athe l Sa>t~' oyiraIpeatp~ laeofthe ", gmt eobiefedrom rl ag pl.oces of (h t God liad ur lée isdom Ho woeryUl4 a 1%9 the humSleot e ut the lt dru I Ioet iaslcuairnetS 40ye rS (at mnton-e 1 in ate and et brUi sudw- t heluentdom lth (ho ma wrmaUin s tehait io* plf eye,,shahelay ajMido i a teryomaxillarvthé su'o- phsotgaite chaua" glorve te, adlu cen prIW hutan f;c prout the va« et' pleared on he oae Ali Golia ourorigi "lu ud wh 1h. isdo H ol tae feo» roam ohehe n ve. We a the ahtrm, undtaenmetv Cretr e .m ondrtel «W wli s at wot re I ft If Ian eer a(othe phyllul 40 ygos td iythe àoiarzuo tnout, iloun o arn ~ way o th lheothlc outry ttedoye, shah oflot uoe » totreferd to (ho an muincneyile. ,cehsail the sud lu zadiatatIn. "ai roud repdtile hamol nevey simple nu,eo us u r adIundcdeyeubuty tayes hapessouVieacul>y thar ,mmer pn ondavetwo ey wateOr ori llw eea Ldov tthe fosecing table dare the lwO theunl*. Mailtp pad of xand iivig thelur1 supr earequpmt, ,wll fug in the-former 1 sigt, a n a>oy er tAie ou W thegh soogcic e ai Il mythe rhould tIto the Il s(noefIrt echapàl ter h es an iatodaptation. "e7 vere aied heihl, creaad crt md hte do. T, ret ciloda cne yel ut. 1 tvhl ae.lfctY tha 5 Godlicapd hre t bqenil acheent. Latwos av ut t hoetopofemph ae th wo u" "Lot uma. P sufrGod cahie a conili ta crote man I lbCave 9 hauestons In Uthat ceief 1 sihan a ou! pfor he r aproghsiatevludaof tI th100k oudt ithç thee Gow God houred 1.c -. reae ted lW., Neae we wa atwllht IouM thub ore b Rl ht " ll - Goewe toe emal i pcievofelb. "Utdho1lun 'a if red Il foratho esih tor (ho testan1 huma th quertionsItarsaeta ofai, tooea ts as$ulng#4 ud lb turnloooo. l t Beb. buman eyou re h4 Sie . by th ir ghlnlug, lb lu adatead t ble u a lmaHno, etrou (hma I ple ofthe ee or t-he d&mi theaeboldsD thé ey,'b »& (tonhdhMt the yees. boeld ab"~t ïiInlï îî1aftour"b t »ue for gU T male *ttie w n li owýwbk »ttaothe "« that«*wieUI Du r Obwwitbl86wue custom" mueh àn'ore tab gr«t ýj6m »trikes s The tur m 4.a t oferee ught are îsIm0mk" apowentam ofaftrw, ut tm h»wom m *U> jl.And mnias the wbrid: m ____0_iod o i sbeouu!ugI the aWnw* w1O4m.4fst.p vev%yý«*h boa*"'a t IuSicure Pa &Uant be.,slly restoed. TL*h Bp'4 »dm sud bat the. -crygI gatês ère. ber Q 4~ b.wsitcmt,, we admuIt died saWeuV 5#W0111 un àn4,aoa, b. oe, t%ý. "d %d betIO 1%4"ïohel .rr 4,sad <mth. Lt remalmed ftzr ,ltherem et1 àtembe apparat» o f the huM iye. 1t '<l '" . .egA1.u*ÎÏ t &sU7lUme thelà. SraiMeUt Of which it va Pgr rady .onstruted violon 1 TmWlà a wftupNqie4m 13i$ag t1 l- ! 5è 51, h" ; " i ais vatied. Time was . ýîta&,)Sêf1e -.~~~~~~ tIl.l*ip i 1WImotl1iit4I0éeiuts1Iý up.n a t*aoung woman SY,"ar&go but (bal smrnd?_q 1, - uner the ahining of wliioh teoà>dou i » rot e- tîingfolk x4aes trcagiwmliau»M» dte eç rld s&Uns lnansudr6opisac ."IM . Âdrmatto advoate tu olden limes. w» *< olI4 tem i to er br t. fout eau eil besetecaisUwétle,»j antb.xof prale e <iod lu the bu- Càg[ An oeù>osoê wvp- iebythn tuaIt min- w1h0,' oge parbem wate aIore inrmëto exprenmon . ?40 OlmSh camp life 1b.d generally qi410BaUWtte anssprtmn Bah *Ithui1gjtlon,or kindie wtth làgiht lamiU sud thn;ït lthem èiwm up 1bw the m 1sugweitlcqrS-aowhat VeluO- ý.and p< ta mateI 1%eËel iiàAh14sah,or ýÎbd wlth <devotion, te tbeface- af the vltxýes@ and 1 crWtpUtly, ta -b. sure, P.U< went about for -tlÇme wh1O eWW 1.. buÇkCmbr~Obel .melt wltb sYmpathy, or- star. vii lua a SIX wblhch ube de- andI I1«salqs cotà bad, lndeedj, àeW- e ght, obrwt viano dof the jurybeolthe b uirdurerl'and theo 5iedas"amosiad mudgy t- the. 110 sdom vote thie %usme me'tk th sadnens, or pale vttb nvy.,or lire 114- ctcaly"er. thist .s. iU- tbt tluo. rhça a TuihuIltW 1. Ts uine and were p041B th reuenge, or Ital e 111h imirtbi or, glare, meieed,, b. th*w». te1h.a-b Irq#l' SmÉi ha u4d ope'. Y,54MnÇ t10 Ibs tk.X adavith lov * a*ald u aîi iàma orthemanarraigneol t wrab* d ewred tat ber WiUKJo oISSd O0A O medy an sdPastoral and l"e inlu urn.S' -ý , ide'jj ~lei lande at Sqo$hspttm frais Ibm iL5e eu nt - te nu *Me ý '> aon st ab nuiider,. A brWbte*r light tissu -" e«k ber inihoi, , sê un«"idiffl, lthe s-, -rijse. or ia frovu Of ýw7ath o isthe le *wéeoye o.ed._ . nce o nazm"Of toaVo i. 1~r 10"~UUU~ aaoI tpiniW syO t neo ons ondUretu * nWht re ateino an 9iý f oe fe-t elumt , a = n iait StUMibin-twm, d4m X os»i aaws.vwsalatS, aMd te in and the. liVe y mOithU, bing, throiWb thbeAt*lo Reolu mt à blltid __________ - a e-tyii Jh uo lu bolieve 1the oye rather (han (be M _fr_ . i aîtsoca . 7 t S. flesamdme' ~~mnarèh fee l othe top etorbsIdeaitmoo ste m E'bolo Ans ei4rblal 71 vQue4 1 se sous lt.. Are bMtt-pV7WaIsrlo@ in 1vrilbly ue> rh yz oo&rhbldiindrad poob,'?t t à i -Have you doat --7-V .a mariotblflge the M1*.u - ý __1.w---1 - lm M - Xr w am ilita00 oe tl u afl,'s.iýù: aff ?yese . ".1,aI fandeloV $»eai db -bepgreenl -4&and . pwk,<*ML - tbablbald eietl i 'mt reyU se t 0d eme tand si'i w.yau *Oo' r ""',vu*,O(i, u" fi onoeapc- ry i ta ny a. Miartn y tor O a 701 u o In. ubét ot t h o 'tof 1110 b àè1144 t â Y l~ ai-~ ~ ~ i h-#u v ç ao, 10* - a leo url sa ussau«tte pli bas n Q e t e y o f &u n e? cap bv.laon' s 9 a ~ ~iia s # :~ e~ . r o c t o r y « to a to h t 1 f., M r tnsUd h v i C s Ve o u e r a m o in t hd eo o h n e -t h e m fi é é w- i ,m t . e . t a "t i as grét.eye vthonelimeS apt Unilbir; inan=1"-a-" 1 Il ein b 0 * Unertbela. o e ofhveli a of sme I u- 1 e at or ed g X Mn * ,.Ume 4 lit 'l*5Y e au b. thUmierr Adr iailbyacient Iae mouibt l ho mrplia m*id vmte lod ilr trécà gàsW 0< ba1!tlud Iço otuehe1 ssiM*Spies R k beVn et the6 s*""Who av or e nt 4t ýs. ad wbu ( er f-ýtêmperorand h ' SU 1* ail th.eooirs $ati .o< tai W»»MI ~u mu i PUll iimt yo_ý,n (ho lm»O ai .sp vison p'B t ç "Ya.r*011 . à( *en- l~ antem501h - -.mng i Il%.4 » adbl 1b .* aAse.itIU &L7 aperin the ÉMBU' reaera AxIeR P-s .1 ~> lU J fa' "N i '4' t' s, :1 j 't I I ~ * I »M srv fibresim Vie mma, wuhiat onm.ami *i>'»'* 1<thé nomeuve a 0" oth i.touzoe, no-.& -- maetres mm d Lea W ra*mv.fçoece egosunom lui, *. bigla1 the. osuaiona *. But lot he.mneuve .mmti la". the. stomach be dé- o wflmot b ble fte -. i 0salSit uPply ai mé ê te aru" te~ Zp b.aler ergdis". i ~mp itt , mu the 4 Be.I mtîng the 25 cent yW VI#AtEs ;ri