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Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Oct 1895, p. 1

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Ab- -F lor Aauuuht 4 ~, j'. Flan nel s, " non. 7, 0'14Sa r ard.. .Silo. iral es" gek wo@d urnisb brW' *lu t U aILldsV I OUT& NGO ,pli 0f9 11 Flowt ai Pl. MxtentbU and. samable ..ds of a b akinad. special alsIon téout. *A 'TyLarge- Stock o lnee which was bought tmre time be. tii. recent sharp advance in wolns, We commelnce Cteys et RBj esuts, better g",eat1U, ][60, iS, t0, and a25 Cents-per yard. Full r=ofs ai avysScatlets, -Whitel Opera Flannels, etc. Sheeti gFlanméina'whiea"dgrey mingle anddoulewldth. A stock of about 2oo Pairs ta select from, at prices ranging froua $xý 25 to 85.00 pet- pair. We. ay in ail confidence we mcvr bad such values in Blankets to-ofer. Shaker Flanet fiheets -aàd Sheeting by- the yard are among the. ataple movelties this year. LADIES".OIIILDRENIS AND MEN'8 UNDERWEARe EverytUilng..new, uefu1 urviceahie aMd desîrable lashows in aur large assortuaent of, Uadwwea. Children's Vestess Ladies' Veste and Drawers, Mend Boy"' Shirtu and Drawws in endlms variety at *prices Mach, lover thum ever belote oDsred. This vas always, a specialty with us. This seasoin we discoutut former .fleri'iiu OASKMERR QLOWS ANO HOSIIERY Ladiest and Chldeùs"Cashmere GIov.s lu Black and Colors, i.- prted direct ù.oui the. manufacturera Grand 'rafge of qualities Pric= and Waus correct. Outrasortuent of Ladies' and Childrmn's Cashmere nome is very arg nad variid. Pull range of qualities. We avetwospcia Ilumto which va ask Wor ttetio-our "LEA "a cet e ar. and ouxt SPECAL" at 35 cents, or pir fr *.o r aiepievue;s.ta Eveiy department in litswing~. W. have, loads of bargains for ale WÂRNEI & o.l The G3reat ,.,akrxLvt 8100k Ment '78 and78 otu LdBy and WoodvUO. Opposite Kennedy, Da%ïs & Son' Lumber Yard. Fr une ab. Dootu. Blindet Mouings .Turningu, et cec Cal- -and iuspect work, andd pet prices before you buy elsewhere. je. y'>. £ uAUpAA~D.A~ a.--. Po ILYLEzY In the. ese teol. I LII paise lusilsitoile 1 a t~ oia Iixeme of lb. baiu iT.sldude", cmo b Y le t i sl AOeskBUrmeS 1» wm tu »*0*1Ut e-t Just -liko OIockwc lth emo~aI DE.F.A.WALTEM5 »M« tpu-msme frmat UluaIWaBug~a Ros md W*m.«Oem lm iSWW.- ou a MiidE, nu v ibtes ma"'. Im vS»ami tir. Ya on ut lai et. eu là Iem is84 ds eeet ipu I .4 . . -, mYfum&T*mNEue - . , - 1. hWN US. kUk V UMUS, ~ 1' SAin 81-~p M~ ?3? i i 4 get DO'T BE "BOE PEOPLE# TmyeBpulmll" if mo veil ai jeu m ue1ws U»9 ian . WYW5s Ifjudauime"Is hit pljue so.b b 87 lu S rm out, eoalo.OI. wm b aIHNe. istba, m'sDo" tBe, fiagise r *u&i Wblt. P l tin e. Fraimetasid b i~* ut w - JOHN *3EOLD. AUCTION BALU su valuamu FI[UOU1 PUPOII a.oa.. a - a W m8 ml r 7loF MANYER 1111 COUNTY 0F DURHAM@ il a mm MWI e riueielid*e dayM4 mo rt l Isofluri h ni IyPuble aeiane Wedngaday, x6th of Octebe, '95, XcKnLO'S otol in the gol'ro doM U y-T momlIr11. am . ucin<mtWâImlmaie10, lumbent ldin =ro: milt.We setaia uiadp et pelti &»ÏiOumU 55 a M« r w ebw , - g-i&but x MUOI m. tmO- MM U8AND OUDlTIOUU or am-helis wuu lli e Sfer " meluamm 1oo-4mb- jto& auive hl& numbstL*0? imacOR "mabs eIm ue espetosihl@e menermuyt o* usai. feof " alpa ti be lease. ami ail ttme of MI%,or on aptIIoatibCHAULm HW AND AELDI à ERIETMU SMM% olutori. bus bom n mSirsi m Bit Esveil; yOUNOmL Ourm, OTrÂIVA4 7tk Sept,, i8M Mv Dm COL.. DU&c,,-Peail -te mlufua *6empiste Mi Iboqliul rngrugue'.v" livete maisfu t be m. M ulsd ouralemSet m ma i ta I yý 1iiiys.q un Fats vies <le ay v l iuebs, Mie. - 9 mi BOUM bo Isue. Il esuli a em h .ba ma lb. Y ail MJ Ldmlqladem tanbu ismosui - noeu su vlb ielml qp*s I. q fi A ~ i tVer =é laiémioa nuv48eg. -W. gint a 80Mfut a usé, ~ ~ ~ ýN'ýs "iIn em eni m i i ~ÉIOl, tbom eth bom »d &W Imm G 1n830 , .1 8 Tlhe Wsiio. ou oeik, elenbl Sau il .s...81. 9............. ais. suuwiq-. las ma M a dOY&3 TwMvM b a 0705 W w»Mret o W~.O N IN. GaiuurnMiumljuryO.<1'a hm à, a bnlama kil w l, 0n'..10 t f-e lumsea iautqlaImmbitstobo slet&iV MMi. bus.pimbAsM as le ml fumasa trni"et be vie" me. les i 'Ii .1m.suis uthm rdbaUd- ul mii» al oflssvtheomrefe th **z;zE;; Zôb bm fusadthiIbse MM~ Mdsuthe nuideMMfti enVssi sml s@um tiM ote o i Ibm l. plisad & . lb. meplbu iet is eat laoui. u OMM mm "sllab IbmsivaiMdltm b guesa ebo iut m to lutlbig bi tbe «»qs tsud Il mmnout Ibm mae émus l. homuidrmetbis il»vsud 'thare liaI~~~ tl g ibil e b . poue daugaisS ui1uet bisersulmgetwb lm m ,c Im MMtte Town OUOI -kM.v.g mlphIlm tg nMt tYitom the .uia uiin.lide. na lwb. rde i m oetr Omasao ii thém b . Lfoe l ooma bdme S1allàuiy atie* mvtu EI m : tSW Utsm bsse OMM ofs hm bMPUstael . M4 e m 05 kThmesesOUIarlefut 5ii te mis M soUg ld bas IoI '081- mi r LXA asbbk h1vab il 19.. ut 1ev m o. i alb. bai"" teibau Cailla. aIls dm1 b "w uité amtfyi amol eay teMd. YoISm ete., miss oMa.ahMd oed la lIseu tvi a S sembsauof oammaIle. Wil g Us balr la pustla osfaes Sl0t rIPbbbl ilte the tovnship ofOpseami sot th l Lb oi emeamyo mmi. Mi. lobisesa the Setmy of Vuria lwuI uieaomud c esaMtumu OIve; ptlavu priemniie U.» zp m* ouldUibvu rufsi lferot mmmibande, rail 8o g4w ami tbol Ibemeau.suteshaibold gooi nov.- Mv. XI,11eeka a vireiilar v. The-Teue fU Sittig of the anise court1 usameavu mau"aM. T Sudmias'41 1opomi aon Tusdy, alliefjustice Meni- dmmmed, vIn .SU le sueubeswe."a dola om the beol. Thon b.ing no VOla itâmi *ie0smtieEsaimKyuisd civil cases outlb.docksl, M. Riil,1 RbeicasM ai Gilodly.VMooted&&y. cvlcseo M oisi by Mr. Ou" sil masiaibi Mr. *orowu prasecuten, not havtud ai t 1i (liii.à" thI.ebOirumu et Ibm tova pro.-1thecourt vas adjourumi uentil Wedmesday pl ommmlllos hmoued te COUilfon aller bislondhp had aidresasitIe.grand baies fta 00 t.75 unis ai budwoe, le W jury. dliUW i os the masISI equaS. Cianisi. ,.The follouing gentlemen compose thes un me" atlb maies, obtmnm et toma grand jury, Fred Shârer, forssuau; Wm. I Eroomuitlms , oouulinsBrady sud F. Bsu, Isaac Burusît, W, T. 0. Bold,1 vagi .W5 ppihilmiaOcommutes, t0e »'à*DidiliChalmera, william Moohan, Arohl- Ibüom nata ostty caniu sa 0 asl MIOFoWiaS, W..E. Svain, RIob. De anst.1dispoasei mbnty duninao Spiatt, Thomas 8h15; John Sugtti, boIsi!2WhUL,,ta MWcaset.r aw IStphen Washlugon, Joe.Wlion. i Un bmfollovlug are ths petty ,ntrs, bds hru*oifer.honIW" lavu M Jes& 3o0i, Simpsan Britusil, Robert hoe. futkIl. ea b but wo dthone vu Bamo., (e".W. Outis, Rob., Chamabon, »16. B@ maaiiosi thse miiy emI a d jas. Day, Eduard Grant, Wu. Laves, op"&dte poyà Yir m j ualvndmerWamp IJohnJas. Pogne, John Maabhey, Wm. P-t. MurraMmres Mitchell jr... Aies.. Mat- !iMe elail mlisig- àd"155. ruceled cbolI, Heury McKe, James Nellia, The& hm. Ilb3e 1 saoMmeUlO'Neill, Wi. G. prouas, Thos. RS, G. M. isB iIbeath e b prueat -boe r ]Reda,,Wm Riob, Bd. Robinson, John C. tfl * «I d o bou l &mm a ond lasasu ibé Ray, Dunm R ay h z .S r U6 mem t. mo uli ml » M à c uaity P > W . Si c air W .Ch a. N . pn ul bme, lIaI Ibm tovu miuli do 80ma s h1Wm.SclnrW.j 5ai, .Js mn bath rqletgkup the poar lu snob MI S kuco, Edwand Saderson p., )n basilullO lul aulMe et house duriua Sailli, Donald Smith. Thon. 0. Slurphe n. ths mo" viabeh son, Bamumi Pieman, Wm. Thomas, W. llrnguy mmneere(ImUl vu gluai less» ,lasTIssus, Aies.. Tlwms, Thas. Tbompe-'u, couei oe.ma lte wbat ho lad s101aag &drsw Taliy jr., Thon. Webster, Yý- n. adieS*5i. S. Whhe, l.Wsiavay, P. J. WiIlk u- Ce ouollon biaam nidhle Iougîl some an Peter Warren, Jas. Whlhs, Win. biobbedse lihn g"io Ths ovoam ite. 5m*o àmi oes mu * ld M 'he)M foralselt Ti.b@ oU.vug cssa vers bled on j» l*0 pea. àApeut bues vaws net vantsi W.ied y: b h lb. -of e nl. f i lm omItlte eoagrtOls-u. son v&.Fred Murphy. - Pamrnng IV WM mou omlmg la Iem ail dlestis«, rté iconerdiet, gil.Mn. 0 hstut w el, aM i jet h"b.y er. prnse . IO. UIlit52 c i s au ahlm giIl. .go' i am sp Pi "lQC. for tle crovu n.- Stane Ibmdwia pr, iai 110158V auke oa i !Peteboough. Ior dondant. Who vIft ,bs ou mlb. lireva aoi mol IQuesun va. Alia Murpy. - Simlar noire -ntu n sethe Ib ofvo aity. charge tta tagalt Fred, vrdiat, gully.' 0 Ou o m e mel meonisihi Kr. Sain Sounssi sas ibmth*Prevaues g11101, l*M Meas 1440v p1)ofatllg a solleel'. Whsu Mms.Elliotu ai ManUlRHorsb W*b ai uai a ttim iSLt. rBrédy mouid v" glvlng ovience ln the lastosS mis nam n e. GlIIg*9 th" th*lsibd» OfeMurphy oui las tva MissMurPhy sluItr- IM.et .GFAbe .susilli ali*0-i*,laproossiings by ptoolcmn i lam iNi, s . 2 «>The oaduet tIMRP t e ï piionofthe vilmes, vhloli lm m lonsa votae S 6la 4, sud the 1usd am Y vopinion . hw w n e se.~ M *u9ei m dso.ivision. vu evm faosb5 Th oen- Mi sm.MWMvi eM" el1 MQer mmviiby soustbles.Ou.of o!In lal mmesm Ii muoh ssw isng the conut shoulsi, 661 oaa vlalp Il.ibiss ambonssi, t ialoproosee Se.Aféé - j éIOUS-1 'adIt," u Ils am&&MW mm laes o! lam.- iib 2d isosol the hls eth ou1.b lm. là» e L yDIiP., il 1 *mi sialbmet mi 's- - Sa W. F. entnies, i à)lMKdan, 2lavi Skinaricesta, white, 9 entnies, 1 D Lmck, 2 Josjeph 3 Jasepb. Oampbsli; raml&mb,9 etie, 1 i ickios; 12 carrais orange, i enrv, 1iales Aadrev MoKoayi 2 Andrsv. Ka Ra IHygith; 2-squmhes, mamih, 3 entrie., i lei kinnevr age i6 es, es, l as Nftygath, 2 D Làdk- 2 pnmpkin, 10 Anre- MKa,2 Lovi Skinner' pir maries, 18S elensie. 2 1Wm P King. aged ewes, O soties. &ndrew MoKa, 21 AIS? ]PEODUOTS, zETC. Levi Skiuast, 3 A KoMuflsn; psar talu- J i(0ibs butter. 4 saItfes. 1 lire D Dandea, Ihnq owe, 3 sabltres, 1 A m eMflla, 2 liren1)> Kuohy. 8 Mes D D -%; 1.5 Ibo firkia Aid» .1gKay,3 lei Sknner purof batte, 2 entnles, 92 MKra Myes Haysarth; e - Ime , otre,1]i Skiner. 2 00 lb oeok or tUnné-l batter, 48asuc. i Mr@ And» 4 atne, 3 A SKili . 2DDauàdme, 2 Uns Lowambrou«h, 83Mr@a AudrwMo~V,3 .muzau. -Shorbt 10 Ibo flih buttt 5 entis lKra D subies, i1LU M Oovrtice, 2 tiayice Bras., asee, 15 Ibo dairy aborese, 2 santes, i1ERu S R L Hldowrth; rm a lng eJAÀfrowp, 2 Min R Short; 50 Ib» facto LHKkoeh ram loul*, 6subies,1L Brava. xcuds lS NS; rouPair OvesnaELAîaT.ETC. 1g4,5 3ii L MUoiurtl@.2 Nayler IDlegîl of i e~xrated bonsY-2 outis. IR 3 c BalNMt rem>a" UbOBuu< EéwOS IrV WhiaUie, 2IMua HJhambers; dlaplay of 4 entiU ,iM m&jm4-INapierBros, mhb . 1 .9iYWhtsIe;10lb bmwax, S LX M oi ;PM o ùllg oo el sbemp. 1 i mlui Y FWbfteM idsplay of spiatlen ram. 6 ao 8sores s. 11 . W@ a res .peu mniià 1«Ml1v-iR F Whitsaldé;10 IW .1 esOvom ~ sa, Sv~ s, usp. rugs. suies W (rsbm; 10 Me fa WW sU fh1 m»u, U 1 s, i ejnai. O nt%*orlea iJa M Swalm, 2 P. F - Iui2 bores houe mais brea,1enis e ~ ~ ~i fluZn ÀeliuIsUM4 lUn Epi«esHgganb; ~ ~ -.,o. ,~ .-~'Vdhm; 1 pt stwbne onr e.pbendes.8 -dm&- 1 MisR «W 1110k, 2 Un John Amour; âtre 19 àfl A NdlstOm1 plut pesau or 4 mbkI lgràW Graham1.2 Ka tri -f F r7 ~ ~ YI'T -W'hole o 2011 )doe; fow n sr s«rud over 0 monts fl 4 entrie, 1DODI Rawktnssowund"erO om~5pOtl0 l« P Mak, 2 W P C~ Large 8wlns of any klnd-&ged boar, 1 l i enshern Brus; boar under 6 ' a tres, 1 B L Aoldsworth. 2 W tty, mrw çà,3 entries, 1 Nathan )i*ffl 2xiwq A et »; 00wu, leand overtl mont&@, >2 WuI. euiïeelUUalermBro%,2!JaSb Soke, or XBathru Bros; 80W under 6 months, 5 L ~P,. ent. 18 Ialker, 2McacherABron, 3 = , n Tam worths#-Sow aged, 2 entriez, 1iWWn 'ts1Wi - J iThoindlthe; now underone Oar and ovoer .;pBt a W nuot iè th" 15jIMIÙ ucth, 1 entry, 1 Wm Thorndike- 50w od imite, 6 en es. i .W. LoaaI,2 uner O uonthe, 2entries, 1 Wm 1hora- onu e, f.. at.stt~miele bom.41k, g Wm Thorudike. 04 bu c rfobhhe WbiteAged. boar, 3 entries, oves 2Isrgey, J limaà17hs. Mec neri1jear and over 6 months, 2 en tries, woy, sige 15 aàead ne, eice Bras, 2 McEachern Bras; ai is i Jobs a ses, 4 W.B. Moore, boer under 6 months 4 entrieq. 1 Dennis Ja.m s Esbeil; sd41 hors@, 5 subies, Hiawkins, 2 Nathan )Day; aow, aged, 4 L ams .f e,2 IMcGa be utriesmiNathan Day, 2 MeZachern Bras. 3 =1nieHawkins- sow under i1 year and Foha Deysl _foal of 1895, 5 soties, 1 o,« .6 nionths, é- entries, 1 McEachera ~~nm ~ Thrds 8Olvsv Bros, 2 MeEacheru Bros sow under 0 24gg> aS»a-Iur a" mi Ip.hs7 entries. i W 11? King, 2 me- jSl13 eut"is, 1iJas 9opkins, 2Jas E-herBros43 Nathan Day. KOnntiy, 83 J a UHopkin; 2 yjo li P bahas POULTRY. SOivr- Pr "mas lght, 5 entriez,1SOlvr2 kolditm or 5117, 3 .enfti Jus si ns Edwin Birch; pr baehmas dark, 2 entries, E I Wilson; 1 yenar od goïdimgor f117 Y i1 Edwin Birch, 2 Edwin Birch; cochin buff stries, 18I. J. esco*, 2 8 J Bescockg, 5 ,nDtre, 1 Edwin Birch, 2 Edwin Birch; 3J0as r;pi hoomsa in ar»Me cochin white. 4 entriez, i Knight & Vit3 in"»Setries, Nri GllyOsborne, 2 Knlght & Osborne; cochia Polln, A a&meso; fsi f ~ patridge, 8 entries, 1 Edwin Blrch; 1 Hpolen,ý 3À jmison fél o 185;. lagahans, 8 entriez, i Knlght & Osborne BUtIS. i aS Pp&ih, Ja HHOP-- 2 Knight and Osborne; wyandtes ina, 3JasKennedy.entres, i S Olliver, 2 S Oliver:.lmot Perceron~qns-S*l1io., emtyirocks, 13 catrie D C Trew;dorkins, olver Lqta. mDyq,jesaog Mhy or gddue, 1 , entriex, 1 Enight~ & Osborne, 2 Cnia Hawkins; leghorn white, 7 enaies, 11) CTrew, 2 W J Willlaison; lerhor> (larnian rauht w»-tuilioii, 2 ba,8 entries, ILDennis Bawk ne, 2 asoe% IlJ Sgnon;Mar. and fa-&), 9<en-Denni Hawkins; minarcas bleck, 9entries, ries, 1 Vaientime Du ais Soma, 2 M 1itaight & Osbor~ne, 2 T W»Ilamsofl Simon, 3 V Dde;s& h ; ser o mi g lahck Srnish, 8 entries, i Dennis Haw- ogorIli,5 ad gldin orlily 4 Z.. gec & Osborne; houdans, 3 lynxm 1uons, iM9 r 11Y,4 Weblckr aetiez, i Kaight & Osborne. tries, 1 M "uromà, SJohn Dejeil; .pair 2S - Oliver: mme,' brown red, i entry. i ors» tu vqpgo, 4 subsies, 1: Geore John lMiott hamburs, golden spangici, ade,2 Valmntine DO". & Sonsr2 4 entries, 1i idwin Birch, 2 Ewntries. r Bscok;fas o!186,4suies i hmbùs~golden penrilled, 4 enres J Bu -,'foolof e 4entres,114b, 2 Edwin Kirby; hamburgS, imson, 2 Vaieutie DOIS & So001, s1âer spaold. 9 enrie, 1i Edwin Birch, HesvyDaub as-tliu2 en- SEdwin BM ihmburge, ilver pencilled, tries, 10G Curtia, marsiaMd food, ,eui2ies Ssaes, 19mu 2 Edwin Blich;-haniburg 1S .T Bebbocb; s'it homes to Wagan 1 blaek, 4 entries, 1 Knight & Osborne,Z _Î.te i 12 EI B - hPolands. W C black, 2 intty. iJS stries,1 = 2 lu irh-Poands, G ntries, 1 GO.. Ba4dsu. susagsi,2 Ïbes ad Knight and - *à2TLU. ( eba : Jiva, back, 2 entries, 1 and 2 jught ik Osborne: Andalustang, 4 sablies, Durban amwI-Bl, 4 saisies, iWm 1 ad 2 Kulght & Osborne: bantams, black Redmond, 2 R Dock & Bon%, 3 W. o 6eties. i John .E Eliott, 2 S Oliver. I!hornîiks; 2 jear oid,,bull,44sutries, 1 Ku = ,as, lver sebr* ht, 6- entries, 1 laglson 2 Sysons i mi~>~j Ramau Brs, 2 T WVliîuson: bantaus, F.ageio, 2j Smôn; 1ytè'ol bu, 4duckwing,8 entries. 1 Knlght & Osborn, nitries, i OpM Agriauu1tural Society. 2 28B Oliver: ban ramo, pekin, nris Jobn DoyelI;- bull caf,9 entries, 1 P S8 àew 2D C Trew: duôks, Aylesbury, 3 Mark, 2 Mac. Wm FBeinm, 3 W. Red- entriez,1iKnlh Osborne, 2 Edwin moud; 1 jear olh bellot,1il subies, 1 Wal I, :ucks Buen, 2 entriez, i and 2 Ruimad, 1) O~5l, &y » le Kight & doon: acks, poklb. 6 entries Po"s;he2fRcaIf, stiesiav OIS e CigT k aOborne, 2 Edwin Birch lot, an I ,ultry,.Oentrles,i D C Trew, Bons; bord, 1 bllon ui tasef.nlel idllimsoa: pair geese, Bremea O? W. Radmond, 2 R Da* A S&=s,3 V, I. mbder Sentiries, Knight & Osborne, 2 Dales ASois. lii lc:gse oulou.e,5 entries, i Kulgt & sbore, 2 Dnlas Hawkins: jersey Al.wnY (attis-Bull, 4 *'ntdI 4 ay othe, rety. lentry 1 iJohn IUmmmBras; 1iyesoldbul,4 embies, I' :trkny 3entres,1 J Colite 1 Hammau Bras; bull«Icolt. subies,1-1 & Son, 2 l Ia & t brue. Hiamn uBros; oMW giInnnimik or incal!, - tàna AND> SEEDS; ~ suies i RRos, S am 9 BraS; 2 i bus fal wheat, 'white, 6 entre, 1 T a R hPoejmaiis, 2m J Maunderson, 2 Thos Greenway i Hamam HiamanBra; heforManderson; 1 bush Afe wheat, 5 entries 001f, a entuiesI1U&Mm . Ihasubsu, 2. i T and J Mpanderson, 2 Geo Haygarth;, Miaman Bras, 3 Moeu. Brons 1 bus Scotch whsat. 4 entries, 1 George Poli Augus (attis-i ear o14 bull,, i Haygarth, 2 T and J Manderson; 1 bus sut ~~ m .Rbrun u 2 én1tiss sprn wheat other varieties, 7 entries,i T~Lobrtaon maIkor anT udJ Manacrson, 2Jameî RaygarLh; 1 ýï--lib«muC03W' 'vn ml * Ora bus 2 rowed barley, 2 entries, 1 T andJ cal!, 3 entries, 1 T BfonSruo% 2 T Reort- Manderson 2 S XcKenzie: 1 bus 6 rowed son 2 yesrr1aid hitier, 2 seutnies, i1 barley, 3 entries, 1 T and J Manderson, 2 John Bighéaa, esables, i R Greeaway, 2 Mytes Haygarth; HolaeinCatie-Bil alf i etr~ 1: bus pes, amali white, 8 entries, 1 Pery ,m James; Sw gavinu nulk or in oeil, 4 bine, 4 entriez. 1 Myleis Haygarth, 2T anc1 entries, 1 Wm Jammes,2 Wun,Th.rdi, 3 J Mandersan; 1 bus eas, black eyed mar- Wm Thýordike;, 2 pear aid heifer, 3 saisies rowfat, 1 entry, 1 Mylessi{arth; i bus 1 E Pogue, 2 Win. James, 3 Wm James; oas, white, 7 entries 1 JasHaygarth, 2 T yai d heifer, 2 eaties, 1 Wm James, dJ adro;ibsot bac.aleiTsdJMneo; 2 A McKen- 2 Wm Jan; befer oelf, 3 eatries, i Wm aMe; 1 bus timothy seed, 4 entries, 1 S Jases, 2 Wm Thorudike, - McKeazie. 2 R Short; 1 bus clover seed, Grade <3ittle--Oow gWi milk- ri alsike, à entries, i P Mulcahey, 2 Wm P caif, 13 subies, i J Campbel,ý 2 P 8 Mark, King; 5 lbs carrot seed, 1 enMr, 1i.) oseph 2~~~~~~~~~~~ ÂlRJmlsn apel orad ickson; à ibs turnlp seed, 1 entry, i W J heifr 3 ntie, iP. 8 Mar, 2 iesWestinaton; i bus white bean, etis heier . ntres,1 P S. blrk,2 Mx 1S MKeazie, 2 JHickson; i bug fiax seed, Jameou, 3 Joeph OampbeW1hebe-lai, t entries,1 John Gibbs; 1 bus corn in the 7~~~~~~~~ en.is iREalso,2. ie-oue cr-ylow -etiei. cKne,2 1~ r' ~/f,/. I. p 4 -lwtm-ll4 -Soxo-tL . p I l F I i It ~ 'vI ~, ~ i ( tt1i ý v lii . »M

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