2-FS5E I GU NOTES CAs . LfàlZTLI ObUT OidmihtLfftimiMel ýrie sMd .6.. vio sdmleof o! o b 1*adrI. Me sMd lavima 51.1w ulauui te tb 1 oit i. M 5 m e ut toi hait thé oppotun"llte, bore@w tbu FOU vaàntst t h. ndmul at" . DoWI poaiatsl. but mails Tour SO dion peOmPtIT. on Gmisoi GENEAL I4SURnoý E AN ~. H.800TI.RN SporiUng Goods, The Celebated Scranton Cool ddlivered at loweat prices - M à M éa. am. u ls, B. 1L.464 ]Ruabboe and LahrElù OM, -Mhery &Och ne StamPaokugRuabbeana pis*oi4 Pàokinlg-t S1PirW and Soap bio*. LUSlm ]sU'~e, Tbhnshes'Mi. 1Isud Nus. 4 ad.7 Plowe ka-Wthimeuble plabS*ts s -------- heUU el. mbon misj b. t.huB .04 le théd. ______________ PMU 1h, ee sa iai >p ine. impotts o!fIon m s u d Hnlas u lu sudOi.Caut.50j Geo. A.LitMèq. Sohool.Books$ a-" n ba& -e à fe~u suppaylmu HîgI BohoolBoumB SHlqth Sohool Phyi tuni su bob ilu SGEOSAkIL OBookBiMd St asa" b. LAKE O"'z SOiN» A Thu!Bday WEEtd. ,~ 4~ Uâ~~ ~9. 0.5.. -' - dqgVbu i5~ I WAEI~ tslsw. disasmalluE we h 1 . I. lm. -u u . bu ombe-mile mqw ne - uq itmijM" by Ua uaagsihi .mmsMd lm vu - p 11.5. --W . 1 ib. La .81wm" ma" mow ulius W 6.emslfbS imirs u éM s mot h.pp ' I - 1h.p haltv t *8 »i Moab9. Tb EeOauO malas &AgId e sasseptjousa . uhmugi vifs pS Hue Im ei%4 UsMai" &I...4.e" -.la m -n lunelsA.sluv ifNul oussvauq 0 1 -MaIl.,m-nS g m b « Is V. US Hs.mui h puwUS I atm. las&E s.S~ a.mil volF ,mvu L t lsb ls u Uao T.<laulmvr im baa au, boNus. 6." le usas eluglt a s-lbut US apluS&mfIOlt t$ Ie vAI à$hU mIqM svmi.6. Md7duS i0sNO aho v %bd* tes a ai . .lt65 bte Mibshoiu, ha h .aépuisu U$ eu m. laI . THE LIQUOR.L DOOTOE W~BKIU Oda: Thom ~~~~5 -~ - - Vas I how. wm i4 mvu â u foS e éls leglg ici* moesta 6 OfaS s »ii orle iniis .smi7 shn 6 al B"n momie& $hos*s i nim 51 ms ha ,ekm .l««. M» 6but toth.olos oil m.nvS0- athàle miuswOam fi5U w mu .bo........ 6.... ..... alli F -A su b40l h. LIstv. iun m~m4a ai Qlbsoutw aSS Kr.lv,0" rnWsIbî te"tube ot DpuMoaagr Tho bd& mprdsq.16. wp «Y-, sLC 5-.9 Mdsls.14-Sta.' m' Tom~~T Sàw-Â lm-ol dome aMt lors là «M a»t siuhbe. 4 =ont.'e l, 6.vumo fiE m du mri; *u. u%Ï& 1 i tmesPlm b WmtBhIP BÂ.,ofSOS7.lShIi lapilms.1 If~~h alo»lu Thormim. S bale bau ".x5mf1. a * W msSy lý ma à *ami U a 55.ttao âmnuvl Kw am* Iés. isà U~wq bum IhoghWe MIT -~o BuIUok, Lad. h OÂNADUE1ANWXISKI38G@4Il hWotSeagram'pot Walke9à'COÔb7s',le %flg hB$& ~ Wiluu'sGinger AIe Md SOdMUwao; b!B iOfguAih; AppolinariWater. AIe suad porter. Bous Aie aud (*nmnwmstoutI4 d m a oti vuy&ng ihat yon want to drink GSoudeliered b a>MY pautiof the lOin. Give us a oailand b. oonvinced iha we. are <'tJaduay's *ading Groo.rs." ORAHAM 00. The 1.ading Groers, Wile sud liquor Mehns 29 ent 8treet, TELPOgN 4 ~MfhJ &WiL 5EIDTUX i8édfd3YThurBdaY aud-Frida.y, Sept-25, 6 aVys G AT7.00 DAILY * Pr ogramme ¶~st >ay.Wdn.sayqSepta 26th.8 31GW» OYOLOOK ni TEEMONf< s. roudiadBuldingopenforr iving exhibitui. be .2,L1TheEXuhibitifl rounda wtfbeoelWà.Pbi DO pug.-aae-BU atch for a Silver cup.ý- GOp..-udifKlu Ui Ril omence' 50 pa-Gis HorUs ch have nover vonmrton . ajt;rasI. A u z1so wS iib. given.Etaio "111,lot to rooiv=U 2.d sird $10. Peaivo ~i.1la tIis clam as t£rav uo 00pLBcceRace. Cam; e2'"ad~584 i peaCyclomter, rd prias, Sa EVENING AT .7.00. ~an DumnAtoe o ulurl ark and Building with twDAY, THU R8DAY, SEP.2 iOAL-G!0UD18anIidiflpOpftW he Pblic. 0.30e A..J~iEo ess at.and &aLUn .Stoc AwultW gl ParwheXit alboenOdby lion. Sir ak.ii Lw0 PI-P IN i E RG.--Opdiiouy o rfe * bohaenover mode better Urne th ir minkuteg on amy frack, n to lMtIAuguitt. AprIasof $M wM.lbe Vefl Etrnc#M50 lm brised** 00 , Su Sl ane Tyr5!USBrou.sîd ND.Lbry and Bevoivb* lgGob e r1arfhu ' Partliostimw ir aml upeiait-b enited mmwtb MtvIe Danin Doiu.; * as" Thié t omBasadé ittarii - z i - - -peze GrnM Iinaiosof A Pak»md BuldhIg wlth 74 . JLPÈflIBu1Idi Oonf to thé Publie. 7.45P.iLOort Pîomenadeu &W 11P..a1s mi wM ÀhobtlOPerformance&. 1Lx.z-G*es Glsut 8Ro AYFRIDAY, .SEPT. -27 eve!Ja"depaTtliOft of the Exhibition 9.00 JLL-Cmtuattoiïof Judffing of Housesand allIàUve 1.0 px.-PEDIG IN THE-RING- MOo al ess A of $150,000 wiil be gven. lentranoe$1F; %t tWreceive 075.00, Wo receive $50.00, Srd Wo recoive $M500. IM uuL-HII Wire and Tie.Performance take 1ae 8.00 pj- £'YDIVtrS FOR SPECIALP Z. a2», .à.-Tr»mPerformance.,.Wlre Waiking. 8O .00 px.GRktie PARLADE of the Prize Animale &round thRiD& - ADMISSION TO THEGROUNDS: MM DAT rA"» EVmNf, 150.; SECOrD AND THIS"> 26 ENTr, SECOND EVeNO, 26th, 25 cENTS; Geu&" STAND 10 CMM~r. mftMIs.U1S wM lbe obtainable on the GOuumde at,25 omts a.mea.. SPEGIAL TRAIN -ARRANGEMENTS. O0" and one4bfrd plar.on u RS~ods on tao M& ffld 27th, good to returu on tae Stu. SuIi0XaEVA»Eon tàe SOth, good. b returu cm MX KUsIa ZxUtbim,*"t*emi* gobg ** b. a large and beautiful MillinerY fur v ub Mî~Ai, nèstorLh. .Sho vilLopen a large <ut "d Maitie goods, and ofcevory dscription. ,,ao An -the 4~ 9¾I d ~, <4< ~ .- 4, I 0u~piug Bankbr aMd Broker, a FU m ý- 1 -4ýl !27 g ý în. the lateët. stYles- ý"apecialtyé opposiie Benson Rouse. OF-TRE. TIEURTBENTIR