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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Aug 1895, p. 1

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fr-I SI P-~ ~~ooe i. i~ ishe s~ iN0*~~v UAUE. as arn - - .06 10 Orde" Boot sudý ýWe-buy-il Qlotbiiig a. speialtYs Try.._ - - Dry Qods OrptS Ooing, cys Boots and $hoeSt Rardwries,_cy GoosP tu1 e410W6B, Grooeris, »OoBinder proviionls$ Iourad peedBine Twînest OroOk6rY .and GleasWlI Bata1ionery and Sohool Suppiies. it-ofet -WZiiim -t ,-S u.swsm ni asués ~ ~ maifinaoe 4uii- Wbl euh*S 4IsOmiib, Ua et muSb@O. day. uns atm f.raibm ,*.qeBqi * lePN Pte eo«ud TislaOmOO ltue «"Wof m ?id W$Iwmmua ta im Vsémemu d.aussw t Dbdm mai*W h"sa . lis m te sms ibm imlmsl . eb u eto (i moita ,et L M altsOfm d ý detoos iiaoososl faih WhieiO .,i9 £ iba oiui* W 5 .11 a n i bmboud et**maos'1 brOther -.mIt ~ ~'~~. ~?mpio Jmmc uin thie domada :re.»«R'@ m a 0" t'"v ~ta l aptmebut ottie an» e mmbe les leipi laHI. " 'r i w S ad yV . IL toilt-d vms qa &mmia . S 78" ~ 1 nso4btu cm . b 'uM y Esi1 MAgum. iiLbstiemi anr 4miidUs upbalos vIii liy 'fbe preemmUd .adm. wLuomla Oms Ouiad, u.8M-U..der peemrbout t âwt ' ýmtqq wuVObm ~b, iotiIbp Dabîmm tiheompaisi et 6 ,à m p p O N . a trni t ' *I W i M e bo l b a ,4 h o. d o o tis - W o m a*i l bevubl ~~ art" asbrother~ . m ssbm tlue Pum&u s' e m Im" Vet.b mmo detome u- a misi hua via DeelsmmetelbSIb~ ~ ~thg.Octais" a0* milaaW wibm iomblc et W~iT Y' &-6IIE AT F A 1 liaimî #i te su. rtsÎi5iO5'OI5it tou% *ad .mathmrnt. tul»bp$d eaIunOog Ifni~h.f4 fm ~ bfaumT!m i E j' - t c:s adisby àr theIrq utim s olour sok TFROM' IMPOR THE W. ask your inepection-of the.MIWImg libu», and inite couai'ix of styhs, valuld qualiini Rmdy-uade Manthat Golf Cloakiga Black Dieus Gooda, Fiiez. Cloaknge, Grey Flannels. Wrappcî Gooda, - Clotha and Tweeds, Resdy émade Olotigo, Lace Curtains, à mON. (ChiAoa ly la t. âl r il, »dLadiOn l lous O* re in '0 0 Iet," r iek. CLa m . tie Clothu, Fany DeuGoodu, Flannelettes. Tartan Plada, ,Blaikes of ail kindsp, OfflCoatop Cretonnes, men'is Undervear, il Ladicu' Underwemr, Fuiflungs. Corset, Gloves, Hosiery, Laces and Gemrl" Fa.cy Goodes -Carpetso, Floor Oslcloths, &Q. W. are anxiaus t~>gy.ouras1i uiove w. have the bosi Ialue ini above linosSve aShowa iti itÎn WAMER & The Grat. BankrUPl Stook Ment .coq 76 mn 7 ent-et.0 Lalnd8aY. ,I ý M 1 'I 'r .....*"f' "e am s . - niflg.......81.0TiU5d5 I aisimo 15 ..."at1is it *1~~~~~ ce. iai sIm ws -~~~i O0 m1014MMa" uim b . iel.?.b wm The YarMgsUii uM Iuaurnoe ~ampaiv~ Te tho VarmeiS ef Vidarla 0.mmtY: W. ulmi t. lulos Ibm larmoie liai sur Ose 'V" lummv *0 ftzmi tlhbi.au bave d arayla gai bupecq, amd a lute te Wh"uurut iimo'aoa11r t ul myfPliO O w u i .. a bo ttas Un leSzates ibaa mymibes famé -ami ii-tha lélois IL G. OOnW IL, emmuraiAgutj.b1457' W. i. ZO'BdiLE, - .Mut Lii N.-"Tliu ai. viii0o0lappea fr oSm 1% tise Noueir of tu EdR.am. DRRWNcCIA,10kof 1. ~~~g(odMaA b utJ7* i tt i mo.star, ro;: umm mmiww bmouwï mu. @ou. h - iiàmmbw -vas * abema un bm igues,",Md il*9 etut Md e bob lMM las abivle oi pl ua lus mad l Aran laeltpspeiiblB ami Aul£. G<ÊAT REDUCTIOI4 IN ~ij'Y~o Mot&*0 atidlàleS Ob tn M« 9À *9 o5Oe . hU« q iipves. lu bop l i e m i:~sbma <is es e ib mua.durua- - w fM M--m s. ibm em rCi r i 5T107 AUy PoiMos u. bing t' fie »Mil U dra. O :wmjd b iise.1,., ab ste. an Il hlibmthevu g a àen <bais 0u5Vmir etOntario. sawt OTrot GoolBaud 0o.fMmi.. Hq.'. rme'Imisue komm tibm gran~d au«a #$Umm amm S j. 1>. ODW -m olo*t ïeVosiai se &#i KidlemaiRy. os ibe OjM b s a i ei l *lme.- aould~~~ vi iaaribave mmd. uamomto uimvià iy gaids ctC ill. 1. dIlooftO@l l .Tutai109 Imsimib&0.51058 te, t imprr" fl mmmc m ~*0emiegabuliteW bmt kt kiig ibis b.Premier 1 rii Mmmii hou Sept.- tsi surouppoi. ut:W. WbntIl L .. -mm asfoliipiSUS. Rotaiil5 tat vimg i*oimm à pr. istaomfuspar- . egumla im. dvi b* pieaa - tv« t-Ar ilt a t ise0 . o X. IL LONG, 0"'&MemboN 5 TEnui. , oe.-tTL.4b"mé. àiytp war ' a eM d . mat -.mIo" Nm.rsiari.omfpiliMW eiau tès W douS atm 40 sa.,oamui sM mai il b piammite eai I huais la t u 1. mMêsls~ ojUm5tbuW15bi - p- SOt- e pc. Ip hum Md l te mule iboso. hesa lieuu ndpem MW",sa as Pest. Re wu osomow sa *du% bua msa - vsl hvhe otelmvmum ulmola baoiu m of*0 abuS, bsh l - vis e m bt li.Toaains wu sel imi laiut theip~ 4W 1.55àVdeà. Est atbooawu q» et0the a* aiuiÊr il. i the vmisham a m'nee MMh . aRev -Mmu 1ifet bas Tim bm va. n em t y MMS nuUMa e WHU oUinsIl. ut~~ ma mm M16 num mntog ima* ,nul" m'w1.41b pubta"o muI I ?*Wfldu issu-i ir-mi mu ph ... .... .. .w *1~m.......8 a aîbatallu, SOI poâmla ni - WW. *aie*. M a 1P. ts Wo m tué.05biame W, . amim= W*S4td,b L, 1 ..lb i tmat20 D.. ernmo al ma......-28 8 pp. »mLetb. hmkapd est& 5-imi.J &Wiiimom.4 Ps. S nMatces oieu mmW.t.thé.24 500 ne PeM leDeyaobi. o 8 4i ah amaWAaZvey fiso uthem OvmrMoI» beige ..mfJd. Tue i' vs o.k ga the 119 Bis i G n dues w match.s t Boin ........... .0 8 lbma"mma" t chia fim Ihae L eu e.oa Noda..i...i.......a34 itmadae.m vfl porfgt lu th.......a. 3 pisba îq e a .. ................ bm -32 TEE NESEI]MATO£. Pt. oHidi ..............07 $1 Menut. J .Wllmo. 4 Limut . clns.. .......... 848 CAIDOLA TOU-rAr ou?. bisM*mod 0'ol 00 à% Ubs. bon b4mig pia Imm - dur mma * ulu*Bb le; 1 mo, MWau à* b-bm -e meotb boat14 mU ebo~ - as au ols.meWbbou b mec& tbq -r boib ihol? *0 tins.0 Siu »«.herBe0t5. 111.00 mt b a muse-, lam e Iaé wm- sai dAlrsmmON& bue Mlit niom & mi..aiméNOneatits bam Uid Md mmoSla miS mai*us bai théoMM WM q" Md te sa*5 <1 maiu mdoi ssu a i Imm bBa w eau et 01 la. uaies. im ui. Im gomma hepseves8, a bm iau.uly ui, bcb hie au Iommat m t of-4* fu 20JO dbm ile bMh -a s boa m furceaies but la ometmm »Alm-'Wu qa* eb m _w uai usbb im obar M ibnd * » hm ba*imom iwdeies b mavSmmua Sivuiamsi,»mmYa uS . l li Jrmlaba, r ofdl akm re' a t 8day mis silué e l-. msm t eaba a mci.V Il moCm% for sm bma ai blm i e momiat dmate r0 l --d dthegialimuolto. 75 osSa. The &M Pm» MIu, boumbeladay76 mt& f f5 Vsa Bby as dl, v gae bo (hl. ~~~~~~~~~~u li edseaiOaiilaaepromlpt- effmil by Buduiila q pto teksMM 9ranuts Who WiIi not Take TIPI. Tise qerVant i3 n a well-ordered JaP- Vi .a see'lhousehaid are thse most deferen- a. l ai b eings aUve. Every time they Ibrlng you a cup qt tes. or corne ta re- move a di&h ut dinner or breakfast ltrhey will kneel. and bow until their d"16î forelieado toiueh the floor. Nor wili cd by a.ny of tbem accepi a tee. The other 14 M& ght. as we leftthe residence of the 0 Mu japassefe gentleman where we had esSuir been taking dinneir, one of bis servants mit. ýploted usq through thse grounds to the MUIM t ate, where our carniage was waling. and I attempted to give hlmn a sinail Th coin. When 1 offered lt, he claspel R* 1bhiba nda 'together, and made a very mi f» lo1w bÔw, keeplng bis head doiwn until àm t thse caxrrage started.-Chicago* Record. The. Sahara. ý tu* ita -the general ovinion that the Sa- Ithreatefled with the aw ful anLd dk-adly i mo»u. Tht,,. l a very eronlous Idea, [mo.g an excisange. A French botanist, eiv exrioritp through thse entire trvioi' he Irrelrech or Algenlan gsars. u t&tes th&t thse visle stretch mmlii Vary fexoii tOB. la moud and ~sU ci mai MW bq.bitod by a grest caqa *0w liaI .MUWab"m pal vismPu. reveaust. li vaemidme la tle. maw isval»êet lieus 'ame UduB Pt. . .. ........a..... . . 88 10 Limua à1 m d iu4o....... 88 5 Pie. a l.................. 88 4 Pte P1. . D.'O'upel........9 4 laiges.........l . 9 4 Pur lfyr lu' vm oumiel Oni. TUB AIXSBAW MATOH. ]Le ..................8 84 PPik.. . ............ 67 4 At lbhe maumlimeing of tbe mlitar t li d a lém a m W e d ue s d y b o l o l m ffqr riem sldeat, NjaMiom, adimpfflumet. COL. Tuées, 51 J LB .; aeOetèm ýCapi. Androvo Mtal; ireMmmorCap., Camersu, mont. rme.L oT O)aiadomembstioftbe e simuin vos. re.fm.ctu M r CieîkiWallucm vu z psoea. mai s±prosud the, ops ihst betore k«a ibm govurumeat uou'd equit *0 oIun- tfl vsu àl*IMmostapproîci ritle. Tb&s let outi cur eaHagrard'a Pectoral Estim h boila *6.Imap ud m cur.aumis Md ma olds-2. W~UAI r Oi stock tr aad fineit 'Vu ~E SELL AT CLOSE PRICES ý& 1 and 1 - Pl t 1

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