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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Sep 1895, p. 6

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MW-a zAbmte B wv lW and or 70W Uos K fvin manage Mmw to 4b vtlb th»h. For-for r m mtboeuak"e"-bis voici iroPpe-"let ius bho Monds, ash1 The oh rman's iycuk seftenei forta Instant union ihet .r s~&g browsj b>A It va" for a4 moment owy ; the ntlu bai hardenei blasif. .'«Ne I1 vant m %'u rienabw lu mld, harshly. 01 ba-is sçfftseflo at the hais of frieni&.-Go yourWsmy and leave me to mine. A-csrrlage vIE be orderei for yen. It vil tube you te Portb. 'Tou wtt flot sIeme a.gbh Good-lbyeY Nfe fheld out hiehai. Vaae tok lb and grtppcd lb.ý 4«1 d't l'nf.>v hetber t. b. sory os neot that, 1 caine," ho sai. very quieUa', ln hlm blundenlng, public-séhooî grau> The aid man wthdrsv hlm hai, léo>i ,ed at hlm, turnid abreptiy, uni Bf t tUL rIOcM. llfalf an heur, afer*sri Vax. w being iriven ln a iog-cu.rt tevar4 Portband a«king bimaeif vhether after ail ho reaUly as awake or uuhitp and only dreuming that ho bai besat th£ Wltceem'Caidrea and Vale Rail. ý But he bad two aubstantlal proola ol the realty et hlm aiventure&-s check fer live thousani pouais. anà No*a'u ahUllng.. The day Vapie Tempeet lett Vals Rfal a alun, gIsh figure, iay an the narres iedge eft he rock against vhlch Ibe bridg-e restci, iaaklnir 1dowuaeaIthb.rns vilne Itotawbich Vans sud hie herse bad been precIDýated. It vas Nana. The nain vas asi talt. lng ; difblng uri bbc vâle ln àa icloud at tlmps, at athers being driven'au If do- spltctuiiy .by bbc bcavy gusls cf vIii trom the sca. Sbc iuy supported by ber elbew% hbp chia bcid ln the holiav of ber bands, qulle regardicas. afthébc nain blcb tat Ispon ber Mie a sftt VelI; ber hais clung ta ber fonehead ani ber achIlike vet sa-veed, makiag ber face, pae even than ibm vont. look 1k. lvory bp contrast. There vas a strage look Ia be - face, la her cyca, -au they'iveit dreaUily up on the ravine hait obscurci by lbhe mt Vine bai nemarked lb. vonderffl Power of exPressinWbilicoe. ia9hE grey eycs pomessei. s"d thc varltIW cf emollens vblch lboy coul! so raptdk.; ly ladîcate, Ne sun-fleabsid.couà- sbaioved rock cauli change no swiftli' as the lights and shadova Bn lieo r -» vanian's cyco ; and as ehe lay nov the expressions vore changlng. sblftmg cop.' linauly. ()ne marnent -Uic face- vauldInldicate a vague sari-av. the mexS as vague au unret: lien a a i e t.viii delatice aui If sbe vene battling -wth nme mool or ernotion. Evcry. nov und lien sbs vauld drap ber face vbofly mnobebr bande and breatho quickly. One miglit imagine a iurnb animai. émre forese tiger, mnltbeiwibb a xuystous liai which puzaici vhlle lb totured tlb ok- ing and breathing aus he lookei ail hreathei. Il vas as If the resentmeut ofthei pain causci ber mare auffotjâg thtin the pRi- tiffrlf. Every rnaveqjntnlhe maie vus e- quent of unstuilci, uneaucien-gram, ani ne sculpter could bave deurejg botter. model than lie bauf-yul i ui utnebchedI Bu semi-savag e aen Cà tbe eige oft rock. tItiferentt ,te sOtf tfaillag nain andthbbc hâl of the late Octaben atternona. Aflen a 'ime sho rose- iowly aad dreamily, aidmaie, ber w'ay uiesiplbe narnov shei t thle ravine. 18h. dhuf on the very @pot Vabe bai ,failen. and iaaked dovai. au If ah* wmversnèatli nomce me n ber momory. Once or lvI. Uic r*isci hbeuai amd loolici round. au lit she àamoet ex * ececitoe ueo hblm stanilng beslé b or hear hie votse. 1Phen. uI as llrlli frolm thle drosa,4 ah. v oidrav a ln lm* th, ani 8Ug berseif doua on the nM at omsual bury ber face la berlbsade. Presenly lie mileS eche«Mb> Place vas brokon hy as isil "o-m r i It soumic i vie btors Mbs psu t heci : then cmroirvl, niutmta. ani lookedi -e. ...I Rot amat'altagtacr ligue, b-f shroueieiby th. miet. U aning ta' bhe bridge. With a istrauge listlem.ala *W Ba ntm teahatee l ler. 1nrtuguW vwhlob Vane Tempest bad iret l Nomeraegavek tck lb. lr.Trovantea10&4«* vieri~ 'lYbl ai. y d4st«*IUme. ascaflsi ovia. deu *a0 ~ the 1 Uke Midl n a wt thert la teý a» the abou- "m lbthebook iomet vanS te Wli . abard 'Yncose inX I, 4bo 1*9119mot en- tre,'ome 1y,'ut4 *ci, t nly M - veythialth e vensuu0 .ýNeb yours mur mtawe," she sali. "Why de yon aïk 'WbaI luIt «n vat tu knov. cliiie Nomr. 1obe 14yoSd hber~tb ba atlier. "IAm 1 a a. *tIr te sbe auéi, ttbthe mre Mi det gra'vtty, ë-.If ah. en strImly bemrou ot BformattOn-as il the quqatinbai «Ory Iately. arisen within ber o-Un besant. Mms.Tr-oanton.peuemi aI bon vibl coti scnutlny uni an ehrumna bc iconc-aed. "Ynask strange questions, liera What bas corne to- yoix? Yen are not a childIn he b.ordinury msome, but ia athorm--you are différent.» "Wby araI1iifoérent ?" iernded Nomr. 'Wb cat I reasi uni write' He matd that ethers gbrimaus ol us 1 amn could do o . o ali- S* si.toppel short. ani a faint color *camne tule ber face, but ber symu di net drap. Bbc torScd thcm ta continue lok- lnz over Mms.Trevaniea's head. -Mrs. Trevunton.tunnel ui loobsi at ber. 'He Wby?" abo i u. "Deyai mnian Mn. Vans Tempestl1*" "Whal cime diii hosay te you V' usked the eider voman, aler a pause, durns vhich Nons bai turasid ber eyes ta tbe fine. She dii not anseer lb. question. 'Was il b. vho taugbt ye to b. is- uabsfiei-te ask quetions? demanded Mms.Trevanion. Nomrashook ber Bisda nirose "Ne," she sai ; "ho alM othlngr. Wby siiouli ie ? 1 vs nebg-ua notblng bt> Ihlm. He bus fergotten me ;by tIs -h 8h.ii mt spe*k wittbbitterneas; the 'londs elf.l etby enough from ber I * ,c6urse be b*n.. Why moulin*b ho " sali Mr@., Trevanlon, uharply. "He la a gentlemman au fat rernoved- au diiferent fi-pi usna«-a Luniy Iole tramn London lova. 1 tbougbt perhapu ho bai been puttlag nmre, f01117 al ycurhbaud-" miSe looked keeniy at bbe Icively face, but Mdi net IRush. 4"But ne;; heienlatee hue a gentleman for .that.j's eb loke 'off, aimnt te ersoif. There vas a moment or tvo et silence, thon sire.sali alou: "I ebhed yeu la nov, lNerabecs-use I want you t. de 1S etblng. The lide turne la hait s u on',deea'l lb'Pl Nora glanced Ms4 hielc on mhbb shetf, and oibeL 1 I aut yen to o e tle reb e,"n- *sumd lie eldes weleanL NorasloBekaup front ler cup. "«To Trelorue ? Biol o h* achooner?" Me saldI l a1evvolee. The eider vousa abeok1 ber huai. ..o. "le h. ai, gloonUriy. 1"Idoubt vbether vc absIl. iver h abls ho mecS the'uibeeuer agalin. 'iemmnkcep, a -shaP toboaut 4*7anal ulqt lvehbai vWatithw safIMIom tIbathlb. schoO- er la being cdasely wttec"byb a gev- utnt cutlt. N«@4 o0W b, m'isi, Inade-4muit Btbat 70U *11-b ah a. Sh Bi. poko vth ila mn' deiso.. -'<V t. begla le. vome ugals-Omia-upu Me I ave roave to isove betLa1."l tb. voila vwill 1 .immlqatte a abmt »r i. amg wVuu ol" #uua '"Nô; tfèe oviim ot b. mWeh vini. I hour « l&%h Ob* utood. appoaffi-té' linger, a"i the eldêr vomnpavol"e Mr. stem"* lerouas bar. Pbet irn" send-appvoaffl.te table vhere, lmawT ' i ann a wutIragupî 'God-bye, aunt," ah. sali itti ova- on dhe tablé edgs., «'Gooi-bys," sali lbthe ier vomac, eoIdy ; but ButiNoira stood, and mom- id to watt. then shelittl ber£%c.. pale wtb a strange llght-a ittl thlraty light ln ber eyos. ln a loy, clear votas. Mm, Trevanlon colori a baby roi. and an expression ofimpléamur.ad Aurprise SBbie Bn ber face.: No«a ad never n la .1ber ite 80b.i for a cursus What -bai core to bert Thpeleder woma bent over the table and let ber Iliii touch the pure vblte torehead vlth a klm. as cld as tee-as Nonsm evback ropuii, rcpslled., PRnUff a moment, withbehr eyes on the cold. bard face; thon, wîtb another, 'Gaod-bYe, suaI," tunned and left the cottage. She bai asked for love sud bpr au nt bai gveh ber.'& Blanc. Bbc knev vbst a kisushebuli ho. Wus not Vanie Teri.- pesîS burnnng on bier Ilips even nov ? * Bb vevltb fh, ira step davn the rocmky way, and launebing tbcbhast. * srng ln, et the ail, ane steered for ITrelorne. Ib vas Only a short rua, vltb tthe hie sud the UtIle viai Ihere vus ta ber favoir. L b est, lbe eraround. Ihe tiller,-a-" tellc had mt that day-lhat never-to-be-. fongotten day-sbae and lbe bsd alled to- trether. *Hav long ugo vas that ? TYears ffac lb ever bappenci ? Coing to Australia, never ta corne hacli 1 As she leancd hack and steerci the boat, vitb a akfili aud kuavîcige as unernlng as that eor aay eam&n'e n tbe coast, uni t1bought of cvery ftti1e. tlny incident on thal never-to-be-toôrgob- ten day, ber auna'. vedurayng la ho'- > -"ra, her heurt. Never le corne buek 1 Bbc -wnuid neyer mcc hlm-neyer-for al ber lire ! Rer.face grew paleotlber heart bbrob- bei uni acIhed. *Truei Il- vaw exlrpinely Improb'able, cven If she romainci ut the Witclies' Caldron. Ibat ehii hould ue 1.hblma gaîn: luit while Bbc va,« ln Tilngiand. lucreç wns stili a chanUce-a wid chanceA ; but wlth the seau bebwcem tbemn-with, penhapa, Ibousands of rmileis té eprate then- ! Shbcocuid mot go on tblnklng 0 f IL. Wilh a ehudder. ishe Prcsed lber band to ber eyes and drove the, thougbb back tram ber. Dut lb would corne agjaln and again ;.!nd il me r.borbed ber ibat she ta lied for a lime tn notice that the vind was changlng and that the sea va.é run- Presently Ibese fat1-t.vre tôèrec uln- On ber notlhe bV the- flpp lago6f the mailis ani thc daph of spray abovc bbc gun- wç, ali. h. put lheb both eb.tack, ani bad te go cul of, lier course. The c'rening vus grovlng chrBBIy..'Bbe dmev out ber. suit, ofcl -skias 2aai put lb on, and lay downataItbecbottoof et bo ast, RI li, of course, -keeping-ber haid-on Uic biller. The 'vind gaI bighor, am acame on--on e af thase grounisvefls whtch r rake Ibis ane of lb. deadiiest coasts ln Engialti.* ' A ih. vatced the tdeudu ivng s-wfitiyronsw lb. ky Bn b«"O'ybanks, bhe thoughât floutd tnt. on mini. that hait a tumrsofthé .belp, ivtb Uic s.ai-. * seet tiatt. &uni tns Wouihoaunend of the torture, ltse strangitorture that bunasi lalber houim, theu uwful longIng to se. hlm al&a, te heur is yulcé, - At the thougit ber bal mû. 1Mhui unconsclouély ; tli boat ,vu y es,1 qo ceuliovertum t lBSay "Duap ý Ber o7iiRt £Pu* ~ spoang up, au If eoela& i.an.i« o" Doeti luoà." i -'a tine.i 1-er bà,1 _ tl abs'hi' @m pulk.. memat a auoa QMI m cage b mmau w. button boae4 ". d eû vbst ast e lthep o.s ISU )Mai lb. bqart ot a mmsa vtbtberbis 10 deo4k aq-eli. ail t0ard the ligbt. Mt bai not gons tut abong th. pebbiv thb. 4funemeutgaasl ew»l1m "W>Oqîo t . ur mm rn4e -bar vse - Mbourse u11W coulia, ungmse; "tup iuel" The man , looked ,at ber ather urtois- lY. but salingbbîmg, anias f<iiowed th. road and appacbed t11*«Mait ug- ter cf flsternenla. Cottages. 1The wtadov e t ue vu7 e"y thrle crduai. mecrouottcidouüdt 111e pocket, 9* a s --, w»reI*tt l- und careffly neplacei the'olbers.Pi as remunhSrithe patcel. uni 1t=k Bt from heË bOrnen M4 oi>iii t. ThM W.ere Severâl vrapptaa .he 1iéthe outer oas et sail-loth; but Ina! de lista, iMe a mut ln its shel, vusa roll.etofme8v- erkgas and a lette,. sBbc-tnraei -tht letter ever 'wth tb. viattul louok vblch tiiose vear vho canneS resi. BUttshe bai earaci te ceSunI. ani abe. counts the raill<t goli. Thene vere fi'e-and- twenty gsavertgi& h. puttheb»..bac*, buit -vwtb inguuiftt orethouglat she .tOeea the letten Into, minutent fraffiet, tpr it.accurred to erotitatif abe vers oveý- taken er caugbt, Ihat lcttet vouII tolt her capturera tee mnuch. She at under the vlniew. netng for hialf an heur, then she sMole, eut. The iai 'vu s till .blotoig bar, ic helbb vasgrpowlmg dark. -WIi bbt but eycm hait clossi. she thougbt deePIY- keeniy. an~d thlen she meved tevazi Uic Open. ceuntry. Bun, &Wl Uith Dma ; foie vms tme Md , i l bê least thlrci, andit vusamutr tIb'bot te tmavel hy nigbt than by iayo. Obc bai lot gene twemty p&Ms.bqfri silo heuri a Mmra rnnng bh~br He vus aanttg fom theb. hb. 8h. etoppod, a" 4 obed dovu ugainsl .thc vu r et ottage. Thé mua'm- most touebsi ber, pullci Up short, sud breathtng bard, kaockei at the cttage docr. Bbc cravîi, glici 11ike s ned1 Indian, rouni tho, angle Oethe cbouge, and vuibci. The deer vas apenci, snd a a &Mns beadgi rlleti~, Iwl t lb. unirques- "Whatm the malter?" "DBII, tiiere'. boom a acciett" panîi the man vbe bai kmooked. "OUh,» rejùiffld the mua et the cot- tage. wlth cbarwi alngIlffeence. "Vos- . sel dowva?"9 ",No; lutas tmahaseel Off Rook.y Peint." -",»mthetbsOthe. vtlhsoarei lesenci llifudrweo. "Wiaisert et. & Tbo. ether man mm«.neàertu a loer'voice,but nt oo k ofrli<ra tO catch, repfla: The oate of the cottage e . aci "t. wvke te Ibtere0t. "x. r' -Yes, t iso," ausntsi the othur gavme- lW. '-,9*ïe i'4evu vi y* 0'" "Watt a mUd=te.' vle" r e e.M Thon Ibèrewaa the sosud et saft boots, aMi thOU tlb. MuP e Of ol lUe 3Moi >, b letgw jw "'Ph. Ca*&on b«t *" ho sai, lsa a ".-rus.4 l wu*r tt. tÀAl botten uni. 1 ot eor on â b b«. Bru naut L~U. *'s assIbrobe te t m4d bruit on lte table, L~.t b.corser or eh* bush bspeekets that ~ W bi lnivsboli.- ie Ion utmeg a vr e, ou-mi" li Mati l p 0$ib, but nmse- ~ vi*'*Stti' OWl MAeUt~ de s ala e.mimo &M et UI" » toMm wu l1k. 10 carry a good Watch. We have them in Nickel, Gold Filled, Solid Gold and Silver. Prices froi $4.5o up. We guaranteo them . from -0ne 10 four years. Don't spemd your money in some city :or town, there is nothing made by so doing. - When we warrant a Watch aill reasonable !opait. are doue gratis.- Corne 10 us with vont repairing in Watches, Cdocks and Jewelry. S. J PETY, -the Jwlr 86 Ketst.. ip nîdBay next the Dly House. I ]QFOIR? ýýwqellurat . W MMpromptiy â-. mijoté& 70UtkU , barlo=Y«OWhait. vblcla venu cort h k- t t us short = ý*« 5cse OIpermit and beaborel st en« " a ar Bth a~ bard brusb li eeth". Ibat-ami Uh~~p hm and ** owown 'b.mem," Ani~'7"ve bail -int a 1 1110- pokbmoteart. oh* Vaae?" rsmart- el Daoe-«r content Daunr, Who oaIy iiysi vbs lb. ards vwer. on thb. table. oan. hiokcel nather grave, but Baughed «An taiglt."0 hoaliJ; "but -no bigh aI.abr - MWyeuu flt. bo aintee etto Ltn aVIim té Dacre and bie Mit "Ton lovu arrange it anl.rui mat steP tounai mk Benley Tyerat. moine.". S"e.«fthb.mm n xohangel glamoos uni meuf& loft the club, Dacre ne- mWat e du- i:eTmps " up-a artelblug no sr 1ea t oseughber VaIn. tumila mbulve ma penua stree u'htaper ohoii o Ti'sr, and as e vuiomm'aie hotoua * oteett-our»uoey Ble.hevet1 i "T« a~pi lb. «chat ipoer, D"M"i sol ouiffl ck? Ne toua..b Ipesiie te iè ls netlom, umia o Mguve Set bi ' - -asng r1eueaosl daakm hoe40bis expet eacea mineSenler uitheM Tanns wbU l, et cou h va Illeed o te bu; bt ho Wet h net baibeag oie fiani hew momnt Tyiedaulth* ?sne jund t Iposibl brui lb. sthud. ,UIes bgv onley Tet starindein eoreri aussi, ard aterkfuni on re oir» bair os ou c ae'etra ce;n ho» iteul wimethe l bs rui"- alit "s Vahs Tvultl tai ahuai oro hof mts iedged ilpno to n-ut homaret la bnilnstan. and leke olerbs ibolio a toM uion sj 'on m idteÉa. w tue Vans theaugfloc n rppllI uBrdraiSe Tys sttig but slhi- toyc tunelrd etre a omrb.oasS nie "Se non'r. hock,'Vas e ati.ad-h THE .9'INEST boGiarand aigarette lni the WÂ.RDB -'-t. mav~ i Ppei the 7 * 9Go. AI] omen E~~~t .f*dt.0mPulc Just tuy, it. FA-YETTE , " puma" te un MUNOU ILA-

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