Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Jul 1895, p. 1

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o' udida~ Osa. M& bdouicarFa» IN B TWEDS KnickerbockerS to Suit Leughsfur e Einbroidetlet Remunts la Prlg i p,ery-Rom nant in 1h. house hs b6en meas- red and tickefflsa aprice whiah mskes a bargain àoEIL, F'D THESMIE AS RE»MN ! For instance, w. have a. gumber e nsl Lc utliso hc we have . nly from "I -to 3 pairs, the"se-W6 ofer at remuant pucýe. Od~d liuClotbiug; odd aizes in DMen'. Fants; odds a"d end$ i1, Men',s and Boys* Hata; in fact odd .ue ofanthiugintebueg at remuant prîceg.. fyou are open. for bargains w. have methiztg in the lot to interet 7Y«,- WMIER ce. The Great Bankr"upi Bt)ok Men, 76 eand 7 eàtý-st., Llndisay. anLd WoodviIG __ "&La iFay$ttel iartes,. of. t usTii mi dTilé<E tiCreme de la ECftue Cgre. - 4n~ ypuau> Té..... 1, uw. Nd forwdmU isw iTIl eaubm T ou simi ui¶ahsihu RoyalL aM1OU ô 1 tu a" (iwig o" »- N, "SondOR&OigarOêttO5.lb W- Mode 11h b hast oe~ I OrEAxT FREDUCTION IN BIOOLESe f tet. lud-: S........... .00 îo.oe ......... 90.00 1wfo5.r moi Lads f,. 0. 50.001S......... .4.00 30o8. Kemi obussa",Inn. tsub.es M7 ww P u0 laep ~b* iss.1e~e by tvmty Pmr' uZPRtMu somm.Nay I*Mm jibe *0fa ibm u.ltia IAm EXPERT "£Y£ 8PEotALI8IT"- I main. 1dh Mr o0» spdht. The MMa i"aof, ethle adai.dm 1h,%."-th ff e uiem * hOu mu gpateedy ad. I@ BIlum.iHlmuim Du lq 1 lm 1»àmJOi.,a.whmfi m ob 87 Km . lm%, baiTai s&Oi IWREN TIUIES anKARD k s ub 411v s aisma.Wmu tlà-Te, quaad buMMWkvsiv vaWh8- hi-foot via Smi vsbau e 6 hi bmfasim un M ym viMabtsmmmLb à m Und Nms Nwsh*Lt leI uiaý - ww U Ulmal;; tqi &1 imé r ïms- b, Qe'fitra' elateom vdtww 0 1 'Vmmola Itilsuà ab"" Ope lsd - -r nu Vmom Mu IS Eh Idé. s moue ý ý- 1%a a~ao1 JIshl asa ie -=p, UY by MdWbamai lie8 P&aIs*d=4v MM I mi. oa l'au «* aiuue k u euuumIn puBaln U su b d aia lu» i. Tir' apu oN !la if "l a bite sea b.1fdc go me touuh o.n 015 ~ i k aels ala busaisi. l uit ol Iutsu ilélMaUM a'lm tesibit Nadau -et*0bMma @* fs3, s L w màaeWm Ti edsttyeuy a . B ta l Md te ue,5 m vsatdde lu a Oosq le brvm9kupi ow uMemSSiudskh no. gsquêUUld *8fuul ilé .6vu1bl Ih~ uS.1Q. uuss la is plut = k I I ai -m, l , I m Ahle OmidAua No 4tdày, Ob" rd Ope 7 *Op. 1 km I osesn Bailli ai ;Iw a but MM 17o 'ami- 'muta. Eoboey~ Bobcays Debsmyg Moevey Sasan. Lu&vn Mubamu iSIL Las hboaym aube do nom& ?#&Omm Ila DMO" IAI-4 ,EaMeax"i angme Ad l t The bost Orgo Uarkt-tho ptevi0 o s tocaln I~end ofBi As this aie means a. i Goods arrive. -weý purpo uxteit that as.do l Remuants ofDRS Ladies'-Wlrappers and1 yard ends. Remuants bhaler FI b ui dsmomalm la "h bonor for »C.Ibas onmTUMSlIF Mr. Emu ~5SltbOIhOO.vas cardainlafrcst of a a aslm bn.Bo vas brova 4,00 eut Sf hvagis mai r«e tvs jormo liai aiws bws!la a hW 'boot. oulI ldy of Altos Pis- 01 lie lv. 8i.l "sali ta» , iss suluil l Tooal, o.ud1mai Tb ur »uiruei avordict cf su l.w l la hadephla. AM i ls waVloso J fui et ?~ tu m tv Ip...4 - OtaIl. S I mmml - #hmooll -W, h Ball V M al'a reimw s k ouJohnit bis.. ~ thé mmTsits virte ava eaboinhSviay e7so& MW bâteuMaoidip. mmmluog ISiamoamb te" ebois,. ikm. - -et *M, b- abmt»g0000iF ut th a busasbond Oau1ai~s ~W", Ob" - ureu a vdslfor sse t»'« - liwbaahm X..T s apeh .mw sa mua! Olk hé d dr c tb Tm*r. «ao Pm efconreUp ébrouei Ommerou lIm m *9 $ ~sMd" a...o 0.10-.- Othee "amhbrouet a 481 iuaivsof «. uma.hmmLidésy « u mierd d» s*fer w ouba M a *515ma e(Mg a ab au Tuon- Md 7 b"' -asa. .affa tei00 Ms" dyè ILF lt h l dule tw u iz M & .Àai Eh. A .,.L lstaodibr*nu vilap lm "m cithu MM4ut. 4O l Wdindd" Mmb d pualMpbtd lu smu.o &go 1ht e it b. osaeM d tlmI hé te#.T 1 i vhlai ,1 ra11a.f r «%d 441 41't l.. boum1 Lin» aBordir Umm, asoosd oiD IL- Xwmt i * ktde t té bzoo Um lmivua-patuful coïdumiluat ve isasosalsi lih 'bsUn. w7I*. Wu Sfs utmgatadt ocm e«&gat é lsbesakiog oR 441 wê té d i m m e tak ba ve e s o ui l e a l og . b u e uh . lt u nepuod r m a e l ut- 441 M& bldo W t hé lb e ài i *0 t - v1, ol ha rss.bd, Mmd M". IMA@a' 484c uriýwk r. OSI«. ea:uuiu theaglb. 111. Abla tegei&ug du M. sd l*9 tve 1W. ts "Raaeil s ou MMpouaîbly bu ezpeotsd. usumio. ue i. U«Ohum Md lie T»atmpvteuinlar*4 t4 s ati on&lu *7 aeue le «&. ambami . K N. e The em i- mMommfiau tibs pdinqMAm P~72 .Ld si. e"baudi th hl'lm elie 0" th.esasproobjtorvx chn;ob ffl 114691g cOMO L,6 wiaL. -29héul St SvuI md flium5d tg tepitos audinkaddiicl th. chop> of Unr. IL 943 ** pm l go. Vil @UIf tieDbaqWl ubeau ssr.palmusia a tmtltax aisth loàt tWitol vbamB inbauhm jIiY.ÎzatOd t. ntas ksl 607 Isg lMýbo hl*odlm*e l wuEv MM désise ~oR d le1r. Ourbett 0& Fnac.. Mt SU k MIS. t u d sbe815 ui Un bu h. blktvlasa romi.d u t " à w J a É- U W-a m T h m_ m l al nM o s e » gha sb e t t hei s U c  r i h u Cu@f III, kth tllsàg th.& hsu- poun à eil ryprétty boasvbtoh 4* dh. "S hev d b.d II *51vu ès nous te.#@vi. e uN. Lmmb'. uwud iu th le Vd m àS uhBNm4"vu SU a ib. umer s. r ua13 Mt mi éma a" é.peis Pb.ema t.ecSd fuot lu.Jv8rsY ai veel, but the smvtoy awu âmtmmkà ibé vu M" sSai hUmrpI*mshi vieshb.reurned onu Wgdneadai hoort ie trous be uv.tegWitb a bluabiuog bride. uhoornus au>vemalsu.bieau ithé e the péter fhou îte sna vit ýThe vouait couple boue au 0= uahabdre Io u, 51W. thé g«ccd mal..of a large mumbor of falenda.6 10 ais Oas .0 ug Ww eranIai OUSO bhm" owma tatie igvicg mwmy of ioule part of ma ai hm. bai.. m m dhruovered bu td I5 te aibmld«. rxowWo aMill wusRot rMonte« 100 ., » bav e h taé lup. 3Be u10181W .*015., te for souge elgîtslut week but tu UoW inrull' j 98*j 1s lis t ou di. namembmotbletman eau t" " W tabe m woca . la ," U Vt. ]Fi edGrueenlhd dthém foutune t a 1h.bl . 7 laà"vifs nustk 1h.dow. j..î cm. of his lvrers ltai ak sd noir k 471 'W b*à *0 l is u.r oam »kW»i. 0mW apuuefil aboci«l mol dis a au d. - 471 6w y I. tegct kW" h.*mne ;.o z fby il. way vu@ 1% owlug te p gIal dyau.-0la." reýPIMs. Wuhmtbl.é.nts Ia certatin m onybledam mai oâ.tmg epsa lis on. lb.athé oinvslg Mmd tbàl a comple "60 a e" M: s181 Vii- jusJgkâig :etbmdbnabb lsera as deupil aup.la vue lie -twveiles sle is e àrxm0.si mpore ooaabtlog 09lire. sMd lés. ob 90 adUh.e t lis IsuS. Ni. &A. lr..l, Ua De Lurey. lr.m sd - 2 bée98 m*h a- Bt 1rF. RaolMmmld. Nia m cDlarrnd. lira l8 it Elhl U h Lmqgai M Jflui N. RDe Larey Mmd lKr. se Wd.4 litbUs OUIIWU 10f.J, UoL.u«hllvaut ni)thlb imuon Tau>s -iNSOilsidi.dae in lit . T Rb"ms'a 04TMiby".' - Muas Marinlavhltine h., à«Mu m 0ra . CIA ammlitaMn lb. 4useb'u Gan..ta Tonal ....H.lmuB clark m Md ~ aube .2péita.... a Austun lu t ou Enia ~ gr~ y1& ....Pw t qi ?auw fera brt ioi tebu frlmd Nia va~~ f ~s, <bme, wu usQoma'. Vmlelsit Kimmout. ENsatm -. 4ews NF401.. Il s U s ok I Th é,c n d e t s e v n£810 eB weaiO fliii ~ Ilh *5ba, S ~SbU.eaiDr@@" sCa Tuadaetmihe q. of 108 peau 10W M owo .mVg lchs.ovhmg lare bodias cf troupe ta- a tIR ~ s via Ma ai ri& l b u i h l o i u "WBl*0froulieiof RNc.uobm t M m d consa. i Deil Is~ lqe, utaiMs mlibe. v.OsI The O-mailaiPeaifie uthoritlcabau FsnbMim daimuéi luu w "bht. «appboat»trohu a "itoba farmoeafer 2. 00e o' ta. WhI buS b. an. RMe U» RmtaeBromk of thl I>roirallvay com. 'i&Us as4 la ihus ts imoude»sapur . formar4y of Luon, es aaged lie t2»o bila imoNs.su~ thlka hbuidb5 - ma SuaWe. k à h u e - ui - a* M Q nN'f n K rw. ( li eM wui asprumtd cm Tuas w" toue a.,s w. .wu ol me.s 1v il*0ffam ut Patar. «Mfw I Veoeétubve Atullmisdm pon lusapwpolit _M.sm à.amèral ssver of tle Ontaulu RBM.NÂNTS- frort iri yards f.r Boys' Remnants in Laces and Isou, vomi kSp Y ail I ,uiU S ua1.~ à 1w'ifl I t i ~a 'j '1~ 6"@& dm 1 uc,

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