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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Sep 1895, p. 7

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gS. T -. @a* « àwl The Mou t UWuMMU kis8tQiy stops out 59oa L The liuger whieh.dia.wief %10*-» te 5 bhÈm *ag- em "ÀY wais tâùya.zx amer of Siroacy t the e&logy. the flagwr of *V ggfe'e JolthAI4 laou* disO la tht OVetoWtiIE ligureS seinlethe "veabiumau&* the graîcefiiet lino la a Eke mont .xquiiSté mmmg and uhadts la ail paiatin& auilànCamL, thie dom .of raied giafliU Md the V ail language,. Tht : '..AL a*zhbet là, 4.MW>"àQh&MMUInu M »ad tué 1"t ibI .%r, th* AJ omeg<-. he a ?uàrsa.Le i the àVàéu"4O.*s Fe yu 0, &e letters- betw--eu thon Alpha. and the UiziegbA, t -and thie end.", What dom,'thM bon which myu.yc hrist. «,ne frozniabove lm above a&W aLer yOu have paëd, up, a NigmalayMi tttdes th Christ would ba.ve te spre àad descend 'a thouaaM touch thon. Sumistsa. lo mountain of Theaaly; mountain, and Olympuis, tain, but mytbology taism gtants warred againet th pied op themo ltree mo trois the top of them prop OMe heavenei but the hel gueat enough, aidthere piste fallure. And alftr toile glants, Eaphael ad Solo, artlstlo giMats; acer »phtm 5an me&gOI,.q Chriut's lory -tbw ~mlght la tthe worde of Pa.ul ai fAbove alil" "Above ali mon la My text prefers s"The Chleta.fltand se First. Christ must b on hemfetkýs, cattered couatry th«.t ml aym*fl, clergymzen, have made ul wbat Sermons ought te Mon la the pofft g1festus bointed ist~ue forth M pardon etf ail sin and tie eni .vi-tdlYIdu9.1.. social tionai. Theft le no ro cliould ring lhe -euidiese 2«w phrases. There -ai thkk th"aIl tau exhoist ourse bave frequent um works and cevenant of gu t mlst be profoundiy uffe they mn usplclcai whb.proeits the Sa, under diffrent phrmseE aythere Slu nothlfgla hi realm of Ângio)-Samil irord Ireanutes that wei -the Latin and the Greel Uniropean, bet vw havea abe] Il In reflgous diec sets the exaniple. Et were from the grass, th barnyard fow'i, lb. cry9 welI as froMs the MeS 1 and we do, Dot PýroO6 day-school teachinc and addres ta b. -put on tl 1 know t"saItheu la maldlan out day Ag"~ tbough .they were ot@I b. mslused. bUt-therYh power. They ane thse1 sou s ait goul, betw@ii end lthe. hu&a"rac.Ni inte upon $hie tables-ot .What 44 Chrit utter vot? Wbrda,. OuIt i et the umltKo.?OmU aher. bo ilghiI," and1 eoro,tbougt la. lhë 0 your cargo gelom wlt lad wat w.mi e Sl mm t~.e Ilya Monder 5Iu5Ot e <i , andê - « o yu m4, uc tm he «, ele -mt a. Ô.day 10* I0" bu. ~ t *t hae boom sacis verni M Visens es lbe optabkmozeU '_1ty pft-à à" âce be Ffr bW" lttlm m SI -~.j~* b ~i4 ' r ~, * ~ t~ ps at -e -e*&m'M noA bsA' lais MýV- wmasa&"Itthe iîo m m o t lat e& oma et l o jOre o *4the M A agta f»isOIê8fSa aievery 'iends- tw ïïtit t Yu asiet. anloch- 7'" "15-mb ruoraUPert . wil he nd. mla.rable and &0aM a bota& Tbum je a pline, » *Pd 110>.uIa e "O~ t the mtUtÏ bqmâav .1$g 1 Ww = met v40e - m~onne b aeilS sh~ tàýb4 t th oi r h sotm 1& * l tep&4.OSs lb i e con-, tem: and u.r "lu fOiýot * :eI wwltient,4 à malt IlsBi-- -r rew* esumsaai h t» ue> oIm tres oï" *6 se -'wiestet t emt ad ue tom54,À$,ft1 ktu ;h.~pwMbithe ii ho rtbov!OOiebj IW SbàiKD9no UE bail tisrôuj'î t*Uh ýo hbaault* t fl4 tor Of~ vi, »o.îinxinour srte! W* ae àie ttt tlè*iaghmetf - dm ah' aifuu e l u&*l i the *d' is ots hi I dm oais r e"bu.. nfl it ig l«Odntcf rctu»st9.eu -if___ if DM0.Wi~ stOU ,jtvi u e zèôiertion!,vts i~~bý am grave. uSht bl' luI 0 bavss e' AN. Wo A"" <pNes lttusd W.h moeu- houE the blai t oftiese pcalyptw " Wni ,lu wbaii 1» te& L àpnr au otisor aal bamsi g y~- ou. - â. Id8 tbey he*e. iea Muff.eut, Uit. lathe 1111'bt dg <iaIuntS!, aICbdft>s boebé Stisat irWgiter, audb1gi0lslea5h8 rola thie stase. - aWm -.nom b ieeb" e or ianlt. tie poola Bible U-%1n.Im7 nop ff i at ,-Chrlie' * * O0 etveshi~esJzPeI4have issu trani-le iI=lIes t sijla S!W saim' t*btufas. Of isML "bib 0 0M8Wans tfressait 1hmCit Ile chiefotm n, ~ PiltQ redwensou" mot top et 108 reoit. ioliav 1uspirit zâz -ý% l dy v*' mt »Ysacsrifice. «Y7 out. eboît, Our qilinlOs. e i mipere c 854 S ml*ie h whAl tae p&R CulaI. and In ail tise radiant swoep l.theIot d"h& benOM emd U eu, cesý»utIabout a tDUt>- gantelg on -the.scna0fIluffser.nt ~ _mstemtisat liaft WbllS 3ho v@u1l55eCl fTt aOWr fm&aorIl, K1 o IS o.tise tbff e eprtre Durer fcfetoW ~tistough whieh 1w il.twisA1k'VOphig1 rougistheisO is lie'by dems, andtie more te tbc hey Pmuod4 vU my,' Thls la tise je. bab uppais dis. em' M 1t Jb- Wel a« aâi of I the kmtlaey are prsparsd am for, Who= we ohnelg-LeThey.'gItti ssii ho&1 mnis togo. .ThbI. ie ans amanlaes sol aillihe hapiebr for the *sbprîck di irMn. U-L WgtW»ý TisaI er wot >f.on, mt wontisy oftz». lie soou t liugh whIch'tîîey, es-stictoui agis? rhicS mont sabudia, lb. reaet coulcrOr f aivetvii y,'u.lealth. Jeswbmm et a th hW4"ý th"avl&w. iwdthatheetaIconinti. mmad at Cabppa. owî.ua Nebbu Charaust.itoe. rrecion f tuk hobd LYu,iowOStOrid artle dL ad ce .4at Albici. and at jeruuqbi ittlt i, ma.- ils <salison h b is p aI te liead %ai B a,. h a.L e e li n cgd I vle n ls alssof tise el, a h e bs* ýb ýt o h O T ril5.," i.l b e s vo,~~- ,~ i sa e m9 m Qls S everan d M «14 sh us lu is arsa mmd b lse us, a d, v s iiWb i ~ si t bt If oc- thges wh "s a h*old sucs, a ouli sop suld aay:e thestorma cr tise venid wcetoc rinm. ~Erm 'si srs a v r ise ton o e l au e ie, o the a l mud loud , brou irt a u t is beauhiful OEI M ip a ds- ettesisecoque cd cfaillieu. I AM4 ce ' the multitude of ip bére t oS ~eaoeumlsteiaot1d 414 10 forteil un - son Our hearts -braite ., lws ein' eL e theréfoA'5 but 1h15 sirsedi Ihave -»eitilahY Many t-io va"e en i o oppottBa th lebaVO ài& tues, a" Oten vssellai.,~ ii iihà.lon o sab aeur ~ God and plungod lt. iVagabovd#sm,in tiieit mqunrlm%-re. £54 a pprlnl- a.discournes MOuýiôIIb, -r *IMmuci liaI we but were saved by gTaep. -111 amy: to th*r 5e.m 6ohaor. oretisasy truli, butisear uttsrOd iunreard 10de atr]'hs1 i iu iprfie tli50500ike eti isnob.i tisaIMore tat r.Ncw, I Itro is U5lte ta 1h sOit. Tiere lua W eels 1 iE 'tu~tlettdbsbiagc lo tbi'tis te opulent common sa.lcmi Ides ons h a îJet e wbregt usnite Andegîlt~~~sai iaoseoptr of li hetha.f y«, nee o comeder-there areadh a e awipPt-noJ01 nSc,9 hneIcetr r1154 from *oniy Ivo styles cf departure. A tics- 4d1ebsmd svle"fSD iefaao ats sr i i~ ne-auifetudrgoflbyigî tMercy bounlleus, g-a-e m-na-nls. bUth-emluinheor à the ard- Bod tét urgoadI y igt f And thon. mter eeh one b-sra e4t.4 arepesatugr i tpcsd. aud ea.re in ght o aar-torh.,tomlt u aminrs.- saft a ies pecular 6elvernnces asti p".u1Iar exeréisei te place severai cf liens au. don.. Christ oe t frock mar tau' upOft us. sud Vw erds ledtes~buffets beweesa ocipair et more mg- Ilsli'tici5 sa dI a lue's eai. or ut Itise voice vin corne tnw&eye- Irt.. a gresalve males. 014 Gyp, isowverlaS qoyers, thse Boa, iMMlling telse UppeA'7 ratlînes >grsat cheruswh . l"hvil M, at1I4a absniins emception 1ttis rule se of sait, as andbrooa, ou tic hafliarda e ~~Iarcheg ecbo Prd ie-eo"-l'-ih the. eter- being masgreat a fgiter se lier. le, u. lhe stars.,<die as, aliorns des. On mission Of nal rêvesiieralîn ofet mrii'î. and w0lhug ho try esucluelon vith lie i our Sun- mercyi isoptal, amîi braken bouen" dsd S 0aisn 1 O 0t t bo f tise lusisas.Imissi, on o»aor Our pulpit andm reelflleprozles and rag 10Y adtgtwbn foYedu wo rSsil GPba aagdt [ImIts. vma 7-dis t phllanthisiVe C'5deatS. freei hévree 1eva Ldu IO CCsIom ber ba iad t grcst 409. On'tbise ld, cf baIlle, evîilg God and10 exir~e obeqtei 100.ooo te marhf ownteUn e Cisain, sd wordi. alihe gua ..rrige ma.Y' roll aven uS. and tisae ]bfle L ail? bsaCXtnw @ta d anelaed dvl b4lieuong de-e Thyma _u,__ BY ,9U bruhth «tt, le reqqesî vas ýcawt'îî.d-.h R suad ail 1h resI et then.ÂA&, addly au lasperli * . » Mlea- patties 5death. B1'tiersare issairedu to-day vio-e e ncugs, n o rnBetitise liedbas taiten go b5twftu aller an ,tisrare uol? lus styles cf are- alr.dy ineii Ioly li a lot ee- "P lt h ougel- no liai ma» thye. a1hty G d deptufethe deathsOf tie nigileaVus heege tmne malsee ta " cnutha t4i Christ éan thse doatb .of lise wt*,ed-»Mld W areyour bearts e , m rtatiSî ioi sur et tise.1%44sho'wever, le a M~~~a WEiS wanttehole.tisaI cf tise former-. 1unn mceugit a orlireor ftsa.t pl&,,<iQOIOà, foEFM Qj ill.auai ler plugos1 %mq"'on- U*4 rouit quaIWbMs lai ibeur 0mn ad In bis qualntwvayb-.ssii: -An5d volgiS a o t&réé Otons, and 158.OC t di > XrWý ý beat oxas , P» Sn thela mydrean. Md lot th* isU, et -the notuns e 10 g»it it l115aa y** UMW .1l n0y0ur ha" te -ffl10" C ycur bd&0f1Fur 7u - C« e'iP&al-fonr, J p rtia-os ose ccautO 801d* .uss eui 4pse iIMau. te -iet tu tise MM "n Oesb onoe0 &-.va& . @im uTeou want tise lIisht on 1 mIopcd luaafer tliuand. i ql. etu. wmgedly pWused Ip au vertu q~ib saeJu s lS b sanoi th te- WMe~I. ist vosld yo= *e. .rou lamaIyour tomcas .1 w sreets et >Rad. Mdmoneiwitiseda ou n lilo t theaiv i1 « 4W napoi *oint aMY <iSnIdUS sisalS-tisams iprits Au Ibeirbands. te 7jir ~ a~~sjuôdl Su all es gbb~ :1OO54 atçis lm>P. raitb piisb teitou tat Augdimr; oa ê1eIwt ci45l bs Mý M»J roqwagt . ~ MidrodW0 W&CI10 -butleup thme gates, visI<11 Vie Iua<mai enoe etthie Soutiesnt m -W be- Pftii tyeai. lut tlàtImitmo, _____________ llb" .1iO tbé et .& - ~ in W1î qeséicm mrh» tis* wo10ihinop éte M& de ardu aobi mae n- - MetMWoe $UfasautseC»ve de 1* dissO 0 Im tuet aw h*ol t us o*loav09pIdoge _01MLuise<,Mu0dean vIl vins wlk 00*1 oS a bint vé ' ami v. e fl. Vii *»r lie gls e ame gag e 2»0upi341s1, -I a j, o e y I 'i id a mimSett*iq s e a o Urie kloo atndotiud ioteBlod Mmd uenouâting the bM7ji Wa thc Spring, meaos 5omt ta $sowoth of nySrariI qe t 1pnioe, EDiMIJSON, AAES A GEMIAL WJKE. I ~ me u.g puis e Uatibeuuo~ t. an T» jOsUMgDUCe cf Manlbrcugi'vas MMs by a*repalrcif, te Nev Tork woewiat te Wldonf Ho3tel, Nov rSk, Viceah. zmade a short star. en otpto Newport, Asised 5ev lng Se iglans rmahhUg la Ansenta, h. smd; "Z-e1511 beover bers meveral mesti. pegsep. Alers.short etâ» la New. .PrI I ebal go vestI and'lies sentis ta les =r 1 » M~e h i ng oet jo u r g re St co lu *- tW>', and Ste people and hbile.,* retufli- Etu th- Nev Tors iwes lie yeahen le eooler. Iles ss!>' botSelt-day, dons.t yoXkov Visestld- fiat St meemed ta lie ýreporte1r vo Idel smmer day, lise Die lapiset s*iriYn nd sud id: ."W. nover bave- SI as- hocI lu London. je lis, you icsw."n retsa s'lgitbut weii usit; twénty- tbrsse yAns ald. iha* ilgil brewn Sain *eda vrysl15ht buovalsbmoustache. in UEWARDEB has the la rgest c&6uoýtion of any paper in the MID)LÂID DISTRICT,, 1t ýcirculates in tii. best homele. ii »ad hi b j bmos jflç elilgent- readers. * its réaderareBuVEYS g S TU fLL$11OS Curs We~iOth~rMedicines and Doctorsi Hiave Failed '1\V,? RESTORES lIE siCK0TOHEALTIL. Ti"S W»KEOP XA19LmOEOUG1. .-ma«M reý luea" teirex .efflohto Health SoIeye tetas h. 'fac lgiss ;'vls -- Beriet. ue culLh s t anie î b SORuth ericafi Nervifle." Says. e55 le . i 9.-he «tws 05S5 ink e l It C. Ja C'out 0 f W indsor. mert cf dlepffltim IfH. vore ilt gSm cbsvIct, vihlia Fedora bal cflise umre aisad, a blakand visite Pin chesk niaras aOlIng surI, a pair f visite RUsW& gsies and a rod Imer nossd bise shipsi our-Is-isaul tic. Th ic le i Aa bte colons cf tise Zingari Cricket,- - Club of EDglsad. of wvicis e l.a Neb.-e lam e eappeam'aCe <f &am isiMete. u and seliatI le equii foidetail parts. *Vises ami- =Y If tsereort' of bs.engagement vits Xin Vaderbit w as truc, Se laugisi« icertminir 'amn ot engaged."' and tises ho becaue lie Interviewer, adinlg a nimber cf questOions làaver>' uiS- isea" aiintereutel manser, lie fMr« et visiai Was: "Nov mlad sy repor tersW hm tis e -I'!> W<uN? Wesdon t bave tlien ail- lus, 7 now c. There are a fev cOulie 8101017 paPona. but ve dosut; eed thon fto lise OISn Dm"over tiers." - -N ot ors, iavlg boo ee it. ýoPUs- try buttv t et" «r& &Mud ths~b *bing 2m' tri £11 ven, I have reelly taon- op15smsse et, but yM havit a jbairb. Smoms.ocf Ue.Tosmo v vede mot par ml ut"s attenush on te l»Ii.stsoio 5< - Iadoos OIMNesfor li>' e s jbooMaubmd y bise amabe i Tm- bouses are 'very iando.a* tysotuse. Tou are tise fr31 pneut t ~ ~ . -h.mttveIave ses," e in P-' ~ps, 'ltipugs aauxilber bave cail- oS.~~C J.1 W1iS do 115AfsftiCuIS va jb of au Mrtisea tbe bM à@ u Mft 'le Iîl esl' uigin eve ry suais casa 1 a~~jm é,âàeàaVol iovt»o hat I l T)»d *ay vus boC la*rm;pe weu 6att4kv IIsLae<, et~eà*è ei ism~- Ifa * f- Si.., f

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