MV. seing Mtthw otu', bomeatrS pai on'lthU anyeqepual tepuitg àre stnUy piend wreterefois tr Pailooguand Heung."Il l ifa. herw eu.tbearoa1 kntos.anyhee dia l ew*dis nOt rMpeeneordi heh d s*e. '1 hap. .ad er the diuthiubi"£* fosrotnsg, siors, bu tait»W la u wsouldtave cu.brougbto l *b. iapo tiere If the hor bs t -W 0", norecdord.ofpuletohrsuceaee o! caenc e or csa o sye, OV IL htow fose nomajge our tht& f tiïSiw have bhe eu.t by th ouf- by gs*e ater. Iutbtey ers good ry in- Paul, sent to them Mu hlgk UWh.<%U.i regards. -They voue rdI*Si'Ipb*iS Ineving. ln ordinary aphere, to ordinary duty and, meeting 41E*1r responalbilitles. What the vont vwants a & ftlgIOb for ordinary people.- If -thera 1* lu the untted States 6i,Foi.,0W peopie,there sué eertainly flot more tbhin 1,00,M et-. traordinary, -andt tien there are 64ffle 000 ordinary, and ve (do Weil to turn - our backs foi- a littie while upoii the distingui3hed and conaptouous people o1 the Bible and consider In our text the seven ordinary. -W. s'wend too muoh of our trne ln tWiti4 S«garl*de for remarkables and bui!dinr throfles for magnâtes and scuipturint WaIrloWb. and a.otheosiziflg phllanthroeptBt. The uank and fil of the Lord'8 uoidrY n»4t especial help. The vaut majority o! people te vhoua this sermon cornes vill, nevei' lest au aSrmy,- will ney er write %~ state consti- tutiont, vill eleetrify a eate, w1lI neyer make, an 'importaut Invention.- wili neyer ln troduce a. nov P btlosoph1y. viii nover deride the fate of a nation. Tou do flot expeet to. Tou do not vant te. Tou will not bek Muscs t, t h a nation out-of bondage. Tou wlFI not be a Joshua to proiong. the_ dayight until Fou can shut fîVe 3cn«s in à cavera. Itou viilot be & t. john toi unroll an Xpocalypse. Tou vhi l not be a Paul te preside ' overan Âpostolio College. Tou wiil ot -be a Mary > to .mother a Christ. Tou vili more probabr ho AsyncritUt or Phiegon or Hermas or ýpatrobas.or Hérmes or PhijologuU or Mafly of you are Wome ai thehft launched the faxliy for Sabbath ob- servance. Tour decided the ai>. parel, and your jtudgmcnt vus final on ail questions of personal attire. Ever morniflg you pla" for thf, GgY. The culnary departmcnt cf your househoit lu in your dom inion. Tou deeldeailU questions o! diet. AIlthe waiiit&irY reg- ulations o! your house are uader your supervisiori. To regulate the food, ana the apparel; and, the haýblit, and Geolde the thousand queaUtiOf a Itm' ite la a tax upon brxin and neuve and gen, eral health absolutely aplIg If the"e be no divine alleviatioli. It does not help yÔU Mii<b to hOb told that Elizabeth, Fry di wOdufui thInga am'd the crimnr ofs et iwgae. It does flot help you muuh ta be .ý that Mrs. Judson WU verY brave hUO" thec Bor nesian; cannibals. It does mai belp you much 1to be toit that 7l'oeuO NlgbtIngale vasM very kind .totet wouaded i the Crimea. t .*Ould bO better for me te, tefl YM t1bt the 4' vine trient 0f -Mary sud Marta ,te F our frieni, and that Hoes@ au"te amoyancesa SDI diawOIt*saU Mf abrasions and exasPert.irSof .an or- <mnazy housekeeper from *oVD 1111 ulgbt, and f rom the iluet 4Sy of the _ysar te the last day «t the Yéar, sud ait, y1ýO&M cllhe ln rady with b* 0.6" 80- Wh arabo t Amu '00" t w«i cn belpeda mess ou, but the sMMu bwaon bat que Co * diflrupfaaes W»"n t"ie- tbey ugh litha allt welghts au4 are c<iplel elock hbu -i the t lu v te b. peint on a citarý mathinery espacif>'%tg bave thous tiet of ait grsee for c vh are ha and ali e lu bues but s-rce i srace to au s<eeps out notef.tiP 82,5w0cf C: ,dure fie iq splen trou the Ibse ot leakage o% poor nopf. taa*te!nm 17 WPI*I ~7~ 01 B ~"5 s i ~u.xxmivsafy ObserVfaMY, for w4*knu b,*e 10o xm*t I aWto"tha<flh tte 0ý kat lWrbewwP'tà eta a *518ae-vwoul b~Oi i~ 5S~Ee. 5 il - __ 4 , ê t VaRté. 'la hemese the ~b b b m , 1 W J l t w l * r o m e t m t * o A t ý t w* V o t Mu d f g p o w r bl a t e b a a i n é m e M l b - , mumm ma the ='Om*tà4 -fhéo~uu0tis tn Ccir ~ites no tîubim thI WIthe tc . ect la -m gnlie 1 hfImM 1w bbit-**8IL pLmu 4 fatioqlam0.0 odea a ~~~~tte .oiaw CIa, ne ~< ube 4 Crw waeala risd uun u&fms 41,'-. de tes 4at ý 8ineba.it1 1g181'wfohbin bandhi * ul ibm im a wbtwtWy ¶gm4,mpt o ~ f~~ gi-g e d dfe hlOiO f »ep~~lbtde lreoecIt. obstachO t a ptL. utthee t the et. ot ti s 5( i fl* *WfIL" 'aet ber. W ho c terutane l t.Ùho ae t sla dobtul ie>' .ougii' tnd the oke t It In mâ de'e 000 td iand- Tict d t sud pt ing i b «I<roesse re *tla ammfie reeil th f~otl'h bsiiu poteslo ba ii uthe bea i t ouit fledsahe siuSs.» feh. siéTo rMtes gssstlers t-oa t batla a be em utbalti MIfSle 0et k Mo t zt i Ii ther la rt adlbea Mo T »su 4 m. vill e d clervr es nte iocase ofa îxpoes e im&pi> e ra trikevu. A m audo the U tac GoaadL nt' e, mteluIfl; boeud, d d 10W 5lntt ou gohti.tcn ap; afr age heu fti. e,and y r oglit su fi>' etmt umot m *l it silu BomeU**, tY I< CIth ogr Tedia n d W i vaVtug, tPotaeoet n$i y âey te fis itd stnlos eur aku mvuar ros-uc. e, 0W du"- migitl batisa*P=this etsiifed fluogeiiny glam . T igubte sud sueniteriai.tie viorIe li ypWeoIple, I ocm truadar " ' , ' Blft. T &hhspideéaytaosn orthY bai t he oniyb> fe ras ieto eve!. ad o*n tymn ust e. oorth thêta.hldUf fe Ofcae na» <-&t.ëfin ec s-ta 'isty ou ~in oogusatbtélesco e i e out mmius on f re. t hi e mteb5.d »MigciltboPr«« ' ae 110fIt. ' ç fhsfle obuthppla to a u a ieêv ly I f t th y o! dol e stagrs v .lb hiusretaba" Ph vos a nd O eea od ic *dict gabon tthmiMd t>; ex', sut irsaco to tut .p:nlt extra t ioz p<> #ta u naausp -i1 n -ero t id ba t m beet<4 f ) att Dtova ie f otsta, cae etfie 11ma- ui ikooléausu f fands->' oberves.-Ne T1is Caime ardl déau7bng&eu.mon * ut tb-forâtiartùueatliaclofioadsear h Irt pnh lcthe_ _______________ra niiesseii oW.'AM t domm u ug the *»ngat, etth* a.~lt, sudýI1A ad . piol ]'t*È o 5 tMet iml nte-aia aiae -tys uttir Ilfe-arneqU'1lti UP iJrýfls vo "rna JoÉlfou8whe gs F Win t8111517 5 h, toasl. I ** à" -oeW- i. etgrae e lue$10,0, Ol ealet arn i-aonled-t *iol Pu isurui amstiatensatr' n jus loe 0.Noutgraceeushup- nboug.Mçtiumnteor grciulsau ,O or d siWihtbebp tetiôa ia, lettessd.rloay lns hycnbm espdys i t athery, but vie ru tàmo r e om t lo s>' »dïinf, ulm -Thecspdter f15 tav s on i t t les ~ ~ ~ o«U sulé uib Wht i holdmbing thé cf paas1. tnt vis fOu t iie utthe5U*5ll.. As oea. mie -store eJace r nt uias-vdeopnfi poe vnw vs-a4forcothesl e ts hpa equ utlfIi tsl- ia élmoe;IIb>= t ý 0,00 t etprfi. ut iecfheetta>'orse lctJblinss *8 stita, fie puiïacipstearht e ticube bs.wiè tôlafrine. Thae Setter én - unfi fIe atng yim he PStnrnugpCt 18isbLal':I i*a teu te tuI mou busicie sblmmato! tsnogiandt, ili ationo h Wt. s I fieand th ia)l feti, W5rt orafini. uL ffl st uv36a4.m te edure o.w ho t fa he e u ft he lm ad- it n t t" , the sotio.n san et holi 4 .Né Ti Cgm Nt acVed fitasutre i > s uiee ual Mlbut g he sUrI.cth -. y Avrtm -re m - - idrnMI ,t M a afr -o nsn. u .& h1wh r,, I'i e i sa 50 lm lii V5d 0- I asug&nsuaymv u -ace :u - '"7- - t* ým--- Who-for-U-- - en" th. ie tardînssu out*a.errant boy fth"tbw areans-ehoftmerci' I la- stojapns-to play, ma*bles viea ha vols tIM. tO ub ts t m ndhe l Iougt t e lvouer et &somen a ti isanee e n avsuaicdlnucrie srace as thousants et businm esmn lk osusc oe evo Dcii have ts,sY-àeeplng tîcut trsaqul ore pain tIc>' have been ýnext to Qed sogeteil on do nef nll, vie- la bemont5oi. thon custoess psy or do mt psy, vIe- Corne,*.elet ns have a.reigofr thedr taiW As up7or fautifLu dovu, vie- ondiir>' PÔOlêlua priftsio.lai Oc- tr tfes Npàane luxuriat or a dead cupafloas, In agriculture, ln fhe b«oe teUt-e"lua &Il oiroumstauooS snd j old, ilu r*nI5uis.:u cvrjfU.tI amit ail violuItud&. 'la tlu fi Mt a"tese suiesthegatnls tyuctui. ograco vo vaut. Millons -cofmen vaut Pleos ecmae. Hmes. 1t, andsbemay bave If for tfis asilng. Pu andgtsutJUhis. andm he roessonpasses tUSgi rlwyT, ti5ak * ý,f 1qeio th tre temooan,.h *corane faoont.IfltT4 8 ao Mek and tan ontip flinsîer eutt bored aimes-t ft e&th i vit raomtl looenoeaulo e oýI'rtestovu Fary et i., hy e l fit beu r- h orlt ca soi.o thidar, et battis to. teguai i ÈOIFV PKtTp*%0U51y f1 or a buptalitoimdit the b '*er«Y me. Tousnowas Mvuil thing notrea iat t fi een,>ybo, ads4tue. fit temn thi MAtlespcta . Mýbaýve -gus et ..thé,ùiit useoul o f thés vei lun4dom hhoght ial n ueflitfe th" are b'uprtfflUlpep.vI o rsi itin &* reattere G(ld. Tieesm sus o - p pele Who do bot O551 mUa p- Moen *e bave s-ons tbhm réesstag prova, âsaité ne u e ins iteMy. 02"' aom,;ansutbumntetiéotdss an4l vol UdOu." MacoS 09exPqeji&005 vifutt 50 W- PItoomén are et but hMisM- 1#50tê.erdlnary bouslnos m»*'need. tspmatd en., etten fret -sa~ inl »n te4sS4t f b.i b-vi te e Ud-pbtae 'tbt slus-MiSk aii .blp oftbt Christ viwo kot aNar >the.t« atushot asttiuiS l s >' .8M4tgw no1glous f1àtsta f mtatiueis, tà* els- inp8rMilý the iasevlty -t-oe ii 'tol ýqtW *w, tand heipet la"Iset jtealus-te flair ov buil am 7 * Is t éq«, f1e dry goMdan sd jssbeWW iRumînattUiet ~to lea tao* «b spén e ake sad lu-i&Mtr mfln s uàmt. ?b5, 7O 1.tilt yi latu Wef-remor sA mitw o r e ot - eroi7 u bsr lat' y~ »e W t~u~ia4 ~ @uf ~ ~ ~'- tien n,àvftestima10 ta* loin *cm% * *0 lslam oautu»st%"iné.WiWta" veua t ity ag tlough fiey ' le I lumes o e. ut alaMII #sipu t trThec bM~ -*-atnn an Woêock fie irombua1 i toé uet a bM& fbe 05i5,1tg elsiates fhe aeSceaiy et ft brais orli cop5r ona5s tbe iirt m s0~eet trouble Uth g osingsut" eor~sburhe .torntii e 41sime us- due flsoieuill fie cfeleewy eofthle CoM- 4ener st hu suspa ofu vam ot ,me n2iSn l:t lllý ple captfy uay preo te b. *6eeli fth fe iftm en IolaSt8Mout re- 'sant a tliry--rs-in.4m5 'quinto%, nl~d wat via spet iteservice @ugmn *t 14 sus»> dsmnud a grsst denl t o CI=OrIétO, Sli.Wbat wilii-Vox taxe teleanis- ngt"Osstaullus-. h*orappar. f iii min»W? *tus e " i» ovlastisshetus-w- Osaiomu.r'Utaise If vifli aua., *baclrs ut»l e a ve»ooe-addition te TIm-a WabughViner ms-n, aU' 1oswif IS*sl00 Uppilaionoo, mli fie 4l1m ta doo"l. 'mUs-i eté , O&tisi e oues mm.4s for the ev ésrsmtua(cafl iod iia tons. 'le- Uteebeg!' ator If ne ter)-KM5Xll U bst Ift oupet el>'remeve fou ______________ 'be mtmternle>'publlSb&lmý u va- Died o Ch"# rio"neva»pemri teeffl s ,etbfi! 1~ewe N. ioUiS, SCOIKImateutetc, f tý. Xlphlngs IUbsi4slls 'Pc .Cs secov- mae fen ud - ýyrle o*mter inan u!gilak O= 1iCaiS. AJ.Lcomabe, masiter-ut themne bncno n ait iUwsl, Md $unet E 5Bostm t " -s i.uhe fl tkS&f i 'tt oflette bfa. lie vas tflleaicek1 4 orofIm ifo t vio su 1»Svoy ef o Ba ltir e <> « # la i? Bs ýysar iest fer ttfi. l t% s ew*â ta,îùi natueCapt. utetltietlasju r Coàmb«- ý Oithe eael tto oné oet fha* port W et 2ei to S'cure medl- "~~ . . ~ 1 a cm cI&t 4ï lor -bs so. I#ti itat *t ib 's me thms1çmauasv. died " ts- e& s'~ ~ ~ Wt SVi bM b. ee ~ t ~ -air, tta cit ui à* e, and tan taW lm u S a i M~5W amvet ~ ~ geOB tub i uvaw fertr 4m~adi-. 810m'andirit 40v*IWOnisif "V s m e, cqmI ll of any paper? In the MIDLLAID DISTR.ICT, is iiravatmin the best bornes. lré b U%. ~inelgent r aders. thmost iwe BYE ril; AISTKEI w. - n là,- -'c - -'c --1 9 i '-4 I I I -j <'i y -a Ulm. mms-vsibm Io engan, W"i st mmesn&sab * ilUipS te ihe nMM o oams IM. mstraoui dowm O d nom froece nuSau - mmbila fthe gat k,-W* g» b. teuk b. I âM..14te puiezv ib% he otbi mi a th mos-gocentre ~é ma. ~Ue th à",* sb" ---I 2 1