I t-. -~ fi :v~ i~ ~j'-ù *-~~ ~ by *m USA. UM' ZE .EGR 's g e 70 P14O eldb ta], mai -y- au g0 '/ ywoO OU'Tas 6847 OULDM Tas nez AND ImmBiE ITu i *. mardou ol Davîl ooIl 1h. dotenoe"s, hie auf.flin effl dui ml v.blbe. b gui ibm j air mOaut"1"6ga vç.u44 *ounag*n e s gicu ofsnooêtsous theprs i ivas feu by ail cao bWd hm eddonso ibh*l iheru 1as ailg auil1somslumlvs pbilsethé eioigehome tleth$' aMeus 11M n ches th. detosco pui the il <a ilds m *b.Zby t4 gwoy of chai hipw.o e u hs olu icelilmEcsbémaod, * de te prècos r es .Iu t tebmnisi1teteemvi*>5. 'liv. of tb..l~m.o hs. Ivuec wbe Vers e mis bab l.e *eul.dU 10, th&% bis ltuoeebp auisobl e vu reocvel club app te m bousiof ibm gomutl iavupambgis pmmsonolshmbu boom uam @rpsoS tsm *e h Otapo ader auut 1 hoit m " on 1bohugh tChave sMani vh. 8 am Iblhe'cocu nba sseoSéhotq Iàha& ha"olbom0dsPubleau bd alled Wle b. Qa's bolugbues fie loulila.Tebls o eo, à d n oisoeoui . Tai ibsus em0 Do ne viii dealp baitlb. dol ai aut»eryWh vo bai tb. lie be llote bm il gis lg l vas Grooae 0< Bbcstulesiby »Wt 01 th tib rset euvIi arai * bttiCuny gm«eual.depaulme thua ie is lo moii SI hpuobbbos, bcV âMCer prosoemteiii folliv. Follovini laeIbme Oiiemm Atffl B OT, Vth@oldi ddghtou of h. puls har# vas Chou oalled. 8h. la bild, -vas asaly dui sud M aSBeri 1teil ssemiIoU wthitesu yesus oUd. lB" u»'» cght of the fBue. BbcesMW se 10* h& IbiSlght astllmg hy te.00 kitohen wib bllh heîmv thbis el ceus to b.d bat 1ceelCcu a The famlly vote m&0 houe, c taCher,.who hbai«D00. av.7* eveinx. . siedpi v"b hi Reaïse, sad nKauy0 : doiimi*f r pointd ou lb. pelan mli"hm aispt sud hor moith béelm E hoChere, _.Tom Mc!d Gweua ber mothsu. Tase ire ecitw the bedroom iree hsg *89 eue of th b.d. v6s agalasi a dor. Scoute iep0upsitiS I Ovr beu iotber'm bel. Theis large uoom do».W»salr5 0*0t] * but 0-jetaius thero - Wvoe lv. s &ead of 8001e9% bi cas tl lndow. .whea- ubeS d oei bappoeelon, the mýOuslag 01 uli chem Weacoke tbe roOUR laéo anoud sh@ oabilsiber me s ud, "vat hs! bil" Wiluoi b.:ousge muai, le os lire fer b* haOU ofamoite. Hler mothot a 4 Rghted the fIap aidveuti M lhe door amidfeu suer al 0k subi Oe.ad he S"aofm lbu 1-o su- . 1 mes - 1-s la. tel a* fm Fn esimmuai, us aue lb. veuleS mi Cho ~po a usimosi ssii Ibm baud h vÏCh intabcecLItisU"Iýsto e oui. "'Pus Pisc5C," ioltiby -al ibm '-0»&T olYn x»aNENAN I -Mâ P" l tis esimSi gouwp'l .d4.11vu* p mlua ii olweM uu«M " bIv noeud?. 81d h4P. «Are. duut-U IV-~ LaloeCntaxio a Bav' of Quinte sTEAUDOAT Go.. 16TDI alup41,epiofbIm bumha lie sh imlÇ4s jueMMuma rdsbuàvimmey e au tifm u avay ail pu"lie seupis "h t iake fl as s *O butSait le muf u al po Ob.uami bousallemil. moajluosis»**Itelaimsme.tou am4lag h Ie umslo baslm. e linue i tao" tale . lpE- aid 1k, gs.mn ams!p~l o e 0# M sd jugea. ebelý bue baa 'aiiimmbmm 09 tybs govsuumsuen st en buasimasbu loft â 'ordtoasosochou. il a aloàod ho mut" ? Mi marea smougomt at u Ch L mmWLSSoIBmm<Sk -àI»i te s*sWy lb. loomlly. Ounlag bis sisl Ostacale halama 'sllsla# lth*aoc meaIeb uh60musa obNtoi~ch u due Bug" ledis, suMd hba aiaoï ilsaif e*0 saulas Imam e tkmas. Usneumutu liaI dw O. moise huse aivlymM4 ooi moleS STR. NORTH. KING ua oomu & et NLUOb*àPà Y.NuaeLUb l. Ç-mnn c- &U >m-TN le"0là a Mis m e u tA**0" mUe umffl W"Mom"al.v t m . 'nI ~ ~ ~ f Lisi s. émgaiLS ., an Iauss.oaÇlbqm so* ", l'e l epa.tvle ESTURION STIJIGEON POINT, IhavM oburyoB ati65 mami8".10p. *11.40 fi * 45 * Amti'flSObOl , 16 et EEOPID,«1AUIRIATS. vian ith*seommer Vii îi.*iaLimas 8.0 p UL.lflhS"doSi0.45 sweis tck btw.m LlaIMY Mdi Ebogscu,' 1 nulleVimu»CIo-mt.t S ial ise belumetJmu aiBIr poli, U cwU.leisTi-es,40 os0"a tuaTimsèse iiDboyOs"dBng. UébUM M exesu-tmimm hs, i dnoo rainque sa pb@crod e Ibm OUT Omo% »e5>8 111 DR aioc Ibe DuAf An.SnW 0coul mc eon Mey Iaveshfla Sesà isoigo et I toU100U ns Jî W. MaXi! N LXE . lu. -sImm;: 4ich lku =a atarIoI I. ARUM NI 4 & 11100 * l - M. ib.*- b.4.v.?kp lmi ~oi miua W. Aslaimmi bis meîb. îw~ ho~ si ui Ss ho ou of bme e ~. esSira" Ch. b<m. o«i W"sMm »aà iboa or miuaigadwsi ___vea w vou rin ou lg b ». sa«4b. a b voboe â hmt o dm, u hm iaep. i. ceaii. ih Mt d m l i i i osu bs'!. W Iâ meh tb opuiB o usiebul b. sae' r miem IO" l vu et imy OMM, . àW" e .Lses'sor ma *uGumgutle Nase uuulehie brumo om m ed as *Wdm atàmmum vé te bum».3 se D Hie Ledlp-Hoc 1maay mmu il. me$ omm aaureus m ffoi *0od"fou? lisI, airSuim. Ibai ousaui H@Lwuibl-zi wohveueil. oSis, glmos i la ibis? ý2 - lb.gTusumi e i juu *is noilpsi D li go -11 ils jeu ram -lChtIm us ita. mes 1dmoie tlilsàlab"vlo igas.i msh mie evi4ùumis'. 1 twr Cmdo aI)im heteim ' 00msas A eà'àztu-.uma bs is uehsls o vias e l lu,so CaS u, bae m un. een yUNa ou00Tsl uheas il vhlusiii ba..lopiesýilbb" brih bai bomSmoes.gav a f.v houi bafoue M» s lu, à iiCuuiDot 1 hm Cai oe& MO té4t ài. olis-The erovu viii. tCu beb é la '" iluemio .1 ce î m$e, Mr u itia " sa t *ho agspos i h 1bi lord ' !b*dY îÎ& Wboibp ibea SdcIIoOd bem. gisois i . sUNht #haS Im .sdlupot.. d éas deie se vuo"myeageuul. PL beol 0 ul bu inSb*ii lga of utcýA t p Ho eih th oulofb. lnio.uo*of ko thm miss mm lb.muovams l. evdoaoe cf as aboi te lMa 'itqs~u ObéaidiouihWl rOM aN to e ve boena mède bY i elsus wu 0" Md 0*mves m vie Ik »dai s or vpu w a Si e me lbIsta &utaiom. Me. Tbé, lovem ssbb inâ le@a ,vbo. te" *0M mrm 'vels,w vbcwM hev Mmmv *0. Ww dtnSom@Ula stoa ni, bale mamiChai »0fouf ene. v 'âm brho s 1?lblas. Bu S-Mi«é »fO M -10 "Abat bomlIes -" Af tér ah. foulbAmib vu mio IleMi aile pmud uthé s. HI bo um wa d l- o i movo m ho ptmm veaU Ih. esamés Ml »*mdm - . i gte je medW" aun* amgmLm1ê It 1* dam baï asihsu~m EMILO SE FREELY 1U40 T~ MONTiI. The Onlv KoGICIne 4at OsRhftm4 M Sa~~~~~i àl bmsiosufre.II iun» lste os lm tl' i. bumui pi m a i d ysMoisd pur. S coaliby saerss cii lalakem o ov" te 0!1m «uidk feva deamn' us' éougm, fl .. lm% su e usIbo oit lia ~ u leslr 1 orms.alft qyâb ei t mo a soelml sbsu theu09 msL Oapsuide eCaltte s bu fee iyfofl . iiscedouaiag am-.un siugb tim of am ami h robesd Im bsec cVatlet iSe veum ta eimumsdsma. spfum u ii spleeses, liseâ mimuaif ou iai roaumbit(, mit"y epis aleov mo?.§ To O"ll Rake "n BOb" by If "bisbat aMY Miufst ,m U Umlagtpuobiblé@tonqlailom. h le 1h!- hi 703an emnolema on umpwmçe Oby id Of paahsiss. Asaibs pu*dvl1 tis in f Oaaadabut ou. rumsU oioi ý4«qô5W0poopls ltquoissusmtoi .b. 40opo upe wua mday., b oialn dlmsas .1 pesons. aMdI"clhinmwua.ouri 'Who doubla Chai vo bave lmuadrunkhe. mse Mdmore sobuloi iy lh *0. luie ibusm sleki ibsu w. shouli have mf ai ibm e ilmlves a off, sud fus siide la lqueu voe silâoved 1 InOn- suo., uamshops muti b. lomid beives 009»eu o'0158O u uhy ughi ami . o'.look «ou Moday mornnu. Have vo Mtlm uagumkeum mei « "Ifibsprobii tiem vous isa off, a»0- sil tbbcbaisveue du.IsutSll .ldla f oiBasii yle. Ad boy do ve net i Ike- s aIslm? Br Mso f parume sud by b » me laesL AminS U.aedu a alw à" ai l r un 5w0 @abo pe a apllug aI à afin od uoek onBaturd aM lbki4 --- asOdmuumbfU Mssd le aia te 1h of puau, p.ilIgthai ocly on§ (pob la 5,000 shli osaa ppim Pt ià»iloi9» uti * d.O ?i a am 00o e s kttm m po eluIa musms s b spoiba le~ Ch. fadilus mi ~ i.M.i, mmi Bs roqsoi' wM* umUfiS Chus. 10,0- - - os pos*is. fi ~buii b, Bs r~psdslh - ..A*~m I q t a i i -'I pq;6 ssooouleg to mousiSt~w lb. usdtb s *~auy S go". Ne islt.a s S .wanui ofwi wwus lug il 1h ue. t. D. Loges WoSaBMP Du i îs-I vu trobli i ii ermb*l s@Wu su My, 14M vbich asblul sO'l omeup te-lthle I a mi i wBwdici Bleu Illmo, bu' mter tue bouless mV f ao vuooapluiy modd it Illoft mv Bl i ai %ami seu&. -114 27 Wooiùs ., Térent.. 14@IgledlB sud the. Bos "qhCoi a ie boul s'il youc i ue- iLbaet ole oaimleh fouibslseiluhimuowa.o So ail by uulng or. chesbaaos smb uréi Si okçtmsaboi .urus-9&L A.ln uaumati@Ours. foer Ibmumts Mda lrwob. tm mlaliOum lià1tea Bias. lia asIleSuposth Ibm jeil rman ,Ilu at my*su'il remeua mSmCh.Osam aniledissoa leaotatli dhappm Thoý 'Rsuai dams gnoatlv benoialsà75 cta. 8.14 b, ~ Kuga, iuglt, ldav-5 Nadw pooorali sais cures Ceuxbs Ccli, Athm. Dmoitls m au Thucat Mi 'WbuaOb05m~!ahr. cluag 10 =coutIkt OsIIIIBS Ptammeui Furmlturs Dembo! Gwes i'ao1~ * Ž~!'!6.~ is., 1851. Osa .LLL' Tiý e" m .sg meachines in the Mar*--be-chepes. ardrgte quaEty, and. any ,xi,.ddm ,hoeabdidtor Axercn W. wu.LOGAN Gemral Agent, Lindsay; 70Kent St. West. the ta nsOmm e ursce Workr. Ibmtmim g o'ufb1w hiwte 2*4mi or l«MMa - ba bins Malie fl .vomi"Pjja' "a iW ï.siéïsi.aWti, Gavi h ol air, usai. OSa<iO~,~,f?~ama oifléi aaii.IO 1Uaaua Oybol ar.irmi. lu d oet p»S h'o*i. air va. Isor Ou'.aa botî wseor, vomi Puas. m iWu OmiIu bei air 8"Ami M t nu. buas7bot valuWvodi. ~~3 shkweffG ot m ai m el r, O mi wh5e owib»r l ~ ,,bottarair. oër d ?VOOêUI5B.I.1 bo i Dr -! s ia, aab"81, bol ai. a colindr. eauurminerubot mi ~ I IWo ý Ourmy bovaioe uML UMIOr iss..1u av BeOa bot air,ma DrPoIo,Oumw vboit o*aiMIlieu&$. aurff l ar abOL m a uss . tIRA«. Ous Ele.urmqbot air, OULi ia ""Plr bllia . ve. uftombotit, osi. I&. iÊE.& wa o"'.c i m, 1UW.o Ot-IVL - eon aubol air, Msa. rr eibuaLcMM outL jimt. a 1, ho, wa.dr oabicialtu. w ussa oméi.mOos ",U.bt vatetcos'bt»iuaif. i.nâ M.em u.b. 1 W W. GiI* ho& Wte', 0014 J. «46" m, bas. ot mie silé: . vesi. ouNIai a)tir, aaL a i u s s . I. 0 .buu" b y o t s ., o Ma l . Umid 0.w'o nio b o i, vomi., umzybot aMr, omi. MWo 0~s'a.o bel ar, Vmi 4tr< r, our m o au me . O mo.IL ; bz a imer M t nm y W od y % Wvh Im Ie , 0 1 Ueo.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~0 Samn uei ivm. ~ .L. Igopa% is. bot valt. coaL ue. Uia e. ma, b i t ;;.s on. lm u T m . A a v m uta b . l v* 4 0 v S e o u i' i bi"Q',t i? b o v l t, co, Mn ou. m bots, od ga. W ik maa dEue o au.WO ib be io is siu âhlU Br. Polekily imudmi m ev im ys ame. "19« mr Mt aa amus la . golsmm 1554 vwu fair vin vwu eqsiuuls usaladaiSave me t mso. dos.Dome cs ù1,0, 5 U me, . . a ihae, aumd.1b»air ssonod puletuAl orabOI jte cfldvao nbO ne vu "d l Sea p Mt" . l i f tis dai vu mi, ubwla 5km r q.ai~uofmsi-muumiv ma75 3~ is.iss vobéd butas iRta.m t viaiers la ornet W"ga *1 auvv elroa.to lbaSi ieao srmum d, aivABd i fly noe *0tflo e- STOU. W. »01&E. N.., Umdav.- Give, W. G. WOODS the contmct o>f maki gyor life a comfort thEs îMtiw., hs tii. Iagest Ofroulation of any paper lný the MIDLÂND DISTRICT. Th orouates lu the best homes. Is md by the most intelligent readers. Its readB 9are 13U Y ER S. esiBmd,4&stim uMgorn Zm. U 'm. otwil wu KM* MM 0" V Vooe& e a Zhugai umhbod every lday uormnln IL E.i ugO OSes Watdurrràn"om roi Wm@&& igo Uau a u»@ oui of, the market. ,.06~b.k1M.5WU Job Imadocie la Modem a owI et Modraio Pouei l&i or AmNTISINS. ta monihheytr ...... i 0 - eW ,thabsolK. alM ola , a4bythea........ 6 là aiWghiwa. U OUEOA» LUGAL NOT1ClL ~a. émesti. lm upacte Da < or ont i luOEUc - or as udG flM». MdaM Mouafr eOI ame iiiaer. i mR.d iDOlESnLow&L CAXOS kwau a eto w U . lu Mm um U ,r. I r ... ... g.. t. m .e t o mia mdudt UBb-sýo.............. k4 =739. 13L Boom 0"Saab u emmibu.ilOu.......... U vab.iC mq uemi Ii=r.............. M 0 i s siMd 1, le l U rns mi tnuulioct, par Uihe...-- - 10 kKo um sWinum$l ob n .. .. . ...... S sU 6 W ia=.te b rokon.d bY ibtihâ ma* etoeidoewlildL 1 lmUS Ll*yjL3» BOruzL OTIOML II - mpur â»a.ferr Uni I.wuoa, a" tu for roi Mo. w t u.à ",= a»i m n é M t i. i' té me -ugsi otJsumta mm W MIL BMMý mue& sàMa- 0 eha *6orning pralWo ubi- 1a PUlifor tu ivaeo a" lm" to »M»sr boc *$.m imi cU .~Vi hi~F Tosé, a.wHugrO -I ___________Gr___ j p - j! * 'I 4, - A*.b A.IGINBOTHAM .Jý -IYLE, Tua casmp vina ~ mi Mu. BoiSa bsl~ ~mu ion le *0 I0~fl lialus fa Iba-hul. ubsa m.ussÎusms*I~ misa ~ "I k$I 11411 I j~ i t I4~ i IL M 4< 'A t ' >Aie" slto. - « 1 1