i A ma- wMioh met ii Hîaifi o loia7 l'u WtitA aS ~'" i"~ #veud i 0Mdou w .br c a, ruâ aKerau0 1 a* ", 1gWeaun1PUL am si) Bavrzmrn a ;;go .1have grest plosmuret'a pe.ut- g batIWth My fith ananal sepomifas Grand 5.orsiaiys tooies M1s WIJ uatement et= Ilri .sllsfu 0 tOn hsvert sud 0 1 the a.so@istl@U. mi - PLAcz Qi NEE£TflI. l0 'W.areauembulto.day l u the o hle Tisy ad famous d.11-Of 1Ralifaz, the oomrn. bd ciMetrODOlUils *0 sud prospuffl l g*o e ova S.olb, 804004 sh@buOm'Ôt l .itl gU*£cad ths enau= 1t01 O .ü V un ia. 3IeHllfix 1veu oves te Jithh£retiSts i es s y s oua LAZT RALiLzAI MflTWb ma tthe l a.breibresuthéit wvim *0 psad iodase ofBri" MaI A But usi 'a leu868 ioublsofl>S I"devas Iese- a bevi to be Lu atîlots o h5KiWllb5 q poIcmathst th uin hlh " i but effaolsi bas>enêsUUppusudsaL v 'e Aaaansd "hoisptovb;é« vetl, nMe ..g bacons&athiai of the paf. The dm.. Jobsü Maiterd ssoeQ hbi-m, ëdeleli s iObMIetMq9162M i oaflSElkrogkoté»lepr@io, a e h. ,doe oftlb. graid Iod480.5loUg, W" 1 umtIbatsd te brng ailU%-5 Mailbello1 ine ââsâdsuau isethaSib 61 fgtsdohim vihlave bleu t».plaise: baubilsa4" ulagrg;Msd lo.der theis1 le' mot 0 Sole pro8.perouUs md eoktoted pssVtàea il,âi hliofetCauaathas th" 01 w"ioRHeifaz la Ch e minereeAl ouaIs., JIll 111ha malter t ep- repret teC. i 4o Sud Ihl at. b. *0 IDWMI»buvais Il 'a grand 1.4 i5 Mlobg et Rallie mi th preoot coua, déth bu s reuli ua cy à ., as ruthe M1808. al Ion» o quem&Bd mm er al s misa mout Io Iheir m.yyma a s Isisa IgI te tboe io hakve taii»11,fr epla là@ front ranks of ltheorange aamatu. -isstu or 51W VAZEAIVU Forlp uew prmai? lodgsa wauamls bave beon îauud durislf.th: Plt 7mB, mud bave beeu Iocatd i Molleva: Ouare m. -N'.o. .344, at Biliez War; No. 888, Si 1Bugle; - No. 4,i Brantord; No. 74 , e aIgsuoII; No. 754, MaiDrst; No. 825, ai Reuviel; No. 8w5, ai Northvood; No. 9049,M.1 Rawk"tS; Ko. 961, a% Torocto; 'Nu. 1181., et &]u.- Oci; N:). 1145, at Whftstns N]. 1172, il Trout Cree; No. 1170. ai BaYeville No. 1179, ati Rdgiw&y No. 12b8. alGe Béy; Ne. 1400,' ltPo;;l EdvadNo. leOst aihaily; No. 1405, ai Bob -B il No. 1450, ai E emoudvillet o 6,a Rat Parage. Total 20. , Otario Eaogt.-No. 1og9t, aI B.sôi No. 202. aI bùlanaakNe. 21o, ai mi. Lmu' Depti'No. 408ai50et%2 4081 Bat;Nç. 88Ô;,et d:nwai; NO- 1211,ai t i x6l;N. 1891, 0a ifkwts %alobn. Total 8. Qube.-No. 1105. ai MOutres!.Tout L Eova Seo"l. - No. 1657, nt 5bWOU fllwaofr; No. 1659,staIndisu peoi. foui 2. lauloba. - No. 1653,> .1 DéSullue; Io. 1655j et Tappar; 14 0. 1656, etNe lle; No.161i, as uiit -Total d. NorhWeai Tsrltitos.-No. 1861.5t Balgoale; No 1654, a etaC9h UJu*W Ni. 16601 at Wjde&vwkq, No.. 1ob, as çu=~re. Total 4. Brtish Oolumbia.-Nio. lm1, st sRelu stk.Total 1. Tbt. uew ditriet lodgs varsaShwuY riont Msd NMoton, OnI. - COUS?? LODONS. Twonewycoeuuly lege varai baisw béeals ause aso" .-&&»PQ41% 11-s".8' mii Baril, N.WT. Tb& pludi .-hovtug eofthé.sQ~ XoM9g Briton ligu s ls t 40 iéto thei loWefiOPbhrdeetf# 180 Ofaford Boi suad otbhenwe oislt 0..B.aeoslafo hi o *i Ms5j' buà. l m» 11*mb 1 muu ukalau vtl .05.1? am sho&Bd ram& 1 u et b Ela Ount I* tw ut lsrof au f ibn uy et. Oubav ai l» a pore teUsa t lb 0o1ton-f Whou yee eus w»baulisel oigube mut ie* hma limuaàm. Ilmi P"ai I bblts.a Dueh hbbeu vs uy ltu OU»S»ua IOSg th pugCvslve "me0lalb un- bes of othma 0 u toeuiIe bà* s blàM Md, i.Se mmv e mam;,ie eti Ofutetslat r. IS Jlon lumis$#lss ato l hie hunes andfmifUbuttametibeut levlag fulsuls, es bo va. boufao.hm tuIb 0i,sud lie -h la eh . beWir M eMBrI E Oolamla, vhs m thlie Mm Of hm oEIUIIITIlad&,. Bgo *ai b e be t i i h iameoebered. &0 oduce - l t e b bneorposatiof of the orau ..oulslon te tls paisoaeut et OMS" lslm 88, Md ursumelf ts àa so-t. nvitI ail lbhe go Mdi eçurage h.o esoMel; aMd alihougbh hie eff«W li vers mol «»en «W.ssthe b a.hp1àhn et oui am @r1NIO boa pued sllto prlamont hl oui prsmea WIL Grand Master Rie.HOM. N. Clark. ianaelu1890# Tho Imputaigrand onseil t Otaug- ettesed ehmv0Wl luondBEmd thebom 01 V.o 000194U m po, ur KdW. lie *Md MeOMlse Ils Varv lie blm to *0.WhIlspWU in lathe 81tofe l*e o~SU«of lUvM w. A àanmbar et ths brsthiesliu andaves la ïMoe v londb u eli '0tmpotlasî ne pàww i uPeute ci sPrOeuliI 4.1.11 moispedl sgoltu i eea ta.. WL,,UUVo, Usao to. b.basIM s t Cratl ne MitIbS IMl Pl i je*$ fmwm et«* a e 3Pw 84b i V- Il, PV 1iitUM, m 5W olib vesSs uhoeiml » ambt voidb -bou F1'v hua lasla a bbéer ae sg~Io o s 1 uss~*set thé glong ,oMdUEfriIe.sMmdise Ib ntb.il4fl S54 i SOe1O5U u l«vupmeaesn&gell ve,.1belet "b.f Imdo vr litai ma oaeaMd 1h"te -lk A» »4s a#aul fS u s m* 1adg -ami o .yp*thi Mdmei l scouags hi.g m slea, sud sma lotra e but t atersse0ofou &a*mltlate s glof .1Gel, Md the Mis$&1%s, KW. SI, ami BWshrsa Vu f atuor ou% bobut Bigur&ihm. itI le al , vuy, bod a tte miD7 5 ammm-o..Of. avouaiJ >0o S'Puehal b f, Igm< àma à@. hm. go deudebsWoo C boait.ef b vy s e» ou eI hur ade 0 ber. , le*9 u*ti0st» p butub ed prohboaet OÈmomm - fouaol Of oboeu, Ilvoe -9wabt@ho a" 1» meus »»If l mmus be UUBGam rotpabllob ». Ad "t a me aOS pou"bl«MM olfS ou mcequaeml 110. public vomI, lIn.lea ample reaisaf« P.ilIexby. "ilffveea"it luamtsa motb f VOusu. 1ob vil tot a VIomi Iw, *0 âa»smsmly wod&, WM amus bohw lké MUOe»ilaisfwli cu*ipuill Thsu.Oe S I Ibbo111 ho-Id obo.. 4rs mme îvork vlsely Ua *b. Min"eleof 0s prof5imiS lb. ais cf som Ns UU7qa o t iam fatba eau maon at 4 m m-ôb. a. ào.u -1 liait c gkgJ Ilsdslwng of pros md emu. Th fint qusmtlm sa WoSS hoU mât ail a *bion abs CIbleof lsaVMu bifour val la bedvor oitpapea ou eavu lataIil buotr o .daltero, e aill bu. or dowr wa b. vo vcrW p2 o*mâl ah. nue l suue aMa1~' ait 84t -- pqss<rnf~lem a I I I ITW' ~U~* i .4 ,~ .~ ~ ,., ~ j '1 ~ a 4 b' M- vesii iraf trial,-uda faIir ti yoo EIlSvalm. Umm r5 7-1'Ol4 ~uUl amt. parely J 100e h«.r m i w so b.~~~~~~~~~~e ae msslPlmsle iv~ ?-U u y *fP oIs5 t iiollM K bat *Mts Aug UNI-* oam tr s wl ti*s 00Vsbvet h. idia o w llu~ buIs.' Dusamua, teS velu, bal VUSI lb m ptel ?A B T00, tee. atto .w_ _ _ _ _ 1e a" o bops oitu *a S îmm taeoo, sus pait Mue l a sud Mwu*orliuI a s aul0 s' aîlom e TRm NORTH .KIWII vhMo" t la itte s«Ouus *0slavum7 le» c« heau sulgisbures. IuvimgiuN S@~ S psNboum. m IsI le ae~ ~ S0L'i~E *$mm Su p*, O*uiW Su litJ n..Mal tue thsro. lhsy nulbaism s sosount ahItbs b»alaequeallo. IfusBlu .SilaIO Sy C ~~ ~9 0 .a a a at m Gai Se . ( et l Ub &M, u là Maia s LM, .?. 4m n. akU W zi1-rzi m i au"Cht-là- tes wrLL ' eei ar40 I Bsi~ i 6.I lme a boui usosdmv ?'1uL 0.. dom tmi d6#g4ter lesdia 'uli sbsg >oy fou a0"684, IM f«. abelar&"e, ml V IV ie a zalmC Wtym l. tm.etrelige".vv~ UiI i.t * polsy m4 mmsus, doeg lov klru Ionefr4u evt mai umi ds ont!buôgor oe SBoua. O*LUIm ACE ve C. net.. miïi et it. ëd* W1 A ,aUf5~eétO ho b.OSdS li 1hteI.'g S df mag J~Ii5 W9~ L 777-- u e -4j ,. ~în vive$ :1 SELL nbe ban Organs, Piano$ and 1Sewing Machines' in the Maziet-the chue.aS coding té quality, and any makedeuired, either Canadiau or Arneican. W.W. LOGAN, Gmeer Agent, Lindsay, ][70 Kent St.Wet JO)B of mU 4 meo UiDo n Lty e.nd promptly ilae aist «he Wedà--Prof fine@ Write for Lftec amianQuestion Sheet Wh! 4ifcrrclyfIedouwl en"bleme to ee dyi rs hh is spoially adapted to fit .and re- .-tMOùrerMaITHDMFOT. 4,e25 y'ears' experience in desagning yor1enA WITI MPR Patents 0On RUJSSIESfor- adijÙ8 > ji enero f 2 >. the relef of CLUB FEET, SPINAL GdeêtrateI Semos U3.4 C>t mexlsively. Order through your ytt1.n drggit, r sdirect from fartory and fitting-roonv. pq 134K114C WEST Toronto. Can. opTEE amaVI HOUI WK»K or abefa% k ~ ~ dml Mtiduuuioutht m rkIYL.aa î ru;j9Uzauymolutmme by the"oN... -g$00 fi si i ituet . l msel oUw-lu. b te yira.............le si, mbequ.niee'iI.... ... .go ~ WU. a NU~tet. In., ra u - c...2... - ~eu.sqentIu.IO...........e ~~voe mtknIfer 4»k naNu.- -r tzibNué iknuosua . ...........Os modt Iwto b. rsoed by the am gue mmoM, i sumie i otwftmnpuers IS &MA LD BIUAL OTICU. OKm' 1oe aut rtm, iveom but ~~ P pi' lme.go louai te b __ " l l butU maWho am Mot regua iane.êeI m«f.widats md e- m" oo&08 *Smhlo, 6a.mUaulmg adotmmm m ua m4iet ae.0"lt.éMM"t g utnvIDaP.ubu ~ UIiuiiSiflh bt om uca-rudmt PUrmenor ~~ ~~bei ber ltlaa dumesor aB nfld"t lem mni*0heofce aatmà tloma WERVE YZ ba cm u m l. by A. HIGINBOTHAM H. OY LE i 'J... 2 1 h WORK ý ZPM