR BAT, 3IMM BOYD1800., CANCER - CURE!)!-. leu ugw%% Oalà. GrCam" T. A. EIDDLETOI' ~ SON. Llh, Dire smO MoMent Iusurane Aussi Dirw IM« aqo OuaisMtuel Lue AIumNLoo et ~ t p t 210 pM, a ed hrdDi MMi ci i Ém u t 12 S,... Md&M t-di P LIN DSAY LumerYard ummwDf i~vis &wsu JaM OU& BllStuZ ,Drssued U dros0" Lmber. SbmglOI. matit, la=t otWood. .Having purdhasd the Bobcayqoon RoiS ý elu> vsarme propuod te to uumh . mrnilr Fleur snd Food la largo or mml quatiltius, dolIvmed sayvhe lu tOwm. Streti brId<o. Tél.phoMe communie&"jl mou"Mdana Lt fer Sle. 2»s 1.4 dbuate e. ibe M ins iLdmahdU Oeam teu, les xr8 fts1=ah.on » uaCI.1 = oUlvitb stable suë eu.buldiZ* alaoaoi vil dre;ar. caczb cIi hap for m'r.u1 arte. pers àpu pt$y o b ibmOuer on OS usheu~ "IL. D. 0. ULITE. osm MdLot ite lae. Mos mbm*oelt iufer »M it tbrick hum, M 111 M MuiOhu vM. biob su d a bal0«Wh lme sagi t lb. c s utIse1 aO ITHE RATHBN G ol luv" just i rId a sUpply orfhil opeululBrU" Pssry Flour I In quarÈe, elhtib, and>uioth *bbL Aluoa rhstio*of eï or o.br5t "rd.u sBrand ePortland Oemnell oo.ascowmsmlIof tivo sudthrWne [Audy &King f8W. The WoiadoefuIh«esMn* coi

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