Kawartha Lakes Public Library Digital Archive

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Aug 1895, p. 6

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*cu» eukie... tu i 39@wfl-eu taeu ~ i.= a 1 Im «UIM nmymBouto2. a emipered man la the wo. take me by the scruffof 4the pltch me over, $ha e un** Von would lndeed." The speaker vaes a youug aat on the rough Stone Copi still, rougher val whLeh laig or quay to the littie outiffi Trelorne. He w«a amgod-toob felow-mnout vornen would1 farther Uiah "good-tooktflg strong au a lion, alimosas, urehound, lu perfect healâ o the animal spirite Whloà suit of that blsaf aiouit8qO lair, and se unburned &tta tache ahone, by contrant, *,aaiet the tan, and him eye smre cause, took a deeper belonged to them. Aitegetii vry good te loek upon. Hie liane Tempest. Hie companion wam allc yci very dlferert-iooklng mas dark-hair, eycu, moustache. no tan on bhs face, wbieh pale and allow, and he did the wal and swing hie legs,1 -md, ln a lghtiy tangulti '.agfinut It, and watche ttheà sea, that tore over the pebble 1tacif aganât the Jetty, wlth look In his dark cyca acreoee balf-clooed 1id. - Some pormona wouid have hlm as even btter-looking friend. but- Weil.- Bter a question of teste. in hl*m toc -suit of very dark grey there i gestion of the artist; and, ai cof fact, Scnley Tycrw both pu Trelorne la on thc veut <cE Mores of miles from everywht are three or four hou»es, at on la sold bad eider and worse bx MaUS ltseli an Inn;, halL. a 4 àmhlng-boats, aad-notblnu e la fdue, brillant veather '1 alm0oit plturosque ; la rout vetather it la gloomy "to g~ Dboutor Barvey, Who wrote t fui bock, 'MXedtations Ar Tomba," oligt to. have beez Trelorne. Its, greY dulheua di d not der TeznPct because t vouid tai three Trelornes, ene on top of to dam» his excllent spirite; Uns due cfet upon -Seicey Ty He looked. over the sea, and ilong thc trip of foam-ined fore responding te liane Tera dened apoiogy. «Ut la flot the meut cheerfi the wvrnd, ortalnly," h.iemaid, imagine worm.; an I won't1 ev-en Uic quay, 1 think. Vam Hie volce wae 1ev and noti but a culous toue ran thneui the faint aorile w .hich icurv ed h. spoke tUic lat vords, it - with cynlclsm. The cynIcism -of a man Who la toc indolent te dlsplay it* The ldea of M Ing Uic f cat suggested h>tV& lim;. for Van. vwas an -aon athlete, and.. ompared v-w Tycrsa a rentable amnon. #01ealdeh," ho a4ded. at dunlng vhich line had kt Mmornf Uiheami- atones fro and pitchcd them at thne bonl uglng belcv hlm ail the» aIdes, it la *not bd mate« artist, you 1ip I eht I Obllged te u r-,r pw liane ndlm4.'. '<Bt you don't paint-wl MaM It.?-andscapes, sen.1 turcs ara ail your lhue, anl ed-"lyou wona*n auymu no dainty Noninandy iluhM# or that kind qthng. 1 * thene le a deoint iookdug vo »lace., «Thon Trulorme la nonru Uhan vu thought." va the à liane Tcmnpest iauighhd vmhè '4lw do you hate the theï ho nelnarked. Tleu mhrhusd ts hie o t$M as If the aubjct~ Imtu dicus- g . 9«," hbu aid, af te *M 19 *i be UsetuL l '" miut orro a mneot M f09n d- I msrry'g stua0è~ thbe M$n tTb ýý are eUa. e am ld yo* tiSe .ather keeps thbtit a coQÏý W" it on ev-en yoa omit t-býoved Us9- Smtu runs- nigt?'t ~~- 5*oi ea Iym,*,thWm ,ibe .!tcra agneed to ten me ycus t-Ontuh bu tvctve words, ad-veil. v haVO la a I S go to- 10yo u bil 70»L" lt "g When uuy guethiead father died" LtBtg- ie vent ou, "I vent t-o l-vu ith IDY iater <hI5I the u.U4* ? -L mn .fftor«im eltsu.la-ba .lml.»&- il ét. 'bos. " gave m2e fbouianad mone7 l and:Iam nmot quit-i sure fluat,1 InrSt ~m ev ." smoking =m d- Wtfl i ly, as f m odie M1 * MS COMPan- #tlcS &,b0br -?11sai Vans "X tg -Ër* lth tI*lu* turnesi tmekdoen oe. ïtnuppose A t in atItls vorst ,vilen u*klqd doee ar.Tho e itb mornint a imO n ý, ë es,& .."Ii carMM ogit4 %W4b, 'at plot-re M B eM t "a tu, 1«as #e luamo' statuette, - d 11 libae hadt erk ever bt,.~.o u Lo. mince.. 1Z mgue1nt bhi gunpfimed I 1 utIratie Mtr mWve ,éeri- vine te ooh 'e- Thon yeuiMWi 1 know tubavery Weil ! 1 fournd hlm halL Te UiYdldlalt~lT stave oe igt, oo Ovi and tcok "Ira5a W 0 rmiàU," he *e1. 4w h~padgave 1dm a fresh ataruL'n h IOi'Cl lit Wtiant bien for me- e""<" Torwlh Van' TMem tredisuci, and taumd Vost«atoDcu e« «You jitot geqad MCht hi tI CoralOS. eh, SOn r?"ho - SAb umi stmly. mlaw.««Me W~, aUOLdr 1IOS- * n let it, 1 w i a gtacd at h if ka" là M* qt thle oli-Usswaps dtB t"l t ? Lsdj e nsot1 1I,*u M Sif t u i vil vver .y It r"< J t 4SA ~Iiu I1 bég ym pardon VBI*, ,DOvas"bd 1 vasMeeaouig your corn by Mr Who nu* y4 m*leI Wte toé acau I é bse . 'am MmreifOur ptins ee ~ tent-ion tthe- h o D**6 ba*rety vU5 a re . I1mhould brag and boast. But araWe- You--the grndson et an oaci--are mode n cf tuner ay t-han r vhP ara but a am n1QSZÇthle CmMth>,' ho rniUd. - ot Ohe eb*M -_*a arn by no mean'~2J duo, 'ltI wvà a gvin.tfhter. u 1 Valisilta"s t hém, sMd t-hUE laÉteS .bt% b6 X«upr»>tuýa plekpocoat -or *406nghomW M I~too S c arÏ a- tAèi rwbgNh ,man 4i lce,ý S have eld t*SUon bo" h , bu-- -" Vans brOke f# vit-h s, Jawgt flou%" '*, t-he goedUt. OU Wei go a 9- -unrivat--,of a swefl-qulte ah to e ayOSIe '« a- T7U 50tly, "and pee- sacM plei vm tamnt itaif 1 ver.a htid 9.l0Sd bo é.the bhl*w t a 1 IftIve. -oftao ô fpmquelash mt-ejBY a, for both ottasalen4 w" a h~immua Why, ther 4 nningto reel ab!pAY. ttn'>vitmi-gu ake a ftiS eniIia c auvb t- M 4e or me ; lieo e vil give me hls daurhter I d s ,l uer f o b lu inmarriage, because, ne on viii b.able thjc L1susv, t, gestlm " ffvmv ro.diilmtl tli e ischuk, sd'a b"w ofyetlvllb * th* rlanut -COePPer, or 0I a vom- ýrg9« hie shouliers- pan; er earve; you mairié- n boot-. and 104Y vs,,lvnu vnn wt me love vbw-4h thel eM04 OMM wk.irer. oi 'Id a wthoda.ci0om &" --.ssohilisop t lnIt fo ba diaiioruhé touigbt»h ne b" tiaibard -tDe"ebuokr' ble «*q. bwt TeuostmSt-be man at t-he " mdreumarlaioold ride, and tiatu w'MIê the bercé gave the thiau up ami nibu Prêg9it tr teadffy. Vâmî rode né w iu t butiàg ta pt m. Itst-o îa ma Whoevouli probshib » m tSng btglai to ee hlm, suaib m&êboee in mvems, s. a lobëmi .avbtîoWtomS,1a wmumkah1bed flW,, &u--oh 1 mère. blessei t-be met blem"eicendition> - Mn di& mot trotble ta lbe b do# tan e seoor -lh e me é *' tetut th-honsua" n ILk àt l ad eimt-.tb. vAr biéméne lido,. Blitt VW! 7 leautit n pi *e locbl bt-lnit bSmiadmireS iL Uc :ato thiuhig a BUe or' okTyers ýh itrana= mil. f hl cbaracter bai suddenwy rv*ele " ~an at lives ýmus bave got a, nIhof çoremomrt or,-fluher omwna Nèer t-aik libe btbi lAe, though. t ai bo obi ' pe 3meààdi mn- IbreM P* OU âW akb sfor- "u en. tmge. ru te-cihm s0. A"i W*wtcbvoudn*t t-the bhéuf.- gdb*rm'hin 1I hWa EUlm hea-.Pg'd 1 Htêêih~mg4Àü4lta , w fSie k I I811 ~s - id...ss du, i,.u.~uuo.U..uwoiooety. i t~. .tsma.h aa~ Iwa~~ p. I*Im~tmmMfabg1k. ais. - th ~1.a r ,uomh. ~ $ OhN.. wyv tho'sCatol -Y XT Aa~h<h.~gthI I. ilv«for coe.bii4mi» k buttonsforks thluIh'~knures, rlap-the list ta aIost iaaumeabl. W. wll taka ploasureina mbwing you the msort. moat, and if you are.aloorof the bnutfm yon will tàh. pleasure id. We. are sbewlg ailthe. Itest llowItim ifa ivoeRoods, thidAbi,l ,Woobe4 sick pa. aide comba, skkt ~M h ~ uê - otiie à6tichata. auéneist. mentlaa. the Daley Houes. Donst 4b*. ,tbozIed -by travel- itug aub iirnibing steel ranges ôumetitir value1 Before Ycm buy, 1nBw>Our01WtociL I arn peos of u yot' a firat- iielnding befurniture W OS.p I 'if ÂBDEB P~pe luthe (¶1~ VU. .dnmmd"l a!ý' ý'

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